
Catholicism Quotes

There are 590 quotes

"I love being Catholic. I'm so grateful to God that I am."
"My spiritual life has been reignited as a result of this."
"Understanding that there's all sorts of things in Catholicism that can help you enter into a deeper and richer spiritual life."
"I was sort of agnostic in my teens, I went to World Youth Day, which is this big Catholic gathering in Rome, Italy, when I was 17 years old, and had an experience of conversion."
"Our journey to Catholicism, and it's about to celebrate its 30th anniversary."
"The papacy is so distinctive that if it's true, Catholicism is true, and if it's false, then Catholicism is false."
"On this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
"John Paul II wrote the catechism of the Catholic Church, presented Catholic teaching in a coherent and understandable way."
"Catholic social teaching does not fit neatly into either of our political systems... it rises above the divisions of our politics."
"The actual Catholic position, according to the official teaching at the Second Vatican Council, would be that you are a Christian and a brother in Christ."
"Believing in God and being Catholic is so incredibly liberating."
"I think that if you read the Bible from beginning to end, you will end up a Catholic."
"Trust in Our Lord's Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of His mother; they're your only real refuge."
"Are you going to live your life today in a way that if someone looked at the life you live, there is enough evidence to convict you of being a Catholic and a Christian?"
"Conservative classical Catholicism is on the rise among young people... They want a faith rooted in mystery and in history."
"From Poland, we are going to get Catholicism, an encounter with Catholicism, with Roman Catholicism. We're also going to get the emergence of something called Greek Catholicism, which still exists in Ukraine today."
"Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops, and priests."
"If you mix your faith found from the scriptures with the traditions of men you are a Catholic."
"Catholics are now liberalized, just about as liberal as Protestants on every issue."
"The Catholic Church has the fullness of the truth."
"Who started the Catholic Church? Jesus Himself."
"Catholicism is not popular, but it's the truth."
"The Bible was written to be read at the mass."
"The only response for all Catholics concerned is... to pray much, especially the rosary..."
"The real issue in the Roman Catholic controversy is the gospel."
"The teachings of the Catholic Church have never changed in 2,000 years."
"Binding of demons is all over scripture it's actually all over the tradition of the church... it's a thoroughly catholic thing."
"As far as Catholicism goes when I read the writings and see the effect of Christianity on the very first."
"Make sacrifices for them. You show the joy of the Lord in your life. So they say, 'What are you so happy about?' Catholic, that's what I'm having about."
"Pope Francis was inspired by Saint Francis of Assisi, defender of the poor and downtrodden."
"A lot of Catholics are confused, hanging onto their faith by a thread."
"The revolution will never cross the Faith of Our Fathers. This is the Catholic spirit that must be restored."
"A lot of people haven't known, they've been misinformed about Catholicism."
"Let your example shine forth in a brilliant way by you having your life changed by falling in love with Christ and becoming Catholic."
"Your Catholicism affect how you comment on politics... Broadens it out... to cease to be Protestant."
"An argument for Catholicism... it will protect you from the errors of passing fashions."
"I felt this calling... I need to become Catholic."
"If my conscience is pushing me towards Catholicism... I better really evaluate this and make a decision."
"None of the more recent events here in Pui has taken away from Lourdes or La Salette. It's added to them."
"Man should tremble, the world should quake, all heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest." - Saint Francis of Assisi
"The fact of Jesus being the Eucharist... outweighs so much of the esoteric things."
"The elements that unify us as Catholics are so powerful, existential, and so real."
"There's a beauty about Catholicism that's strong enough to withstand a lot of damage done to the Church."
"Pope Francis is the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State."
"I grew up very Catholic, very conservative Catholic."
"Lord, I thank you for your love. I thank you for Jesus. I thank you for the Catholic Church. I thank you for all the faithful priests and bishops all over the world who are nobly and sacrificially serving you."
"The fullness of the means of salvation have been given by Christ to the Catholic Church."
"Acts 15 reveals the existence of a magisterium."
"Those who are in the chat, when they want to ask a question, think: 'If we can disprove Catholicism, sola scriptura wins by default.' That's not the case."
"I didn't become Catholic to feel good or be affirmed. I became Catholic because it's true."
"Two-thirds pro socialism, the average even right-wing Catholic."
"You can't be Catholic and vote for intrinsically evil things."
"Let your hunger for the Eucharist remind you of who you are."
"We offer you, Lord, the bread of life and the chalice of salvation."
"Italian Catholic nun Saint Francis Cabrini was made a saint for the help she gave Italian immigrants and orphans as well as the miracles attributed to her."
"The Church made the assumption a holy day of obligation and a dogma, showing its importance."
"The grace of conversion for us as Catholics is not just giving your life to Jesus. It is allowing Him to give His life to you, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity."
"Once Catholic always Catholic? Not true. You're not properly Catholic if you're missing any of the tripartite indicators of membership."
"If you come to a point where you actually feel convicted about the Catholic Church's claims and you want to become Catholic, I promise to start a GoFundMe for you."
"I want to apologize on behalf of Catholics if they've been jerks to you or if they've just been 'hurry up and convert.'"
"For just the second time in U.S. history a Roman Catholic president arrived at the Vatican for a meeting with his church's leader."
"Vatican 2 was a burst of light after darkness, shaping my generation."
"The Catholic Church does teach that through whoever through no fault of their own does not know the Catholic Church and its beliefs not will be saved but can be saved if they live up to the grace of God they have been given."
"I was raised in a legalistic Catholic home. Church on Sunday was mandatory, and all the rules and regulations that go with it."
"Catholicism would shimmer in a whole new light."
"Every Catholic has to understand that everything going on this direction is really apocalyptic."
"The rosary is a weapon if you go all the way back to our Lady giving the rosary the Angelic Psalter to Saint Dominic; she uses the language of weapon."
"I do see myself as Catholic... I pray for church Unity."
"It is so easy to read, so clear, and I understand Catholicism so much better just by having this book."
"People need to realize that Catholicism isn't something just on paper."
"Bingo. That's the work here at Church Militant is to inform Catholics that they don't know and they don't know what they don't know."
"The little Shepherds of Fatima were chosen and constituted as prophets of God's love."
"The grandeur of the Roman mass requires that the old form had to be retained."
"Even non-Catholics were saying, 'Please keep the Latin Mass going.'"
"Resistance was exonerated by Benedict; we need to gather that resistance again."
"Keep the faith and please be assured that the traditional Catholic position the traditional Catholic restoration not just of the mass but of moral theology of doctrine and theology that's the only chance that's the only hope."
"The only reason to be Catholic is because you believe it's true."
"I can't wait to receive the Eucharist again."
"Salvation can only be achieved through devotion to Christ and the works of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church." - Milo Yiannopoulos
"The liturgy is the Eucharist; it is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ, and it is the sacrifice that Christ offered for us men and for our salvation."
"I become a Catholic out of a deep love for the Petrine office."
"All true Catholics who still have the spirit of the Apostles and of the Christian martyrs should weep."
"It will restore the faith of many Catholics if more do speak out."
"It's a time where we will see what our medal is, you know, we will test our true medal as Catholics. This is not a time to abandon the church; it's a time to stand tall as soldiers for Christ and to fight for Christ."
"Roman Catholics do not believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone."
"To pray the Rosary is to pray the gospel, we're praying Jesus."
"Pray the rosary. It brings graces to do all the other things we ought to do."
"The prayer of the Holy Rosary... it's the prayer of the gospel and the gospel is the good news."
"Just the beauty of the Catholic faith is really what Drew Us in in many ways."
"The vast majority of our problems in the Catholic church today would disappear overnight if we exercise church discipline more consistently."
"It's an amazing time to be alive, it's an amazing thing to be a Catholic."
"Desire leads to suffering, and sin in Catholicism."
"Eucharistic miracles focus on the supernatural breaking into the natural order."
"Catholicism is not on its best moment both in Europe and Latin America."
"There is only one sacrifice, one mass. To say otherwise is heresy."
"Being Catholic one must live in a manner consistent with the faith."
"Even in 1936, Sister Lucia knew popes would delay. The Immaculate Heart of Mary will save Russia."
"All the bishops must join the Pope in consecrating Russia, fulfilling the specific request from Our Lady."
"Keep on praying that rosary and our lady will hear us if we beg her."
"Let's pray that the consecration happens this year."
"Not only God exists, but the Catholic faith is the true faith."
"Eternity is at stake, care enough about your Catholic friends to tell them the truth."
"It's in uniting ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of our Lady and having her lead us to the Sacred Heart of her son..."
"Let us get back to that good old time religion of the Council of Trent."
"Do I think there will be a Catholic revival? Yes."
"We Catholics need to find a way to come together."
"Pray the Rosary every day, the Rosary is a weapon."
"The traditional Mass 'directs the entire tension of both priest and faithful towards the mystery.'"
"The true religion as Catholic means universal."
"Modern Roman Catholic scholarship has been deeply infected with theological liberalism."
"There are Catholics who are saved, just like there are Protestants who aren't."
"It's a pretty rough position, by the way. The guy who just asked the question about Catholics, he thanked me for at least answering the question."
"When you become Catholic, guys, you're not going to be able just to like go okay all of that struggle all of that search is now over, it's you're just beginning but it's a good thing, it's awesome."
"You can't be Catholic and not believe in the Trinity, because you're not Catholic anymore."
"If there has ever been a more important time for us to wake up as Catholics, it's right now."
"What is Catholic is not either or but it is both and combining differences."
"A lot of Christians are not aware of that Catholicism brought it back into America and made it popular."
"You can be a very conservative Roman Catholic and also enjoy the Nag Hammadi library."
"Pray for Shia LaBeouf because he's now come out as a Catholic."
"The Catholic faith... it's all these brilliant stars and they all form one whole thing, one whole body."
"Faith itself is a virtue... when Catholics get baptized, go to mass, say our prayers, we're practicing the virtue of Faith."
"We are not Catholic because of the people that are Catholic, we're Catholic because it is Christ Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of God, that actually established the church."
"Catholicism has been around for like 2,000 years."
"...we need to remain firm to our true tradition of the Catholic faith, the one Holy Church founded by Christ."
"If the destruction of the branch theory is true, that means that only Catholics, that is those who are united to the Catholic church in some fashion, are the ones that are saved."
"The Catholic church is doing reasonably well."
"We Catholics don't hold to a Sola Scriptura reading. It's the Bible as interpreted by the Church, meaning this long tradition of reading, explaining, and responding to."
"The pope is God's representative on Earth and he is elected by Cardinals to oversee the church as a whole."
"The Blessed Sacrament is a more wonderful phenomenon than the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary."
"We simply must renew our faith and our joy to be Catholics."
"Wherever there is a valid Church, there is a potential for a valid Eucharist."
"We are vast we contain multitudes... illustrates the true universality of the Catholic Church."
"...and that is Catholic Truth Catholic teaching has its own gravitational pull it has its own beauty but it's our job to show forth that beauty and show forth that truth by being willing to talk about these things and by being willing to share our faith give our testimony."
"The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully present, body, blood, soul, and Divinity in every particle of the consecrated host and in every drop of the consecrated wine."
"When you come up this aisle, you are the bride, and when every Catholic wedding happens, the bride comes up, and who's waiting for her at the altar? The groom."
"In Catholicism, you'll find a both-and aspect of worship."
"God can unfold in our lives through the Catholic Church."
"And so one issue by issue, it was like, okay, the Catholic Church is right on the Trinity, Christ, some other stuff, I already know that. Then it was like, oh, they're right on like, you know, justification. Okay, well, a broken clock's right twice a day."
"The purpose of this series is for us to provide the reason why Catholics believe what they believe, the intellectual basis for our faith."
"We truly believe that Catholicism is the true faith, it comes from God."
"If Catholicism in fact does come from God, then it would make sense that Catholicism would be able to make this bridge between the natural and the supernatural order."
"Catholicism makes a lot of sense."
"Catholicism keeps the balance, where we have to say no to ourselves. It drives out demons, overcomes evil."
"As a Catholic, I have been able to forge friendships all over the world. We already have the same life and the same faith, so we immediately connect."
"As a Catholic, I have this retroactive connection with all these people, all these churches, and all these places."
"What I didn't know is that the Catholics had a very different Paradigm than I did as an Evangelical."
"Modern woke Progressive ideology is a form of Mainland prosthetism and it is much more Catholic in its scope and in its efforts than the Catholic church ever was and it's in the I mean Catholic in the sense that it's Universalist right."
"Catholicism really does go back to Peter and to Jesus."
"The best thing that you can do to help your non-Catholic family and friends become Catholic is for you to model Catholicism with joy devotion and excitement. If being Catholic has made you a better Christian and they see that that's going to Intrigue them."
"Mary promised Pope John that Catholics who died wearing the scapular in honor of her would be delivered from purgatory on the first Saturday after their death."
"The Catholic Church allows the peoples to choose the type of government best adapted to their own character and to the circumstances."
"By this the legislation of the Catholic states would be accomplished by an inescapable conclusion."
"To reconcile the church with a certain modern world could not be done by introducing as such into the church the ideas of this modern world."
"We're not talking about going to the Novus Ordo mass here."
"The Americans never had any proper Catholic roots."
"Ireland has always been a deeply Catholic country."
"Our Catholic life, our Christian life, is really a long adventure in the healing and the Perfection of my Humanity."
"I had to kind of get to a place where I could justify everything I had learned about Catholicism in my initial exploration but without making the jump to Catholicism."
"The Roman pontiff is Pope Francis and if you're saying he's not the Roman pontiff, you are not in subjection to the Roman pontiff, so you are a sedevacantist, you may not recognize it, but you are schismatic."
"We're coming out of this very rich intellectual tradition there was kind of a hand-wringing quality to a lot of Catholic intellectual life."
"The purpose of this University is to evangelize. That's every Catholic institution. It's a hospital, it's a school, it's a parish, it's a seminary, it's a university. Every Catholic institution exists to evangelize."
"Since becoming a Catholic it really just has been such a a rich experience and so peaceful and so blessed just to access Christ through the sacraments and that's really what I was missing."
"Morin was born as Moren Fitz Simons into a Catholic household and was brought up in Dublin Ireland."
"But when it got here to Spain, it didn't have that much adapting to do. The Spanish were already fiercely Catholic. They liked drama, emotion, passion, darkness. They were, if you like, instinctively Baroque."
"If you weren't Catholic, you were given two choices: convert or be burned at the stake for heresy."
"If we obey all these verses and compare Catholic tradition with the true teaching of the Apostles, that is the Word of God, we must reject Catholicism on the basis that it's contrary to this pattern."
"The Roman Catholic Church has no authority in the Bible; its claim to authority must come from outside the Bible."
"The Jesus of the Catholic Church is a counterfeit Christ, a false Christ, an imposter."
"I'm not anti-Catholic, okay? I'm for truth, I'm against error."
"The infallibility and indefectability of the Church."
"I still very firmly believe in my faith and God and in the Catholic Church's teachings and live my life now by those teachings. So they're exactly the understandings that you kind of want to grow up with, and I will be and putting upon my kids as well."
"We're not converting to Catholicism, we're entering into full communion with the 2019-year-old Catholic Church."
"The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work."
"Most Roman Catholics don't either, and hence we often talk past each other."
"Catholicism can and does provide truth and unity."
"A Catholic who denies the Eucharist is a bad Catholic."
"Catholics use statues, paintings, and other artistic devices to recall the person or thing depicted, much like remembering one's mother by looking at a photograph."
"I would simply pose this question, do they have to be seen as destructive and debilitating or can they in fact be seen as part of the Great richness of Catholicism?"
"There has been tremendous reaction from within the Catholic world."
"So the idea that it's like doctrine doesn't wash at all. It doesn't work at all. What about all the other evidence for Catholicism that might outweigh it?"
"...nothing can compete with authentic Catholicism..."
"The National Catholic Register has always been a great symbol of faithfulness to the church and delivering the truth."
"The Catholic faith, the truths of the Catholic faith, they're beautiful in themselves."
"We as Catholics really haven't done the best job in explaining to folks the truth over the last 40, 50 years."
"The Catholic Church can trace its lineage from the present day all the way back to the time of the Apostles."
"The Catholic Church has produced this endless stream of men and women, boys and girls, who are Saints, who are heroically virtuous."
"Thank you for the introduction Mike. I'll be speaking about the theme of my book this morning: 'Why be Catholic?' The subtitle is ten answers to a very important question."
"Have that quality time with them so that you can raise good Catholic kids, even if they have to go to a government school."
"That experience of resting in the Catholic faith like that, that's a huge, it can't be overstated, I don't think."
"As Catholics, we actually go through the entire Bible every three years."
"Apostasy, the complete abandonment of the Catholic faith."
"Every Catholic is called to be an evangelist."
"The Catholic Church is the only large attempt to change the world from the inside, working through wills and not laws."
"The Catholic Church is the only thing that ever founded a civilization on First Love, on the single and romantic view of sex."
"This idea of sacrificial love and suffering for the good of others is something that in many cases is uniquely Catholic."
"The sense of the sacredness and the apartness of the sacred is far more resonant in the Catholic Church and it is in in Protestantism."
"So many Catholics don't believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord is not being correctly genuflected. This is not pleasing to heaven. We've got to get this stuff back."
"Ultimately what they're doing is they're putting 1.3 billion Roman Catholics off limits to evangelism."
"One means one in the Catholic Church."
"It was there at Christendom College that I truly say became Catholic in a proper sense of that word."