
Knowledge Seeking Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"Knowledge and information are not at hand; you have to seek it."
"You can't be a curious person and not be a humble person because if you're curious about something, by definition, it means you don't know the answer."
"I am determined to seek all the knowledge I can find about anything and to know God most of all."
"Aquarians are hungry for knowledge. This is the one sign that I have found they're hungry for knowledge."
"I will always seek knowledge; I will follow my divine path to prosperity."
"It's the Rocket League version of just seeking more knowledge."
"Every day means something. Take your time, seek the knowledge."
"If you don't know, ask. Keep asking questions."
"People have been always seeking knowledge and thinking critically, so that's so refreshing to see."
"Did you want to be enlightened or do you want to just stay in the dark?"
"I am always relentlessly curious and I always want to find the answer why."
"Seeking knowledge is what's most important to me."
"Don't judge the Quran too quickly, but rather be patient and seek knowledge with humility, with sincerity, and be conscious."
"Having intellectual curiosity, having a hunger for knowledge, having that sort of attitude of nothing philosophical nothing valuable is alien to me."
"I want to know, so let's move from I want to believe to I want to know."
"Always seeking, always hungry for more knowledge and growth."
"I'm actually trying to immerse myself in knowledge of God."
"Some of the wisest people ask a lot of questions."
"I want to know everything... we're going to keep pushing."
"What do we use chlorine for? I don't even know."
"When you get to a point in your life and you're certain about what to do, pursue, ask a question, and gain knowledge."
"Stay curious and never be happy until we get answers."
"For me, I'm comfortable in what I know, but I know I need to know a lot more."
"Join us on this journey of seeking knowledge together."
"Stay pure, seek for knowledge, seek for growth, seek for pureness."
"The best footballer is the one who seeks out knowledge after a bad game, but the modern footballer tends to avoid criticism and surround themselves with positivity."
"Be open to wisdom, for wisdom is the principle thing."
"Curiosity and search for answers is one thing."
"Continue to seek knowledge, seek truth, seek wisdom, seek understanding."
"I don't know the answers now but I'm definitely going to try to find them."
"You don't always have to have all the answers right now, but you can go on a quest to figure it out."
"That's why i will always tell you bro do your research."
"More people of diverse backgrounds on your show, sure, because you really are you're searching for knowledge on behalf of your audience. It's a fantastic thing."
"Approach everything with what can I learn from this not so much what can I teach."
"Keep on knocking... keep on trying to understand more and more."
"Invest in yourself and seek knowledge from other people."
"Someone out there has the answers, someone knows what happened."
"This is for us out here that need that knowledge, that want to understand."
"We are so constituted as to seek after knowledge."
"That's why we go and search for information, man, just trying to figure it out and get answers to the questions that we all have."
"We all have this inherent desire to know the answers."
"Being a geek makes you more interested in the world around you."
"It wasn't about money to begin with, it was about seeking knowledge and about doing the right thing."
"Aquarius rising, you love seeking knowledge and talking to people."
"INTPs may resist rigid structures and instead embrace spontaneity, allowing them to continually seek knowledge and learn from their experiences."
"Seek knowledge, remain teachable. Books are forever keepers of Secrets and knowledge."
"Wouldn't that be something you'd like to know more about?"
"Never stop seeking Islamic knowledge."
"You have to advocate for yourselves and seek good knowledge."
"If you want knowledge, you must inquire."
"As a planner, I might not need to know what it's doing, but maybe I actually want to know."
"You're always searching to learn."
"We crave knowledge of the mysteries, we crave access to the master signifier."
"The Quran is a very selective book of methodology that helps us receive guidance. It's not an encyclopedic knowledge of all history, people, times, places, or creations. It provides us with divine rain, enabling us to think, discover, and learn additional knowledge."
"You guys love to learn. You're these people that love to learn."
"I'm genuinely interested in learning about how the world as we know it came together."
"...I'm a student even with me being a Muslim if I'm looking towards knowledge and I'm searching for truth."
"We have all of us inquisitive minds."
"We want to learn about the process as much as we can."
"People who really have a desire to learn and know what things are."
"I've realized like my own ignorance... I have a long way to go like I don't know a lot, and that's the nice thing about seeking knowledge."
"If you don't know, ask those who know."
"Other people want to know everything they can, absorb everything from the conferences, and learn all the different seminars and specialties."
"Surround yourself around [people] trying to get information."
"I guess I would describe myself as a young Muslim who is very interested about Islamic Sciences about learning in general about seeking knowledge."
"It's very important that you understand how to find the information you're looking for."
"They want more knowledge, they want more books, they want more classes, they want more education."
"Seek knowledge, even if you have to go to China."
"The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge."
"Curiosity is so important, and it's something that I always make an effort to be the thing that I approach new information with."
"I'm always learning stuff, you know. I like information. I'm like an infomaniac."
"If you don't ask, you'd never know."
"Let me be a better person, be nicer to people, be more conscious, more thoughtful, let me obtain more information."
"When you have doubt, address the doubts, ask the people of knowledge, investigate for yourself."
"There's so much [__] happening with this world that I want to know more about."
"You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people."
"Ask hard questions because you deserve to know."
"I tend to, whenever there's a danger or fear, I want to know everything about it."
"Never stop seeking, never stop learning."
"I ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
"Being pious isn't enough; you got to pursue knowledge."
"You have to stand in the space of curiosity to be able to get that answer."
"Hey man, we don't have all the answers, but we love to start the conversation."
"Like homing pigeons to a loft we knew only from hearsay, we headed for the humanities and above all for literature."
"It's great that we're trying to figure it out even if we never get the right answer, it's just fun trying to figure that stuff out."
"All your time should be towards these two things: the worship of God and seeking more knowledge."
"The importance of reading clicked; it's the importance of seeking knowledge."
"You really expect me to go out into the world with little to no knowledge on how it works, who's in charge, or what's happening? You unsealed me, so I need you to help me."
"Relentlessly seeking knowledge, even though I was depressed, it was only a matter of time before I was gonna find some answers."
"Ask for wisdom, ask for knowledge."
"I've got a lot to learn, my friend, a lot to learn."
"If you have questions, you should ask."
"But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?"
"I am like a sponge; I want to know everything, and if I don't know it, I want to know it now."
"Oh please can we just sit at your feet some more, a little more, and get a little more of that great stuff?"
"To keep the inquisitive nature up, the longing to know, that is the job of the teacher."
"Curiosity will make you learn things that you don't know."
"Seek knowledge, don't just take things blindly."
"What could be more exciting than waking up every day enthusiastic to go out there and look for more knowledge?"
"I absolutely loathe the thought of going on with my life knowing nothing."
"You should never stop searching as long as you don't have all the answers."
"If you want to take some initiative, study, learn, seek knowledge, you will have a beautiful eBay career filled with bountiful sales."
"If you're not trying to consume knowledge from the greats, you're really hurting yourself quite a bit."
"Always seeking knowledge... spending time talking to experienced lifters, seeking the knowledge that's going to be key."
"I don't understand this; I cannot fathom this, and I want to know."
"I'm seeking out knowledge and information, and when I discover it, I find a certain formula for how I learned that skill and I'm just going to share it."
"An innocent curiosity turned into a craving for knowledge, a dive into the rabbit hole."
"I went to Egypt to seek knowledge, Arabic and Quran."
"I was always a reader, I was always in search of knowledge."
"You want to know the whys and the hows and will do whatever it takes to find answers."
"We start by saying I don't know and I want to know, and then we investigate."
"You have a thirst for knowledge and wisdom."
"Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse."
"Always be seeking out that knowledge because if you're not, then you're not growing."
"If you're thinking that you're going to go into seeking knowledge and it's everything's going to be comfortable for you, that you're not going to be tested... then you're going to be sadly mistaken."
"Make it easy for all of us to seek knowledge, to learn His religion, to get closer to Him, to implement what we learn, and to spread the message."
"I just love to know things. I like to be prepared for things."
"I want to learn more about this; I want to be in this environment learning from other people."
"When I was younger, man, it was a lot of stuff I wanted to know, and I was always searching for knowledge."
"The discomfort of not knowing is what impels us to go out and find the answer."
"Ran doesn't have all the answers, but she has all the questions."
"Muhammad was already trying to light a fire, man-made dimly lit illumination in the darkness, he was looking, he was seeking, he was searching for knowledge about Allah to connect with Allah."
"People have to want to really know the answer."
"You want to know the facts, you want to know the details."
"I'm always thirsty for knowledge."
"What we want and need as human beings is knowledge of the world around us."
"I was trying to deepen my knowledge; I was trying to learn as much as I could about the virus and how to combat the virus."
"Seeking knowledge is the Salah of the inner self."
"Ask questions and do your research."
"I love learning how everything works and trying to make it better."
"Someone please share your wisdom."
"Our discomfort with not knowing is what makes us seek answers."
"Seek knowledge about all things, and then through that, you'll find your direction."
"The responsible skeptic seeks to discover and to know."
"I'm always trying to expand my knowledge; I'm like a sponge. I need knowledge; my brain needs to be massaged."
"I think people have an innate desire to explore, to seek answers and knowledge about that which we do not already know about."
"The Quran says we should seek knowledge, study hard, and learn the mysteries of our world."
"The most successful people are the best students. The most successful people are hungry for knowledge."
"It's a proverb, and the message is good: you have to seek knowledge."
"I look for curiosity... waking up every day with a question why and never being satisfied with the answer."
"I'm such a researcher, I love it."
"Seek knowledge all the way to China."
"People are hungry, really hungry for more knowledge in general in life."
"Through humility to seek these realities, to seek always knowledges, to seek out an understanding."
"The angels beat their wings in approval of the seeker of knowledge."
"I'm here to learn as well. I don't claim to know everything."
"So much knowledge out there, but it's not going to come to you. You have to seek it out and you have to really actively look at it and look for it."
"I feel that you're at this place of expansion, seeking some type of knowledge."
"When things don't work, it's a perfect opportunity to do what most people don't spend enough time doing, which is actually trying to gain true knowledge."