
End Quotes

There are 770 quotes

"Then you can take a sigh of relief, it's over, we're done, we can start living again."
"This is the end of Skyrim, my friends. But maybe it didn't have to be this way. Maybe if I'd been stronger, maybe if I wasn't a wizard, maybe if I had a companion, maybe Skyrim could be saved."
"In the skies of Saturn, the journey ends, as Cassini becomes part of the planet itself."
"In the skies of Saturn, the journey ends. It becomes part of the planet itself."
"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper."
"This is the end, Leer, this is not the end, this is just the beginning."
"Let's say goodbye to this Academy and this killing game."
"Nuclear war means the end of the current human history."
"Omicron is basically going to be the end of this pandemic."
"Once the music stops, all this [__] is over, because that's what brought us together."
"This kind of feels like Revelations, it feels like a closing chapter for the channel."
"I felt I was dying and then a smile came to my face because I realized that everything was over."
"The dynasty has ended boys, it is over with."
"It all worked out brilliantly for longer than anyone expected, and now it's over."
"It was a bummer way to end a really strong run."
"Antonio Brown embraces this thinking as his Bucs tenure is over."
"With a final guttural scream, it's over. Lawrence can finally rest and this nightmare can end."
"Sometimes relationships just run their course... you just don't feel it in your heart."
"There's a point where it all eventually stops, and that's the scary part."
"The beginning of the end of the Java programming language."
"Let's pop the champagne, have a big Swig of it, and say it's over. Thank God for that."
"We're seeing the death of the old dark cult."
"There is light at the end of the tunnel, huzzah!"
"It's not the end of the world, it's the end of the individual's journey."
"This is only going to end when we repent. The solution is spiritual."
"End of an era... it finally's come to an end."
"What am I going to do if God says it's over? The only thing you can do is go to the God who said it."
"Maybe what we're really seeing here is not so much the beginning of history as the end of history, an alternate history, a lost history."
"It's the end of a legacy, a legacy for anyone who grew up with Mario."
"The good days are over; it's time to face the reality of the relationship."
"People declared that the spirit of the '60s was officially dead."
"It seemed like Cheese's reign of terror was finally over."
"All this drama was pretty much the end of Best of Both Worlds tour for Kelly."
"You're manifesting an end to being the damn fool or dating fools."
"I was going crazy last night. Why? Because it's our last day here."
"All that exists, love will bring to an end, so that the cycle of life may begin again."
"Finally, Anastasia's suffering is coming to an end."
"I thought this would never end; it's like a black cloud has been lifted off of us."
"The temporary nature of projects indicates that a project has a definite beginning and end."
"Finally, the world-ending crisis is over."
"When the end of Consciousness comes, there really is nothing to be frightened of."
"This is the end of a cycle, it's like this is what it is, this is what it was, and now it's changing."
"It's like your Spirit guides are waiting for you to put an end to this nonsense."
"Hitler is dead, Berlin has surrendered, the war has no logic and it must end now."
"Glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things."
"It's over, it's over, this is over, the sun's gonna come out again."
"Solomon closed his eyes and accepted with a relieved laugh that this was the end, that his mortal body had been destroyed, and he was being taken to stand in the Emperor's light."
"The days of thy mourning shall be ended."
"It was a mix of shock, disbelief, and a realization that her reign of terror had come to an end."
"...truly the end or is it merely the beginning..."
"My Battery Is Low and It’s Getting Dark."
"The song doesn't really fizzle out by the end."
"It doesn't matter how you start, the most important thing is how you end."
"There's some form of karmic cycle that is put to an end here."
"The cooperation between the Germans and Russians soured, leading to the end of their military collaboration."
"Let's put it to bed and call it a day."
"Now, are you going to arrest me or is this carnival finally over?"
"That the end of this chapter of American darkness began here."
"There's an opportunity at the end of every cycle."
"The inevitable end, retribution. Here is Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, who died as they lived, by the gun."
"Let's get absolutely out of here... it's been a fun one."
"Your sorrow is soon coming to an end."
"That's just for a song, yeah, that's the end. Goodbye everybody."
"He was in control right to the end."
"And on June 14th 1982, the commander of the Argentinian forces surrendered - thereby ending the war."
"This is the Dharma that is good in the beginning, good in the middle, and good in the end."
"History's Greatest moment... its end."
"The end may nearer than you think."
"This is not the end. This is the beginning."
"Jesus is the beginning and the end."
"This represents in some ways the end of a 13,000 year old story."
"She pretty much just deaded me from there."
"It's over. The end. Pursuing a dead end. Something is finished, final."
"This takes you on a journey from the start until the very end."
"Its tenure came to an abrupt end in 2020."
"What we call the beginning is often the end, and to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."
"Bye guys, see you next time, the end."
"Was it true what The Courier said, that the war will soon be over? Yes. Doesn't the end of war have to be a beginning?"
"This war is going to come to an end."
"This is the end, the typical end of every narcissist, reviled, mocked, or worse."
"There's no better way to begin or end a journey."
"Flight 663 arriving from Cyprus marks the end of an era."
"Not only am I the beginning, I'm Alpha, but I'm Omega, I'm A on one side, I'm Z on the other, and I'm everything in between."
"I think we've reached the end of the road."
"I like the idea of Yoda and the rest of the Jedi accepting their sacrifice and bringing the temple down upon everything kind of just cementing an end to an Era"
"...all things must come to an end and I think unfortunately with this one we're kind of meeting that at its full capacity."
"Whatever feels like an end is actually a beginning."
"This is the beginning of the end of the House of Romanov."
"The time of troubles ends and the newly elected Romanov Dynasty begins."
"After watching this and seeing what has become of this franchise as a whole, is this really the end of Thomas? I don't think so."
"It's not just about how you start, it's about how you end."
"Everything that has a beginning has an end, and the time has come for me to head to Kenya to go see my wife."
"Wow, that's hero gig. Part of the journey is the end."
"Let this be the end of your worries when it comes to lead generation."
"The end of a thing is better than the beginning of a thing."
"Liberation is the death, the end of something that was never ever happening."
"Then comes the end...the end. That's the goal, that's the consummation."
"...just make sure you watch the end because it is so much fun."
"This is the beginning of the end, but the birth of a new world."
"This is literally it, this is the finale."
"There was silence. I realized it was all over."
"This is the last one for the day."
"And the final corners of the racetrack."
"So here we are, part six, the grand finale."
"Sadly, this is the end of today's declutter."
"He kept his sense of humor right up to the end."
"It's the end of the massive speculative value for a few reasons."
"The important point is not the precise nature of their end but the fact that they have an end at all. They must have or their book being purely practical in intention is written to no purpose."
"The beginning is fire, the end is a heap of ashes, and between the end and the beginning lies all the pain of the world."
"For all of them, when the last living thing dies, I'll put the chairs on the table, turn out the lights, and lock the universe behind me."
"I felt a massive sigh of relief that it was the end of an era."
"With his passing, the UN Dynasty was over."
"The Lucas Tracy curse seems to have shut down at the end of 2023."
"The end is where we start from, an ending is the chance for a new beginning."
"If you think from the end, the path will be easy, easy."
"Damn emotional all right so this is the end dark C fall a story F the made forever we said now all we got are shadows of love now wow but I hold on I still believe that somewhere Love."
"Twist at the end, absolutely freaking insane!"
"Stick around to the end because we will give you show you the details."
"That's game set match, it's over."
"She fought to the end, on her deathbed."
"What if the void isn't the end? What if the beginning is the end? The end is the beginning."
"Relationship is the end in and of itself."
"Re's troops will wait until dawn to withdraw their forces, implying that the war has come to an end."
"What a brilliant way to end the session."
"You're just about to the end of this journey. You're having a remembrance. A Spiritual Awakening."
"Let us follow the advice of the King of Hearts: we shall start at the beginning and when we come to the end, stop."
"Here's where things completely just put a nail in the coffin and it's like, all right, your career is officially over."
"Divorce, that's precisely the word I use, Nick, divorce."
"Blessings will be given to every single one of us in the end."
"It's the last call. This is the last one."
"And somewhere within the darkness of the night, Patch The Tarbosaurus met his end."
"That is going to be the end of today's video and the end of the first video and the last video on the little... is it... it was a Renault Traffic Sport van."
"It is the end that quickens all the means."
"We are at the beginning of the end of the universe as we know it."
"You always forget the fun part of the end."
"...helped END the Wars of the Roses."
"It's not how you start, it's how you end."
"Carthage would not rise again...a story which began some 1500 years before had finally come to an end."
"Michael Myers finally got fought till the very end."
"Everything ended well. It was a routine test."
"And so it is in our universe that all things must end."
"The universe could end in a big rip."
"The universe ends in a frozen state."
"The Bible begins with a marriage and ends with a marriage."
"That's the true mark of a champion, on and off the track, when he knows that his championship is over, the potential for two million dollars has disappeared, and Paul Tracy thanks his guys for such a great season."
"This jacket is incredible, I know it's dead."
"I decided I was done when one morning my ex slapped me on the face and left for work."
"All good test drives must come to an end. Is this the next tire slayer? Wow, what a car."
"Your comeback is going to get you retired for good."
"It's just so depressing, isn't it, when you've got to pack to go home?"
"Virginia's death marks the end of her era within the dam."
"I say just by the time it got to the end of its life, I was kind of like."
"The age of the Spartans was no more."
"Alright, which one of these new dorks wanna end the vlog, man?"
"The end of a path no one knew they were walking."
"But we started as friends, and we ended as friends."
"End fear, the whole tree of fear."
"May our last end be like this. Amen."
"All of his dreams and his nightmares are over, I hope."
"I couldn't answer. Was it a nightmare? Was my mind playing tricks on me? One thing was for sure: it was over."
"The drought is over. Whatever challenges you faced, they're coming to an end."
"Our time together on this crazy old man might be over right now, my friends, but that doesn't mean our day is over."
"His career should have ended at this moment, one in which he was the subject of unconditional love."
"You just thump it at him. The party's over."
"A graveyard where history goes to die."
"I can't believe our time with Harry Potter is coming to a close now."
"it ends this way for everyone sooner or later"
"It's been a good innings, some genuine but it's over."
"It's hard to believe that all of this is coming to an end. It's been an absolutely amazing journey."
"If this ever becomes less than fun, this is where we will end. As always, don't forget, you don't know these people."
"'He knows when he grabs him it's over.'"
"It's dying, he realized. The universe."
"It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilson's body a little way off in the grass, and the holocaust was complete."
"When he passed away, so did any hope of a new Peanuts."
"It was a relationship that ended in great love and respect."
"The last direct descendant died in 1985, his name was Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith."
"Muhammad and Malvo's murderous spree was brought to an end. They were in police custody."
"Blue Eyes White Dragon, that's a good one to end on, that is a good one."
"All the suffering is about to end."
"It's just a relief... to know that it's over is a huge relief for me and my siblings."
"I hated poverty. I wanted it to end."
"What's truly longed for is the end of seeking."
"I just thought that that was the end, that we were going to die."
"Our time in the city has actually come to an end."
"It's kind of sad to see something so iconic especially something that's been on sale in the US for 60 years to be going away."
"It would all come to a climactic end at the 11th hour of November 11th, 1918, when the armistice was signed."
"The sun is gone, night has fallen again."
"You're free to go; the pain will be over soon."
"Mexico has been awesome, so I'm not excited for the trip to end."
"My world was over, and it was just starting."
"It was like a weight was lifted and was allowed to finally die."
"They weren't rejoicing because they were embarking on an adventure; they were rejoicing because the adventure was over, and they could finally go home again."
"It was bittersweet to know that he'd not suffered in the end."
"Dawn is the end of the long night."
"This is the end of a Dark Night of the Soul experience for some of you."
"That shock home defeat signaled an unspectacular end to Ravanelli's stay on Teesside."
"In a relationship, if one party is so inhumane and treats the other party so terribly, then that means their Quantum of Solace is at zero, and the relationship is unsalvageable and over."
"Midnight representing the absolute end of society as we know it."
"Another amazing trip has come to an end, had such an incredible time."
"The days of fishing together non-stop are over and it signals the end of an era."