
Muscle Maintenance Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Eating protein early in the day supports muscle tissue maintenance and or growth."
"No form of exercise reliably raises testosterone in men like resistance training... it's hard to lose muscle in a high testosterone environment."
"It's much easier to maintain muscle than it is to build it."
"One thing you got to remember is it's much easier to maintain muscle than it is to build it."
"You got to remember, it's much easier to maintain muscle than it is to build it."
"For most people they want to maintain lean muscle mass, they don't wanna lose lean muscle mass."
"Carb cycling is extremely effective at holding on to muscle mass while losing body fat and really keeping all your hard work, your gains."
"The best way to stimulate muscle to stay is progressive resistance exercise."
"Muscle loss is inevitable, but as long as you're keeping your protein intake high and you're still training really hard, you're able to progress."
"Training big, fasting long - that's the formula for staying shredded and eating carbs."
"More is not always better... experienced lifters don't need much to maintain muscle."
"The fasting puts me in a caloric deficit to burn more body fat, and each training session is a fight to maintain and keep my muscle mass."
"Maintain the lean muscle tissue to prevent aging."
"Stretching will prevent the muscles from becoming shorter and will also increase the blood flow to them."
"The more muscle tissue they can keep, the stronger the immune system."
"The name of the game with the diet is you want to lose as much fat as quickly as possible but you also have to balance that out with maintaining as much muscle as possible."
"You absolutely do not need to eat meat in order to get enough protein to maintain those muscles."
"If you're eating enough protein, if you're continuing to resistance train, you will not lose muscle."
"Wow, don't let your muscles go to waste. Wasted muscle, no way."
"Your body is dissolving or eating up your muscles."
"Insulin actually suppresses muscle protein breakdown."
"I think it's really putting your best foot forward if your ultimate goal is to burn fat and maintain muscle mass."
"Resistance training has a very important role in preserving muscle mass during periods of caloric restriction."
"Don't just focus on losing weight, focus on preserving muscle while losing fat."
"Higher protein diets help to prevent muscle loss associated with weight loss."
"You minimize muscle loss while building stamina and endurance."
"Maintaining more muscle is actually our next method to increase the metabolism."
"The absolute toughest thing for people to understand is that they have to try and maintain their muscle mass while they lose fat."
"Keeping your protein high during a fat loss phase while you're in a calorie deficit is essential for maintaining your muscle mass."
"Protein can help you suppress your appetite and maintain your lean body mass."
"Maintain a consistent eating schedule to burn fat while retaining muscle."
"If you lose muscle every time you try to cut away some fat, you're just going to stay stuck in a cyclical process where you take one step back for every step you move forward."
"Calorie cycling may help you maintain muscle mass as you're burning fat."
"Interrupting prolonged sitting with periodic activity snacks may help maintain muscle mass and quality."
"Maintaining muscle once you've built it is much easier than building it in the first place."
"Protein is a must; I'm also an anti-aging specialist, and what is anti-aging? Why do we age? To prevent aging is exactly this: maintain the lean muscle tissue."
"Maintaining muscle is infinitely easier than building it and putting it on."
"We start to lose lean muscle tissue at the age of thirty, we've got to replace that, and the only way to do that is strength training."
"You lift weights, you keep your muscle healthy; it's an organ, right?"
"Perform anywhere from five to 15 sets of resistance exercise per week... that seems to be the most scientifically supported way of offsetting any decline in muscle strength."
"You need to be eating enough protein to maintain your muscle mass."
"When you're losing body fat, the goal always is to maintain as much muscle as possible so you don't lower your metabolic rate."
"By age 30, the loss of muscle mass starts, referred to as sarcopenia, but regular exercise can reverse it."
"Everything was relatively easy, and ultimately if your goal is to cut weight, you would slowly lose weight, maintain or even build muscle, all while not even feeling like you're on a diet."
"Adequate protein while in a calorie deficit is critical for maintaining muscle mass."