
Economic Analysis Quotes

There are 759 quotes

"The amount of risks we have in the system, the amount of potential problems we have, is definitely greater today."
"In economics, the best way to understand big puzzles is to break them down into little puzzles."
"Slow, long-run growth is the economic problem since 2000; our growth rate is cut in half."
"The ideas of a man who died a hundred and thirty-three years ago this March, the analysis put forward by Karl Marx, remains extremely relevant today."
"The fact is that massive government spending has kept workers on the sidelines and has fueled inflation."
"Despite the fact that there's been trillions of dollars since the establishment of welfare, black Americans are poorer today than we were before it."
"The economy is practically purely driven by the consumer."
"Falcon Heavy represents a huge economic advantage...costing about a third as much per flight as a Delta 4 Heavy but carries twice as much payload to orbit."
"We're seeing that feed through... that there was a four percent contraction in GDP."
"Many people in finance have been trying to predict where the next major crisis will begin... However, there are now new signs of an emerging crisis that everyone seems to be brushing off."
"We could easily see prices drop suddenly and for a short window of time somewhere between 15 to 20 percent."
"The real problem in the housing market is that home prices are too high."
"Instead, both official determinations of recessions and economists' assessment of economic activity are based on a holistic look at the data, including the labor market, consumer and business spending, industry production, incomes."
"If there's anything that we've ever learned from history, it's follow the money."
"Drugs account for less than 10% of the nation's overall health care spending."
"It's hard to fathom how Russia's economy has not only survived but seemingly thrived amidst the turmoil."
"Our nation's authorities are now openly admitting to having completely missed the flashing red lights of inflation," on the failure to anticipate economic challenges.
"The critical factor is that the US economy was very lightly indebted, not heavily indebted as we are today."
"This is a super volatile, ugly point in the market."
"The tide goes out, we find out right and this is what's happening, the tide's out and you're going to find all the weakness in the system."
"Virtually everything that goes into the production of income varies enormously between groups, between nations, between people."
"Capitalism indeed produces inequality, but it also remediates dire privation for the first time in the entire painful temporal span comprising life here on Earth."
"The unemployment rate is at 3.6 percent, that is under four percent for the longest stretch in 50 years."
"It's not that home values went up; it's that the purchasing power of the dollar went down."
"The European Union is one of the largest but also one of the strangest economic entities to have ever existed."
"Let's face it, we did hit the bull's eye. No one's perfect, we said it might get up to nine percent, it's 9.1. That's pretty close."
"It's now hard to deny that the housing bubble 2.0 popped in 2022 as mortgage rates more than doubled."
"Prices are going down nationally, that's a fact, and in certain cities, they are going down already 10 to 15 percent."
"There's no fundamentals supporting this. It's a bubble. Every time in U.S. history that this has happened, that home prices have gone way above fundamentals, whether it's national or local, there's typically a housing crash."
"When analyzing the merits or the demerits of any economic proposal, we must not consider just the effect of it on one person or group of people for a short period of time, but we should look at the effect on all groups of people and all individuals over a long period of time."
"Even taxing all billionaires at 100% would make only a small dent in that number."
"The key to unlocking the mysteries around us is not anymore trade volumes or fiscal data. It is the ebb and flow of financial capital."
"During the first 10 years of work, people experience 70% of their overall wage growth."
"You can cherry-pick the numbers and certainly make that argument, but I think it's a mistake to focus just on economic growth."
"On the supply side, higher prices mean higher wages for drivers in surge periods."
"It's not whether or not it goes up and down in terms of the fiat money like dollars or euros. It is that it holds its value over time."
"Legalizing cannabis wouldn't eliminate the black market completely."
"Obviously, this isn't true. Analysis by non-government, nonpartisan groups concluded that the cost was much, much higher—like just under 5 trillion dollars."
"Price levels are useless until time is considered."
"Europe is in economic decline, and at heart, you have a problem of governments being too big, taxation too high, and regulation omnipresent."
"I look at three major forces that are happening now... and those three major forces are the creation of a lot of debt and the printing of a lot of money to buy that debt."
"So there's a couple ways to monitor the health of the petrodollar system."
"Gold, I believe, has struggled a bit, but keep in mind, this is as much or more a US dollar story as it is a gold story."
"It's very interesting today to see markets across the board down."
"Human folly and greed are much stronger forces in financial affairs than reason and restraint."
"College got two-and-a-half times more expensive. We act like everyone's going to go to college. Two-thirds of Americans likely will not."
"What the heck is going on in this market now?"
"Women make more money than men coming out of school."
"In order to fully understand the Weimar hyperinflation, we need to understand them: who these ideologues were, what they believed, and what they were up to."
"Things like collective net worth of individuals within an economy might tell us a lot more about genuine prosperity, rather than how much stuff we are churning through."
"If people put their money into Bitcoin, that's not going towards inflation and consumer prices right? People put it into stocks, that might create asset price inflation, but who cares?"
"The US housing market right now is in uncharted territory with how fast home prices are growing."
"We spend trillions on healthcare, but most diseases are preventable."
"Top economists have dubbed the traditional economic Powerhouse as the sick man of Europe."
"I think that the markets still don't really account for the fact that we cannot stop inflation with a 1.5 or 1.6, 1.75, 2 interest rate."
"Large-scale A-CAES may be a more worthy deal compared to lithium-ion batteries in the short term."
"Jerome Powell the other night on 60 minutes echoed those sentiments he believed that in the third quarter because we had a really strong economy just two months ago the fundamentals are still strong that's encouraging right."
"So essentially non-performing assets were not just 25% of assets as in the early 90s they were close to 100% non-performing assets."
"The labor market is extraordinarily strong, and it's a good thing that inflation has started to come down without weakening the labor market."
"The signaling model of education says that a lot of the reason why education pays isn't that you learn useful skills, but that you distinguish yourself."
"Economically has not been good for black people."
"There's going to come a day where the majority of the people...are going to find out that silver is more rare than gold."
"This is the most bizarre market we've had since March of 2020."
"Gold historically has less volatility than any other asset in the world."
"The fraud cycle follows the financial cycle with a lag. The longer a bull market goes, the more people's sense of disbelief erodes."
"So there's a dollar, debt, demographics and deflation story. It's now the 4 Ds."
"The size of this bubble is just beyond anything we've ever seen prior."
"Inflation is higher than it's been in 40 years."
"Jerome Powell is reiterating that today and that's why the market is behaving in my opinion the way it is."
"Europe is in an economic recession because of the backlash, the boomerang effect of the sanctions." - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"The 'College Wage Premium' vastly undersells the value of their degree."
"Why are the shelves at the local grocery store always partly empty? Why do deliveries take so much longer than they used to? Why is everything more expensive? The short answer is the supply chain; the long answer is not that simple."
"The market is pricing in the best case scenario right now."
"Climate change is a problem of market failure and externalities in our current economic."
"It's not rates that caused the recession, it's the inflation and the bad policy."
"President Trump presided over an amazing economy."
"Does the future earnings potential of the United States need to be 20% of where it was one month ago to be a real crash?"
"The US dollar is here for a while... I think dollar dominance will continue for some time."
"When everything becomes about data and management... there is one piece of data that matters above all else: 26 billion dollars."
"There's a difference in real demand and fake demand."
"Less people actually want to work for them now, which... well, yeah, absolutely makes sense. Why would you?"
"The top one percent paid 27 of the taxes but that's still lower than their overall wealth."
"We enter into what's known as the sweet spot of the S curve. Now with all of the destruction that has taken place out there in traditional retail, it's hard to believe that we've just entered the sweet spot but according to our analysis we have."
"These numbers are Big Numbers we're going to be getting into the point the further we go on quarter after quarter, in this to really begin to feel that debt drag on economic growth."
"A 34% drop in GDP probably won't be the end of the age of innovation, but it does show that things may not always be as easy as just throwing money into the abyss."
"This is an economic downturn caused by the pandemic."
"It's my thesis that if we look at history one of these dexes could 100x in size to a multi-billion dollar market cap."
"There's probably another 20 banks that are in that position, so the banking system is not sound and resilient."
"But for the here and now in terms of what it means for the consumer, that's top of mind."
"There are three stages to every bear market: the first leg down, the reflexive rebound, and then the long and drawn-out decline to the lows."
"A collapse of the financial system was inevitable."
"Anything that surprised me may not have happened in my lifetime but happened before I studied the Great Depression because I did that I was able to anticipate the 2008 financial crisis."
"Basically, we have a financial situation generally speaking that is worse than 2008."
"The purpose of economic indicators is to facilitate analysis necessary to maintain forward economic momentum."
"There was an incredible amount of risk built up in the system."
"Historically, a market like this, that's a bull run that the world's never seen before."
"If you have no guns, you have no gun violence. Same goes for housing."
"When you inflate the currency in the middle of a worker shortage what you end up with is wage spirals which means price spirals which means economic stagnation."
"When you buy a widget for $1 from China, you do that because there's nine dollars of hidden cost on the back end of it, some of which is manifested in a global pandemic that causes a global depression."
"In short, it's dense and refined enough to justify the low purchase price, nowadays around 20 give or take 10 bucks."
"The numbers are very very clear: corporate profits are driving inflation far more than labor costs."
"Instead of taking years for a Model 3 to pay off, it only takes 30,000 kilometers."
"Meanwhile the economy continues to sort of Teeter on the brink the latest inflation reports came in inflation is indeed slowing which is precisely what you would expect when you jack up the interest rates."
"Used cars and trucks continued to rise sharply, going at 10.5% in June."
"Definitely a larger inflation reading than expected."
"The real tragedy here is that all of this is simply a market failure."
"The black unemployment rate fell by a net of 7.9 percent across 26 years of Democratic policies."
"Even though the country claims it's only doing that to ensure it has enough food on hand to feed its large population, something the country has struggled with historically, the data indicates otherwise."
"I believe the most recent one was the biggest bubble ever, the everything bubble."
"If you're telling me that the CPI rent index is under two percent, you're either a fool or a liar."
"Our economy based on objective metrics is in a positive direction."
"If the loans become value devalued and your savings become devalued but if your wages go up then you're earning the same amount of buying power for every hour of labor you engage in."
"The consumer makes up 72% of our economy, so if we're heading into a recession, we need to look at the consumer."
"Why then are we seeing so many layoffs and Game Dev Studio closures? The entire industry looks like it's on the brink of collapse."
"Billionaires in this particular space have almost doubled... in just the last year alone." - Josh Nichols
"I'm so excited because this is at a factory that's not even finished yet."
"Turns out, like you probably already guessed, the Austrian post figured out through real-world use that EVs have a lower total cost of ownership than gas vehicles."
"What I'm worried about is what is currently breaking."
"The drivers of economic inequality are complex."
"The top 10 percent of wealthiest people control more than half of all the wealth."
"Every time we see huge fluctuations like we did yesterday... that is followed by an immediate correction."
"How did global capitalism come to this point?"
"The crap collapse of 2008 wasn't simply a product of lowering interest rates, it was fraud."
"Contemporary art pieces literally outpace the S&P 500 by 164 percent between 1995 and 2021."
"Ponds cost more to build than you get out of removing them."
"We saw during the year that despite record low earnings or a big hit to earnings during the year we didn't see share prices take such a hit." - Nick Reese
"Conventional critics and mainstream analysts don't get the crypto economy."
"They think that food franchises are the biggest moneymakers but according to a franchise business review report fifty one point five percent of food franchises earned profits of less than $50,000 a year."
"The vast majority of people who buy extended warranties never use them."
"Is the Indian economy back in the short run? For the long run, one should be somewhere between cautious and anxious."
"A bubble begins to form when there's a gathering acceleration in price for an asset."
"Things are getting a little bit ahead of themselves."
"The most effective way to truly understand how much of an impact this illness has had on us all is to explore what the world's largest economy would look like if it never happened."
"What the markets keep doing is working against what the Fed's trying to achieve."
"The amount of debt we're taking on in relation to how much money we make is still relatively reasonable."
"There is some weird economic data that the media is not parsing through and it is telling a different story of reality than the politicians on either side want you to believe."
"There is a study by Morgan Stanley, financial... it's called the rise of the she economy... by 2030, women between the ages of 25 and 44... over half... will be single for the rest of their lives."
"China's economy is the size of New York State. China, and this is not the Chinese people, this is this kind of radical cadre of the Chinese Communist Party."
"The writing's on the wall... we're already around price parity... much lower total cost of ownership... recharging... electricity in general far cheaper than gasoline."
"Now that’s not a lot of money but considering a 2017 study found the average bank robbery lasts just three minutes, it comes out to making about $140,000 an hour."
"Until we start seeing some level of sustainable economic growth within these networks I don't know if we're gonna see BTC be the big cheese going forward."
"Shanghai is the economic heart of China, Beijing is the political heart."
"There really is no economic reason for it but it is purely a sentimental or intangible reason that exists."
"I think gold and silver are the best indication that you've got inflation about to pick up."
"Recession risks are high and there's even a pretty sizable chance that a recession has already begun."
"China's rise was exceptional and now fleeting."
"The market is the collective wisdom of everybody."
"Rates hit 6%, people can't afford homes. Fear hits the market."
"These missiles have an irrefutable cost advantage over their targets."
"The current environment is so twisted and so upside down you know it's very difficult to make heads or tails of what's going on but what we do realize i think we should all know is central banks are not done."
"Popular financial advice might contain important insights that academics have been overlooking."
"Every recession is different... it's really hard to read the tea leaves in this market."
"People are terrified right now, and that's how you know we're probably getting to a bottom here."
"The industry was in decline... the money is not there, it's never gonna be there."
"One of the reasons we suggested hey look we're likely going to go lower in Q4 what happened we ended up going down to a one-year ROI of approximately 0.234 cyclically."
"The beauty of economic happenings is that we can learn a lot in retrospect."
"The day of reckoning is coming for the entire economic system."
"Ray Dalio suggests bitcoin's merit has been fueled by millennial interest."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"Separating the knee-jerk reaction of doom and gloom from the reality."
"The boost we've seen... could be the result of more than a year's worth of pent-up resignations."
"We're seeing a world shape up where we just don't have a lot of selling pressure for bitcoin."
"People always ask me what is going on in markets. It is simple: greatest speculative bubble of all time in all things." - Michael Burry
"If we get an economic recession, earnings recession combined with higher interest rates, that's like kryptonite for the stock market."
"I think the supply constraints and the structural changes in inflation are much more severe than what we saw back then."
"The average credit score of a buyer today is a hundred points higher."
"A bull market is hard to trade, a sideways market is one of the best markets to trade."
"To me is kind of crazy that Bitcoin's dropped as much as it has, the dominance is still around 40 percent."
"The consistent argument is that 'oh, it's bounced back,' and in many ways it has."
"There is a consensus on the need for change, but not on how to understand exactly what is wrong with the economy."
"The biggest money in the stock market is made in the stock market's Trend itself, not in your interpretation of the economy."
"Destroy the middle class and you eventually destroy the economic engine of the United States."
"To break even, you need about 3.7 million customers for the rest of the world."
"I think these are huge, huge economic indicators and quite frankly warning signs."
"Markets don't move in straight lines, they do go up, they do go down, but when we look at what has been happening here on the bigger structure of all of it, it's optimistic."
"Given the reputational damage, yet I'd say the little noticed freight shipping moratorium is a far more economic consequence."
"The recovery is the slowest since World War II, with wage stagnation and household incomes still not recovered."
"Every dollar of increase in income for whites added like five dollars in wealth. Every dollar of increase in income for black families added like 70 cents in wealth."
"Even the lower income segments aren't pulling back on discretionary spending yet." - JPMorgan earnings call
"Divergence between the stock market and reality."
"A magnificent explosion in what we would call inflation but it's actually too much money and too little stuff."
"The best performing stock market in the world in dollar value though or in Venezuelan currency." - Raoul
"The assumption is Apple is Right... not trusting this rebound at all."
"Bitcoin's value will eventually approach its fundamental value."
"What is the current state of the U.S. economy? Well, the data presents a complicated picture that seems to be where people think the economy is going rather than where it is because if you just look at where it is it's doing quite well."
"Black Rock thinks inflation will be structurally higher and sees real estate and infrastructure playing a key role in strategic portfolios."
"When these quants start to come back into the bond market, it's going to put massive deflationary pressures."
"The VIX in the dollar index the 10-year yield all down at least today and that is bullish for equities."
"The super wealthy drive luxury sales, not volume growth."
"It's held up thanks to a massive rally and just a handful of names - your Apples, your Microsofts, your usual suspects."
"The point about whether the economy is working for most people, I think that is a valid point."
"The wage premium for bachelor's degrees has skyrocketed over time."
"Your middle class benefits somewhat and your upper class dramatically benefits."
"Inflation is still with us and for a long time, and so real assets are going to do well in the long, in the super long run."
"The market's telling us bluntly hey we're now more worried about a recession than we are about inflation."
"What is the labor market doing and what does it tell us about the state of the overall economy?"
"The supply crunch is happening... literally, the only way is up... it becomes a traditional supply and demand story."
"According to the latest numbers from industry analysts Lazard, that compares very favourably with the typical cost of existing nuclear power which comes in at between 118 and 192 dollars per megawatt hour."
"This is what I said before with rates at zero with trillions of dollars of printed money with no investable equities companies that are unique in and of one Tesla Virgin Galactic are going to have a bid."
"There is a major financial crisis that is occurring."