
Mimicry Quotes

There are 298 quotes

"Children mimic what they see and repeat what they hear."
"When it's mimicking a personality, it's not having a personality."
"This phenomenon, later named Batesian mimicry because of his discovery, was quickly realized to be another prime example of the power of natural selection."
"We're all aware that parrots have the ability to mimic human speech, but were you aware that other bird species can also exhibit this ability?"
"90% of our emotional communication is nonverbal, and the more a person imitates subconsciously our gestures and facial expressions, the more we like that person."
"It's like they're either trying to mimic you as a facade, or actually want it but are a bit lost."
"Satan mimics everything God has put in place, he's tried to pervert everything as we see happening today."
"For parody to work, it has to plausibly mimic the original."
"The big thing to know about the changeling is that it can take any form and almost perfectly replicate their idiosyncrasies."
"I know that she knows what she's doing, so I'm just gonna try to do the same. It's a trust game at this point."
"Who stole whose personality? Come on, you try to be like daddy."
"This spirit's going to infiltrate and they're mimicking the very thing that they see on social media."
"Katydid's mimicry is so extreme because their main predator is quite intelligent monkeys."
"Cuttlefish use a kind of self-mimicry to find a mate during mating season."
"Appearance alone is not enough, so these amazing flies can move like bees."
"First thing that we saw... dimmed down and blinked like a plane... it was coughing, it was mimicking."
"He'll blink like a plane... faster now when he's falling to the left... flaring out."
"The capacity of the parasite to mimic other enemies is quite the daunting thing to witness."
"It's revealed that the mimic loves putting on costumes, just like you see in ruin."
"Parrots have the ability to mimic human speech and are often a favorite pet."
"Only a couple of years ago, the SCP Foundation discovered a being that has mastered aggressive mimicry on a level previously unseen in the natural world."
"So when Miles saw the actual Spider-Man using this move, his brain actually memorized it and later used it here."
"AI is getting dangerously close to almost mimicking human beings nearly flawlessly now chat GPT is like a chat bot on crack."
"The makeup pattern itself is actually extremely similar to the design that serial killer John Wayne Gacy used to Don when performing as a clown."
"Ditto becomes a popular option to copy the most overpowered Pokemon and then outspeed them."
"Shadowing is simply repeating what you hear."
"Our only chance is to become as much like them as possible."
"Counterfeit counterpart, counterfeit counterpart."
"This thing can mimic both humanoid voices and animal sounds it's heard, which is creepy."
"If they're copying you, that's a sign they like you."
"Incredible level of intelligence and mimicry."
"We got a bit of a copycat killer on our hands here I like Internal Affairs we call her Megan Hall Pass too."
"But then I thought about myself and I'm like, he's just doing the same thing, it scared me actually."
"Why do you do that? That's what wolves do. We howl at the moon."
"Flutter spoon is made to mimic a dying bait fish as it's falling."
"Orcas sometimes mimic behaviors from one another purely for fun."
"Lyrebirds have the superpower of copying sounds from their surroundings."
"Anything that is expensive, people will try and copy, people will try and mimic, or people will try and cheat."
"It's called a copycat for a reason."
"Mirroring the traits and behavior of the target."
"Psychopaths often become masters at mimicking normal body language."
"...ultimately why this bait works so well is it just mimics baitfish much more natural than anything else."
"... he can transform into that person down to their cellular level."
"Isagi's eyes may be able to see and mimic the field, but now he has Nico's eyes."
"And we're just mimicking what the large buffalo herds or antelope herds did, you know, before we got here."
"It seemed like something was actually trying to mimic the movie."
"It's a creature that once it kills something can mimic aspects of a living thing."
"A pet parrot in Rochdale learned to imitate a barking dog to scare off cats."
"The small reptile changes color depending on the situation it enters. It's very special for form of adaption is the one that I try to mimic every time I enter a space."
"Mimicry is a sign of attraction... we are more attracted to people that behave the same way as us."
"The Thing's ability to mimic creates an intense atmosphere of paranoia and distrust within the group of characters."
"It made itself look like you, what if it looks like someone else now?"
"This color actually mimics the color that you would go naturally in the sun as well which is obviously really good."
"They’re able to blend in and gather food with little effort, just relying on others letting their guards down long enough to be copied and having the real person stowed away to be devoured later."
"This creature has the ability to absorb and copy the DNA of any life-form it consumes, allowing it to take on its appearance, memories, and mannerisms. Freaking creepy, right?"
"Each individual cell of the creature is capable of being a distinct independent entity at the same time, focused on one goal: assimilating and imitating other life forms."
"This thing makes a perfect imitation and then hides inside the imitation until it's alone with its prey."
"Flair began to mirror the authoritarian style of his predecessor Eric Bishoff."
"A play kitchen is a great way for toddlers to mimic and model real-life activities."
"Simon Soundman had a gift of mimicry for any sound that a human could not normally make."
"It's like a, my dad does this too where it's called appropriation, where it's you know when you're nervous around someone you start to talk like them."
"The mimic butterflies itself can mimic the voices of ponies during hallucinations."
"Parrots are the pros when it comes to imitating human speech."
"Sometimes I'll crawl around like a dog on all fours."
"Multi-species rotational grazing is just mimicking nature."
"Civilization is man mimicking the universe, how it's able to work together."
"When people don't find a way to ground themselves emotionally, we tend to mimic others."
"Students should be encouraged by their teacher to mimic new words by acting out the language."
"It just really depends. So you got to mimic what your fish are feeding on, figure that out."
"People are definitely aping into reaking. I think it's just become such a huge thing."
"I definitely think I did a great job mimicking my mom's dish."
"If you laugh about your issues, this person will mimic that."
"That's like discovering Homo sapiens sapiens. This is like equal to us discovering fire a second time. We can get a monkey to mimic us."
"It's so odd that we're in this day and age where technology has been able to make art and then also mimic people's voices."
"The mimic octopus earns its title as the master of deception due to its extraordinary beauty and shape-shifting abilities."
"The lip of that Dracula Orchid is a fungus mimic it's uh trying to attract fungus gnats."
"I'm really intrigued by the chameleon effect."
"I just elaborated on what he said like [__] be playing [__] on dummy."
"Mimicry is a very bad concept since it relies on binary logic to describe phenomena of an entirely different nature."
"She's moving like one item in I might go out and be like it's quite a wife you got there be a shame if something happened if you just take a southern accent the whole time down yeah yeah you should go out and kiss his wife's hand."
"Bud had a talent for mimicking voices he heard as well as an impressive memory."
"These guys are mimicking tree trunks."
"Frankly, we've got to go back to mimicking nature."
"Man, look at what Hoffman's doing already, it's like his walk, his mannerisms, everything, he's just nailing it."
"When you're hunting, you're mimicking the sound of a cow."
"People can be mimicked by computers at a 90-something percent level, so you can basically download a much more compact representation of what you would usually say in typical circumstances."
"Social mimicry, plasticity, and complexification are evident in both human and animal communication."
"Nature got the taste of it and figured, yeah, that's the way to go."
"Cats often observe and mimic human body language. They may learn to sit or lie in similar postures as their owners, imitating their behavior or mirroring their movements."
"Likewise, there may be some impersonators in histology, for example, some metastatic tumors that metastasize to different parts of the body can mimic the surrounding tissues."
"The mimic octopus can change its appearance and behavior to look like other animals. It's a Master of Disguise."
"So, do you guys want to know how good of an actor these two are? They replicate each other's moves."
"Kenneth was a gifted mimic and a brilliant comic actor."
"The orchid mantis presents itself as a floral masterpiece within the rainforests of Southeast Asia. This mantis is a master of disguise, imitating the appearance of an orchid flower with remarkable precision."
"The juvenile clown frogfish is a captivating marine creature renowned for its unique appearance and charm. Mimicking the appearance of a coral polyp, it displays a vibrant palette of colors and intricate patterns."
"The hummingbird hawk moth mimics the appearance and behavior of hummingbirds with remarkable precision. Its appearance is characterized by a sleek, streamlined body often covered in scales that contribute to a subtle yet dazzling array of colors."
"The bee fly, despite its name, is not a bee but a remarkable insect celebrated for its unique appearance and intriguing beauty. With a fuzzy exterior resembling that of a bee, this fly has evolved to mimic the appearance and behavior of its stinging counterparts."
"There's something so special about the speech that mimics human speech without the stress of spoken language."
"I don't know what that thing was but it mimicked my siblings perfectly."
"They can mimic human voices and they would live in that sort of area."
"I heard the same thing, only it was your voice, and I had said it so suddenly that it caused him to jump."
"I went through so many first-trimester symptoms, he started to have the same symptoms, the man tried to prove to me that men go through the same symptoms as women, eating patterns, emotional needs, not being able to sleep, vivid dreams, all of these things."
"Peptides mimic the body's natural configurations."
"Tommy invited me to his fantasy football league this week, and I just made my team name the same name as his."
"He was running around the house saying what she's typing."
"Honey badgers have such a reputation that it's widely believed that cheetah cubs evolve to mimic their coloring to avoid confrontation with predators."
"Hi, can I order exactly what the person in front of me ordered? Yes, and is anybody ahead of me that ordered food? No, everybody's ordering ice cream? Okay, I'll take it. Thanks."
"Alright guys, it is lunchtime and we are at KFC. Can I order exactly what the person in front of me just ordered? Perfect, thank you."
"I'm not stealing. You're welcome to take it back," I said mimicking his tone and his words.
"The Viceroy is a well-known mimic of the Monarch."
"Anybody believe that Jesus feather-headed if she acts like you?"
"He's taking a Yoel Romero-esque approach right now."
"Rule number one: Whatever my guest does, I must do too."
"They pattern their breathing after your breathing and heart rate after yours, and it is a little bit like being back in the womb where they can hear that heart."
"It mimics a squid better than any other lure I've ever seen in my entire life."
"He possesses the ability to replicate the physical skills of anyone he observes thanks to his photographic reflexes."
"When dopplers actually transform, they not only turn into whoever their target is, but they replicate their target exactly."
"Everything in a story should mimic this young man's brain and I think poetry does that the best."
"We need to mimic nature's regenerative processes."
"I am totally fascinated by them and how they're able to mimic sincerity and draw people in."
"These are more meant to more mimic closely like real physical pastels."
"We are creatures of habit and also imitation."
"Birds learn to speak or mimic human speech at a heightened state of emotion."
"You replicate whatever you repeat."
"Hi, this is going to sound really strange, but can I have exactly what the person in front just ordered?"
"What is AI? AI is when a machine is programmed to mimic cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving."
"The shadow mimics, the shadow replicates, the shadow responds accurately to what you do; in fact, the shadow is a reflection of you."
"The fantastic... you'll notice that the tail has this very subtle carved out back end there that allows it to just literally quiver like the tail of a fish."
"They have signals for distress, hunting, casual chatting, and as you probably could have guessed, mimicking human speech."
"Prepare to be dazzled as this mimic octopus becomes not one, not two, but three poisonous sea snakes!"
"Mirroring... means repeating or reflecting someone else's body language."
"Fasting mimicking diets... effectively mimic the same effect of doing a water-only periodic fast."
"You moved just like an airbender."
"Artificial intelligence just is kind of more of an over-encompassing term being just computers kind of mimicking human behavior."
"The mimic octopus is a master of disguise."
"The drooping tips of its wings incredibly resemble two snakeheads."
"Parrots can also mimic words or even whole sentences of human speech, but they don't understand the meaning of the words they are saying."
"She's a wonderful mimic and she likes to find the fun in things."
"She's amazing at mimicking other birds."
"Celiac disease is really going to be the new great imitator."
"The bear mimicked the soldiers when he saw the man lifting crates, he copied him."
"She can basically copy the movements of anybody she sees after having only seen it once."
"You actually have to like get them and love them, and then you can do a really good impression."
"They have this begging mimicry, something that causes the bees to feed them."
"The actual mimicry of the art style that they made in that movie comes across very well in the head sculpts here."
"A decoy is trying to convince a duck that that decoy is a duck."
"You should use a quantum system to behave like another quantum system."
"It's been referred to as the great imitator because it mirrors many other awful medical disorders."
"By resembling something harmless and attractive, the orchid mantis can draw its prey to it."
"By the time Rachel was in grade school, she had developed a keen sense of humor, specifically she had the gift of mimicry."
"Some are incredible engineers, some are masters of disguise or mimicry, some are amazing acrobats."
"You know when you never know what someone is saying, just copy how they said it, you'll be good."
"They do the mimicry to call their prey out."
"The creature digests, absorbs, and then assimilates its prey, getting the ability to perfectly mimic any organism."
"Most forms of human activity are learned by imitation."
"The way she is crawling mirrors the way she crawled down the stairs right before her death."
"Beluga whales can mimic the human voice so well that a diver once believed his colleagues were trying to talk to him when in fact it was actually a whale."
"Taskmaster possesses photographic reflexes."
"Venomous snakes will have a triangular head, this thing knows somehow that if he does that, he'll look like a snake."
"Imitation's the biggest form of flattery."
"Isn't that cool? So all of that... the paste takes on color exactly like the paper."
"She can become any solid that she has studied and can imitate metal, diamond, granite, wood, rubber, and even glass."
"She can say hello, and when she says it, she kind of sounds like a parrot."
"They're entertaining, they're cute, hilarious, they have the potential to learn tricks and potential to mimic and talk."
"The whole gist of a spinner bait is to mimic a small school of bait."
"They learn tons of phrases, sounds, whistles, songs."
"Camouflage means she can change her color to look like other things."
"If something looks like a bait fish, get a color that matches a bait fish."
"What you regard you repeat, what you look at the most often times you look like the most."
"What will it mean for us to elevate these technologies that will soon be able to mimic the human brain and generate art, text, video, images, and music that imitates our human expression?"
"It swims absolutely perfectly, it looks just like a snake on the water."
"There's something very deep about human nature that's social and imitative."
"The Turing test was developed to test a machine's ability to mimic human behavior."
"African gray parrots are considered to be some of the very best mimics."
"Kakashi is awesome because he can just copy whatever you can do."
"The light just shines right through it, and in the water, it undulates and just looks like a freaking minnow."
"We're going to use both material and color to mimic the natural surroundings and reinforce this concept."
"Nothing mimics a streamer like a wounded bait fish just kind of hovers in the current."
"But the house that I lived in had a spirit who likes to mimic voices, specifically of your loved ones, and even likes to look like them."
"These are actually all based off of real butterflies."
"This octopus is quite intelligent; it chooses its mimicry based on its specific predator."
"The Gaboon viper is so deadly, no predator is stopping for a second look; similarity alone does the trick."
"The blunt-nosed knifefish is adapted to mimic electricity around itself, fooling possible predators into mistaking it for an electric eel."
"The true trickster of the animal kingdom has to be the mimic octopus."
"This octopus is more like a versatile performer, smoothly shifting between various disguises as the situation demands."
"The DNA origami nanopores can mimic sodium channels, selectively acting like potassium or sodium channels."
"I'll never forget the one where Vince McMahon is giving the pep talk to all the boys and Austin is standing there repeating every word Vince says."
"The laughter was like nothing I'd ever heard, a horrifying imitation of human joy."
"I heard that voice from right outside of my hollow, laughter and random bits of conversation, mimicking what the two girls had said to each other before danger had found them."
"We want to train this way because it most mimics the game and players are making decisions."
"There are many types of mimicry in nature, and the array of life that makes use of it is astounding."
"Perhaps the best mimics of them all are the many species of octopus across the world's oceans."
"One of the best at mimicry is the aptly named mimic octopus."
"They can inflate their mantle to look like a jellyfish or swim along the ocean floor like a flounder."
"They can mimic crabs, tube worms, and sponges, and they change what they mimic based on if they want to avoid predation or draw prey in."
"The peanut bug... the most amazing example of mimicry in the insect world."
"Their first line of defense is to go unnoticed by blending in; their second line of defense is amazingly to look just like a reptile."
"It pops its wings open, revealing a huge set of fake eyes that look more akin to an owl."
"That clever bird must have learned how to imitate the guard's whistle."
"Like a chameleon, he is a master of disguise; he can just blend in anywhere and turn into anyone."