
Breaking Cycles Quotes

There are 322 quotes

"Break generational curses. Speak life, speak love, speak bravery, kindness, and hope."
"My end goal is to break generational curses and create generational wealth."
"It's time to break free from negative cycles."
"Do you want to be strong enough to break this chain of hurt, or are you gonna be a link in this chain and pass the hurt on to somebody else?"
"I vowed at the age of like seven, eight years old that I wanted to be the one to break the poverty curse that existed in my family."
"I carried on the circle but with the intention of breaking the cycle."
"We have to be smarter. We have to break the cycle, and that's all in love."
"You are not destined to repeat the mistakes of your family."
"Don't get stuck in a cycle; break the cycle."
"I am going to get my ass up and work because this is not going to be my life. I am not going to create the same patterns that I've seen in my parents."
"I'm trying to break a cycle. If I came from a broken home and my kids are in a broken home, I didn't break that cycle."
"A wake-up call for me was years ago... a lady stood in line with her 12-year-old son... and said, 'The cycle ends here.'"
"What they call the generational curse is simply a cycle, and when you step out of that cycle, you're free."
"Are you really going to spend your whole life blaming your parents for all your actions, your negative traits, your negative habits, or are you going to take it as a way to grow from it, break the generational curse, and channel it into something good?"
"At some point, we have to break out of that cycle."
"This series has always been about breaking tradition or breaking cycles."
"It's crazy how that scenario kind of fit with him, and he's really the Tupac of the generation."
"Mercy is the key to getting you out of your pattern of dysfunction."
"You're breaking certain cycles in your life."
"You have the opportunity to break free from a part of your story that has been repeating."
"Breaking toxic cycles to manifest divinely appointed love."
"As history repeats itself, we are called to break the cycle of sin and despair by embodying The Hope, love, and transformation found in Jesus Christ."
"You're breaking some sort of a cycle in your family, in your friends, in your life."
"Every time the cycle repeats we get smarter and smarter and smarter, and it is only a matter of time until we finally break the cycle."
"We have to break the cycle and protect the children."
"Overall, Mob of the Dead is by far one of the best because if Weasel kills the three other characters, the cycle breaks."
"Entrepreneurs learn to break the cycle by innovating."
"To break generational patterns you have to be aware of your unhealthy unproductive dysfunctional destructive patterns and ways of being."
"How can generational curses be broken in the family?"
"You can grow up as a child of multiple divorces and you can break that generational cycle."
"They deserve so much more, you know, like this has been my life and this is my parents' life and this was their parents' life, and I'm just so ready to break that curse, that cycle."
"You're breaking the cycles, breaking the chains. This is no longer going to be a thing."
"I want today to be the day you break the cycle in your life."
"Breaking patterns in terms of ancestral trauma."
"One thing that's particularly tough for me is I'm trying to break the cycle of like being treated badly and then like it like a battered you know bringing it back in."
"You are awakening something in your bloodline, you are the cycle breaker."
"Everyone cries, you cry all the time, break that generational trauma."
"Ending the unhealthy cycle for a new beginning."
"Go after what you truly want in life. Stop going back to old situations that aren't serving you anymore."
"It's really owning your worth now and owning your value and creating, ending old cycles of thinking of where you were not valuing yourself the way you need to value yourself."
"As women, understanding our power to shape relationships and break generational curses."
"I'm waking up from a trance, getting out of a karmic cycle."
"Ancestral wisdom, breaking ancestral curses."
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You will break that cycle."
"I feel like something needs to stop repeating. You need to end a cycle."
"He's the one in his family who puts their hand up and says I'm breaking the chain."
"This cycle ends with you. You are the person that is going to change it moving forward, and nobody is going to have to continue to hide away in shame."
"I believe that we're going to break generational curses and in the process of breaking those generational curses we're going to introduce generational hope into our families."
"Cut the head off of that snake of generational curses."
"Recognize toxic patterns running your life, break away and be strong."
"So many of your ancestors are rooting for you to break the cycle."
"You can break the cycle and become a better person, become who you're meant to be instead of who you're supposed to be."
"She's legit trying to break some generational curses."
"You can break cycles and make a better shift in your life."
"It's your turn to play the odds and break the curse of random."
"You break the loop and then you come to your senses."
"It will relieve you, it will break the cycle."
"I want to break the cycle. I want to make sure I have a decent future for myself, my own family."
"This toxic family cycle will be broken one way or another."
"Did we break the cycle? Did we break the game?"
"The cycle of abuse and Trauma stops with you."
"Recovery means moving beyond that. It's breaking out of the cycle of life as a revenge fantasy or a proving fantasy."
"Breaking cycles within a family is a profound act of courage and transformation."
"Your ancestors are very proud of you for breaking some kind of generational cycle."
"And the key I suppose is just to break this cycle of self-loathing, break the cycle of staring at yourself in the lake and look around."
"Break the curse of dependency and codependency."
"So much of breaking the cycle of gaslighting is taking our power back."
"Some of you are cycle breakers, breaking toxic patterns."
"The cycle ends here. We must be better than this."
"You're going to break some [expletive] Cycles."
"You're releasing all of those old cycles and patterns so that you can step more into your own lion power."
"The Carabao Cup is a trophy, and it would break the cycle of no trophy in five years. There's an opportunity presenting itself."
"Break those things so your children won't have to."
"We're going to break some generational curses."
"They're always going to keep coming back in so long as you let them. It's you that's got to break the cycle, it's you that's got to create this transformation."
"It's very liberating to walk away from a cycle that wasn't working at all."
"It's time to break up these cycles that are not meant to be in alignment."
"Congratulations honestly, because you're breaking a cycle."
"It takes a strong mind to break from those cycles."
"Get off the merry-go-round of doubt or rumination."
"That's how you break the chain, that's how you break the cycle."
"You're breaking major toxic chains, old karmic chains as well."
"Don't give up because you're ending that cycle right now."
"The chain of exploitation must break at its strongest link."
"Cycles exist because they are excruciating to break. It takes an astronomical amount of pain and courage to disrupt a familiar pattern."
"The enemy won't leave until the curse is broken."
"You have the power within you to break that cycle."
"You are the generational curse breaker, breaking free of old patterns of insecurity and low self-worth."
"Breaking a powerful karmic cycle around insecurity and low self-worth is part of your journey."
"Are we going to allow ourselves to be called into past patterns or are we going to forge forward and create that entirely new reality?"
"This is literally you escaping the dream. Free yourself from the cycle of expectation."
"God is breaking the bondage of manipulation and abuse right now."
"Remember, you have already broken the generational chains."
"You just don't want history to continue to repeat itself. You want something meaningful in your life."
"Bondage is the price of slavery. That's why I want you to say, 'It ends with me.'"
"It's a beautiful tale of family resilience, of also a woman's resilience and also of like generational trauma and breaking generational trauma."
"How do you break a cycle? Well, you choose differently."
"There's definitely some sort of soul pattern that you guys had in a lot of lifetimes that you definitely are breaking right now like a bad karmic cycling."
"When you're the one that breaks that chain, there's so much generational energetic momentum behind those patterns of thinking."
"We're breaking free from broke, we're breaking the cycle, I think it's time."
"Your person is ready to end the cycle of darkness that they created."
"You have to do this while you are alive to break this cycle."
"I feel you breaking those karmic curses for some of you I wanted to say generational this pattern of codependency might be something that runs in your family's line but you're breaking free of these patterns."
"Yuji is refusing to abide by this cycle anymore."
"If you stay in a situation that makes you unhappy, down the line, it's gonna end up breaking the cycle."
"Change your focus to break free from negative cycles."
"You're cutting off cycles of anyone or anything that does not serve you."
"The devil is a liar, the cycle stops with you."
"You're exploring entirely new things that can help you break these cycles and patterns in your life."
"It's an energy of setting something free and freeing yourself from repeating mistakes of the past, getting trapped in situations."
"You're breaking cycles and undergoing transformation."
"I think Tick's plea to Montrose to break this generational cycle of abuse is profound."
"A single lottery ticket broke the hellish loop."
"Can we actually end this cycle this time, can we heal it?"
"You're breaking free from a cycle, ready to move on and move forward."
"Choose to get off that Ferris wheel... congratulations, you leveled up."
"I am as happy as can be and I successfully broke the cycle."
"If there's a chance to break that cycle somehow, bro, somehow, if there's some little silver lining."
"Your person is learning how to break the chain, ancestral patterns, healing, and rewriting the future."
"If you want to break that cycle, you go to the heart."
"It's time for you to break a cycle like this for yourself."
"We're rewriting the story; we're not repeating the mistakes of our parents, we're breaking a cycle."
"We have the power to step away from Cycles, we have the power to change the narrative and the direction that our life is going in."
"Whatever was done, break the cycle."
"If you are a twin flame, there is a very good chance you are also a generational curse breaker."
"Be the man you always needed. If your daddy ever failed you in some way, change it, break the cycle, be the [__] you always needed."
"Success to me was breaking a cycle at a young age, I knew that was the case because, you know what it's like with families, they repeat."
"You're trying to break generational curses. And it's not too late."
"Your love has changed me for the better. I'm breaking generational curses and moving forward to you."
"2020 is the year of change and it's time to change this generational curse that has been over Fort Hood."
"You are a generational curse breaker."
"You are living your life, you are breaking generational curses."
"Just break out of the toxic cycles."
"If you want to break out of the cycle of fear and anger, you have to break the wheel of churning negative thinking and emotion."
"One of the most absolutely noble things that a person can do in life is be a participant in stopping some of these generational cycles."
"Her ultimate revenge will be to break the cycle of violence that she was pulled into and to simply not become the kind of person who abused her."
"You're breaking generational curses, and you're definitely breaking free from this chaos."
"I am the chain breaker. I am the curse lifter."
"I don't want to be homeless anymore. I want to break this generational curse."
"The cycle got to stop somewhere, bro. And it's gotta be us to."
"You're ending this cycle here, you're finally getting an answer."
"I came up around a lot of that but I also think that's what made me a cycle breaker."
"Put a stop to a generational curse."
"I gotta break my cycle now. I'm not getting nothing."
"You get one life you get one opportunity it is time for the Cycles to be broken every cycle in your life that is not lifegiving but life taking it must be broken now"
"Seek to stop the pattern of generational curses."
"If you're breaking cycles, it's not just going to help you in your love life, it's going to help you in every area of your life."
"Breaking through that will break the generational curse."
"I broke the generational curse. So, the legacy is done."
"The number one way to break a cycle is to realize if you keep looking at what you're doing and just stay there, you're going to keep repeating it."
"Do not repeat the cycle; do not allow these things to continue."
"...just being like no like this is enough like this ends with me."
"It's like the ultimate pattern interrupt for breaking cycles that are in the body."
"Generational curses that I'm choosing to smash, stomp, and just destroy."
"I was born to break this generational curse."
"It's never going to end if you don't take accountability. You know, for the things that are keeping you in the cycle, and be the things that you've done while being in the cycle."
"We are breaking generational curses, we are breaking soul ties, we are breaking old stinking thinking."
"I will break this cycle only if you listen to me."
"I forgave him, man. I forgave him... you have to break that chain, you know what I mean? Breaks that, if it's in your family or it's something, you have to be able to break that chain. And the only way to do that is through God, man."
"We got to break these generational curses and behaviors."
"Now I'm like okay what do I do like I need to stop this cycle of what's going on."
"At some point, that cycle has to end."
"Just being willing to stand up to some of those big voices like grandparents and aunts and uncles and to just tell them that no, I'm going to do my life the way I want to do my life and I'm going to raise my kids differently. I'm going to break these cycles."
"You're going to be the first one to break the generational curse in your family."
"You ain't doing nothing new but breaking generational cycles."
"And you can break the generational curse that has happened to you by having Aly'Leuna know the love of her father consistently from here on out."
"You have what it takes to break the cycle."
"You have successfully completed a terrible cycle a challenging cycle and now you're on your way to something new"
"Thank you God that we're breaking generational curses."
"I broke the cycle in my family. I broke the cycle of welfare, of being uneducated, of an abusive relationship. I'm the only person in my family who really lives like this."
"You're the first to break generational curses."
"The only way to break this cycle is to give."
"How can I break this cycle that I'm in?"
"This is a reading today, so we're finding out how can you break the cycle that you were in."
"It's about breaking cycles of retaliation and showing a different, more compassionate way of living."
"You are ending some sort of negative cycle."
"You can be the one to break these cycles, to do better and become better."
"Sometimes you gotta break those cycles, bro, you do, but we are bringing those cycles, cultural, psychological, cultural cycles right that I think we're all bringing, like, sendy, [bleep] business owner out here, [bleep] thriving, doing their things, right, you know?"
"You're breaking generational curses and behaviors."
"Some of you are the curse breakers, the cycle breakers."
"Seeing my family stuck in that cycle of just working 9 to 5s and doing whatever they gotta do to survive, I felt like I was supposed to do something more, to break that cycle and show them we can actually get out there and do exciting things and not struggle every day."
"You're being rewarded because you took a risk here to end a cycle."
"I think it really is a time right now of breaking cycles like toxic cycles in so many different aspects of life right now."
"It's breaking the cycle, you know. Like it's very easy for, you know, the reason why kids often turn to drugs or whatever it's because they've seen their parents do it."
"Isn't this all about breaking the cycle, that whatever pain and suffering has happened to you, that you don't pass on?"
"It ran in the family until it ran into me, and I break that spirit of poverty off of my family."
"It ran in the family, until it ran into me. I'm breaking the cycle and planting a new family tree."
"I came from a cycle of broken women... why can't I be the person to fix the broken home cycle?"
"Many DID patients are excellent parents who have made commitments not to recreate the patterns of abuse that existed in their families of origin."
"I'm not recreating the cycles of my family; I'm coming out, I'm going to a higher level."
"I'm now a fierce advocate for women getting out and breaking the cycle."
"Generational curses can be broken, and if we come together and meet at some common ground."
"One of my biggest dreams in life is to fall in love, get married, have a happy and healthy relationship, raise amazing kids unlike the way I and my sister were raised, and break the cycle of abuse in my family."
"I'm not gonna continue this cycle."
"I had to forgive and move on in order to break the cycle with myself and my family."
"This is my chance to break the cycle."
"Generational Curse Breakers are called to end toxic patterns that haunt their family's history."
"She was determined to break this cycle."
"You can change your past if you want and you can also break generational cycles if you work really hard."
"I'm proof the cycle can be broken."