
Intellectual Pursuit Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"Knowledge and information are not at hand; you have to seek it."
"When you're doing philosophy, as soon as you start getting to a certain level of thought, you're doing philosophy."
"We actually are interested in the truth about something that is a genuine mystery."
"Imagine a country where many people have become convinced that much of what we know about William Shakespeare is wrong thanks to the efforts of one dedicated man."
"The truth itself is free, but you pay a price for getting it."
"There's something majestic and bigger than us called what? Truth, the quest that we never possess of truth, but the quest and the condition of that truth is to allow suffering to speak."
"The pursuit of truth and right ideas through honest debate is a noble undertaking."
"Jordan Peterson employed a strategy that I have often advocated: he set out not to win but rather to find truth."
"Let us seek the truth with a spirit of inquiry."
"Knowledge is the fuel that drives human existence."
"We can understand by revelation... then by science try and go back and use our reason."
"Knowledge is the food of the soul, and no knowledge can be thought of as wrong so long as each seeker after truth is master of what he learns." - Magnus Primark
"Those who question eventually will get closer to the truth."
"I want to know God's thoughts. The rest are just details."
"Knowledge is to perceive something as it really is, as best you can."
"Having intellectual curiosity, having a hunger for knowledge, having that sort of attitude of nothing philosophical nothing valuable is alien to me."
"I wanted to understand Einstein... even if it meant that I had to sit at my chair and simply crank out the math."
"The use of logic and evidence to pursue truth together."
"A quest for what the perfectabilists may have sometimes referred to as enlightenment."
"Everyone loves a good mystery and people want to find out the genius methods top thinkers use to bring people to justice."
"Philosophy literally means the love of wisdom...the pursuit and the embodiment of wisdom."
"Philosophy is there because you love truth enough to go and learn how to find it because it's valuable."
"The seeking impulse is your lifeline amidst man-made contraptions."
"Trust the seeking impulse above anything else."
"Don't trust your thoughts, trust the seeking impulse. It's the source of all intelligence."
"Preservation of knowledge is one of the noblest human pursuits."
"It's what are you interested in, not as what is everybody else interested in if you really want to have satisfaction in an intellectual pursuit."
"There are a few earthly things more beautiful than a university... a place where those hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who perceive truth may strive to make others see."
"We need thinkers who are genuinely trying to find answers."
"The mind is at its best when it seeks a higher truth beyond itself."
"I enjoy trying to understand complicated ideas."
"Expand knowledge, seek answers beyond the veil—awaken deep wisdom within."
"There is no paideia without yearning for freedom."
"The search for truth is what we should all want."
"What a grown man worships is truth, knowledge, science, light, the rending of the veil, and the pushing back of the shadow."
"Sharing truth and knowledge with everyone is the most important pursuit for humanity."
"I think what I'm doing in most of the time and have done in most of my books is attempt to argue for the unity of knowledge."
"Your dream fundamentally is to understand intelligence."
"Philosophy is defined as the love of wisdom."
"For then we would truly know the mind of god."
"All we're doing here is just peeling back layers of our own ignorance as it relates to the fundamental nature of reality."
"I have more answers than I used to have, but there's a lot of questions that keep popping up."
"The original scientist had to be someone who was just simply curious."
"Well done if you got that because that was that required a bit of searching."
"Truth is the ultimate goal in all of our questions and our pursuits. Truth is the most valuable thing in the world."
"George Smith, brilliant mind, spends years reading these."
"Question the hell out of everything you can question until only the truth can possibly remain."
"Curiosity and search for answers is one thing."
"Continue to seek knowledge, seek truth, seek wisdom, seek understanding."
"The Quest for knowledge is the absolute top priority for the adeptus mechanicus."
"If your priority is getting to what is true... then you can do a great deal."
"It's always worthwhile to engage in a quest for truth."
"Ross later develops the ambition to develop what he called a theory of happenings, a mathematical theory that would, like Newtonian physics, basically cover every kind of human activity."
"We need a new movement of discernment, wisdom, and knowledge."
"Aiming for maximum truth seeking and curiosity."
"The key is having respect for absolutely everyone, for Humanity, for thought, for the pursuit of the truth."
"People are remarkably open-minded about pursuing some very strange ideas because they come from attempts to understand the nature of reality."
"Finding God's number would be such a difficult problem that no one knew the answer."
"In 1600, the Catholic Church labeled Giordano Bruno a heretic and burned him alive in Rome. Some historians even proposed the theory that the reason he joined the Dominican order was so that he could read everything he could get his hands on."
"The truth is an expensive commodity, bought with humility, meekness, honor, passion, and hunger."
"I want to believe as many true things as few false things as possible."
"Philosophy is not something to have once done but something to continuously be doing."
"You have to find the truth as much as you can."
"Philosophy is a good bet, more than ever before."
"Math professor thinks he may have solved MH370 mystery."
"Many of us also do this because we like the underlying mathematics and its beauty."
"Science means knowledge that we possess, through our intellectual capacity."
"Another thing people want to do is read the Summa Thomas Aquinas Summa theologia. They say I'm just gonna do it."
"Keep striving for greater understanding. It's the best way to get wherever you want to go."
"He studied both word and Magic techniques, he was truly a gifted among the gifted."
"I believe that all man should care about truth."
"The reward of science is the discovery itself."
"The fact that there is a deep interest in the kinds of work that's being done at the frontier is of course gratifying to all of us who are engaged in the pursuit of knowledge."
"I spent as much time as I can on the CTMU."
"The amount of smart people devoting their lives to intellectual pursuits is just amazing here in the Boston area."
"A book for me always starts out as an intellectual exercise."
"I got the sort of satisfaction that Plato says you can get out of mathematics."
"Newton sees his pursuit of truth as one pursuit, whether it takes him to books of theology or books of nature."
"We have an awful lot in common: a love of ideas, a commitment to truth-seeking, an understanding that truth-seeking requires intellectual humility."
"We learn to think only when we try to attain an essential and genuine relation to what above all else is thoughtworthy."
"...Never Letting Go of the questions."
"It's important to have this content so that we are intellectually coming into a sense of what we are called to and then pursuing that with the strength that comes from fraternity."
"For people like myself who have devoted their lives following the methodology of ideas in context that I learned from myestro Quentin Skinner, we focus on concepts, on language, on ideas, on arguments, on conventions."
"His intimacy with Christ was what drove his intellectual pursuit."
"Fishing hatches is not always easy but it's always an intellectual challenge."
"I'm not in business for the results as much as I am for the intellectual challenge."
"What can we do, My dear Lucilius, how otherwise can we find a word for that which the Greeks call osya, something that is indispensable, something that is the natural substratum of everything?"
"This then is a further incentive for us to return once again in an assiduous study of Greek thought by the serious attempt to put ourselves back into the intellectual situation of ancient thinkers."
"Science, sir, is the opening of a man's mind, it's the exploration of ideas."
"Truth is fundamental to thought; that's what thinking is, the attempt to get the true answer to something."
"I want to pick up a book and I want to think and look at art; it's inspiring."
"It's an intellectual challenge, and so I enjoy the process."
"Calligraphy is associated with intellectual achievement... it takes lots and lots of practice in order to convey the various characters properly."
"He was a brilliant brain in search of food at a time when the shelves were bare."
"The paradise of knowledge over worldly desires."
"It's great that we're trying to figure it out even if we never get the right answer, it's just fun trying to figure that stuff out."
"We can as Brigham Young hoped we would, be a people of profound learning."
"He discovered a lot of mathematical truths mostly by himself, guided a little bit perhaps by a few books that he had access to, but very quickly going far beyond the knowledge that was in those books."
"Boethius had an ability to look at the world around him and see the gaps in knowledge and try to fill them as best he could."
"The scope of possible information is infinite."
"You hope to hang on to the trail of genius that's being thrown at you."
"The philosopher sees in it an optimum condition for the highest and boldest spirituality."
"Philosophy is intrinsically concerned with the search for wisdom."
"Let's get cracking and see how we can solve this latest masterpiece."
"I want to follow the people who have said what is true, who have pursued the truth regardless of what it meant for their careers."
"Or to feed on the acorns and grass of knowledge and for the sake of truth to suffer hunger of the soul?"
"Our responsibility is to become seekers of the truth."
"The time has come for us to enter the realm of pure human reason."
"First of all, respect to you for clicking on this long, unedited guide instead of all the short clickbait, crappy videos out there."
"Philosophy is the love of wisdom... we're friends of wisdom."
"It's totally accessible and beautiful for everyone, but then at the same time, if you want to get into some intellectual scientific study, you could spend the rest of your life with that too."
"The joy I get out of doing problems is a lot similar to the joy that crossword puzzle people get out of immersing themselves in a crossword puzzle."
"We need reality smart reality scientists."
"Well, you can't do meaningful human philosophy from up in the clouds."
"It's called intellectual investigation, one step after another."
"Seeking knowledge, wisdom, searching, learning."
"Concentrate on seeking the truth."
"You have tremendous love for higher philosophy."