
Life Navigation Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Specifying a destination and developing a vision are synonymous in navigating life."
"Our intuition is a powerful ally in navigating the complexities of life, often leading us to paths of abundance and fulfillment."
"Well, we all have some degree of anxiety in us, right? We all have some awareness that we're navigating the world and not everything is perfect."
"Everything contributes to the development of your own wisdom, and while you can apply logical wisdom to the navigation of life’s many hurdles - emotional wisdom is just as important."
"You calling the shots; you deciding how you want to navigate your life."
"Wisdom is the ability to navigate life and perceive the true nature of a thing."
"We need other people to help us navigate through life's challenges."
"Without friends, it's very hard to navigate life."
"Fear attracts that ultimate outcome, so navigate through using trust, using transparency, using your intuition, and then knowing that the universe is going to help you get on the right path."
"A belief system functions like an invisible autopilot guiding your life."
"Acceptance, purpose, patience, and trust. These are the keys to navigating life's challenges."
"The Bible is God's manual to help us navigate life."
"You're meant to be a guide for someone to help them navigate through life."
"What matters if you lose sight of that then you will stumble through life."
"It's just about your mindset and your beliefs and how you navigate that."
"Understanding who you are on a spiritual level allows you to navigate so much better in this realm."
"Just so much love to you, and yeah, I am blown away by all of you and the way you are navigating your lives."
"Your own intuition is the GPS navigating system of your life."
"A human being is designed to go in One Direction at a time."
"The gift of discernment is the spiritual equivalent of navigating through the market of life, guided not by sight but by the spirit."
"Trust that guidance because your intuition is like the compass of your life."
"The restored gospel's answers are breathtaking, and I've never seen anything like them to help people navigate a life of faith in a day of doubt."
"The whole point is self-love. You have to be enough and you have to know that you're enough in order to really move through life and heartbreak."
"If you don't want it to, you need to sort of keep steering your existential vehicle in order for it to stay on the road to where you want to go, in order to avoid being in trouble and avoid perhaps some pain."
"We want self-control to be how you navigate your life."
"The most difficult job in the world is trying to navigate these paths."
"Release control and surrender to the pull of the current; best results come by allowing events to play out organically."
"The cool thing is now I trust in myself and in my spirit or the universe to be able to handle this Human Experience."
"Our calling in this world is not to wait for the arrival of the perfect but to pick our way through the thicket of flaws."
"We're meant to be word walkers, not wind watchers."
"Guarding your direction is essential. Never let yourself drift."
"Understanding how to veer on and off the path is just as much as the process as anything else."
"Your inner guidance system is going to put you on the path of least resistance, and it's going to be the quickest and easiest to your destination."
"Before you know in which direction to sail, first of all you need to know where you're located."
"I want to learn to navigate life with so much joy and love"
"Why should you find acceptance? Because it's the key to navigating the river of life with grace."
"I'm really looking forward to diving into the seven hermetic principles here because I know as you sit with them as you contemplate them they can be incredible tools to be more empowered skilled Navigator in the sea of life."
"Self-love is what will carry you through life."
"You know how to navigate your way through life because you trust your intuition."
"Having fears is a regular thing in fact I'd argue being fearful of certain stuff is what makes us function through day-to-day life."
"That's how we manage decision to decision to decision."
"Therapy helps you stay connected with what you really want whilst navigating through life."
"Steering is a series of balancing lefts and rights to keep the car straight." - Insightful comparison highlighting the nuances of staying on the right path.
"So, to me, that's all part of knowledge, part of the way we live and the way we navigate in the world."
"It's been interesting to navigate but it's also been fun and look in hindsight now I'm like grateful for where we're at."
"We are ultimately the captains of our ship."
"Sobriety is simply a tool to help you better navigate your life."
"Children of Oshun will always find a way, there's always going to be something that will bring prosperity into their life."
"As we continue to navigate the everchanging landscape of life, hold fast to your vibrational practices and trust in the power of your energy to shape the world."
"Use this time to allow yourself to be navigated to where it is that you feel either intuitively pulled or where you feel like the hand of fate is kind of shoving you in a specific direction."
"By having goals... we're able to navigate the chaos of life."
"The key is to want to be in dynamic control of the tether."
"To navigate the ocean of life, one must set sail with hope as their compass."
"About learning to navigate the red and yellow lights in your life and finding more green lights."
"Understanding the concept of hedonic adaptation will hopefully help you navigate the world a little easier."
"Being in communication and like a vulnerable, honest, and transparent state with the people that I have around me, that's the only way to make it through life."
"Memory is actually a pretty strange tool for navigating life."
"The Holy Spirit empowers you to navigate through life and be all God has called you to be."
"Get a teammate like Chris Paul who can help you navigate the unexpected."
"You can navigate life no matter how bad things get, you can navigate life without going crazy."
"You're trying to navigate your life and refine your purpose in life."
"In a world of globalization, economic uncertainty, terrorism, culture clash, family disintegration, corporate distrust, youth disillusionment, political confusion, and religious corruption, the wisdom to navigate successfully through life is necessary."
"Being good at social language use is a really important skill for being able to navigate the world well."
"It's like the sooner you can get better with communicating with your higher self... the easier it'll be to maneuver through life."
"We are equipped with three internal compasses that help us make decisions and navigate this world."
"I'm just navigating through life the best I can with the cards that I've been dealt."
"It's an absolutely beautiful thing to have and to take with you on every part of navigating this world and claims that come your way."
"Life is so fleeting, and we've been given this incredible gift of practice of yoga to help us understand the way we navigate it."
"Navigating life's storms with an internal compass calibrated by wisdom and reason."
"I navigate through life with ease."
"You navigate life with ease because you hold this innocence."
"Just get your GPS completely focused, and then you're going to be able to make a smarter path to the outcome."
"Navigate life with determination."
"We're just out here trying to navigate our 20s as best as we can."
"The why became the organizing principle."
"It's not about hitting the goal, but allowing it to help you navigate."
"This is a time for change, a change of perspective and a shift in how you navigate your life."
"Modalities relate to how energies are designed to move, how they navigate life, and what their natural energetic expression is."
"You're going to feel very confident in how you move about in this world."