
Survival Skills Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"If you can survive with these peers in the wilderness with nothing more than the clothes on your back and a couple of minimal supplies, then there's nothing in this world that you can't tackle."
"Wilderness therapy is if you can survive with these peers in the wilderness with nothing more than the clothes on your back and a couple of field supplies, then there's nothing in this world that you can't tackle."
"The fact of the matter is that what these people all had in common was... they had their cutting tools... they had containers, they had combustion devices to make fire, they had cordage, and they had cover."
"Self-reliance is being able to do as much for yourself as you possibly can and to learn as much as you can about a wide variety of skills that help you and your family survive."
"His clothes and shoes were crafted from various animal skins, each piece telling a unique story of survival and craftsmanship."
"Thriving, not just surviving, so we know we'll have the skills necessary no matter what happens."
"I think our society really screwed the pooch, so to say, when we allowed Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to really be taken away from us... I think that if we take that responsibility into our own hearts and we give it to our children, no matter what the world throws out at them, they know how to survive."
"It's important for people to know how to be more self-reliant, more self-rescue capable."
"We have to educate ourselves on how to survive."
"Harvest raw materials, hunt, fish, and farm to survive."
"The thing I love about snaring is that it works when you're not."
"We should be teaching our younger generation how to think critically and how to survive."
"Heimo's one of the most impressive people I've ever met."
"Learn how to grow food, maybe learn how to treat water, and get to know your neighbors."
"What I love about the topics of survival and martial arts is how it forces you to simplify life right down to its absolute basics, giving you strong principles and resilience from which you can build everything else in life from."
"The point of this video is to raise awareness and to help ensure that you have absolutely no delusions about what it's going to take to survive a long-term grid down situation."
"Fire is the fundamental long-term survival element."
"I love demystifying things in survival because there's a lot of crap in the books and there's a lot of crap on the shows."
"Understanding some traditional food preserving techniques can save us now."
"You're giving yourself a false sense of security. You've got all this kit, you've got all these things that can help you save your life, but if you don't know how to use them, what are they gonna do?"
"Prepping is just the basis of it, but everything, you have to be able to adapt given the conditions."
"What does it take to stay alive in a camp floating on sea ice?"
"Plants that not only can save your life one day, but that you can put to good use right now. If you know these wild plants, you will never run out of food."
"Rick's combination of gritty determination, street smarts, leadership characteristics, and survival/law enforcement training makes him a formidable force in the zombie apocalypse."
"Self-sustaining and survival is like the complete structure of the cellular Force."
"Maintaining a calm attitude and good decision making is what leads to the difference between survival and death."
"Primitive living skills expert Cody Lundeen doesn't just teach survival in the bush, he lives it."
"By her trying to survive she was teaching me entrepreneurship traits."
"The lesson that needs to be taken away from this whole experience is what you carry in your head is the tools that you need to carry you through any survival situation."
"Knowing how to use their bodies, how to grow food, how to identify food in the natural environment, how to understand the natural environment... those are all timeless skills."
"Survival is actually very simple if you think about the concepts... survival's a big, big passion for me as well."
"Better than being prepared with food on hand is being prepared with skill sets that enable you to survive through whatever."
"Starting a fire can be crucial, especially in cold or wet conditions."
"These eating habits are integral to surviving the jungle when you find yourself without traditional sustenance."
"Knowing you can make it for a month after disaster will be enough to carry you through many of life's most formidable challenges."
"Survival is mental. It's having the right knowledge, knowing how to apply it, and having the will and desire to survive."
"Cavemen were able to start fires without lighters or matches and were able to kill animals that were three to four times their size."
"Please download this military manual, read it, and pass it around to those people that you know as adults will have to care for individuals that will have to care for groups and stuff because they need to know this stuff."
"It's never been about me versus wild, it's about working with the forest."
"There's an upgrade process, a process of enlightenment that is also written into religions."
"I pride myself on always being able to get a fire going."
"He used glasses and sunlight to start the fire."
"Struggle to survive will eventually lead to mastering the elements."
"I love the way they hit the fire steel right there to light the fire. It's so great."
"Adaptation is the number one characteristic of somebody who's more likely to survive."
"Kate is not a gear nor does she abide by the rules of the COG. She is an outsider, a survivalist that knows how to live off away."
"Hunting is going to be a really important part of the game, not only because you feed friends at camp, but also because it allows you to craft better items for yourself and fellow gang members."
"It's about time the millennial generation and many Gen Xers understood what it means to actually have to survive."
"Remember to stay calm, find food, water, and shelter, and learn how to stoke a fire."
"You feel so much more resilient when you prove to yourself that you can get your own food."
"Try out some old school skills... Essential for your preparedness journey."
"Learn more survival skills... Valuable skills that will ensure your survival."
"You are the one that has to take the first plunge, take inventory, ration supplies, adjust and adapt, and make decisions and mistakes. The experience offered by Subnautica is..."
"We have enough technology, even if it's just bare skins and stone knives and bearskins and fire, to do all of these things."
"Making the best use of your time is part of survivalism."
"Snares are kind of like one of those things where if you've got a rabbit trail and you know where to put a snare and you know how to design a snare, you can actually catch stuff with them."
"Having these 10 c's as a foundation gives you a good solid layer to build on top of."
"Think about shelter, protecting yourself from the elements."
"Fire, combustion, obviously when it comes to survival fire is one of your most critical elements."
"From dodging spiders to crafting armor, every step is a testament to resilience and ingenuity."
"I mean, this is what you get with the most current technology."
"You know how to fight. You know how to defend yourself and how to get out of bad situations."
"This is a life hack that everyone should know because it can save your life one day."
"I don't have money but what I do have are a very particular set of skills... survival."
"Getting lost in a forest... look for water, and follow the birds' direction."
"Skills for life... no modern comforts... welcome to the 1960s."
"It's the smaller details that often lead to a survival situation."
"Muscles and machismo alone will never defeat a mountain."
"Having all the gear is great but knowing how to use it, one of the best resources though to be prepared is survival dispatch insider."
"Learning a skill like gardening can keep people alive and strengthen communities."
"Foraging skill allows you to find more materials and resources in the woods."
"Survival demanded a good crew, a lot of guts, and a lot of luck."
"Adaptability and ingenuity, changing how you look at something can make the difference between surviving or not surviving."
"Some very, very useful tips that will help enhance your bushcraft knowledge."
"Fishing just takes on a whole different meaning when you have to catch fish to survive."
"Creating a repeated pattern of three short bursts and three long bursts spells out SOS in Morse code."
"It's serious. Fire is number one survival thing to master."
"One day, maybe these tricks will save someone's life."
"It's dense, it's tough, and when you finally figure out how to properly survive, it's very rewarding."
"Every player gets their own unique procedurally generated 64 square kilometer world with caves, underwater areas to check out, and you can share these worlds with others and travel between them."
"Crafting tools is essential for making life easier, helping with transportation, and protecting yourself. Salvaging is super important in Rooted as you recover, repair, and use items from the collapsed Civilization."
"Develop self-sufficiency skills; lessons from history show that knowing how to grow food, purify water, and provide basic medical care can be invaluable during long-term crisis."
"Avalanches, it's just like, how do you even prepare for that? If you're out and then just all of a sudden you're caught in the same lane as an avalanche coming down, you're in the path of it. How do you, like, what are the survival skills for that?"
"Recognize fear, live with it, and if possible, use it to your advantage."
"When it comes to survival and prepping, we have to really look long-term...self-defense is also at the top of that list. You need to be able to protect."
"This survival challenge seems way more gruesome than the last, not only because the teams were significantly smaller, but because campers were allowed to steal the supplies of the opposing team if given the opportunity."
"One of the most important survival skills you can have is the ability to create fire."
"Fire is life and you got to carry some kind of device that gives you fire."
"Compass will give you the direction and you can continue to walk in that straight direction the entire time."
"The toughest part of survival is the psychological part."
"I could stay out for probably several weeks without any major issues. Wouldn't be fun but we could do it."
"Luck is the least tangible component of survival."
"It's that bond, it's that love of your family and your community that precedes your desire to protect it with your hard skills."
"Life, both of these hard and soft skills are equally valid when we're talking about how to survive any sort of disaster or life-threatening."
"Education and training are going to be absolutely crucial."
"Persistence, determination, resilience - these are all factors which contribute to your survival."
"It's not about how much money you have. When the hits the fan, it doesn't matter if you're Mark Zuckerberg or whoever it is. What you're going to have is your skills, the people you can trust."
"Real bushcraft, real adventures, no nonsense."
"This will allow you to boil and sanitize water in a bad situation and also allow you to cook a lot of other foods."
"Having all the supplies and tools can only help you so much in a survival situation if you don't know how to use them."
"Survival situations always demand a lot of decision making."
"He didn't just survive, he managed to establish a long-lived colony."
"There's no easy button in the wilderness; you need a layered approach to your emergency preparations."
"Living in conditions where you have to fend for yourself and use your initiative is very good."
"Potatoes may be just about the most ideal survival crop, packed with nutrients and calories."
"Surviving and thriving in nature is infinitely easier than in the city."
"The key to success out here? Innovation. Like turning a failed fire-starting attempt into a lesson learned."
"Equip yourself with knowledge of survival skills."
"We won the challenge: food, fire, water, shelter."
"The end goal... was to say if you continue to grow and learn in this, you would literally be able to walk out to the woods with nothing and still survive."
"Lee exposing Clementine to this harsh world and teaching her has made her tougher."
"We successfully completed the trail... we were eating 60 to 70% wild edibles by volume."
"Wild edibles can literally save your life sometimes."
"We are much faster than the thing that was trying to catch up to us."
"The utilizing of dummy faces, the making of the life jackets, the making of a raft-- I don't know of any escape from a prison which had more ingenuity utilized."
"Spiritual preparedness... those who had a strong spiritual foundation were far more likely to survive."
"Humans survived this way for millennia, you can too."
"But the thing is, they don’t need recursion or numbers to be great hunters and fishermen, have encyclopedic knowledge of the flora and fauna of the jungle, or maintain a social community."
"Your preps are far more than just food and water, it's about increasing self-sufficiency and improving your can-do attitude."
"Don't Fear the Future you got to be a versatile prepper."
"When fear meets resourcefulness: surviving the night."
"I learned a lot about survival, service, being prepared."
"Shakti is a tank, muscling through wounds and surviving extreme situations."
"Understanding the sea has always been critical to life on the Marshall Islands, and these charts encompass a vast amount of information necessary for survival."
"Crafting meals at campfires: a new feature for the survival-savvy."
"The time may come when people need to learn how to attend to their own chickens, grow some vegetables, and learn how to process deer."
"It comes down to this: information in the end. The more you learn, the more you know, and you're more apt to survive."
"A lack of adaptability is a lack of survivability."
"Survival ain't just how to skin a jackrabbit. Knowing when to bluster. When to hush."
"Being able to trade and to barter could really come in handy."
"Survival is about staying calm, not wasting energy, and making rational decisions."
"Fire will give away your position, smell, and can be seen very well with MVGs from a long way away."
"We remain the only species that can start a fire from scratch."
"Your life could depend on you remembering everything."
"An important thing in survival is to expect and accept unpleasant things."
"Survival is all about improvisation adapt and overcome or die."
"Gardening is my apocalypse skill, canning like learning new things that enhance Our Lives should the... I mean I'm not quite the Doomer but these things are good to know." - Grace (really graceful)
"Adventure videos with a focus on bushcraft survival outdoor kind of wilderness skills."
"This restores your stamina, protects against cold, and insta-cures infection."
"Making fire using friction, the primitive way."
"They have an insane amount of endurance. They cannot just survive, they can thrive in any natural environment."
"If you went to college and learned all this stuff, you can survive and thrive."
"What if you went to prison, would you make use of your skills as a survival mechanism?"
"If I can say I completed a horde night with basically just using a spear then I call that a win."
"Real preppers use their stuff, they learn and experience, and they adapt and adopt their preps accordingly."
"Damaged people are dangerous because they know how to survive."
"He praised him for finding so much food and acknowledged his efforts."
"Never be afraid to change and adapt your kit based on new information you've learned or things that you've experienced because otherwise you're just doing yourself a disservice."
"Winter survival: minimal gear, maximum focus on food."
"If we ban the teaching of things we need to know how to survive, we will not be healthy."
"Survival and maintenance are equally as important...with a little bit of education have the tools and survival and maintenance and recovery that you're going to need in the worst-case scenario."
"You have the sturdiness, the survival techniques to get through any sort of challenges."
"Filter, boil—safest way to disinfect groundwater resources."
"In a survival situation, that's a pretty decent amount of meat right there."
"Push the edge on what's possible in survival mode."
"If the internet goes out, what tools do you have? Shop manuals are probably the most valuable thing you could have."
"Boy Scout handbooks are just a great way to learn outdoor survival skills."
"It was a lesson in history, economics, and pure survival..."
"His family hopes that his army days and time in The Great Outdoors have given him the skills to stay alive and that one day they may be reunited."
"Pure essentials minimalist, just me versus nature survivalist."
"Unlike most survival shows... we're just average joe's who love the outdoors."
"You better learn how to grow food right now."
"The only thing that the slaves were able to bring here when they were brought over here against their will was their ability to farm."
"Char of some kind, and if you take advantage of that and you make char with your very first fire even if you're using a Ferro rod it will only ever take one strike to get that char to light."
"Not everything has to be preparing for actual shtf end of the world style scenarios but a lot of us still don't even prepare for the basic necessities in case there's a random natural occurrence."
"I'm just an outdoor adventurer and survival instructor, and I've had my own experiences that have left me with questions."
"One of the key things to do one of the things that I would do first in this scenario is find stuff that looks like it should be flammable."
"We need to re-learn the ancient skills, like when they switch off the power, what are you going to do?"
"I'm so competitive that... I think I could out survive if I have a little help from my friends."
"In an apocalyptic situation, if you're good at murder, you're pretty much good at everything."
"Hunter: learn to hunt for food out in nature's buffet and grab a bite and some meat for later whenever hunger strikes."
"Just because you buy soap or comfort items doesn't make you less of a prepper, it makes you a smart prepper."
"The most interesting part isn't the physical survival, it's the mental survival."
"I severely lack the iron to make an anvil, but at least we have the trade now."
"Knowledge is always going to be your best tool all right all the gear does not matter if you do not have the knowledge and if you do not know how to use it."
"The skills you gain here will help you survive, even excel, on the battlefield."
"We are never without survival signals or the ability to create a signal."
"He's just staying alive, all comes out, how has he done it on the glock of all weapons?"
"Sewing is an apocalyptic survival skill everybody should know."
"Motivation and inspiration doesn't need to come from a place above your own ability."
"I could survive a 10-foot blizzard no problem."
"Your ears are your best survival tool. Pay attention to surroundings."
"I hope you liked that video mini altoid 10 survival kit overnight showed you the skills necessary to survive with one of these minimalist kits out in the wild."
"She tracked down the best teachers to learn survival and martial arts."
"Survival requires respect, humility, and paying attention."
"Survival is about observing, adapting, and learning from mistakes."
"If you want to know what survival is like then removing yourself from your comfort zone is the only way."
"Surviving on the road isn't easy, and people's lack of skills will get them killed."
"I've always been a big fan of survival shows and just learning survival skills ever since I was very young."
"Those survival challenges when you catch a fish, that's the best."
"Terrain Adaptability: The indominus rex's ability to seamlessly blend with its surroundings gives it the edge."
"All of this really comes down to what I call the simplicity of survival system that we teach here at the pathfinder school called the by five system."
"You should also learn how to hunt, forage, and fish in your area, which are key things to know for your survival."
"Once you understand the concepts of fire by friction, for example, you can do it depending on where you are."
"If you're lucky enough to live through an avalanche, you better have the skills and knowledge it takes to survive."
"In any survival scenario, three qualities that will keep you alive are adaptation, awareness, and a positive attitude."
"The most important thing is to have a good fire kit and to know how to create fire and get a fire going because again, it is essential to survival."
"Traps are a very common way of bringing meat to the table in remote areas, especially in the jungle."
"We can come through any hard times, but now is the time to prepare, learn survival skills, put supplies away."
"A fire kit is specifically designed to help you start and maintain a fire even in challenging situations."