
Breaking Point Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"Right now, within human society, what you see is stress rising to the breaking point."
"At a certain point, the water will boil over; the seal will break, the pressure will be too much."
"Somebody at some point will break because of where society's at these days."
"There comes a time when the cup of endurance runs over."
"I tipped that camel over, the straw that broke the camel's back."
"It's like a slow tightening vise that gets tighter and tighter until something eventually breaks."
"The final straw that broke the camel's back."
"Witnessing this incredibly emotional and powerful moment between the straw hats serves as a sort of breaking point for him."
"You cannot tell somebody when they can be upset, when they can be mad, when they're at their breaking point."
"The devil knows how to act through people. This was Will's breaking point, and he broke."
"There's only so much a person can take before they finally say, 'Enough is enough.'"
"Janet Yellen says it's still too early to rule out the risk of the U.S recession."
"That's the straw that broke the camel's back for me."
"The brightest glow sticks have to break, so they shine bright."
"For me, personally, this is the straw that broke the camel's back."
"Life became unbearable, and after an entire month of being locked down, the dam finally broke on November 23, 2022."
"He's teetering on the brink and he looks like he's about to crumble."
"There will come a point when somewhere the line finally breaks."
"It's the last drop, you know it's it can no longer stay the same."
"It feels like we're hitting a breaking point and the faster that can come, I think stuff like this is accelerating that."
"Ironwood's breaking point felt less of a 'oh he's always been insane' and more of someone who's poured all of his trust into a group that's just abused it."
"She called me a [ __ ]. That was the straw that broke the camel's back."
"The burden of it, the intensity of it... hitting a Breaking Point."
"The government is bending as hard as they can to snap this stuff. It feels like it's going to."
"This one might just be the straw that broke the camel's back."
"This inting strategy... was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back."
"I finally reached the limit of my tolerance."
"Nothing is broken yet except for maybe our psychology."
"Think of it as the final straw that broke the camel's back."
"After trying anything and everything, I was at a boiling point."
"I personally believe that we have just reached the breaking point for the new and used vehicle market."
"I was done; that was my breaking point."
"There's this energy where it's like they can't take it anymore."
"There's only so many goes around the wheel you can take before the whole thing falls apart"
"It's the pressure. It's the emotion of it all. Something's got to give."
"I've always been that way... I will literally push myself and push myself and push myself to a point where it's kind of like now I'm at my breaking point."
"Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer give a damn."
"No regrets everyone has a breaking point."
"Last night was the last straw. I can't stand being in this house by myself."
"I remember saying to my colleague, 'I feel this is the straw that's going to break the camel's back.'"
"If you don't break it now, it has to be broken. It has to be broken at some point."
"Even the most laid-back person has their breaking point."
"This failed in a much different feel like this guy felt strong strong strong and then it finally broke."
"Everyone has their breaking point."
"We have proof that anyone can be pushed to the edge."
"If you push them hard enough, they will break."
"...this level of dickery and pettiness is the straw that finally broke the camel's back..."
"That was the straw that broke this camel's back."
"One day, maybe after a month of this, I couldn't take it anymore. He called me stupid for some reason or another, and his reasoning really just didn't matter to me anymore."
"The illness argument only really matters when Itachi is pushed to his brink."
"So a sword can be a good sword but still break. Everything has a Breaking Point and one of the common breaking points is across the tang here because it's a weak point."
"I snapped. Not like went crazy but like snapped as in I was just like I can't do this anymore. It's over. You just know. It's like a feeling."
"There comes a time and a place in here where you have just had enough."
"That realization is what pushes him off the deep end."
"At some point, it's gonna become too much, and you're gonna have something that I call the [ __ ] it moment."
"Everyone reaches their breaking point. You found yours."
"The unprecedented escalation is the straw that breaks the camel's back."
"That was her breaking point, bro. She held out for eight years."
"This is the straw that broke the camel's back for me."
"He pushed Crease too far and broke him."
"I put on a mask I put on the front um genuinely do mean the emotions that I that I show to you all the happiness and everything like that but it's it's way deeper than that and everybody has a breaking point."
"When you get tired of being knocked around, something will snap."
"I just can't stand the algae bad you're misery near anymore, Ralph. I can't. It's getting to me."
"I realized I was at my breaking point when I went through all the redundancy stuff for like the second time."
"This was the straw that broke the back of the House of Windsor."
"I'm one step closer to the edge and I'm about to have a break!"
"Whatever final thread of sanity had previously prevented me from killing all of these people has finally been severed."
"That seemed like an earned breaking point."
"It's like the levy is going to break at some point."
"'Remember, one bad employee can ruin an entire team. Everyone has a Breaking Point.'"
"...that is incredibly rude and in my opinion that's like the straw that breaks the camel's back in this scenario..."
"Eventually, everyone has their breaking point, and Kevin’s no different."
"I was seriously beginning to be mentally exhausted but my warning was brushed off by both the HR lady and C then I broke."
"Sometimes things don't break differently until you're at your Breaking Point."
"I think I might have already broken."
"The pink cupcake broke the camel's back."
"The straw broke one night when my friend and I were both working the hostess stand on a packed Saturday night."
"Selene explained that she could not take it anymore as it was her last straw."
"We've come around, y'all. We've reached a point where I was, you know, at my breaking point and now we're ready for a country music award and we're just going to embrace it, you know, embrace the madness, see where it takes you."
"I'm going mad Lucy, I'm finally snapping."
"There's a breaking point in everything."
"It was the straw that broke the camel's back. It was the last straw."
"Everybody has that psychotic side, everyone has a thing that will make them snap."
"There's only so many traumas a person can withstand till they take to the streets and start screaming."
"He has broken these guys, Greg, right as of now he has broken these guys."
"There's a breaking point, right? There's a point where too much is too much."
"Polite fictions can only be bent so far before they break."
"Ruby's moment here was the straw that broke the camel's back, I think."
"Everyone's got their breaking point, the stress of being expected to achieve just got to him."
"Eventually, everything has a breaking point."
"That was the final straw that broke the camel's back."
"Eventually, they'll reach a break, and the dam will burst."
"The elastic band effect is there; there's only so many times you can stretch it before it's going to snap."
"It really was the straw that broke the camel's back."
"This might be the straw that broke the camel's back."
"The breaking point really was this music."
"I think Robin might snap, yeah, I mean, I feel like the person that's been abused the most by that person takes care of that person."
"I just broke after years of patience. I have no regrets."
"Something seemed to give way inside him, like the snapping of a tightened bow."
"They're at their breaking point, the thought of you being with somebody else is driving them mad."
"Did you ever have a moment in your life where you snapped or maybe reached your breaking point?"
"It's a dam that's about to break."
"But there comes a time when the cup of humiliation is running over, and they just simply have to hit back."
"Every man, woman has a breaking point; some people are stronger than others."
"You know what they say happens when the guy that never snaps finally does."
"I'm too good at it, and I'm also just quirky enough to where when I snap, it'll be better."
"When you start to break, that's when the laughter takes hold of him, and the sound of it destroys you."