
Spiritual Relationship Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"I do see a very spiritual relationship coming into your guys' lives."
"I want to be the queen of taking care of my relationship with God. I want to be the queen of creating boundaries so that I can experience who God is calling me to become."
"Your relationship with Allah is the one thing that is 100% positive and shall not have any negatives."
"The miracle of the relationship is not just in the fact that He entered the story; it's who He was in that story that made a difference."
"If my daddy don't know me, if my mama don't like me... I found my daddy. God, you're my father, and I cry to you right now, Abba, Abba."
"Fall in love with Jesus and enter into covenant."
"It's time to truly embody and believe in a loving, divine relationship."
"Ruth and Boaz isn't about Ruth and Boaz, it's about Jesus and us."
"There's certainly a very deep spiritual connection here."
"What you need is a relationship, but you can only have it on God's terms."
"The most important thing to understand is who our Father is and what His nature is."
"Allow those moments to remind you that your truest need is for a relationship with Jesus."
"There's nothing like having a relationship with God."
"They have a magical, almost spiritual connection with you."
"He wants a relational communication as a father."
"When I'm right with God and we're close relationally close, a lot of things work out."
"When you really know Jesus, I want every person to know my God."
"We're talking about relationship goals but the first relationship goal that we all need is the relationship with God."
"It's a personal relationship with our Creator, the real one."
"I love it till the day I die because it sets me free every single time with the realization that you're my father and you love me."
"God's silence is not punishment, but it is a seed that you would recognize the weight of relationship with Him."
"If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." - Revelation 3:20
"Loneliness in singleness points to a greater relationship with our Savior."
"Jesus is your Master. You are a son and a daughter of the most high God."
"It's a relationship. Authority comes from your yieldedness and understanding your identity."
"Develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit."
"The most important relationship is your relationship with your soul and the Savior who died for it."
"A little way is the means of attaining sanctity by which the soul's supernatural relationship with its heavenly mother and father is modeled on the natural relationship that a little child has with its earthly mother and father."
"Abiding in Christ is not merely a one-time event but an ongoing process of cultivating our relationship with him."
"Channeling gives us the ability to find our own truth, our own personal relationship with creation."
"Christianity is a relationship based upon the merits of Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, rose again from the grave, and he invites you to know him personally."
"What He wants more than anything, is this just as you turn to Him and you draw near to Him, what He's gonna do is He's gonna draw near to you, like you've never experienced before."
"It's just like a relationship, it's not a religion."
"Jesus is after just one thing, he longs for you to give him your heart and enter into a relationship with him."
"When you remove all the barriers and you realize the greatness of the one who created you, you have a one-to-one direct relationship with Him."
"The favor in my life comes from the intimacy with God or the relationship that I've established with him."
"At the very core of their intimacy with God was a genuine heart for obedience to his desires."
"Nobody else can add to or take away from that relationship. In and of itself, provides identity, purpose, and meaning. It also provides love and a sense of justice."
"Whomever God wants you to be with will keep your mind at peace."
"Usually, the twin flame that is considered to be awakening first is also most often the divine feminine."
"Whatever the truth about Jesus and Mary's physical relationship, the Gospel of Philip clearly suggests they shared a strong spiritual connection."
"You have my whole affection, devotion, and trust, and I put my whole confidence in you, my God, my savior, and my Lord."
"I am a kind and loving God who still loves you."
"It's not about surviving; it's about getting to know you, Jesus, in hard times."
"The fact that you have a relationship with God means that you might be willing to work on yourself in every season of your life."
"The Bible is God’s never-ending love story for us."
"I found a deep relationship with the Lord I never had before."
"I want to draw you closer to myself more than I want to use you to draw others close to me."
"He wants your heart. Jesus wants your heart."
"No longer fearing death, you're building a relationship with Allah."
"If we're serious about engaging to do what our Blessed Mother said in Fatima, avert war and bring peace to the world, then we need to deepen our relationship with God now."
"The power's in the relationship, the proximity to God, and the pattern of living after entering those covenants."
"Your relationship with God should not be based on what he gives you but rather on who God is."
"Come on, you're getting closer to the day where you're going to marry Me, and I want you to experience Me now."
"I'm definitely in a relationship with God all times." - Tinashe
"What makes you different is you have a Father in heaven that is jealous over you."
"We're so tiny, and yet He wants to have a relationship with us."
"The Holy Spirit is not a ghost, in the sense of a spirit that doesn't have a personality, but He is a person that you can grieve."
"In Jesus, there is a relationship worth everything because He is everything."
"Once the chaser takes their attention back onto themselves and stops thinking about their twin flame, that's when you call your twin back to you."
"This is definitely a soulmate connection. Maybe a twin flame."
"Your relationship with God affects your intimacy with your spouse."
"I am your forgiveness, your beloved, your eternal life, healing, and redemption."
"It's about God simply wants to be in relationship with us, redeeming, establishing, and perpetuating the Covenant, coming into God's presence, and learning his law."
"Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with you."
"God created us to have fellowship with him... without any hindrance."
"They're afraid to lose you as a result of these strong feelings."
"They want to give to you, to create a beautiful life together."
"A never-ending story with someone you've known before in a past life."
"You want God to be real with you, then you come on back and be real with him."
"Rejecting Jesus is rejecting the forgiveness of your sins from God, you're rejecting relationship with God."
"The Lord is our Shepherd, and we need a relationship with him through Jesus Christ, his son."
"It's so much more about God, like if you just allow Him in and just let Him love you."
"What will make my Ramadan the best? Your relationship with Allah."
"The most important relationship you can have is with Jesus Christ."
"God reveals that he is not a talisman or a therapist, but a father."
"Faith is about hope, it's not about what we have in our hands."
"Establish a strong relationship with God because this world is filled with deception."
"I know who my papa is, I know who the creator of the heavens and the Earth is, he's my daddy."
"It's all about relationship, it's all about being filled with the Holy Spirit just practically."
"You feel this very powerful multi-dimensional connection."
"Once I do that God's going to take care of the rest but in order to know what he's telling you to do what he's telling me to do we have to be in relationship with him."
"Your relationship with God is the most vital part of being a child of God."
"Your relationship is with our creator, not with these institutions."
"My relationship with Jesus, I'm just falling more and more in love."
"God shares His power with those who are completely His."
"I used to think of Jesus as someone I was afraid of...now he's my best friend." - Ryan's son
"We believe in having a relationship with Jesus, not religion."
"Moses enjoyed an unusually close relationship with God throughout his life."
"God wants a man to love Him because He wants to love him."
"It's not about you getting more of the Holy Spirit, it's about the Holy Spirit getting more of you."
"How we are with God will govern how we are with each other."
"God wants to lead you personally in your life."
"He comes with a sword, not cuz he's an angry God, but to cut away anything that threatens our relationship with him."
"But be a lover of Christ in that. Be kind to him. Love him well."
"God takes pleasure in fellowshipping with humanity, despite our weaknesses."
"God's design is not to give you obstacles that are a wedge between you and Him."
"You should be scared if you don't have a real relationship with God."
"Transformation of your relationship to God and your relationship to fate."
"If you don't have a right relationship with Jesus, you're going to be left behind."
"When you develop that relationship with God he will show you your future."
"Faith is not rubbing a lamp and having the genie come out. Faith is having a close enough relationship with Christ that you trust his will in all things."
"Value your relationship with Him and He is gonna bless you for it."
"Because God's daughters need to be loved like Christ loves the church."
"So through those moments that you um do those things and you give God an opportunity to pull through and prove himself to you... then you start to fall in love with with him."
"Jesus wants to know you. There's no way outside of His blood."
"Prayer is like a vehicle... I don't glorify prayer, I glorify my relationship with God."
"Relationship with Jesus is the source of the flow."
"I fell in love with the idea of having Him as a Father."
"Twin flame is not this romanticized relationship; it's actually a relationship that brings major change to each person."
"He wants us to know Him and He wants to know us personally, intimately."
"Jesus didn't come to create a new religion. He came that you might know the Father."
"This connection definitely goes deeper than chemical or survival, this is a soul bond."
"Baptism not only removes original sin, it makes God your father."
"This is a soulmate connection, moving toward a sacred union."
"Let everyone in the sound of my voice start just talking to you like their best friend, you will take it from there."
"Your connection is really deep; I feel it's a soul connection."
"Nothing gets between me and my relationship with Jesus Christ."
"God has standards and boundaries; He tells us how He wants to be loved."
"The core of your relationship with God is intimacy. That's all he wants, is your love and your time."
"How a person relates to God is how they will relate to you."
"I always say almost because I feel like your relationship with god should be even stronger than your relationship with your significant other."
"God is such a loving father and he listens to what we say he knows our hearts he has our feelings there's always a God that stands waiting with his arm stretched out it loves you he'll hear your prayers and he will take care of your children."
"A whole lot of religion but no relationship."
"This relationship is more divine than any you'll ever have and you'll ever know."
"You keep walking with him, even when it all makes no sense. This is how you develop your relationship."
"This is a true powerful unconditional love, this is soul mate or twin flame energy."
"My relationship with the Almighty, my relationship with Jesus is what provides me with all the peace I'm ever going to need."
"How awesome is that when we are able to just have a relationship with the one true God through Jesus Christ and we become this new creation."
"I don't have a religion with God I have a relationship with God."
"Me and My Father had this relationship. And now Me and you Mary, Me and the church have this relationship."
"You rose from the dead to give me a place in heaven, a purpose on Earth, and a relationship with your father."
"If we draw near to him, he draws near to us."
"You have someone living in you who knows the will of God for your life. If you want to get to know the will of God, get to know the Holy Spirit."
"The Holy Spirit speaks. He can speak to you. He wants to speak to you."
"An amazing relationship with the Holy Spirit."
"I don't want religion I want relationship I want connection I want to be hooked up with the one who died for me."
"Our relationship with the Holy Spirit requires the same level of care and consideration as our relationships with fellow human beings."
"What would our world look like if we started going like if our relationship with God was in such a healthy place that we weren't waiting for him to be a rescuer but he was preparing us before the storm came."
"When we said 'I do,' what we really meant was 'I die'—you die to everything that separates you from intimate, personal, loving relationship with Christ."
"This is so much bigger than what we realized; this is about your relationship with God."
"I want to taste the sweetness of having a relationship with Allah subhana wa tala."
"True love is a relationship with God."
"Everything about Jesus is about your belief of Him."
"God will never deny you; He just wants your heart."
"At the end of the day, the only thing that will matter in my life for all eternity is that I will be able to say, I knew Him and I know Him and bless God, I will know Him into all eternity."
"Our fellowship with the father and the son brings joy."
"If you have a vibrant relationship with God... that causes character and integrity."
"It is just discovering that you can have an actual one-on-one relationship with your Creator and that you can know the joy and the peace, and the beauty that God created us to know."
"The trajectory of everything you do in life is dependent upon your relationship with Allah."
"I realized no one will ever love me more than Him."
"The question is going to be, 'Are you a friend of Jesus? Have you drawn close to Him?'"
"Jesus is not calling us to an experience; he's calling us to a relationship with him."
"When you have a relationship with God or start to try to have a relationship with God, it's like you have hope and you have peace."
"Eternal life is to know Him, to come into this intimacy relationship."
"You do not have to settle for simply knowing about God; you can love God."
"Jesus is legitimately our best friend here on Earth."
"A divine soul counterpart relationship is blessed with amazing moments of synchronicity."
"He wanted someone just like you, but He wants you to love Him because indeed He loves you."
"He loves you. What He wants from you more than anything else is that love returned."
"Get to know the Father; He's the most wonderful person that you can ever know."
"You have to seek a relationship with the Father."
"It's not based on who my parents are; it's based on who my Father is."
"Watch for synchronicity, because this is a divine soul relationship and it's blessed."
"Religion or relationship? I like relationship."
"Jesus is the bridegroom who loves us, his bride."
"This type of stuff only has made my faith and my relationship with God, my spirituality, and my connection to myself stronger."
"We only know God when we need something, we only love God when we need something, we only pray to God when we want something from God."
"If you ever commit yourself to Him and establish that relationship the way you're supposed to, I guarantee you, you will give Him everything you've got because He's given us everything He has."
"I think the thing that has kept me close with the Lord is just finally realizing how easy it is to know him and to love him and to be his friend."
"Jesus Christ himself entered into that experience and he calls us to abide in him and to experience that loving relationship with him and with others."
"God doesn't need you, He desires you, He wants you."
"Our friendship with Him produces companionship, encouragement, support, joy, communication, edification; all this we receive in a relationship with Jesus."
"We need local church that has sanctuaries that are full of men and women that have relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ."
"We might be witnesses of you, Lord, and be the channels through which the thirsty world might find the answer to the deep thirst in their lives for the meaningful relationship with God."
'Jesus said, "I no longer call you as a servant; I call you as a friend."'
"Jesus became my daddy, he became my mother and my father, he became everything to me."
"If you want His attention, you have to give Him some attention."
"Jesus loves you, God loves you, and He wants to have a relationship with you."
"I realized that Pooh was me and God was Christopher Robin."
"It's all about bringing me into a closer relationship with God."
"The father of the believers is also the god of Jesus Christ as well."
"Each individual in the personal stories describes in his own language and from his own point of view the way he established his relationship with God."
"Just as my father has loved me, I too have loved you; stay in my love."
"God reached out in love when I was in rebellion."
"The heat does come, the trials do come, but what would they be if we didn't have that secret relationship with God?"
"I know Jesus Christ not meaning by that scientifically or mathematically I can prove Christ to you, no, but rather meaning by that I've had a spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ for over 35 years."
"I'm grateful for the access to Your presence that You've given me."
"The Master will become everything to you."
"The way that you connect with God is very intimate in your relationship."
"I have a relationship with God, and that is very helpful in spiritual practice."
"The Sabbath was created... it enhances, develops, and protects a person's relationship with God."
"That divine romance, that dance with God, that delight in him because we realize he delights in us."
"True Christianity is about relationship with God."
"When you have a relationship with God, he allows you to see life."
"You are created to hear God's voice in relationship with Him."
"You listen because you actually care about a person's well-being and the state of their relationship with the Lord."
"Dear God on high, I want thee to be my God, and I want to be thy faithful son."
"The abounding love He has for those who trust Him."
"When you develop this new relationship, His Spirit bears witness with your spirit."