
Apologies Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"Parents who practice apologizing and modeling accountability for when you make mistakes... that's a much more useful method of parenting."
"Does that sound like the standard YouTuber apology?"
"It’s an amazing friendship because when they do have conflicts, they’re able to work through them and apologize meaningfully."
"How many times did OutKast apologize to Ms. Jackson?"
"I know apologies don't mean much and action is what shows progression."
"Apologizing for those mistakes isn't only for you; it's to let the other person know that that isn't who you are."
"Healing, apologies, and forgiveness... that's like what has to happen."
"The people I love are so much more precious to me. I'm also much more willing to say sorry... life is so short, you know, reach out to people."
"I feel so bad like feelo bad for my fans, sorry guys letting him down."
"Apologies are important when you need to apologize, but you also don't want to get into a mindset where you're constantly apologizing for how you feel and who you are."
"Apologies are the bare minimum of manners for the other party whom you have hurt, and it is not something you get to gain any sort of tangible benefit from."
"The correct thing to do is say sorry... and then do better."
"We first want to apologize for accepting your application and not doing our research beforehand."
"Apologies can pave the way for understanding and growth."
"Life lesson from a 52-year-old boomer: It's not really a sincere apology if you're only sorry because you got caught."
"We're never always going to be perfect but we might give ourselves Grace or make amend very quickly say I was out of line I'm so sorry I know where that came from but that's not your problem I was not okay kind of thing right."
"The power of public shaming is losing its influence...if you don't apologize...then they tend to melt away."
"My favorite is when people are apologizing for an offensive thing that they do and they do the offensive thing in their apology."
"Sorry doesn't work a lot of the time. Sorry needs to be followed by actions."
"You have to just step back, say you're sorry, and move forward for the betterment of that relationship."
"Capcom are still apologizing for their misdeeds."
"This apology isn't enough... I shouldn't be able to just make an apology video and walk away from it."
"I have a shoe guy, dude. And you know what? I'm not sorry about this [ __ ] man. I'm tired of [ __ ] people asking you to apologize, dude."
"Too often in our society people think the easiest way out is to apologize for doing stuff that they didn't do wrong in the first place."
"Would you like to hear somebody say 'I'm sorry'? I would, but it's not going to help any of them."
"Apologies when growth is there but I do think it's necessary."
"Literally 10 out of 10 apology. Something about it was probably one of the best apologies that I've seen."
"The reason these things haven't caught up with him and haven't really affected his career that much is because he does what a lot of YouTubers don't seem to know how to do and that is he makes sincere apologies, not fake apologies."
"She is an amazing person who did not deserve to be the brunt of my offensive remarks."
"Other people can change - and it's never too late to apologize."
"Every diocese that I've seen has apologized enthusiastically... committed themselves to opening up their archives and being as transparent as they possibly can be."
"Well, I need to apologize. No, no serenade. Smooth apology."
"The most sincere apology is the most specific apology."
"I'm sorry, I think I knocked over your books. Don't worry about it, it's my fault for not cleaning up."
"Don't apologize. Don't effing apologize. That's an admission of guilt."
"I'm Canadian, it's obligatory that I apologize just before and after I do anything, so I'm sorry."
"Apologies are crucial for the healing process."
"You have to give props to people when they apologize if you do something wrong and you apologize that is better than if you do something wrong and you do not apologize."
"If they want an official apology I'm sorry I'm sorry I apologize for any wrongdoings or any black eyes I've brought on to the sport I love the sport."
"So sorry for the grainy picture, but you know what's going on here."
"When you make a public declaration, if you get it wrong, you have to make a public apology."
"I try to hear my kid out whereas my dad, like whenever he messed up he never said sorry."
"I think apologies and being sorry are two very different things."
"Saying sorry is not enough. Engage in problem-solving, don't make excuses."
"Saying 'I'm so sorry for letting you down, can you find it in your heart to forgive me' places the power back into the hands of the hurt party."
"I'm terribly sorry that I didn't do it earlier."
"I'm truly like so sorry epic I know I have to take accounts ability for my actions and you know I'm gonna I'm gonna do my best to accept any punishment light comes my way."
"I think more often than not it's an honest mistake or an accidental thing and so it's like hey I'm I'm sorry that that happened if I had known better I would have done the thing."
"I forgot, I didn't even check on him, my bad."
"An apology doesn't mean [anything] because he knew what he was doing was wrong."
"You may get an apology from someone that you looked up to...this will be new life created from hard work that you put in in the past."
"It's not about the apology, it's about change."
"I just want to keep apologizing for sending that negative energy out there."
"Always make sure to say sorry if you think you're doing a mean thing, you're in the wrong." - Jumbo Josh
"Sorry Katie, sorry in advance. Didn't mean to. Yeah I did."
"I will not intentionally hurt you with the wrong pronouns."
"Apologies are words and with those words you can't buy anything."
"I think the moment they got me the most choked up was when Luca goes and tries to apologize to Alberto and he sees all the tallies on the wall."
"An apology is not enough from someone who wants to be the President of the U.S."
"Apologies or reconciliations could be something that happens."
"I want to apologize to everybody, I've been on set doing reshoots."
"Know who you are, make no apologies for who you are but never be afraid to apologize when you're [ __ ] up."
"Every relationship has fights, but it's important to know how to say 'I'm sorry.'"
"I actually think it's gonna wrap it up for the stream guys because it's lagging and I don't know why it's frozen for everyone and it's been like this for like five minutes now so I'm sorry."
"We love you, sorry. Sorry, we're sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't want to create a divide. Alright, apology accepted."
"I do apologize even though I guess it's too late for that."
"It's one thing to actually apologize once or twice, and it's nothing if you're apologizing five, six, seven, eight times."
"I guess we should also apologize to you because I think our traps were a little bit mean."
"I'm sorry about the really poor quality of the target camera footage earlier."
"When you apologize, you're only pulling the rug out from under the people who are defending you."
"I had apologies to make to some people because I too pulled away from certain people because I didn't know how to say help."
"A lot of people accepted my apology, and a lot of people heard what they wanted to hear."
"Apologizing and doing all that, but it's also, I think that the thing that goes the furthest is just actions."
"Apologies should come without an expectation, right?"
"I'm not gonna apologize for it but that is the reason for light-hearted jokes."
"But there are many who owe them an apology, many in public service who owe them an apology, and frankly many in the media about how they disrespect them." - John Kelly
"I'm really sorry about this, 47 really doesn't discriminate against women."
"If we don't have trust, we don't have anything. Thanks for showing me that, and I promise I'll be better if you still want to be with me."
"At some point you two could work this out... a new start and a possible apology."
"He knows that he needs to make a move and he needs to apologize."
"This is it, ladies and gentlemen. I'm so sorry that Matthew Goodwin or Mudgen came seven minutes late."
"I feel like I should say sorry that there's been this gap between the last video."
"Apologizing is a sign of strength, of confidence, of humility."
"Apologizing early and often... it's weak people they can't apologize."
"Somebody coming through with an apology or communication."
"I'm very sorry about how this personally affects you."
"I dragged my team down with it... I just said sorry for the games."
"Canceling people usually does not do anything good. It doesn't really leave any room for genuine apologies or growth, and it's just exhausting."
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry that I wasn't a very good boyfriend."
"I found his apologies and explanations way more cringe-worthy than the actual mistake itself."
"I apologize to anyone where I made a promise and I said I would be back on camera soon and it didn't happen."
"Why would you accept an apology from someone that isn't genuinely sorry?"
"When a decent man messes up, he tries his best to apologize."
"We again apologize for the missteps we've made. The mistakes of Total War are a shared responsibility by all leaders of the franchise..."
"Sorry about your damn luck, ladies and gentlemen."
"He apologized to me and said he's been feeling embarrassed and quite ashamed by how he behaved yesterday."
"The best apology for a mistake is change behavior."
"You don't apologize if you're not sorry for something."
"I apologize I didn't get the video up last weekend I had a bit of an issue with my project management notebook where I actually had to totally start it all over again."
"Once he made the apology video, it made sense to a degree."
"A man does something in a passionate spur-of-the-moment bit of rage, he says a word that you don't like. Once mental lucidity returns to him, he apologizes, even makes another."
"For some of you, apologies from people that kind of like stopped, they may have changed on you or started acting a certain way, they're going to apologize for their behavior."
"Apologies should reflect who the person truly is."
"Apologies if you can hear the washing machine as well but um I do have to have clean clothes."
"If you're gonna apologize... we're so sorry we're gonna rebrand."
"I'm really sorry if I threatened to delete your favorite pack for the sims 4."
"Courageously courageous, sermon about the social importance of having the courage to apologize for your stupid mistakes."
"To anybody who's actually been through any of that, genuinely sorry that you have to watch this."
"Just because somebody accepts your apology doesn't wipe away the situation."
"I haven't seriously apologized in a long time."
"Okay thank you for that I'm sorry George I'm gonna do one more I'm gonna steal one more from you you know just to compensate for the power cut that I had."
"Society still expects apologies if they don't understand something."
"Being a good husband who listens and says the words 'I'm sorry'... that's hard."
"One reason that Canadians apologize is that it’s part of their culture of politeness, but it’s also a quick way to smooth over problems and keep relationships positive."
"Taking it down would defeat the purpose of apologizing."
"Someone does come in with an apology, it feels like it's heartfelt."
"Her whole tactic of either not acknowledging it at all or maybe saying an apology video is coming but it never does or giving a half-assed apology works almost all of the time."
"Apologies aren't easy, but they can help ease the confusion, anger, and pain in the aftermath."
"It's never too late to apologize, it's only too late when you're not here anymore."
"Your person, they're wanting to apologize or express their feelings."
"You guys, I'm sorry for acting like a dick during the pandemic. I'm sorry too, dude."
"When you're finding love, not everything is perfect. This one was a real journey, and I want to apologize because no one could ever be more sorry."
"I am so sorry, my Superstar. I am so terribly sorry."
"I'm sorry Carmen, but I'm not going to get to the meeting on time. There was a delay coming into the airport."
"When it's genuine, you say, 'I'm sorry.' Don't say 'I'm sorry' and then have a whole story behind your sorry."
"I do want to apologize for the lack of no upload last night."
"Somebody wanting to apologize for something, somebody's telling me they love you and they want to apologize maybe for giving up on something too soon."
"Sorry for some of the weird audio things, sorry for listening to production only tracks. I didn't realize. That was cool though. I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to putting it on again right now already."
"I apologize for everything that's happening. We're supposed to be at the tightest and at the strongest."
"You cannot have a long-term relationship if you never learn how to apologize."
"Everyone has made mistakes, nobody isn't perfect, again, again I'm sorry."
"They're gifts and it makes some people mad, I'm sorry for that."
"Apology is important but apology with reparations is garbage. So if you want to do something good, dump the apology and give me some reparations."
"Apologies and acceptance pave the way for healing."
"Val apologizes for everything and promises to start over and to make things right."
"Apologies are coming, but the damage has been done."
"If they don't give you the apology you deserve, their life will continue to be in shambles."
"I did not mean to say those things to hurt you."
"I'm sorry, but wait, Americus, you've been very, very annoying."
"If you feel like you always have to apologize, you're always apologizing, always feel like you have to feel remorseful every time, that is not a good friend."
"I didn't think I was being too harsh. If the guy sees this video, I'm sorry that I don't like your home. You have different tastes than I do. That's okay."
"I'm glad sugar, low skill, a lot of thought, yeah, I like just saying sorry."
"Apologizing is probably the worst thing you could do."
"There's an apology here, there's a confession here in the near future."
"Apologize for flicking off in the photo that has maybe caused him his promoting NARS trip."
"If it's anything less than a heartfelt apology, then it's empty."
"They're going to find a way to communicate with you, express their love, their apologies."
"That shot was nasty, I'm sorry but that was nasty."
"One more chance and then I'm going downstairs there's only so many times you can keep saying sorry"
"An apology isn't good enough if you don't go over the actual act itself and describe it in detail whilst in tandem apologizing for that act that you don't want to repeat."
"We're going into a point and into a space now where influencers are simply flat out refusing to apologize because realistically they're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't."
"Some people are flat out refusing to apologize and are standing 10 toes behind it."
"Apologies are more trouble than they are worth."
"What we wanted was sincere apologies from you, taking accountability, owning up to your part in the situation."
"I've cancelled two funerals, sorted, I've got to be there, sorry I'm going to see Crouchy, someone else can do it."
"Apologies don't make everything right again, but since we can't go back in time, they are the best that we can do."
"It's not about apologies, it's about taking action to try and make things better."
"You just say you're sorry for the things you did and you get a clean slate."
"No, but if I cheated, I'll try to give you a reason to take me back. That's how it is. That is how it is. Hey, bro, I feel that."
"Sorry to everyone I've hurt. I'm sorry to people who feel lied to."
"I'm sorry to Jesse. There were actually several other YouTubers who were very nice to me, but I feel like with everything that went down Jesse is the one that I should apologize to the most."
"I'm sorry to the people who felt scammed, who thought that Telos was a grift. It was not, it is not. I am very sorry and I hope given time and my actions proving it that you can believe me."
"We should not necessarily say that the individual should not be sorry for his mistakes, but the only way to prove that we are sorry for them is to correct them now."
"You may have a lot of people around you who are going to be wanting to apologize to you."
"He said, 'Sorry, I can't make it,' but like, thank you so much."
"Some of these people have been owing you apologies."
"Apologies do not count if you don't change your [ __ ] behavior, exactly."
"Extreme apologies followed by no real change are pointless."
"John didn't suspect anything wrong and decided to accept their apologies."
"Open all hatches, extend all flaps and drag fins. Extend all flaps. Another happy landing. Happy? I'm happy. Well, it couldn't possibly be as bad as all that."
"Bubba wanted him to apologize to the fans for taking time off. I think he ought to apologize to Tony for treating him like a doormat and trying to get him kicked off television."
"Delilah apologized for abandoning Ariana."
"People respect new [__] more than they're going to care about your apologies for some old [__]."
"Did this count apologizes for their unlivable situation."
"...I think a lot of people owe each other apologies in hip-hop... they just not man enough to give it."
"Sorry to all the homegirls that I pissed off. I love each and every one of y'all, but you ain't Jazz the rapper. Oh, big bag Jazz, the big bag, not the little one."
"Sorry you're salty but the snowballs were hilarious."
"I like the volume. It makes it difficult, like a porn star's wedding. I'm sorry."
"Not the a-hole. I'd refuse to plan anything until there was a serious apology. That's just me though."
"I'm sorry about all that. Let's forget it."
"I've had to make some pretty scary apologies to people for things worse than what you did."
"People throw apologies around these days. It's like that doesn't mean anything, especially when they keep making the same mistakes."
"She's sorry about it until it happens again. This is not somebody you want to marry, dude. I'm sorry, but this is a [ __ ] deal-breaker."
"She makes very specific apologies to very specific communities that she has offended over time."
"Sicilians have a hard time with apologies."
"If two Canadians bump into each other in a crowd or get into each other's way, they both apologize. It's considered polite."
"Canadians are known for their excessive use of the word 'sorry'... They actually had to make a law about this. That is funny."
"They have a lot of regrets. They may come to you and tell you how regretful they are about how intense or harsh or uncommunicative they have been."
"I got time to say sorry, this is a dream come true for me."
"Shock the world, apologize when you screw up."
"Let your apologies be as loud as your disrespect."
"Apologies aren't always easy, but they're always worth it."
"Not one time was this woman remorseful, no apologies, nothing."
"There was a lot more tears and hugs and apologies all around."
"I want to apologize to anyone who ever donated over the years who felt they were wrong or let us Stray by any of this."
"I hope we hope sorry learned it from you we hope that we get to do this again uh pretty soon."
"I don't need any superficial apologies just for money."
"For everyone thinking that J.Cole apologizing for making the Kendrick diss song is no big deal, think about Nas apologizing to Jay-Z after he dropped 'Ether,' Tupac apologizing to Biggie for 'Hit 'Em Up.'"
"...and that is my little sharing buddy sorry he likes to join us sometimes."
"So many gifts and so few actual apologies."