
Customs Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"They possess a set of strange customs, beliefs, and practices that have sent shivers down the spines of even the most daring explorers."
"What does customs closure mean? It refers to the operation of turning Hainan into an external region within China."
"Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way across the room; nor know how to conduct myself in any circumstances, nor what to feel in any relation of life." - William Hazlitt
"Cultural differences are not just about color, but about customs and experiences."
"That's how we do things here. Welcome, right?"
"Don't put your chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, it can be seen as an offering to the deceased."
"Wet towels, or 'oshibori,' are a uniquely Japanese custom, offering a refreshing start to a meal."
"Nobody at Customs is qualified to tell the difference between counterfeit and original parts. They'll just block everything if Samsung gets what they want."
"This was the beginning of customs."
"Culture covers so many different things... language barrier... Traditions... attitudes to the Sexes... attitudes towards work and Leisure."
"According to the customs of the grasslands all slaves and captives should be executed to prove the Mongolian's military achievements but tagin did not do so."
"This is truly an awe-inspiring reimagining of Japanese history and customs along with the central narrative."
"...after passing through customs for sea trials in the south china sea, adjustments need to be made and carried out in the docks."
"Customs put a reason to restriction; they ground us in our own reality."
"I love hearing what other people think about England. It's so weird we have different Customs."
"Do not act following customary beliefs."
"Nobody get through customs, Karl."
"You can protect it with Face ID and a pin, but when you're returning back to the United States, electronically fill out your customs form here in the app."
"It appears to be some type of tradition."
"Have you brought any fruits or vegetables onto the planet?"
"We decorate Christmas trees and burn them down and we shoot a bunch of fireworks and stuff."
"Well ladies and gentlemen that's the way it's done in Egypt."
"...to ask someone to loose your sandals was like... you don't ever do that."
"In terms of the morals of what they do, they know it's wrong, however they said that it's also part of their tradition and their customs to steal and to pickpocket."
"Interest provided by other law enforcement agencies led Customs officers to a shipping container in Melbourne."
"Customs was satisfied Tony was not attempting to import drugs."
"Dressing well and presenting oneself with care were not just social customs but also spiritual practices emphasized by the Prophet Muhammad."
"What a wondrous custom! So you dip the meat in the water and cook it yourself?"
"Beware distractions disguised as harmless customs."
"I just hate going through their customs and the yeah I had to pay with them too bro I know what they got me they got me like green like I'm I'm summoning the system every time I number come up green he gonna pay."
"You gotta use the spoon you gotta it's how they do it in Italy."
"In modern America, companies have the power to make changes to our customs and how our holidays are understood because commercialism has a much greater grip on our lives than religion does."
"This is the way, Mandalorian isn't super dedicated to his customs and stuff."
"The Israelites also copied the customs and religious practices of other nations. There is nothing new under the sun."
"Clearing into Customs was a really mellow experience."
"That's the custom set: the Hollow Moss Christmas, the Halloween Christmas golf custom set."
"The people of England think themselves free, but choose what is customary in preference to their inclination until it does not occur to them to have any inclination except for that which is customary."
"In order to get practice permission to enter the country... you fly the yellow flag under the local courtesy flag."
"Customs offices aboard Searcher are patrolling the deserted Waters of the Atlantic in Winter. These custom ships are the front line against International drug smugglers."
"One detail that I really liked is Amir being shoeless throughout the event. This is actually a game ritual called choo choo chuptai in which the groom's shoes are stolen and the crew must beg or pay ransom to get them back before he can leave the venue."
"In other words, when a woman's husband was being cremated, it was the woman's duty as part of the funerary custom to throw herself on the fire and be burned along with him."
"The traditions of it are some of my favorites."
"We practice the old ways, the original ways."
"Even the way you dispose of them is very specific."
"He's gonna have to get through customs, can you imagine him explaining why he's there?"
"Some traditions I think are really nice but yeah if you don't like a tradition you don't have to do it."
"Don't always tip... tipping isn't required in Australia and that's mainly because their minimum wage is the highest in the world."
"Throwing an apple at someone in ancient Greece was done to declare one's love."
"Hitherto the animals on the farm had had a rather foolish custom of addressing one another as comrade. This was to be suppressed."
"I think they're fun and really fun Customs for the collection."
"Our ancient ancestors had many ways of parting with their dead loved ones."
"Everybody just leave everybody alone, you have your own customs, you know, one isn't better than another, one religion isn't better than another."
"By learning about these customs, we not only avoid unintentionally causing offense but also deepen our connection with the people and their beautiful culture."
"Every country has its own customs and culture, and my opinion is if you are living in that country, you are living within that culture; you need to adapt to that culture."
"Gratuities are not expected or accepted, reflecting the Japanese custom."
"Burial goods in Chinese tombs were meant to serve the deceased in the afterlife."
"Chimbu culture is known for many unique rituals and customs, mainly associated with the expulsion of evil spirits and the cult burial of the dead."
"The Mosuo are distinguished by their culture, customs, and traditional clothing."
"He is very willing to respect other customs and cultures."
"It's tradition to throw rice, not tomatoes for a wedding."
"By Smurfs, it looks like some customs are the same the world over."
"Because this place preserves the most primitive things of the customs and traditions of ethnic minorities."
"The 19th century changed the face of customs; innovation, speed, traditions were altered rapidly."
"It is generally frowned upon to do any noisy housework on Sunday."
"I wore white to my brother's funeral."
"We are officially in Morocco, through customs and all."
"It is a folk custom to burn paper mansions and servants for the deceased elderly so that they will not be lonely, often including paper children for companionship."
"Correct and improve, renounce your old customs whenever you find better."
"Culture is the way we do things around here."
"Write my curses in cursive, I get accustomed to a customer you ain't accustomed to going through customs."
"The government, the economy in the Philippines will simply not succeed if we cannot collect duties, tariffs, etc., through the Bureau of Customs."
"You should probably just make sure you know the rules concerning greeting, eating, and touching people."
"It's customary for a fella to send flowers to a girl, isn't it?"
"When you're in Rome, you do as the Romans do."
"It is all according to the traditions of the church."
"What do you say after a prayer? Amen."
"Our funerals take place within a week of death."
"The one who pours the drink should be the one who drinks last."
"Respect the different races' customs," Letho whispered.
"Really, really impressed with these customs."
"How you treat your dead is a symbol of your true faith."
"Tradition is such a weird tradition because it's tradition."
"Greeks typically did not drink their wine neat; they thought it was barbaric."
"Tipping in the U.S. is traditionally between 15 and 20 percent at a sit-down restaurant."
"Just because you caught the bouquet doesn't mean you have to get married; it isn't a law, it's a custom."
"I know but little of your customs here upon Barsoom, Dejah Thoris, but I do know that I love you."
"Only one of them will be crowned a Total Wipeout champion and have an awful lot to declare when they go back through British customs."
"Cultural relativity is the idea that people in different cultures have different customs, traditions, norms, and values."
"Living in Asia all my adult life, I can tell you with 200% certainty, there is no tipping."
"The diners cut their food with daggers and eat it in the approved 15th century manner with their fingers."
"There are so many different ways to be American... there are so many more customs than just the white or American ones."
"Showing customs that you are trying to comply is going to go miles in your favor."
"Have your own traditions and routines."
"I am grateful for this opportunity, and I hope you enjoy reviewing my Customs."
"A British Customs official would never open a lady's lingerie case."
"I love when I send out customs, and I get back that's so wholesome."
"My Christmas tradition is completely different... we celebrate Christmas on the Christmas Eve."
"Do not be conformed to this world, this age, fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs."
"The night meals of Rosh Hashanah are special because we do something called the Simanim."
"It's traditional to use a white tablecloth for Shabbat."
"All these customs and liberties that we have granted shall be observed in our kingdom insofar as concerns our own relations with our subjects."
"The primary sources of law for us are treaties and customary international law."
"The key with anything we do when we're talking about customs and customs compliance is you must have support from upper management."
"There's a tradition that goes on."
"Customs might be different, but the heart of the men and women of the world is the same."
"The practice of going door to door in pursuit of sweet treasures transitioned into a Halloween staple now known by the famous phrase 'trick or treat'."
"Don't mock a guest nor spit on the entrance."
"Each country has its own customs and laws. And it's very interesting."
"In Brazil, handshakes tend to last significantly longer than their American counterparts."
"Culture is the ideas, customs, social behavior and general feeling of particular people in the society."
"It's tradition, they follow a tradition."
"That's what people do when people die, you know, you want to send gifts."
"This might not be the most traditional wedding on record, but we can still observe some of the old customs."
"People enjoy wearing bright robes especially for dancing and competitive games."
"It is a custom more honoured in the breach than the observance."
"...by our customs, we do not kill the conquered, let his friends bear him hence."
"Jorah always knew the customs of the people, he always gave her the right advice."
"In Spain, if somebody opens up something, they offer it to whoever's around."
"I love the diversity in all these customs."
"It's not about changing me, there's just certain customs that are respectful for me too."
"Taking off your shoes in Japan is a shock."
"It's easier to get some help, especially when it comes to customs or certain requests."
"It's a very cute airport though, and we went through Customs immigration very quickly, like took 2 minutes, it was really nice and easy."
"When you're in Rome, do as the Romans do."
"The manners and customs of insects are immutable."
"I'm just so excited to do more Customs; it's one of my favorite things that I ever did."