
Ethical Standards Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"Nothing that they did justifies what happened to them."
"The highest court in the land should not be subject to the lowest ethical standards."
"Just because something is legal does not mean it's moral."
"If someone is telling you to do something that violates the word of God, don't even, don't have anything to do with that person."
"A society that does not have these moral absolutes is in deep trouble."
"Anyone unwilling to say that Trump is unfit to be president is unfit to be president."
"BCM feels a moral responsibility as Americans to provide tools that are not going to fail the user when it's not just a paper target but somebody coming to do them harm."
"No one should live in fear. Murder is wrong, no matter what uniform you wear."
"There shouldn't be any secrets in God's organization...the organization if it's a good clean organization shouldn't have any secrets."
"Frankly, I am utterly appalled and ashamed of what we've witnessed in this house."
"Trust in government has been squandered. In order to earn trust, we are going to have to individually and collectively behave in ways that are trustworthy."
"It is wrong, morally wrong, to force other people to create the utopian situation for yourself against their will. That is unamerican."
"Pedophilia is intrinsically wrong. We know this. But they come along and say maybe it's not wrong."
"Morality is not dependent on your group identity."
"If you're a public figure that has outreach that allows you to affect the opinions of millions, tens of millions of people, many of them children, you should probably be held to a pretty high standard when it comes to your conduct."
"The whole point is that we would rather let 10 guilty men go free than mock up one innocent person."
"Trump's words and actions should make Americans worry that one half of the country's political system supports this and lacks accountability and ethical standards."
"There's a certain code of ethics that people... who have been in my business for the 40 years that I've been in, stand by."
"I just can't with a good conscience... I just hope that there's gonna be a day when standards will be recognized."
"Should he be allowed to have a platform on YouTube where we are speaking right now? Absolutely not."
"Accept your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees. You know better."
"Just stand up for what's right, do what's right. You know, never run, Shield's never run, never hide."
"My heroes didn't lie to America, my heroes didn't embezzle money from their corporations."
"It's not about the money, it's about the principle of the matter."
"Truth is not a left-wing value; it is a liberal value, it is a conservative value."
"This person should never run a charity again, that's all there is to it."
"Defense of your institution requires you to call out your institution when your institution does something wrong."
"I don't stand for that, so we immediately were like we gotta get parallel economy."
"With $15, you're not getting as much as you could be with things like ethical standards."
"It's haram to do anything less than your best."
"Nobody really has ever the right to abuse another person regardless of their backstory."
"There's got to be some common human decency here."
"All three men... have violated their Oaths of office and should never have the privilege of serving any Community as a police officer through a sustained deliberate combination of Lies, deceit, and treachery." - Chief McNamara
"A hero is not someone who harms innocent individuals."
"I believe in your heart you know what's right."
"Morality can't come merely from society; we have to have a moral standard that transcends time, place, and culture."
"Everything should be transparent, should it not?"
"What they did was wrong at the end of the day."
"We cannot allow the Russian army somewhere on Ukrainian soil knowing that they are committing such mass murders everywhere."
"I made an oath when I joined the police... I will always maintain the highest ethical standards."
"Stick to your values, stick to the higher path."
"We must rise above partisan politics and hold our own accountable."
"I'm always gonna be straightforward with my audience because I care way more about people being able to trust me than if I make as much money as possible on some coin I'm promoting."
"Our channel and our integrity are not for sale."
"These guys said these things even if these guys aren't committing a crime what they're doing at least in my opinion is morally wrong."
"If there is absolute truth then there are absolute standards of right and wrong and we are accountable to those standards."
"If you are not angry when it's morally just to be angry, you are immoral."
"The Golden Rule puts you in the position of being the ultimate moral arbiter."
"Any happenstances of that nature absolutely need to be called out and taken seriously."
"Something ought to change and that 'ought' points to there's something outside of all of us that says that ought not to be the way it is."
"He refused to put his name on the patent; he thought it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives."
"In our society, we place a high value on a human life."
"Even if you don't agree with me or Democrats on policy... you should still want to see a restoration of honesty and decency and lawfulness in our government."
"People always think that we jump or I jump into something racially and it's really just about wrong is wrong and right is right."
"If you don't stand for human rights, we won't align."
"We believe that people who take a position of moral superiority over others are doubly responsible for holding themselves to a higher standard, else they risk losing their credibility and wasting their potential to do some actual good."
"Either it's okay to call people predators with no evidence or it's not, these can't both be true at the same time."
"The game set a precedent that what this predator has done... is completely unacceptable."
"Actual journalism is supposed to be about what Watergate did, targeting powerful people."
"It is not consent when it's coerced, it is not consent when it's extorted, it is not consent when it is thrust and imposed on you."
"More transparency is always better and you should always be outraged when transparency is being pulled away from you."
"Legal filings like those at issue here should be sanctioned under Rule 11 both to penalize this conduct and deter similar conduct by these lawyers and others."
"I do not like playing into double standards, even if it benefits me."
"Sometimes a sin is just not doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"What they did was categorically wrong... murder is murder."
"Hold yourselves to a higher standard, set a better example." - Andrew Hodge
"As long as these contracts include that not even for me but the next person I wouldn't take a billion dollars."
"I would never compromise my honesty or integrity for any amount of money."
"The experiences of these hikers highlight the power of silence and mystery."
"Maybe being mostly harmless is simply not acceptable."
"Judge a man... by the content of his character."
"Human rights are an intrinsic part of all that we do and all that we are."
"We must speak up for human rights in an impartial way without double standard."
"A sinful lifestyle that scripture clearly deems is wrong." - 1 Million Moms
"Under no circumstances should any platform create an 'unless' provision when saying you can't incite violence or send death threats. Those are crimes. There should be no exception to this."
"I would consider anything advocating for ethno states to be pretty extremist."
"Delve into Neuralink's commitment to Superior Animal Care, establishing itself as a leader in ethical considerations."
"The minimum standard of moral goodness is to avoid the worst possible misery for everyone."
"I ain't taking no money from no pedophiles, I'm not working with them, I'm not dealing with it."
"The Torah laid a revolutionary foundation for standards beyond human constructs."
"The highest ethical Spirit allies itself with the cause of Freedom against tyranny."
"We are protecting the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, teachers, and groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor."
"Be on the right side of history. Do not give these people excuses to continue scamming."
"If something is legitimate, it should stand up to scrutiny."
"It doesn't have to be about one side or the other, it has to be about just doing the right thing."
"Upholding your code in the face of every situation that you find yourself in."
"If that success comes at the cost of compromising one's beliefs, then wallahi it is not success but failure."
"If watching him glorify these hateful people makes you feel uncomfortable that doesn't make you an sjw or a far leftist or a snowflake it makes you a decent person who knows bullshit when they see it."
"The Supreme Court doesn't have a codified ethical code." - Ken Harbaugh
"The Nazis were hypocrites who refused to play by the rules."
"Our ethical evaluation of this man is not determined by whether he is nice or not, rather if he is nice to the sheep and mean to the wolves he is a good man."
"Everybody has a line, and that line is harming a child."
"This must be something that at least at its core, must be in line with what we believe and with who we are. Unfortunately, in this case, it's absolutely not."
"I will not get involved in a race to the bottom."
"No one knows what's happening, I'm pretty sure I'm certain that is actually just whales trying to push the prices back down."
"We're going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made."
"This is basic Nuremberg, Hippocratic Oath stuff."
"The highest form of morality is following the truth."
"Moral and ethical values are like Good and Evil; what is moral in one society often is immoral in another."
"Once Mueller found out how he got his job and the circumstances of the appointment of a special counsel, he should have washed his hands of the whole thing."
"A writer's job is to tell the truth, his standard of fidelity to the truth should be so high..."
"Your reputation is something that you can't buy back if you do sell your integrity."
"The standard you walk by is the standard you accept."
"Why don't creationists understand that if you have to lie in defense of your truth, then it was never truth to begin with?"
"It would be more courageous for BET to say we're not running any music that promotes death, degradation, drugs, stripper culture."
"I trust myself that I'm never gonna do anything horrific."
"I'm 100% opposed to keeping animals alive just for clicks and Views."
"It's unfair to the other two for you to not have integrity."
"I have too much dignity for myself and my morals to wear something that was stolen."
"That's pure Satanism to me... you don't harm children."
"This is a matter of ethics. This is a matter of people being defrauded potentially allegedly and it should be rectified as soon as possible."
"Follow your own sense of justice; it will remain true a hell lot longer than any code of conduct hanging on the office walls."
"Public service is supposed to come with some kind of sacrifice."
"There has to be a transcendent code to which we are all obligated."
"Swift emphasized the importance of setting a precedent that condemns such Behavior especially from individuals who have held the highest positions of power in the country."
"The images are universally abhorrent to anybody who has a conscience and a soul."
"This is essentially erasing the accomplishments and crimes of other cultures of which every human every culture every tribe in this world has done something that is considered wrong by today's standards."
"If a police officer feels the need to then throw somebody to the ground and beat and kick that person, that cop should not be on the force."
"Truth matters, regardless of labels or beliefs."
"There is no reason that you can't pay other people a living wage."
"What if I were to tell you that I could predict down to the second a future apocalyptic event?"
"If we allow this to happen, there are no bounds anymore. We can't allow it to stand."
"It just goes to show the decline of standards and ethics within Parliament."
"No confidence trickster deserves to be tortured as a general rule."
"Hold yourself accountable to the same standards that you hold everybody else."
"If the world was ever going to get better, you couldn't have a double standard."
"Once you start attacking civilians, children and elderly women, that's it. You lose any moral standing."
"I actually respect Diamond for realizing how disgusting that was."
"Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's right."
"Thou shalt not own another human being as property."
"If God is going to lay out his Ten Commandments, the top ten, I would think at the very close to the top of that would be something to the effect of thou shalt not own another human being as property."
"There's a well-known legal principle that it's better to acquit a hundred murderers than to falsely convict one innocent person."
"Journalists must be independent voices, not acting on behalf of special interests."
"People should not be rewarded for doing the least effort. They shouldn't be rewarded for theft."
"People who work full-time shouldn't have to live in poverty. That's it, good people."
"Decent versus indecent, not conservative versus liberal."
"I could have signed and kept my old job, but I knew my conscience would bother me for the rest of my life. I would never be able to go to the congregation and serve as an elder knowing that I had let Jehovah down."
"When those in the highest offices of power can evade the truth, flee from accountability, and disregard the principles of ethical conduct, it erodes the foundation of our Republic."
"Ideally companies like Microsoft... have already ethical frameworks."
"Be very careful about physically or otherwise intervening in other people's lives absent the demonstrable violation of people's rights."
"I don't think you can violate someone else's rights until they violated and we you got it you got to go by that standard."
"It's humanity 101. It's only cool if you're the one doing it right."
"When your finances grow, so do your standards."
"I don't like scams, I don't like get-rich-quick schemes, and I do not like misleading people."
"Good lawyers don't lie, good lawyers use the facts as they exist in the real world to make sure that all the parties get their best deal."
"If you're right, it's not a double standard."
"The reality of it is the Republicans historically always take the high road and, as we should, we have integrity."
"I don't believe in the federal death penalty. I don't think that we should give the government the power to be killing people."
"On moral grounds here, no excuse, no excuse for that."
"The fine line is our rights. When you cross that fine line, you're wrong. That's why they're called rights because when you cross them, you're wrong."
"I have been completely above board my entire life and career."
"I think the most important thing is like we really did try to hold ourselves to a pretty high standard of integrity."
"If something is morally wrong, it's morally wrong whether it's happening to one person or whether it's happening to 100 people or a thousand."
"The FBI didn't cave, they've always been telling you."
"Nothing's worth losing your humanity. I don't care how much money you're getting paid, how much fame you're getting, or how many times your stupid face is on CNN."
"One person dying without health care shouldn't even happen in this country."
"I haven't seen case law to support the claim that ethical violations warrant removal."
"The biggest violation in the scene is to do something without consent."
"That's not okay, that doesn't sit well with me."
"When you are on the high road, it is thin, you have to be really tight with what you do."
"You can't turn a blind eye to something when it's highly probable that it's true."
"Elite level riders need to be held accountable."
"If a serial killer only murdered one person this month instead of two I'm not gonna give him a handshake and a slap on the back."
"That's a bizarre standard to place upon people. If somebody has more money than you, then you're not allowed to criticize their behavior."
"The fact that they were choosing their platform over telling the truth, there's one side that's right and one side that's wrong."
"Hold false prophets accountable; they must be held accountable."
"Just because something does not meet the criminal standard does not mean that we should tolerate it."
"Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior." - Michelle Obama.
"Truth, honesty, accuracy, and accountability don't even matter to them like they do to me."
"We're in the wrong profession if we're too cowardly to say that."
"The coward will be considered strong and the good person will be punished as a criminal."
"We know there is no bargain in which we can sacrifice some of our humanity to gain a little of our security."
"Most people don't have the morals that he has."
"You cannot sacrifice alignment and integrity, even if it takes a little bit longer to do so."
"I just want to make this clear: if you're a man you should not hit a woman unless it's in self-defense."
"No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than in self-defense, and that's rarely ever occurs."
"The first thing we should do is have the highest moral and ethical standards."
"It's not the kind of thing good people do. Not even bad people trying to live like good ones."
"These are the people we want to hold accountable — the people who should know better."
"We need to hold ourselves accountable... have the highest standards."
"You have to draw a clean line that says you allow it all, allow it all the only things you can't do or direct threats of violence and daxing people and shit like that but you just you have to take a principled stand for free speech."
"What kind of precedent exactly is Mr. Corrado afraid of setting? A precedent that says it's wrong to tell other people to kill themselves? To him, that's a dangerous message to send. I disagree."
"Just because something is normal doesn't mean it's okay."
"Judge us by what we do because we are fully capable of putting our personal beliefs aside to do what's right for the people we represent."
"The military would not carry out such an unlawful order as it would be a crime."
"People should be upfront and honest, point-blank period."
"Life isn't fair but it shouldn't be made unfair purposefully just because they can."
"The Clintons have always operated under one set of rules for everyone else and a different set of rules for them."
"You don't have to lower yourself to behavior and tactics that are beneath you."
"Forcing somebody to... take a position that is at odds with your true convictions, that's a violation of core principles."
"Fair game or not, it was out of line. Their consumers are going to speak loudly."
"You shouldn't want to put a price tag on the rape of women."
"This is very much not difficult... under no circumstance does the assailant in this case... have any moral high ground whatsoever."
"Sexual exploitation and abuse of power have no place within the United Nations."
"Everyone has concluded this must not be tolerated."
"Last bastions of what it is to be a good Marine, what it is to have a good sense of justice out there."
"We should not expect God's blessings upon us if we continue to call evil good and good evil."
"Someone like that does not deserve to be in the public eye and should not be in the public eye because they are ultimately dangerous."
"If we can't assure the faithful that you know we're not going to tolerate this kind of payoff system anymore part of that has to be we're going to account for all the payoffs we've made in the past."
"A Man Must Have A Code: The Commitment to Realism"