
Border Control Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Texas, with its vast expanse of Border territory, has long been at the forefront of the battle against illegal immigration."
"Making sure there's a safe and a secure and a strong border."
"Putin is a student of history, and he knows that no invasion can put down an insurrection unless the borders are closed."
"The government will only ease border restrictions when it is appropriate and when it is not a risk to the health and safety of Canadians."
"Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders."
"Border control is the reasonable stance; it is possible to have border control without being a white nationalist."
"The cartels are the ones that are creating the narrative and controlling the activities all along the 2000 miles of international boundary."
"Uncontrolled borders endanger our communities and the men and women who protect them."
"If we stopped every vehicle, gosh, there would be some pretty long tailbacks, wouldn't more border staff pay for itself?"
"If we cannot defend our borders, America has no future."
"Close the borders now. This is not sustainable for our country. It's not sustainable for our cities. Our country is under siege."
"Oberlin College is committed to the principles of academic freedom, inquiry, and open exchange of diverse points of view."
"A border patrol facility is no place for a child."
"We want to support helping secure our border. This is a national crisis, every state is a border state."
"Build the wall, it's the last hope they have."
"A nation Without Borders is not a nation and we have to secure the southern border of the United States of America."
"Remember without strong borders and honest elections we don't have a country."
"Enough is enough, enough of open borders, enough of disorderly chaos led by Coyotes, Smugglers, and traffickers." - Texas Commissioner of the General Land Office
"Deportations are something that's happening already in Germany anyway, borders closing all that."
"If they can't control what's happening at our border, we have to control what's happening at our border."
"We're not asking to keep anyone out. We're talking about having basic security measures, basic common sense."
"We believe in strong borders, strong families, and a strong national defense."
"Philosophy is the birthright of every human being."
"If there are no borders and people can just enter whenever they want, you don't have a country."
"Without being able to secure our borders, we do not have a country."
"They're coming for one reason: that's because they know that Joe Biden will let them in."
"Border security is National Security, absolutely."
"We've reduced illegal border crossings for eight straight months in a row."
"We've done more to secure the border than any Administration in the history of our country."
"Talking point number one: President Biden said there will not be another foot of wall constructed in my administration."
"You've got all these 50 murderers these 450 rapists that border patrol has caught but you don't want to sit here and discuss the godaways."
"The federal government has asserted its authority over the border to facilitate criminal activities."
"We're going to defend our borders, they don't want to have what is called open borders."
"There has been more illegal border crossing under Joe Biden."
"We're setting records on not allowing all of these I mean some really bad when you look at the traffickers they traffic in women and drugs and other things."
"We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries."
"If we didn't close our border early, we would have had thousands and probably hundreds of thousands more deaths."
"It's the obligation of any country to uphold its border."
"You'd think at a time like this, we might, if we were a serious country, we might be like, you know, guys, we gotta kind of shut down our borders, figure out what's going on in our house."
"We need to sort out the borders thing because it's what we inherited."
"Why we need borders - a great article that you must read!"
"Former President Trump in Green Bay: 'When you have open borders, think of it. That's all right, all right.'"
"April had the highest ever illegal crossings - over 178,000 encounters on our southern border."
"My border policy is there. It is the boldest, most aggressive border policy."
"Stop bringing in... that's what they want. That's why they want the open borders so they can let people in and then pay them nothing."
"Walls work 100%. Whether it's El Paso or Israel, they're 99.9% effective. It's very simple."
"Much of this could be stopped, those who are being harmed can be protected, and just as importantly all those who live in America could be protected by making sure terrorists are not getting through our borders..."
"Wow, you run a very strict border here, that is good, do job right, yeah, great thanks, next."
"Closing the borders is going to be one of the biggest things that does have an impact on the economy."
"If we don't protect our borders, we're going to get run over."
"In a significant shift aimed at addressing the surge in illegal border crossings, the Biden Administration has proposed a series of stringent border security measures."
"It's guaranteed implosion of our country unless we can get a handle of our borders."
"We're not going to let the radical left control our borders."
"If you don't have borders, you're not a country."
"We should close the borders until we can figure out what's going on."
"This should not be a Republican or Democrat issue... secure this border and ensure our national sovereignty."
"Every independent nation has a right to define its borders and defend its borders as it sees fit."
"We're gonna have a very, very big and powerful wall, okay? You ready? Who's gonna pay for the wall? Mexico!"
"If we would stop the interventions, we would stop the border invasion."
"300,000 border crossings just in the month of December, a record."
"Immediate actions should be taken to address the border situation."
"Since 2018, more than a quarter of a million people have died as a result of this horrible drug coming to us through the Border. A quarter of a million people."
"The border is not doing their job - false. All those apprehensions are us, right?"
"How long does it take for you to get from there to get across, tops? Yeah, get there, turn around, come back in. What do you reckon? There, what do you reckon? When you look at that and go, we need to stop this coming into our country?"
"We have a real problem at the border."
"We don't have an immigration policy unless we control the border."
"...it's not uncommon for immigrants in South Africa, asylum seekers, to face difficulties at the border re-entering. And it seems like that's what occurred to Christian that day."
"Our refusal to enforce that border has given at least an implied approval to drug cartels, human trafficking, lawlessness."
"Borders are really controlled bombs which, if not properly understood and operated and maintained, can cause very serious damage not only to the property but human life as well."
"The main problem is the United States has such a long border and coastline."
"It's vital that officers at border control continue to scrutinize passengers."
"Changes to how we'll be Crossing Borders, and it's not being talked about."
"If you'd had that combination of actual serious border control and test and Trace and a kind of out-of-the-box approach, then in retrospect, that's clearly the right approach."
"The scale of migration and the scale of the problems that border patrol Ice uh the government in general has to try to solve when you're talking about migration."
"Our border is being overrun, and we have a president in the United States and an Administration that is happy and fine with open borders."
"We are introducing proper border checks so that we can count people in and count people out."
"We want to be strong on the borders, we want to be strong on law enforcement."
"It's the job of the officers on the passport desk to spot those trying to get in illegally."
"The ongoing challenge for policymakers is to strike a balance between addressing humanitarian concerns and maintaining effective border control measures."
"The cocaine keeps coming in, in spite of government spending of about 2 billion a year on border interdiction."
"We want to go back to a world where people can travel freely, where borders are properly managed."
"It's a border issue, not an immigration issue; it's flooding across the borders because there's a problem at the borders."
"It is my testimony that the border is secure."
"Nations which cannot control their borders will not long survive."
"I think moving forward we have to do what New Zealand have done and various other countries have done which is take full control of our borders."