
Homeschooling Quotes

There are 421 quotes

"This has been an incredible thing for our family that has made our boys have opportunities and develop in ways that they would not have if they might have been in traditional mainline schooling."
"We just love the freedom and the independence of homeschool."
"Having my children, raising my children, homeschooling my children, reading to my children...those are my life priorities right there."
"Homeschool students...are much more capable and confident when interacting with people who are older than them."
"I thought homeschooling was an oxymoron, and it turns out actually to work quite well."
"Thank God for homeschooling and classical education."
"I am a homeschooling mom of five and the editor of a series of children's books called Heroes of Liberty."
"Homeschooling is a gift; it's a gift to be with my children all day every day, and I love it; it works for me."
"Learning from different people in their expertise and what they're most passionate about enriches the homeschooling experience."
"In the future all education will take place in the home."
"Homeschooling provides parents with hope and options." - Kirk Cameron
"Teaching their kids real values, homeschooling—man, all in all, I say okay, I'm looking at the bright side of this one."
"How do you compete with schools? Well, it's easy. You homeschool your kids. You get them out of these places." - John Hopkins
"I think homeschooling your kids is literally what you were supposed to be doing, what humans have always done."
"Yes, your child gets a high school diploma. You as a parent issue the high school diploma."
"Harvard charges $70,000 per year for a gender studies degree and they are now saying that homeschooling is unfair to students."
"Homeschooling for most parents involves so much research and effort."
"I think homeschooling would be a good idea for our kids for multiple reasons."
"Props to all you homeschooler families out there because it is hard."
"Homeschooling produces better outcomes and saves the taxpayer money."
"I hesitate to say homeschool name brands only because I know from homeschooling going into our 17th year that it doesn't have to always be one curriculum."
"You don't have to homeschool every single kid for every single school year to be an excellent and wonderful homeschooling mom."
"But I hope these tips were helpful for you guys. If you like this video, give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and as always, don't forget sunscreen and subscribe."
"Randy Weingarten did more to advance the concept of homeschooling parental rights and school choice than anyone could have ever imagined."
"Being homeschooled, I have something in common with 100 of Civil War reenactors."
"More parents are taking charge of their children's education and homeschooling them."
"With the rise of the internet, access to information for and about homeschooling has skyrocketed."
"We must double the homeschooling population in the next five years."
"One of the reasons why I got so much into this and homeschooling is that these aren't just things I'm doing to be prepared, if you're doing this as this is interesting and I enjoy it and my food tastes better."
"It's about education. I think you guys know I was homeschooled for the majority of my pre-college academic experience."
"Organization, homemaking, homeschooling, and simple living – subscribe for more videos on these topics!"
"It's challenging because I do have five children that we homeschooled it this year and they all have different learning styles."
"I'm gonna have a bunch of homeschooling stuff coming up including a series on my channel back to school series where I'm going to share lots of different homeschooling content."
"Listen, I'm just saying homeschool is not as hard as people are making it out to be."
"We need to double the homeschooling population in the next five years."
"Otherwise in that, your children will leave from home dumb, dumb. Yes, they will homeschool dumb home. That's right."
"Homeschooling shot up even 700 percent during the whole COVID insanity."
"It depends on the kid. In elementary school years, homeschooled kids are usually one year advanced than their peers at school."
"The one of the greatest benefits that this journey has given us with homeschooling has been the relationship with my children."
"Homeschooling saw a significant increase due to the pandemic, with high ratings in performance comparisons."
"In America, homeschool is very similar to being taught in a brick-and-mortar public school or private school."
"Homeschooling today is way better than it was when I was a kid."
"It's just a huge blessing to be a homeschool mom."
"I don't believe in school anyway. I think that you can do as well at home."
"I'm driving my minivan home to homeschool my six kids."
"I'm really not enjoying homeschooling my kids."
"Choosing to homeschool your children with Charlotte Mason as your guide is more than just a plan to follow a curriculum to order or a schedule to set up. It's so much more. It's about an atmosphere, a discipline, a life."
"Teaching Textbooks has taken all of the weight off the parent; it teaches your child for you."
"This is how I homeschool so many kids at once and keep track of it all."
"The beauty of homeschool is you can make sure that they actually learn."
"Children who are home-schooled, they are they're really sociable they have betters they spend more time around adults because then the way to be from adults rather than learning the way to be from children."
"Being homeschooled was what actually enabled me to actually be able to work on the things that I wanted to work on."
"Homeschooling... it's different family by family, it's different child to child."
"When it comes down to it, there are so many different ways that families can find homeschooling success."
"Most of the time homeschooled kids surpass publicly schooled children in the rate of academic achievement."
"Many of America's new homeschooled children have entered a world where no government official will ever check in on what or how well they're being taught."
"This just makes it really easy because I can take out one page at a time and I feel like she just gets a little bit less overwhelmed when she's only seeing one page at a time."
"This book was recommended by so many, I think every single one of the homeschooling moms that I know and I talk to, they have used this book and they highly recommend it."
"Remember, you are the most equipped person in the world to homeschool your child."
"Good old-fashioned documentaries and non-fiction movies can absolutely count towards homeschooling."
"Okay, look, dude. I know you don't get out much, been homeschooled your whole life. Rais just don't say much and try not to."
"Your homeschool does not have to be complicated."
"You will not ruin your kids by homeschooling them."
"Homeschool kids will actually be better socialized than public school kids."
"Homeschooling gives you so much freedom in every aspect. You get to decide. You get to have control over those things."
"You can homeschool even if both parents work. There are ways to get creative about it if it really matters to you."
"With prayer, talking it over with your spouse, making some changes, sacrifices, and being creative, you can make homeschooling work."
"But when you've taken children out of school and you have them doing whatever full time, and when I say full-time, I mean it's all not nine in the morning to ten o'clock at night, like ten o'clock at night, that's past the time when my teenage kids are in bed, yeah."
"...after a spelling bee the two homeschooled kids Rebecca and Mark wait a minute what well that's just me they start to get a glimpse of what it's like being around the other kids..."
"One of my favorite things about homeschooling is the freedom to ease into our day."
"If you're willing to put the time in and learn how to do it, if you want better character, better academics, to teach your beliefs, more efficiency, promote your family values, brainwashing in the right sense of the word, and save money, homeschooling is quite an opportunity."
"I'm pretty tired of it. That's one of them. But like, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I think it meant she was homeschooled. She doesn't know how to [__] act around people."
"The Charlotte Mason approach is comprehensive, challenging, and rewarding all the way up through high school."
"I was actually in a career as a homeschool person before I ever had children."
"years later in 2019 there actually was a homeschool Musical and like whatever you're imagining right now it is so much more"
"I had the benefit of being homeschooled."
"Homeschooling is about the entire family unit, not just the school-age children."
"The point of homeschool is not to bring school into the home. It's to create a different experience for your children."
"I feel like they need a dedicated space for homeschool and you really don't. And I told you in the title that this may surprise you, it's probably not what you were expecting."
"All of these books and materials will go in one of those two places and I hope that encourages you if you have a small home like we do. You don't need to have a dedicated space for homeschool, you really don't."
"I really hope you all enjoyed getting a peek into my school room."
"You don't need anything super fancy in order to homeschool."
"I love homeschooling my kids, one of my favorite things that I get to do with them each day."
"Being able to just go outside in the morning and play with my kids, being able to have people coming over to our house regularly while we're living in it as a homeschooling family, like that's amazing."
"I homeschool because I hate fundraisers. Seriously, you send your child to school and by August they are little Amway people."
"Homeschool kids are a lot less weird."
"I love homeschooling. I think that it can be a great fit for so many families."
"My homeschool children will have better social skills than the kids in school."
"Our goal in homeschooling is not to get them to know everything and pass these tests, but for them to find their passion and be able to make money or make a living at whatever that passion is."
"Blur the lines of school let your materials let the things you're learning the handicrafts your kids are working on be the things that make up your homes decor slash their atmosphere."
"I think the biggest key is if you are interested in homeschooling, give it a try."
"Give yourself a pass on things like homeschooling or reading. Prioritize your family's happiness and calm, prioritize your sanity."
"Thank the Lord for it now because that's where my passion for homeschooling began."
"We are homeschoolers, not school at homers."
"We figured it's way more fun to be silly and wear crazy hair when we home school."
"So since the pandemic, we've seen numbers of homeschooled students skyrocket across all households from around 5% of all households to around 11% of all households."
"I do not try to start homeschool before 10 a.m. 10 a.m. is our goal start time."
"We take as many breaks as we need throughout the day and just go by how everybody is feeling."
"Sometimes we're done at noon if everybody's doing great and we're just cruising right through the lessons."
"For me, homeschooling has been and always been about character building and my children being able to mature at a speed that I feel is appropriate for them."
"I do school, uh, three hours a day. I have a tutor that travels with me. But if I gotta finish high school, my mom, she could never fail you."
"This bad boy, this is definitely going to be worth the money. This in particular pencil sharpener by Exacto School Pro is one of the pencil sharpeners that I see recommended from homeschool moms time and time again."
"So in today's video I wanted to share all these specifics for curriculum that I'm using for the girls, everything that I really love."
"We're homeschooling year round though so this summer we never really stopped so that's why it's kind of weird."
"So we did a little bit of math throughout the week, a little bit of their reading curriculum."
"It gave me so many good ideas and just got me excited for homeschooling."
"Homeschooling isn't about how wonderful we are but how amazing God is every moment, the fun and the hard ones are opportunities for us to shine his light to the little Souls that he's letting us borrow for a short time."
"There is no perfect homeschool, there's no perfect routine, there's no perfect children, there's no perfect homeschool Mama, there is just all of us trying to do our best in what God has given us and love each other."
"The flexibility of homeschooling is a gift."
"All of the things that you might want to do to create memories and special moments for your child are available to you as a homeschooler if you look far enough and deep enough."
"One of our goals as Home Educators should be to teach our kids how to learn not necessarily what to learn."
"Homeschool sucks. It sucks. But you're right, it sucks."
"This is what homeschooling looks like this is what having kids looks like and I love it but I love that like if something was going on and people were coming over we'd simply fold this table up and put the arts and crafts away."
"I am really passionate about sharing with people the reality... of the homeschooling experience."
"My two-year-old can't concentrate for a long time on activities either, and that's one thing about Traditional School where it's like, 'Okay, we're expecting kids starting at the age of five, six, seven to sit in a chair all day indoors.' That's not natural."
"We chose homeschooling because our kids will not have our cultural values in five years, and we don't want to put them out into the world where somebody else can have six to seven hours with them before we've dropped the anchor in their souls."
"I had just more energy. I homeschooled my kids so they were here all day with me and that can be tiring, they're a blessing but it can be tiring."
"Good for you, you guys are homeschooling, you have all these kids. Children are a blessing."
"Homeschool gives you a lot of time with your kids and that's precious time."
"Year-round homeschooling allows us to take breaks throughout the year when we want them and need them."
"I do kind of have a little bit of a dream of creating my own homeschool planner."
"That's just one of the reasons why I like this concept of homeschooling."
"You homeschool if you've made a homemade bean shaker."
"So we've been homeschooling Belle for all her years at one school and we voted her most likely to have a social job."
"Our perfect schedule in our family is taking a couple hours each day to do book work and then spending the rest of our time learning through nature and hands-on projects."
"We're getting started with homeschooling. You'll see the progression of that over time inshallah."
"I think it's hard to homeschool kids and you know but anyway so my sister was talking about homeschooling her kid she said her and her husband will teach her my sister and her husband are not the brightest people much more physically labor people than understanding math."
"The best reason for homeschooling: you can create an environment in which these things are possible."
"Flexibility is the beauty of homeschooling."
"... again if you're a secular home schooler and looking for an option lots of secular home schoolers really like story of the world so that's something to keep in mind."
"It's been a hard lesson to learn and there is no perfect homeschool plan there's just good ones."
"If you are brand new to homeschool planning what I suggest doing is starting out with a full 12-year plan."
"February is a major burnout month for homeschool moms worldwide so what I did this year is I learned from last year last year was really hard so what I did is I marked off a full week in February where I can take a week off and just recharge regather re-plan."
"This binder system works really great to help us know exactly what needs to be done on a normal daily basis but it is really helpful to have kind of a routine for your homeschool day."
"Find out your state's laws pertaining to homeschooling."
"Consider the age that you want to begin with."
"Homeschool is a very foreign idea to a lot of people."
"That first year homeschooling, it just simplified everything. It was beautiful."
"...the beauty of homeschooling is getting this one-on-one time with your kids to make sure that they are learning at the pace that they learn best at."
"But I try to keep it going for as long as I can because I'm telling you, yes, they're homeschooled but it makes the biggest difference when you pre-pack meals the night before for the next day."
"I plan on using this book for as long as it takes her to get through it, whether that's first grade, third grade, or fifth grade. It's a forever book in our homeschool."
"Things that work for us may not work for you and things that are working really well in your homeschool may not be a good fit for us. That is one of my favorite things about homeschooling, it is one of the beauties of homeschooling in today's society."
"Homeschooling is not mother schooling, it's homeschooling."
"We use those biblical foundations, those biblical ideas to kind of strengthen us to be able to get through the challenges and the hard times of homeschooling."
"Our job is to make it easy for you to enjoy your homeschool journey."
"I homeschool because I know that I can give my kids the best and most complete education here at home."
"We support the right of parents to home educate their children, and we know many do well."
"I've Loved homeschooling, I think it's the best decision that I've ever made honestly."
"I actually really, really appreciate them as a company because they make it super easy for people who want to homeschool and also really affordable."
"I fully support families who homeschool because it's the best thing for that individual child and who provide a valid, equal education to the one available in traditional schools."
"Simple solutions for a more joyful life, and that is true for homeschool too."
"We had a really good morning of homeschooling, and so this is our little treat when we were all done with school."
"You just have to make the choice for what is going to work best for you and for your homeschool."
"The beauty of homeschooling is you kind of get to make a lot of choices for yourself."
"This system... has just made homeschool life so much easier."
"Homeschool has a lot of benefits, and this is definitely one of them."
"In our homeschool, our children could take between nine and ten courses a year."
"Homeschooling's becoming more popular... across all demographics."
"Every homeschooling journey is unique."
"They're more likely to go help people out in society."
"I love how she loves her family, how she loves her children, and challenges me as a person just to be a more relaxed homeschooler because I'm always so uptight."
"It's one of my favorite things about homeschooling, that time to just sit and talk and talk things out and share ideas and debate."
"Hello everyone and welcome to home-school peace."
"We've been doing Montessori at home with both of them since they were infants."
"The beauty and the flexibility in homeschooling is that if we want to push it another week, we can."
"If you're new around here, my name is Sarah, I am the homeschool mom of five kids."
"I love homeschooling my kids. We are in such a great rhythm."
"Homeschooling is a journey of unlearning and relearning."
"That is the beauty of homeschool; we get to find what works for our family, what curriculum best fits our kids and go from there."
"I feel like this year I have just found the best homeschooling resources and additional books."
"I love love love homeschool books."
"We survived our first homeschool day back."
"We homeschool our boys, and so I like to go through all of the drawers and cupboards and just declutter."
"We're gonna teach the kids in homeschool how to budget."
"I homeschool my daughter; we're in our second year of homeschool."
"Homeschooling is so fun, it's frustrating... it can be mentally overloading, but it is so worth it."
"Surprisingly, these homeschool students do very well in the California university system."
"I'm here to tell you, even if you're the most unlikely homeschool mom, you can still do it."
"Flashcards are a big part of our homeschool. I love using flashcards because it's an effective way of learning information in a fast way."
"If you also then supported homeschooling with some type of credit for people who wanted to homeschool... you're providing more options for people."
"I am a former elementary school teacher who is now a homeschooling mom to four kids."
"Homeschooling is so much bigger than the books; it's all about capturing your child's heart."
"Homeschooling lends itself to being a little more individualistic, which is very helpful in creating a love of learning."
"My goal is every week to help you be just a little bit closer to being super successful and confident as a homeschool mom."
"Homeschool kids usually do better because they're not in a..."
"This is why we homeschool, one of the greatest reasons why we're home, so we want our children to go ahead and do the fun things that kids are supposed to do: play outside, create from imagination, have fun."
"My name is Dina, and I am a homeschooling mama of five kiddos six and under."
"On this channel, I share my passions for Christ, for homeschooling, and for encouraging mamas in their faith."
"I'm a homeschooling mom of three girls, ages nine, eight, and four."
"We started homeschooling due to the global pandemic a couple years ago, never thought I would, but ended up absolutely falling in love with it."
"Homeschooling allows us to do just more than just the core subjects; we can use part of our day learning some basic life skills, and cooking being one of them."
"Mom teaches me every day from home, and I love all my subjects since mom makes it so much fun to learn."
"It's really important that when you are a homeschool mom and you're pouring into your children, that you're also pouring into yourself, your health, and your fitness."
"Whereas learning in school is important, students can equally learn at home via distance learning."
"I had been homeschooled all of my life."
"Homeschooling was actually really fun and really awesome."
"I'm so impressed that you homeschool three kids, especially one on the spectrum. Yvonne is superwoman."
"Her laundry basket is never empty, she loses library books, she homeschools her six beautifully exuberant kids, and most days feels just a tad bit overwhelmed and crazy."
"The average cost for homeschooling is $546 per year per child compared to an average of $7,000 a year per child for the government."