
Soul Connection Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"You guys have this soul connection, a very spiritual connection."
"I think the two of you have a soul connection, a very strong connection, very intense, like a lifelong thing."
"Union wedding, married, soul connection, eternal love, everlasting promise."
"Marriage is really from soul to soul, heart to heart. You don't need somebody to say, okay you're married."
"They see you as their life partner, the other half of their soul."
"A year from now, you'll have clarity about this. Some of you guys will go either way, but I really feel like this is a real soul connection. So don't undervalue it."
"My soul recognizes your soul. I honor everything that is within you because it is also within me."
"You really do feel at home with this person; there is a soul connection here."
"When you're in the company of a soulmate, you feel very expansive; you move out of your intellectual identity and you connect with your soul identity."
"Your souls recognize one another, your souls value one another."
"Twin flame relationships are rare... the other half of your soul."
"You are manifesting a soul2soul relationship. You are connecting to the soul of another."
"This connection isn't going to be easy at times, but it's truly fulfilling. It's what your souls need, and it is true love because it's really going to help heal you both on such a powerful level."
"You may feel this deep magnetic pull to this person, and it is because your souls do know each other."
"A soul connection showing up... making you feel empowered."
"That'll be awesome. I got a little bit of your soul, I put it in this thing."
"I knew without hesitation, without question, without any doubt in my mind, my body, or my heart that the energy we experienced that evening was our souls connecting."
"It's not about gender. It's about a soul that I love."
"They feel as though they've found home in you and through you."
"The bond at the soul and the heart between you and this person is beautiful."
"I feel like their soul very much knows this. It could be like written into their soul."
"This is like a really beautiful soul connection. This is a gift."
"It just goes to show how roles change in people's lives, but the soul connection stays the same."
"Your energy connects with somebody who looks like a soul bond, you actually feel a lot better."
"I love you, and I love your soul, and that's the space where only you and I exist."
"Passion recognized within the flawless pattern of each other's soul, you discover inner peace."
"You know that someone is part of your soul star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet."
"There's something about this person feeling like your soul family, like you spoke the same language."
"You two could have this infinite soul connection."
"I need you, feel it? You and me, then. This feeling like our souls are inseparable. In a sense, it's real fitting for how corny we are."
"Continue to cling to what your soul knows to be true about one another. This connection will manifest physically."
"I've had my eyes on you; even when they are looking into the eyes of another, they always feel as though they are looking at you on a soul level."
"Hearts can be broken but souls should be shared."
"Your presence is what my soul longs for, your presence is the very thing that our lives need."
"Remember, real soul connections are rare. Hold onto them when you find them."
"They see you as their soul mate, feeling very passionate about your connection."
"They feel like your soul mates, the divine masculine and feminine coming together."
"Your soul remembers this intense connection. Your soul knows your soulmate."
"You both feel the same way, yearning for each other and reaching out on a soul level. It's a balance of harmony and a desire for union on all levels."
"You and this person have a real warmth, a real closeness on a soul level."
"When they connect to this true soul mate of theirs, they become a whole new person."
"Your soul is going to, like, it's gonna be like taking that magnet from here to here and it's just gonna work. You guys just need to lock eyes."
"They feel like you are mirrors of each other, you reflect each other, they feel like you are twin flames or powerful soul mates, there's this affinity with each other."
"The eye is the window to the soul, so eye contact is powerful in connecting with someone on a soul level."
"You were meant to meet this person; it was written into your soul contract."
"Some people, you just click with them on a soul level."
"There's an element of loyalty and respect that exists within the soul between the two of you."
"Your souls connect in a way that they never felt with anyone else."
"Your person loves you, there are deepening feelings and a soul connection."
"You may recognize each other at the soul level."
"Learning to listen to yourself primarily, your soul is preparing to reconnect. Trust in the process."
"You both have a tremendous level of depth. You might be old souls."
"It's like marked on your soul that you've met the one, you just know it."
"Connecting on a soul level and just being with community that is so aligned with my heart and my value system and belief system."
"And so I was like this is like a love letter this is like my soul telling your soul I love you I'm here for you I've been with you for eons of time and I will be with you forever."
"They recognize you at the soul level of someone who is definitely their person."
"This is part of your soul contract to have met this person, to be with this person, it is true love and it is really amazing, it's really going to be moving forward like never before this month."
"Deep down you know this person is meant for you."
"Art reveals the soul of a culture which tells me that imagination and soul are inextricably connected."
"You're partnering up with the right soul tribe."
"That kind of connection doesn't go anywhere years later, you know, our souls are still the same."
"When they fell in love with you was a real soul awakening."
"They really feel a beautiful soul level connection with you."
"You knew that there was some sort of soul resonance or connection between you both."
"They do see something very deep in this connection. I feel like they are able to see into your soul just like you're able to see into theirs."
"I've never known a love like this... I'm starting to understand our soul connection."
"When you feel that kind of energy on a soul level, that is what you want to call a soul mate."
"Your looks are just gonna attract the eyes, but your soul and your energy is what's gonna hold that connection."
"You're part of my family, you're part of my Soul family."
"It's a very strong, beautiful soul connection."
"Stands are a projection of the soul in that they are actually tied to the soul, okay hence why the damage translates from one to the other you know all right."
"They feel this whole time with you, there definitely is a beautiful soul connection."
"In every life, you have a certain level of consciousness of this other Soul you're connected to, whether it's just a vague awareness or a deep, intimate connection."
"A soul connection is not just a mere coincidence or a product of circumstance; it is a deep spiritual bond rooted in the fabric of our existence."
"Your souls have been together since the beginning of time."
"You may have felt like your connection's like separating but really the soul desires this union and in truth you're always as one."
"Your souls are gonna recognize each other and they're gonna see how much you have to offer because turtle is here."
"I truly believe that we are soul family reconnecting here through the channel."
"With your soulmate, there is an innate understanding that fosters an environment of acceptance and authenticity."
"I don't understand 100 about this connection, but I know that whatever our souls are made of, your soul and my soul must be the same."
"You are not a side piece if you share the same soul with your person."
"Two people who want to build something beautiful, soul mates."
"There has been that soul recognition upon meeting your person."
"This person has become spiritually awakened and has actually acknowledged that you guys have a soul connection."
"You guys are soul mates, the love is real, you guys open up each other's heart chakras."
"Love is on the horizon, singles absolutely, and it's going to be a love that is more than just about the physical, it's deeply connected at the soul."
"If they're a true Soul Bond, they respond, it doesn't matter the time and the distance between you two."
"Twins are different. You're not like anyone else because you have half of a soul, and so does somebody else."
"They're telling people that they feel like you're their soulmate, you're their twin flame."
"Reconnect to the pure essence of yourself, the energy of your soul."
"Feeling in your heart and in your soul that this person's supposed to be in your life."
"A feeling of excitement, a feeling of joy, these are communications direct from your soul."
"Wow, you see that? They're all false alarms. Soul connection landed on friendship. I'm going to keep it right there. There's some sort of soul connection that you have with a person that you're not romantic with."
"You are always deeply connected to the power of your soul and there's everything to work with in these equations that can Empower you."
"You are an immortal soul with profound connection with the heavens."
"Soul mates teach you important, meaningful lessons of the heart."
"They're very attracted to you, alright. They feel a very strong soul connection to you."
"They know that you hold something so special and beautiful and important to their soul."
"Life took hold of these two souls intertwining destiny."
"The strength in the soul connection is real, genuine, pure."
"They're looking for a true beautiful soul connection."
"This person is a mirror, your other half, someone that you have a deep Soulful spiritual connection to."
"Let love guide you as you remember, allow the union of souls to connect once more."
"Even when they are causing each other pain in the physical world, there is this sense on the soul level that they're cheering each other on."
"With an actual soul connection, your feeling will never change, your feelings will always be there, they will never change."
"The moment you look into your twin flame's eyes, something within your own soul reawakens."
"This bond that never really fades away, that's always there in the background in your souls, tying you together, not just in this lifetime but through every lifetime."
"If you're going through anything and you really want to connect with your truth, you know, you want to get back to the soul connection, the 'what is right for me' connection, the more empowered perspective."
"The essence of a twin flame lies in the belief that sometimes a single soul is split into two, residing in separate bodies."
"Your souls have known each other before."
"When you have a natural Soul pull towards somebody, it comes from here, when you have an obsession, it comes from a fixation from your like your head kind of area."
"But if you do have a soul pull towards somebody and that person backs off, it's not because they don't feel that Soul pull, it's because they're wounded and they're fearful of that Soul pull."
"Whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same."
"The connection that the two of you have is something that's so much deeper."
"This is a strong soulmate connection."
"This is about partnership, this is a soul connection."
"This is a very deep soul connection, and that's why I feel so weird."
"Their intuition is telling them something different okay there's a soul connection here you are their light right."
"They're going to view your connection as something incredibly magnetic, like a soul connection that they're okay with not breaking."
"You as a unit or people together, there's a stage where it's like your two souls are breaking down before blossoming into Union."
"With twin flames, you will never outgrow them and you will never become bored."
"You may feel a kind of soul monogamy to this person."
"The challenging and beautiful thing about this form of soul connection is that it requires radical self-love."
"When it comes to being a twin flame, each of us has a unique soul blueprint. This soul blueprint contains all of the information of what we have pre-decided on a soul level that we are going to experience through this physical lifetime."
"You are my perfect match. Wow, so this masculine feels like you just get it, divine feminine. Okay, and their energy is coming through as someone who feels like there's a way to do everything."
"There's a deep soul connection, intuitively connected to one another."
"This feels like a very strong soul connection."
"This person feels a strong deep soul connection to you."
"You have closed that karmic cycle, you're stepping into Union that is literally for your soul."
"The self is your twin flame, the soul."
"Second wave twin flames share a very strong sense of the soul connection with their twin, even if they don't meet them in the physical right away."
"You might have a past life connection or a soulmate bond with them."
"When you two come together it's almost like your souls merge together, it's very Divine, a very spiritual kind of connection."
"You will have an instant knowing in your soul when you meet this person... that this is somebody that's going to be very prominent in your life."
"They emphasize on your eyes, your eyes hypnotize them, they felt your soul."
"It's like they've been watching you, they feel a very strong soul connection to you."
"There's an energy here of a very strong soul connection. This is a connection that when you met this person it was an instant recognition."
"This is a very strong Soul connection. It feels like you really recognized this person's soul as soon as you met them."
"You two are connected on a soul level."
"You guys have a very deep soul connection here."
"First of all it's a collaboration with my friend Kat from Southern Farming Kitchen. I think we're soul sisters."
"Every soul connection you have has something for you, something important for your soul to teach you, a missing puzzle piece. Try to get that piece from this person."
"You guys have this deep soul connection."
"The soul union is every relationship is meant to be a soul union. Your relationship to your cat, to your bestie, to your mail person, if you’re not doing it with your soul you’re not doing it right."
"The two of you were meant to be, the two of you agreed to come here as Souls this lifetime and work through this connection."
"Your greatest asset is the soul connection you make with others, and those that you make and foster at this time will bring fruitful change to your life."
"Our souls speak a language that is beyond human understanding, a connection so rare the universe won't let us part."
"Your twin flame is your soul, guys, it's simple."
"A soul contract is a significant soul-evolving connection that I establish with someone down here on earth."
"Your twin flame is your soul. They are literally you."
"This is two people who are aware of each other, who recognize each other at the soul level. This is an intense connection."
"In a knowing, you recognize each other at the soul level."
"You're the only person telling you the obvious thing. You and your twin flame are the same soul. It's soul stuff that's going on."
"Your souls acknowledge the connection, even if not fully present in the 3D."
"A soul connection, a partnership, an agreement, a soul contract..."
"I'm definitely feeling a very strong Soul Bond, Soul connection with this person."
"All the sex in the world is worth nothing compared to the soul connection."
"True love is something else entirely. It is not eyes that meet but souls that dance."
"Confirmation that this is a soul connection, whether it's new or old."
"Your person is having to experience life lessons as you are, whenever you have a deep Soul connection with someone, it always comes with life lessons and learning."
"I could not love my husband if I did not know his soul is as broad as eternity."
"Your person's definitely a soul connection. This isn't something that you're going to be able to dismiss."
"For them to realize that they really love you, not immature love but actually mature pure love coming from their soul."
"I know that this is a soul connection, so they want you to know that never doubt that, and for some of you, it is Twin Flame energy."
"Your twin flame is your soul. So, when your twin flame is thinking about you, you're gonna feel it in your whole being. And that's the best way that I can really describe it. It's intuition. It's a sense. It's a very, very deep knowing."
"A deep soul love that they have for you."
"I knew it, their soul recognized your soul from the moment they met you."
"Twin flames are the same soul. Everybody says twin flames are the same soul."
"This is a deep Soul connection, I feel it."
"The essence of a soul connection lies in the energetic overlap and resonance between two individuals."
"I think it's possible for your soul to recognize another soul that first meeting and for those souls to start to connect some and that's heavier than that's you know that's in that infatuation phase but that's way heavier and that's grounded in something bigger."
"It's very comfortable, like soul comfy."
"They're meeting people who they have a soul connection with, but it's not gonna work out with because they're being childish."
"If ever you're struggling to access your own soul, the best thing you can do is to turn on a piece of music or a video or an audio or read a book that for you reconnects you to that wider self, that Soul self."
"Your spouse is to be your soul mate."
"This person knows you on a soul level."
"Give yourself the space to connect to your soul. This is a great way to get yourself into connection with your soul."
"She didn't let him go even after she died. And no longer having any soul left in him to endure any more deaths. Damn."
"This is the confidence that's happening, our soul connection."
"The twin flame connection is incredibly unique because it is the only form of soul connection in which we share the same soul, the same energy field, with another physical being."
"For all the people out there you should be together for love and I know it's easy to love somebody because of the way that they look or love somebody because of their money but remember there's nothing more than loving the soul."
"I know deep down that we were meant to be together. Our souls have been intertwined for lifetimes."
"And you will get burned like he's a burning desire, you know, but it's okay, it's a great, great thing, for those are the best loves of the soul, you know?"
"They feel like y'all belong together."
"This is an incredibly, ridiculously powerful soul connection, a romantic one. I want to make that clear. Now, I want to also make clear that none of the other groups got this."
"This person knows that they need to experience that Karma, and that's not your karma, okay? But yeah, you're in the same Soul family, you're in the same Soul tribe."
"You're about to walk a new path with a righteous soulmate."
"Your soul is already picking up the energy of your future spouse."
"Your person knows who you are. They've seen your soul, experienced your energy."
"They're really attracted to you at a deep level, at a soul level, not just physical."
"They feel that energy because the two souls would be connected. This would have to be something where you're connected, right? It's a soulful connection."
"I think I loved you before I met you."
"This looks to be a soul connection that did work out for however long it worked out."
"...when you love your own soul, that's when you're able to see through to other people's souls."
"You can see into someone's soul when they have had loss and a chemistry with those kind of people."
"A twin flame becomes a mirror or reflective of who you really are."
"Love was not about size but about the connection of two souls."
"Soul connection is that connection that is so deep and unconscious that when you meet the person you feel like you've always known them."
"Twin flames are one soul divided into two bodies."
"There's a soul connection you're dealing with and things are going in a good direction."