
Firearm Safety Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"The Thunder rocks for a concealed carry pistol that you'll defend your life with. I hope you never have to do that."
"Mr. Baldwin should have assumed that the gun in question was loaded unless and until it was demonstrated to him that it was not."
"Mr. Baldwin chose to play Russian Roulette when he fired a gun without checking it."
"Paramount is that you can operate it correctly, carry it safely, hit what you're shooting at."
"Having a gun that you can shoot effectively that you will also take with you is far more important than the size of the bullets it launches."
"Never point the gun at anybody unless you need to shoot them."
"Carry safe, train, have something fun that works for you, it's a peace of mind to have the correct gun on your person, it's even a better feeling to know if you're trained with it, it's comfortable and you're ready to use it mentally."
"The firearm involved in the accident is a modern replica of a Colt .45 caliber. Rust had 13 such revolvers for the production."
"Remember, treat every firearm as if it's loaded, especially when you know it is."
"We crack more than a couple of [ __ ] up jokes but the purpose is to use them to teach you the proper way to handle firearms."
"Banning features here that enhance the control of a firearm, so it's actually backwards, the firearms that are left after California's ban are more dangerous because they're harder to shoot accurately."
"I love my parents. I worry about them. My dad just bought a gun for the first time in his life, which is very scary because he's 65."
"Our gun is secure, grips are tight, metals good, cycles nicely. Nothing weird."
"Take your guns apart and get a good look at them before you go out and shoot them."
"It's all of our responsibility to promote safe and responsible firearms ownership."
"A firearm safe, having multiple firearms in safes."
"This is policing 101: keep your finger off the trigger."
"1400 foot-pounds of energy is nothing to joke about guys that is a hard-hitting round."
"Why not fix the problem at the source, and remove the need to pull the trigger before you disassemble the gun."
"Simply take your gun, clean it up, read your owner's manual, and go out and have fun shooting it."
"Take the extra half second. Put the gun down first."
"Treat every gun and or grenade launcher as if it is loaded, at least check it."
"Hope to God these people are okay. Firearm safety is not complicated."
"I Envision an America where it's understood there is a culture not of just guns but effective and efficient and safe utilization of firearms."
"So, isn't that also an example of why people should get training before they get a firearm?"
"It's as light a trigger as I would recommend having on a carry gun."
"Dry fire training is really what's going to help you. You develop muscle memory, you sharpen target reaction speed."
"You do have a manual safety control on the frame which you do not have on the Glock."
"People who actually own firearms and who know the law are very cautious, careful, tactful, and knowledgeable about the weapons that they are using."
"Remember, always Mr. Trigger is your friend."
"Positively identify your targets before discharging your firearm."
"If it's just a blank in the gun, nothing should come out of the gun."
"Having personal standards that exceed the basic safety practices are the hallmark of a responsible firearm owner."
"No one is saying oh we're just going to leave a rifle in the uh passenger seat the card is laying there right like does it happen yes is it a common sense thing to do no."
"We need gun safety, we need people to be trained how to use firearms, to respect firearms, and change the gun culture in this country."
"Inspect the guns really well before you buy them if you're buying a new gun, you know these companies are putting out some crap."
"Guys this is why I'm concerned like I won't I don't know I might not wear these I might not or if I do I might not load them until I get to the range I don't know if this is definitely not gonna be an e-2c gun for me now."
"The Ruger single six: witness my series on children of the gun teaching your children real firearm safety."
"Life was kind of okay until we started having some case head separations."
"Bang a shot is fired much to minju's shock the bullet was a misfire."
"If the person female you shooter cannot handle anything else or they more importantly they cannot shoot accurately even a 380 or 9 then maybe a 22 is better than nothing."
"Shoot more practice more practice safe gun handling yes period."
"Clear minds and open hearts, finger off the trigger."
"The gun goes off accidentally and hits Brian right in the back of the head."
"Carrying it with a round in the chamber... Literally, you have to see it."
"Condition three: full magazine, empty chamber, hammer down. Not gonna take any more time, it's gonna be a lot safer than a fully loaded gun."
"I stand on for all of us: we don't point firearms at things that we've not positively identified as a deadly threat."
"Improving control of any firearm is a desirable Endeavor for both combat and self-defense not a negative feature."
"It stands, uh, the talent. You know the actors aren't really expected to have any firearm proficiency but I think that's something that maybe should change."
"Be safe, watch what you're doing, keep muzzles in a safe direction."
"Firearm safety is super important."
"I'm a big fan of with concealed carry firearms having some sort of active retention on that on that holster that retains it in the holster so no one can jerk it out or it can't bounce out or fall out if I'm doing something physical."
"You're gonna [ __ ] kill yourself with the gun that you purchased because you're mentally ill. Do you want that to happen? Is that what you want?"
"If you choose to have the thumb safety, just make sure you practice using it."
"...this is the only condition that I consider a gun to be truly unloaded where I can trust and know for a fact that this gun is unloaded and incapable of firing."
"...always always always check and verify and of course always treat every gun as if it were loaded."
"...just keep them clean to begin with, open the box with gloves on, keep those fingerprints off your ammo."
"...one single round in that firing chamber, that's the one that matters."
"Treat every firearm if it's loaded."
"...you can now keep your Firearms safer than ever before."
"Surefire has measured this to be under 140 decibels to the shooter's ear... still safe but you don't want to be shooting it a lot without hearing protection."
"When you live in a world where an unloaded gun is useless then your gun is always loaded."
"The final moral of the story is don't [fornicate with] a loaded gun. It's weird."
"Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot."
"You gotta be fairly comfortable with the weapon handling before you start carrying concealed."
"Knowing your firearm... is one of the most responsible things that you can do as a gun owner."
"...there was a time where I said several times that you can't run fast enough to give me a 16 gauge shotgun."
"...you could actually have a loaded firearm and have a negligent discharge like it's happened in airports."
"Triggers protected, and again, as we use this, it's going to loosen up, soften up a little bit, okay?"
"The guns are not inherently safe just because they are from that period and they were manufactured that way."
"It's just indescribable, you can't possibly do is pull the trigger if you don't have a magazine in place."
"Safely storing and securing firearms away from children will help prevent the unlawful possession of handguns by juveniles, stop accidents, and save lives."
"Remember, this is very possibly a gun that may have to save your life."
"Until the next time, folks, stay tuned, make sure if you go to the range, you put them right in the X-ring and stay safe."
"It's important to remember that before handling any firearm, we always check to make sure the weapon's unloaded."
"Welcome to the Cinnabar, now I started this channel largely to show people that it's perfectly safe and acceptable to shoot these old old vintage Firearms."
"Safety first! Always verify before dry firing."
"Never point your weapon at anything you're not willing to destroy."
"...you don't put your finger on the trigger until you're set on the target."
"Every negligent discharge of a firearm that results in the injury or death of some innocent person is always the result of a failure to practice this kind of obsessive attention to this sort of detail."
"I've shot this fairly extensively and I saw no malfunctions whatsoever."
"I wish all double action single actions had at least a decocker but the fact that this doubles as a safety, I think it's really cool."
"Firearm-related incidents are the leading cause of death for children and teenagers in the United States."
"The ATF plays a critical role in protecting communities from gun violence and ensuring the safe dealing of and access to Firearms by law-abiding Americans."
"Unload and show clear, if you're finished, unload and show clear."
"Eliminating pressure points usually means making the gun lay flat against the body, which not only makes it more comfortable, it also gives us better concealment."
"As always, we're going to make sure we're working on a safe and clear firearm."
"Ensuring that a firearm cannot fire out of battery is very important to any firearms design."
"Every gun is loaded. You treat every gun as loaded."
"Anyone handling a firearm knows that when you're handed a firearm, no matter if someone else checks that firearm, you check it again."
"When you point a firearm at a particular individual, you goddamn well better not have a live round in there unless you intend to kill somebody."
"We're accountable for every projectile that leaves this gun; we have to make it hit our target."
"The grip is plenty aggressive enough, very good grip here, I'm not worried about the gun slipping around in my hands."
"Do not point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy."
"Treat all firearms as though they are loaded."
"I try to do that standard same thing every time, show them how to check their own gun and show them how to make sure it's safe."
"Use of a firearm could seriously injure and kill someone."
"Safety's on the firearm are working properly."
"Treat every firearm as loaded, don't point at something you don't want to destroy, and keep your finger out the trigger guard unless you're ready to shoot."
"You need to be feel very comfortable with the firearm that you have."