
Negotiations Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Negotiations are not just about winning or losing; they're about finding the best possible outcome for all parties involved."
"Success in negotiations often comes from unexpected quarters, not just through aggression or force."
"FBI experts warn the most dangerous negotiations are the ones you don’t know you’re in."
"The talks can be protracted and very difficult, but eventually compromises are reached and decisions are made."
"His analysis of the negotiations is objectively indisputable."
"The great thing about it is all parties are still talking, and when the fight happens, you will know."
"There can't be any negotiations when somebody puts a gun to your head."
"The British Museum says it's continuing constructive discussions over the possible return of the Elgin Marbles to Greece."
"I know he's going to be amazing, so 18 million straight up. Okay, let's negotiate."
"Elon needs to get to the next next phase where he goes to prominent high profile individuals and says how much do you want for your show to be an exclusive X show."
"I've always thought that any deal... is gonna be a bad one for us."
"If the company makes a good offer I would definitely seek advice from an attorney that does the oil and gas rights type of law."
"The russians are saying it's very simple now, the time for negotiation essentially has passed, the thing Ukraine must do is surrender."
"We do not approach these negotiations expecting failure but anticipating success."
"I think fortnight has gone away from being a global phenomenon which it once was with everyone and their literal mother playing it too far and away the number one game."
"If you give them an inch, you're gonna take a mile."
"Hopefully things will be brought off in a civilized and constructive manner..."
"It was the daily wire that stopped negotiation, not Crowder."
"Changes and shifts will happen specifically involving a relationship, a contract, an agreement, a negotiation."
"It's not surprising that there's already offers flying around."
"United won't do quick deals, they do foreplay, slow play."
"Personal terms were agreed in August, we still didn't get it done."
"Negotiating the Sancho deal down may make sense."
"The Russians get a vote in the negotiations about how to end the war."
"The pressure for negotiations is going to grow."
"They broker the deals before the heavy hitters get there."
"The Pogba contract can happen in October after the transfer windows closed or November or December. I do think it will happen."
"Maybe the difference now is that China feels like it can talk from a strong enough position that it can make demands, with the ensuing negotiations ultimately leading to resolutions that could satisfy both countries."
"He wanted us to sign the promise never to enlarge NATO."
"If it is the last one, Jake Paul is very welcome to send an offer or contract."
"What's your personal terms? There must be something there."
"Peace is very important, negotiations need to start as soon as possible." - Oleg Deripaska
"Never take a standard deal, there's always a better one."
"A car is among the few purchases shoppers have to haggle for, and it also happens to be one of the biggest purchases a person will make in their lifetime."
"Empathy brings you a long way in discussions and negotiations."
"Manchester United cannot walk away from the Sancho deal."
"Many of the biggest streaming names cutting deals... made them back off at Twitch on many of the changes they were planning."
"There were not many signs of trust around that table today."
"Offering his 9 year old son Jamalaldin as a hostage to secure negotiations, Shamil met his Russian counterparts to discuss the terms of surrender."
"An unconditional ceasefire... some space for negotiation."
"I think this has the real potential. Victory would mean negotiations in Geneva."
"Italy is in deep negotiations with Tesla for a factory that would produce 'electric trucks and/or vans.'"
"We have to sit down with the opposition and we have to reach political agreements and analyze each option, but not the war, but political options."
"Muscle flexing in the form of military exercises on the border with Ukraine is an attempt by Russia to put pressure in the negotiations."
"I like the noises coming out of Manchester United and from Ricceramano as far as that deal was concerned."
"Whatever people might wish for, it is not on the table now."
"The skills you learn to talk to girls, how to maneuver, how to work a deal out."
"The urgency of starting negotiations... does seem to me to be yet another reason why Ukraine ought to be considering negotiations now."
"Surely all of this points once more to the need for negotiations."
"You're gonna get a deal, just do it enough times."
"WWE's gonna bow down, give this woman what she wants."
"Either launch this counter-offensive or sit down and negotiate with the Russians."
"Elon Musk intentionally is pushing for the collapse of the Twitter buyout... highly beneficial business maneuver on his part."
"I think Chelsea are closer to signing Onana... it's gonna be money with two players."
"The Biden administration negotiating a financial settlement for families torn apart at the U.S. border."
"Iran is dying to make a deal but they want to see because they'd much rather make a deal with Biden because if they make a deal with the United States with Biden in charge they would own our country."
"Parlay is like a safe zone, where rival pirate crews can talk and discuss things."
"Maduro said he will resume talks with Venezuela's interim president in Mexico."
"If you don't need a deal, man, you're gonna pitch better."
"I think things are trending very positively towards the deal getting done."
"I think it's an incredibly tight and difficult deal to get over the line but I think it will happen."
"An interview is not just an audition. It is a negotiation between two parties who are trying to figure out if they can work well together."
"Throughout the process since Bashir's fall, it's been the military that the West has cozied up to, saying they're willing to do a deal."
"Negotiations aren't a break in fighting; they're a form of war themselves."
"If Trump succeeds in North Korea, he will go down as one of the greater presidents."
"Disney is currently in negotiations with Justin Simien to direct the new film based on the Haunted Mansion."
"Someday maybe it'll come into play or you can barter with Drew who knows he's got a good head of hair."
"Every time a player holds an owner over the barrel, side with that player."
"A deal's a deal, we practically shook on it." - Unacceptable
"Yesterday was a historic day in South Africa after 10 days of negotiations."
"Negotiating a new social contract is crucial for navigating a changing economic landscape."
"Why would Fox, if you suspect they have such an airtight case here and a First Amendment case too airtight strong yes but you know a very good case here um why would they be in talks to settle?"
"But how about this, three teams have come and offered money."
"We don't always have to have a winner and loser in transfer deals. Not always."
"Negotiate... one of the things you can't do is get rid of people's deal breakers."
"Most of these deals are lost over face, they're not even lost over money."
"We have tried a strategy over the last several months which has been mostly backdoor negotiations with a handful of senators it hasn't succeeded on Build Back Better or on voting rights it has demoralized millions of Americans."
"Yakuza creator in talks with China's Netease."
"Republicans have not bagged on the idea of a $1,200 stimulus check... we haven't heard any indications of Republicans saying no way not happening..."
"I want them to understand that there's nothing wrong with taking a smaller deal."
"Give us Jackson Hayes back for Julius Randle. Hold this Timberwolves first-round pick." - Commentary on trade negotiations
"I think there's a trade negotiation going on behind the scenes and there's a trade negotiation that we're being told about."
"Negotiations cannot happen at the gunpoint because what Russia is trying to do, they're trying to create a situation when some concessions are made."
"Just enough to let you know you've got to talking about a check."
"If Toronto is willing to give up Scotty Barnes, I think they're the Front Runners to land Kevin Durant."
"The progressives were meeting with the White House daily to ensure they got it big enough for recon."
"Some positive developments financially connected to somebody in backroom deals and negotiations from who has authority and power to positively influence you in your money narrative."
"You can't lose a trade war when you're the guy that has been on the bad end of a deal for two decades."
"The Lakers are calling around the league to see if anybody wants Dwight Howard."
"The most important part of completing a transfer is getting the deal done with the club."
"Let me see what I can do, but I want your word. That's the day Sam Giancana is elected too."
"You can't give me that guaranteed money back."
"I want the deal done quickly though so he can play in our next match, which is conveniently against Barcelona in the Champions League."
"This negotiation is more matters of the heart, isn't it?"
"They might even be willing to make temporary very significant concessions."
"The higher the price point generally speaking, the easier the deal."
"The deal becomes like the Pogba deal, the Bruno deal."
"Signing the gag order was out of the question. Giving up my right to tell the truth just to get some money was totally unacceptable."
"Forget about Messi, it won't happen. We won't go anywhere near Messi."
"The legislation has several health-related provisions including making permanent and expansion of Obamacare subsidies and allowing the Health and Human Services Secretary to negotiate prescription drug prices."
"The fact that the Chinese are there... hopefully some pressure is being put on Russia behind the scenes to make a deal in good faith."
"It's clear that the negotiation between the French and the Russians is now underway."
"The reality is this, the Senate appropriations bill has the wall in it. Yes, let's get the government open and we can have a bigger fight for the rest of the funding anyway."
"Manchester United do you think that they're going to get a deal done?"
"Words won't be enough, and he wants a free supply of fried chicken for 5 years to come."
"It's what struck me as very interesting is the number of peace overtures that were being made through the summer of 1940."
"Within a few hours both agent number one and agent number two offered representation."
"It'll probably go pretty quickly for $25."
"WWE had reached out to sting on numerous occasions over the decade but he knocked them back every time."
"Wilt has always said that he had been promised a piece of ownership."
"Big pharmaceutical companies like J&J and MC have agreed to negotiate drug prices with the federal government."
"But also now, because I love you guys, Target slid in. Slide in, baby. Oh, yeah. So we took a meeting with them. We did like a whole pitch. My partner, he came over to my place, and we did like a whole Shark Tank presentation. We rehearsed for like four hours."
"Whoa feature film yeah it's hush hush right now but we're in talks with Bradley Cooper."
"There are all of these diplomatic connections and a lot of things are done quietly through diplomatic channels."
"Negotiations between Speaker McCarthy and President Biden... hard not to be excited that we're finally reducing spending, encouraging work, and reining in the executive branch."
"Yes the writer strike is over congratulations to the wga um I haven't looked at the specifics of the deal myself but I've heard that it is a pretty a pretty good deal they won big so that's awesome."
"That's not how negotiations work."
"I think the Cowboys will cave. I think the Cowboys will at some point recognize, 'Oh, it's scary out there in no quarterback land.' What did Arthur Blank just do? He suffered through three years of miserable quarterback play after Matt Ryan left and paid Kirk Cousins."
"What's the better alternative? You can't trade Dak. He also has a no-trade clause. What's going to happen is the Cowboys are going to get a deal done with him before March of next year or he's going to hit the open market as a 31-year-old all-pro caliber quarterback."
"The only unsettled issues are the Aaron Rodgers contract restructure which I'm sure will happen at some point and then Quinton William's new contract."
"...the Sweet Spot right now at this moment to get a Justin Jefferson deal done might be like three years 90 million with the majority of it fully guaranteed."
"Well, the NHL deal is up this year. The league's looking at multiple partners for the next deal that might not just be one network, could be two or three."
"We will start the peace negotiations."
"The United States wants to bring about peace through diplomacy and negotiations."
"Negotiations with high integrity people are usually very easy."
"If you've got that kind of technology, it would be used as leverage for negotiations and diplomacy."
"Negotiations are ongoing in Cairo today; we continue to believe that there is space to reach a deal."
"The basis for real negotiations with Russia is the complete withdrawal of Russian-armed groups beyond the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine in 1991, including Crimea."
"Deals are being cut in secret, backs are being scratched, one hand is washing another."
"By revealing behind-the-scenes negotiations, I will provide transparency guiding citizens' voting decisions."
"Our commitment to early success in these negotiations is firm and unshakable, and our purpose is clear: reducing the risk of war by reducing the means of waging war on both sides."
"Negotiations are never a surrender; it's the courage not to carry a country to suicide."
"ASEAN is negotiating a free trade agreement with India, China, Japan, Australia, and Korea."
"The negotiations to date have been approached as a problem to be solved rather than an opportunity to be seized."
"Good faith negotiations can bring the results."
"In the end, there are going to have to be negotiations."
"Arms control negotiations helped to establish a continued dialogue."
"Payment terms are definitely something that come into negotiations as you grow more and more."
"Knowledge is power in negotiations."
"There comes a time when negotiations have failed, when talk is no longer tolerated."
"Negotiations require trust. Do not lie to me."
"Negotiations without preconditions, a national unity government in Syria is the answer."
"The official truce was a result of years of meetings and peace talks."
"The only way to do so is peaceful negotiations."
"After weeks of negotiations, today we have made a decisive breakthrough."
"Look at the leverage they're going to have in negotiations... it's going to be good for UFC and WWE."
"We're gonna do the best with what we have, so I'm excited for negotiations."
"Negotiations themselves are a theater of struggle."
"The struggle is not over, and negotiations themselves are a theater of struggle, subject to advances and reverses as any other form of struggle."
"We see negotiations as a continuation of the struggle leading to our central objective: the transfer of power to the people."
"Understanding the landscape of what you're up against is critical for all negotiations."
"One week from now, there is going to be peace talks between the two nations."
"Negotiations are all about controlling things, about being in the driver's seat."
"The only way to achieve lasting peace is through negotiations between parties."
"Negotiations go all the way up to the closing table."
"Rich white people call my phone now with the utmost respect, wondering about the contents in the acquisition and the numbers to make the transaction solidified in the letter of intent."
"It's going to take time and patience and wisdom and extensive diplomatic negotiations."
"The only positive way out of this crisis is through negotiations."
"This government will guide the country through the crucial Brexit talks."
"I think the world is kind of one big chess game, and there's being deals made all around."
"Why would any nation want to cut a deal to accept their tinpot currency? That's a deal with the devil."
"I'm now doing all the negotiations and the brand deals and talking to brands, and actually kind of liking it."
"Most deals are going to get done when the slipper falls off Cinderella or the carriage turns back into a pumpkin, usually real late."
"Warner Brothers Discovery is absolutely in talks with WWE to bring Monday Night Raw to their network."