
Life's Brevity Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Life is short, man. You got to have fun, for crying out loud."
"Life is short, we're here for a fun time, we're not here for a long time."
"Life goes by fast and if you're not careful, before you know it, your life would have swiftly gone by and you've accomplished none of the things that God destined for you to accomplish."
"Life is too short to be stuck in a job that doesn't fulfill you."
"Cultures and civilizations around the world all recognize the fact that human beings have a limited time here on earth."
"Forget the past, just lose control because life's too short."
"I loved him... I'm speaking for Dillon right now. I didn't get to have a voice. My life was cut too short."
"My chance to have an earthly life was taken way too soon. No chance to learn to ride a bike, to learn to fish or play baseball."
"Don't miss the opportunity because of excuses. We have this short time in the frame of eternity to represent heaven."
"Leaving self-doubt in 2020. Life's too short to put our dreams or our pursuits on hold."
"I feel like the weather I get the more I realize that life is so short and like let's be intentional about the time that we do have."
"Just remain aware that time is fleeting time is something you never get back so use it wisely."
"Life is short, appreciate the life that you have."
"Life is just too short to not be happy in general."
"Shannon's life had been cut short before she could accomplish her dreams."
"Life is really short. You never know what's going to happen, or what can happen."
"Chase your dreams man because life is short."
"Choice is knowing that habits are made to be broken and that life is short."
"Our life is so short in the span of the universe, that can you imagine if you spent most of that time just uncomfortable?"
"Time is an enemy for all of us. We must make every moment count, every minute. We must share memories."
"You can be on this Earth one minute and in eternity the next."
"Life is short, anything can happen at any time."
"Life is short. Today you're here, tomorrow you're gone."
"Straight to the point, and the point is that you're gonna die."
"Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain wisdom of heart."
"Just enjoy your life because it doesn't last forever."
"Life is very real, life is short and precious, and everybody needs to take the time out to tell people that they love them."
"Life is funny, that's what you realize and it's short."
"Make sure you tell somebody today that you love them... because life is really too short not to."
"Life is short, you need one visit to a doctor, and your life has gone."
"Life is not long and this person can sit here and pretend all they want but at the end of the day you have to make sure that you're showing up for yourself."
"Life is short, close friendships are hard to come by."
"Life is short and you have to go after your dreams and you just go for it."
"If my life be short, let my fame be great."
"It's the brevity of our life that ultimately gives us agency to pursue our goals and achieve them."
"Life is short; you've only got a little bit of time; leave a legacy."
"Life is too short to put up with childish behavior in people who are your peers and fully grown adults."
"Life is too short not to love yourselves."
"For all our days pass away in your wrath; we finish our years like a whisper."
"Good luck, have fun, don't die, because life's short, simple, fun."
"Life is short, my [__], every day you wake up you're a day closer to dying."
"Life is long enough to live out God's purpose for it but it's too short to waste a moment."
"Life can go by so quickly, and you have no idea how or why or when."
"You never know how much time you have."
"The fleeting hours of man's life on earth pass swiftly by and the little that still remains shall come to an end, but that which endureth and lasteth forevermore is the fruit that man reapeth from his servitude at the divine threshold."
"Life is really short; we are 10, we are 20, we are 30... the life goes like this."
"In this short life that only lasts an hour, how much, how little, is within our power."
"How quickly all things disappear, in the universe, the bodies themselves, but in time the remembrance of them."
"Life is short, and if you want to do something, you just gotta go for it."
"Life is short, so you gotta push hard and achieve the goals that you want to achieve."
"I was lost in the beauty of the lake, appreciating the view and enjoying these sorts of sites in life, as life can be short."
"Life is short, and we really should make the most of it because just in an instant, just like that, things can go horribly wrong, and our worlds can be turned upside down."
"Life is too short to spend precious time with people who make you feel less than."
"Do you see how beautiful we are? Do you see that we got breath in our body and that tomorrow is not promised to not nail one of us?"
"Life is short, life is really, really short."
"We don't have 120 years, we just have today."
"The length of your human life was the snap of your fingers, that fast, beginning to end."
"Life is too short to live miserable."
"Our lives are so short, we don't have time to live long like that."
"I've been thinking about death a lot and how life is so short."
"Life is too short for that, and you do not need to go through each and every individual piece of Emery paper to bring the piece to the correct finish before you polish it."
"Come on, hug. Anything could happen, life is short. You could be dead tomorrow."
"Stop complaining and make stuff happen; life is super duper short."
"Life is literally too short, so you just gotta do right."
"My life is so short, you guys. Tell people you love them while you still can."
"Life is very short, brother. It was only like a few days ago in our memory when we were just playing football, no care in the world."
"Life is so short; a father should have a relationship with his son."
"Life is too short not to be getting your jam on."
"How quickly all things disappear in the universe."
"Life is short, what are you going to do with it?"
"Claim it and enjoy it, life is short."
"Life is too short, life's too busy. I think everybody can relate to that."
"Chase your dreams, man, keep doing your thing, and have fun in life because you never know when it's going to end."
"For a good time, not a long time, so let's have a good time, huh? 'Cause the sun can't shine every day."
"Life's too short, I'm going to live the way I want to now today because you never know what's going to happen."
"Life really is too short, brother."
"Low as the wind is, so is mortal life: a moan, a sigh, a sob, a storm, a strife."
"Life is short, it's temporary, we should have such a passion for God."
"Life is very short, so you want to do that as often as you can."
"Life really is so short, you just gotta live in every moment as it comes."
"Life is too short. I am now here in front of one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen."
"It's time flies in no time at all."
"Our window's so short, so we have to do what's best for us and maximize everything."
"Life can be a finite short thing, you need to strive for them positives and take them opportunities."
"Let's just stop all this fighting because life is short and I love you."
"Life is life, and you should be, we could be dead in a minute."
"Life is too short to not have what God wants you to have in your hands."
"Life is very short and yet we still have so much to do."
"Life is so short, you don't even know what's gonna happen on a day-to-day basis, why am I spending time sitting here going back and forth about something that's not even relevant."
"Whether in the future or ten years back, time is limited either way."
"Life is short... love each other, give each other love, enough with the online hate."
"Life is short so I suggest... love each other, give each other love, enough with the online hate."
"My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and come to their end without hope."
"Life goes by quick, you're not here to mess around, you're here to build and create a legacy."
"I always thought there'd be more time."
"It's so much about the temporality of human life that it just becomes a series of lines."
"Life is finite, and it's really hitting me hard how short my life is."
"Life is too short not to pursue your passions."
"Life is so short... love on your family."
"Our lives are like mist, which is here for a little while and then it's gone."
"Life is short, and so to let the people that you know that you love them."
"Life is too short, by God ain't it the truth."
"We're taking none of it with us, and the time that we're here, believe it or not, is so short."
"Our time on Earth is so short, and all you have guaranteed is this moment."
"We're here for a very short time, we can't waste it."
"Life's too short to not have something that brings you true happiness and joy."
"You're only here for a little while to do something that makes you smile."
"Life is short in tones as if we were going to live forever, and it's not like that; a bad blow and it's all over."
"The life is too short, what am I waiting for?"
"Life is too short to be stuck somewhere, life is too short to be living life in fear of moving forward. You need to take chances in life."
"Life is short, we don't have a long time here."
"Our days begin with trouble here, our life is but a span, and cruel death is always near, so frail a thing is man."
"We're all here for the time that we have, we don't know how long we're gonna be here, so those risks that we take should be purposeful ones with intention and one with goodness at the center of them."
"Life is short, life is so short, it really is."
"Life is actually short, so let me stop living making someone else's dream come true and put myself as plan A."
"Life is just too short to be around people who don't celebrate you."