
Ups And Downs Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Life has its ups and downs; we kind of all just go through these crazy transitions."
"Life is like a roller coaster, there are literally ups and downs involved in it."
"Life really has so many ups and downs, it's wild."
"There's going to be bumps in the road and peaks and valleys, but when the community is airtight, you get through the tough times and enjoy the good times."
"Things are never perfect, but it's the ability to persevere through the ups and downs."
"Life's all about cycles. You win some, you lose some."
"You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you have good days, sometimes you have not good days." - Jack
"We're all on a continuum; we all experience the ups and downs."
"The chances of you to face some minor ups and downs in your love life are seen."
"We've got our ops, we've had our downs but it was a lot of fun like so much."
"Let's be real, all of us have highs and lows."
"Sometimes we have good days, some days we have bad days, and it's okay."
"Progress is never linear, there are ups and downs, it's a journey."
"Life is beautiful, and yes, it has its ups and downs."
"Life is life, even when it's good and even when it's bad."
"Slow it down, dreams still yours if you want it; enjoy the ride, 'cause those ups and those downs is what makes it worth the while."
"The road to recovery isn't linear and it's filled with ups and downs."
"Enjoy the ride along the way; you're going to have good periods and bad periods."
"Everything went so bad, and then everything went so good."
"Every time there's like you have this monumental achievement in your life... you're like down for a little bit, you know, just part of it. There's ups and downs."
"Jesus typically makes you better at life and your life better, but sometimes it gets worse before it gets better."
"It's truly a roller coaster of a career, one of the most fascinating ones out there."
"You're on a journey... there's going to be up days and there's going to be down days."
"It's the playoffs; there's going to be ups, there's going to be downs. That's what makes it amazing, that's what makes it fun."
"This season was like a Katy Perry song. You're hot and you're cold, you're yes then you're no, you're in then you're out."
"Throughout their almost 100 years of producing cartoons, the Walt Disney Animation Studio has had many ups and downs."
"Love with all its ups and downs leaves a lasting mark on our lives."
"This season has had the UPS, the Downs, The Twist, the turns, people saying yes, people saying no. We've had the fairy tale, we've had the nightmare situations. This season has really been quite an entertaining one."
"It's just like any other family, a roller coaster ride. There's ups and downs but in the end, we're still family."
"There's a lot of ups, there's a lot of downs, you just gotta be smooth and you'll be all right."
"Well, it's been quite a roller coaster not the day for nanu at least he has a few beverages he had a good time."
"Sure, we had our fair share of ups and downs, but to tell you the truth, I relished every minute of the process."
"...thank you so much for coming with us on this part of our journey it certainly had its ups and its downs."
"You got your ups, you got your downs. It all evens out at the end. Go through your frustrations, work through them, and then boom, the next one is just pure enjoyment and awesomeness."
"We all experience these highs, these lows because that's just how life is."
"Growth isn't just straight up, you know, you got to have some up and downs and I definitely think that's what I've experienced, but I've loved every minute of it."
"That's life. It's wonderful at times and then it sucks at times."
"This is a journey that's going to have ups and downs."
"Having longevity is really, really rare. It's not only a relationship between two people, but it's all four of us over a long period of time, many, many ups, so many downs."
"The wheel of fortune turns evermore, seemingly to communicate that life is made up of both good and bad times."
"Embrace the process. Nothing is going to be great all the time and nothing's going bad all the time. But overall when you embrace the ups and the downs as a process... the process is a very, very beautiful thing."
"The last days had been a whirlwind of peaks and valleys... beautiful family memories and mosquito invasions just to name a few."
"The story of Derrick Rose's career is full of triumphant highs and devastating lows."
"Life is crazy, you always have these rollercoaster rides ups and downs and all that fun stuff."
"It's been the best of Summers and the worst of Summers for Italian football."
"Life pretty good it had its ups and downs right now we it up so that's good"
"Every trip has its ups and downs."
"There is love after disappointment, and I want the new birds, the new couples, like Sean and Don, to know they're signing up for the good and the bad. But if the love is there, I promise you, it's worth it."
"It's a journey and it's up and down and up and down."
"They do love each other for sure, but they have their ups and downs."
"But I still have odd days... But that's life. That's everybody, you know. That's like, we can't be happy all the time."
"Life's full of ups and downs, ups and downs like a rodeo."
"Understand that life is a journey, so enjoy the trip. It's going to have some ups and downs but enjoy the trip."
"It means a lot. I've had some up and down moments in my career."
"I've been on both sides of the coin. I've been the guy that had all of it. I've been from the penthouse to the outhouse, baby. You know, I'm dining with kings and queens, and I slept in the alley eating porks and beans."
"Life is just a series of peaks and troughs."
"Life be life and sometimes, so you just gotta enjoy the ups and downs of this [__]."
"One minute you're the hero, the next minute you're down."
"It's the ups and downs... the pros and cons of being yourself."
"Life is crazy huh? I bet there's a lot of ups and downs happening right now in everybody's lives."
"Things got both better and worse over the next few months."
"Life always has its Peaks and its valleys you know."
"Despite all the ups and downs, she is getting it done for real."
"It was a great day, albeit one that started with some sadness."
"Prince William and Kate Middleton have been on a roller coaster ride of Love since they met back in 2001."
"It's a constant journey. The ups and downs. Yeah, yeah."
"Life has both ups and downs, just enjoy the ride with a smile on your face."
"It's up and down, up and down. Bumpy ride. The post-awakening through no self-realization is quite a bumpy ride, generally speaking."
"True love is hard, and it always has its ups and downs."
"Life tends to be a kind of moving up and down process. You have moments of enormous joy and moments of absolute despair."
"Life is full of ups and downs, and I hope people can connect with that."
"Boat life is a roller coaster of highs and lows."
"Almost everybody experiences good days and bad days and good moments and bad moments."
"Throughout history, there's these ups and downs, and we're going to keep going through it."
"For every amazing high in life, there is always an amazing low."
"...every team has their highs and every team has their lows..."
"Growth is not linear, definitely has it ups and downs."
"Life is ups and downs. That's my down now I gotta get back up."
"An astonishing competition full of ups and downs, makes, misses, losses, and wins."
"Every relationship has ups and downs. If you expect to be in a relationship where it's gonna be happy 24/7, then you have the wrong idea."
"Motivation is not always constant. You're always going to have ups and downs."
"...because no matter how much I want to bring you the positive and the successful upcycles and remakes Life Is Life and where we have the highs we have the lows because that's just part of the journey."
"I've had my ups and downs, but the beautiful thing about show business is the opportunity to share all the love of my heart with you, my audience."
"Life will serve you up a great variety of highs and lows."
"I'm so blessed to have the people, you know, my family and my friends around me that support me through my UPS and my downs."
"Some days you go out and nothing goes right and that's frustrating. Other days, whatever, it just clicks and that's what keeps it fun."
"You could only do all of this one time so you may as well whatever happens be like that is part of the story and stories have ups and downs or they'd be rather boring."
"Life is a series of ebb and flows."
"When things were good, they were very good, but when things were bad, they were terrible."
"It's been a roller coaster of the last few hours."
"Good times are followed by bad which are then followed by good again."
"Life is on a scale of up and down, sometimes your guides are saying it's not like a straight line."
"Your experience with women has been a lot of ups and downs."
"It's gonna be a roller coaster of a ride, you know? There's gonna be highs and lows."
"Life is a journey full of hills and valleys."
"Had a whole lot of ups but I had some downs too."
"When it's good, it's very, very good. And when it's bad, maybe it's even worse than if you hadn't bothered."
"Life gets better and life gets worse, and it's a continuous roller coaster all the time."
"Every friendship comes with its ups and downs, right best friend?"
"Every relationship has its good and bad."
"As humans, we go through so many ups and downs, so many good seasons, bad seasons."
"It just shows you what life is about. There are good times and there are bad times."
"Their passionate romance was complex, with plenty of ups and downs behind the scenes."
"It starts out wow and then it just goes south towards the end of the day, but anyways, this is me now."
"You have to have bad times because you can't appreciate good times if everything's just a flat line."
"It's not always an upward trajectory. It has its Peaks and it has its troughs. It's just how you choose to deal with it."
"...there's ups and downs there's good parts there's bad parts."
"Being a parent is probably like the greatest thing you can ever do you'll have your ups you'll have your downs you'll have terrible twos teenagers but you know this is a legacy that I'm gonna pass on."
"I've had a pretty tumultuous ups and downs threw up merely."
"It was a bit of a roller coaster."
"The journey is amazing, it's good, it's bad, it's everything that it should be."
"A roller coaster because it goes up and it goes down and it has lots of twists and turns."
"Big smile from Jeff gross he was up then he was all the way down and now he's back."
"Disney's had its ups and downs and I would definitely say this was the peak of one of its ups."
"Life has been good, but mentally for me, it's been up and down."
"I would so much rather have the ups and have the downs than just have this stagnant line of living."
"It's about saying here's an interesting journey, an interesting life, and it has its ups and its downs and many lessons along the way."
"Everyone's life is kind of like this. It's got ups and downs and ups and UPS a bit more and then down a bit kind of thing like that."
"this was such an incredible roast and journey like it had its ups and it had its downs"
"That was an emotional roller coaster."
"Overall it's been a great year in the fandom full of remarkably fun toys, but the lows were impressively down in the dumps trying to tank the whole average."
"Life is like a roller coaster, it has ups and downs."
"That's life, you win some, you lose some."
"That's the reality of being a Trader, there are ups and there are Downs."
"You're gonna have good days and you're gonna have bad days."
"It's been a magical journey, major ups and downs."
"Everybody gets high, everybody gets low."
"Marriage is like a roller coaster ride, right? It really is."
"The idea of having higher and lower ups and downs and having deeper purpose and meaning is something I would take a million times over a stagnating just feeling of being okay."
"Love is lost and love is found; it gets you high then pulls you down."
"One goes up, one goes down, such is life."
"Life goes up and it goes down, I know my mom taught me that."
"Life is a roller coaster of going up and down, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad."
"One day you can be on top of the world, and then the next day you could be as low as a gutter rat."
"That's life of being an athlete, you have some very good days and you also have some very bad days."
"Sometimes in life, it's like an elevator goes up, sometimes it goes down."
"You have the ups and downs, and just wait, because after every up there's a down at some point for all of us."
"Life is a roller coaster; those ups are great, but those downs will get you."
"Your journey won't be linear; you're gonna have ups and downs."
"You're gonna have good days, you're gonna have bad days."
"You're going to have some good days, you're going to have some bad days."
"Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down."
"This series has been such a roller coaster."
"We really spent our lives on a roller coaster."
"Friendship is like an elevator; it brings you up, it brings you down."
"My career has been like a roller coaster."
"Life is about struggle, life is about heartbreak; you win and you lose, you're up and you're down."
"Life is a roller coaster and it has highs and lows."
"You're riding high in April, shot down in May."
"We've had some fabulous time, we've had some ups and downs, but overall, we've had a great time."
"You have to be humble when you're a fighter pilot because there are days you're gonna win and there's days you're gonna lose."
"Life is like a big merry-go-round. You're up and then down, going in circles trying to get to where you are."
"You have good days and bad days and you just have to really push through it."
"It started good and then it went bad and then it went good. That's a journey."
"We love sharing this journey with you guys, the highs, the lows, the profit or the loss."
"It's been the best of times, it's been the worst of times."
"That's life, that's what all the people say. You're riding high in April, shot down in May."
"It's all a ride. It goes up and down, and then you get off."
"There are going to be good days and there are going to be bad days."
"There's gonna be good days, there's gonna be bad days, there's gonna be sad days, there's gonna be static happy days."
"When he was good, we was good; we was bad, we was real bad, but I really adored the good times."
"Sometimes you get real shitty weeks, and then fast forward a month later, best week of your life."
"Life is good, life is... you know, it's good when it's on the up, when it's on the down, don't seem like it."
"Life is a roller coaster, it goes up and down, but it's beautiful."
"There are highs and lows, there are ebbs and flows."
"Life is a circle; one day you're up, the next day you're down."
"Life really is a roller coaster, full of good moments and crappy moments."
"I'm sorry for everything, the ups and downs."
"Life really is a series of ups and downs, wonderful ups followed by a few challenging downs."
"Life can present itself like a game of chutes and ladders that brings you down only to lift you up."
"Success is like a roller coaster."
"You got good days, you got bad days, and it's not real if it doesn't have any bad days."
"It's almost better for them to see the ups and downs and the vulnerability because it allows them to have that space to have that volatility in their own lives."
"Life is a little bit like a roller coaster; the good bits are really, really good, and the bad bits are really, really bad."
"Like brothers, you have your ups and your downs."
"You've had a lot of ups and downs with this person, Aquarius, and through the ups, you've developed a bond with them."
"What would life be if you weren't on a roller coaster? Because when they go down, they've got to go back up again."
"Love is work, and there are some moments that are great and some moments that are challenging."