
Corporate Practices Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"The trust is completely broken because developers can't trust that Unity won't, years down the line, try to change the rules on them again."
"Only when you were forced to give back refunds by your publisher did they start issuing them. They say in an interview, 'Well, that was our plan all along to refund everyone.' Aren't we saintly? Oh, [expletive] off, you lying sacks."
"Officially all these people were still on the books, they were still employed by those companies, they weren't turning up to work every day and putting in a shift, but they were still employed."
"Over the past several years, companies across all industries have been eroding the definition of ownership."
"Until the bottom line gets hurt, and until Activision actually starts hurting from all their monetization crap, nothing is going to change."
"It's not something that a corporation renowned for already doing anti-consumer practices is going to do right."
"Verizon admitted that it was throttling videos and, surprise surprise, just months later offered to stop throttling videos if customers paid an extra $10 per month fee."
"We really need to level up the way that we look at social responsibility for companies by the example of Lush."
"It's Christmas, oh-ho-ho, ladies, a time for giving, and Blizzard have decided to give their employees a year's worth of money to leave."
"It's a real shame that companies are taking tremendous shortcuts. They're trying to do things that are easy rather than effective."
"Nick has been getting a little frustrating with their treatment of other cartoons, though, most of the time not giving them a single chance to walk before smothering them in broad daylight."
"One of the most frustrating things about certain companies, some fruit-based ones in particular, where they will talk so much about how green this is or how recycled this hunk of aluminum is, and then they will go and design a device that did not need to be disposable but is."
"The NFL sort of reminds me of the tobacco companies pre-'90s."
"82 percent of U.S. voters believe inflation's fueled by corporations jacking up prices."
"It turns out that despite our best efforts to hack Chipotle, it was Chipotle who hacked us."
"Blaming it on corporate greed and record profits."
"Companies understand loot boxes are on a social Tipping Point... nobody wants to be the last one holding the bag."
"I find this interesting... Netflix removes Chappelle's show from service upon request from Dave Chappelle, who blasts Viacom CBS for not paying him."
"Corporate America's hidden profit center, the tax shelter business, has become basically stealing from the treasury."
"You don't have to thank companies, especially the ones that just took away your livelihood after telling you they care about you for so long."
"They're not giving you any infrastructure. YouTube takes the infrastructure that the government helped create, builds a company on top of that, and then says, 'Here, you have to pay us profits for said infrastructure.'"
"Avon is all for women until they get pregnant or need to breastfeed, I suppose. Super empowering."
"They want you to pay so you don't have to play their game."
"Customers are the ones with the power. Unless the community rises up... companies like EA will continue to do so."
"False advertising is how many companies roll."
"That's the cool part about opinions! We can all discuss what we enjoy or don't enjoy, learn things from one another, and, uh, point out malicious practices by corporations to better influence the future of entertainment!"
"Burger King has also been called out for having sexist advertisements as well."
"Americans are held captive by corporations forced to either work absurd hours to qualify for full-time benefits or find a second job to help cover the cost of things like health insurance."
"Transparency is our thing, so let's do this!"
"At this rate, Square Enix is really, really starting to give me a bad vibe for what the future holds for this company and its future projects."
"Fifteen dollars an hour minimum wage should be a minimum wage period."
"The right to repair movement has put a spotlight on some of Apple's predatory business practices."
"Most companies are just looking to make money and they increase their profit margins by using minimal dosages and charging top dollar for their supplements that don't work."
"Nike sells mall shoes, but regular people like the American flag."
"Genuine companies do advertise on all of those platforms."
"Their practices impact workers across the board."
"Companies took advantage of the inflation narrative that was regurgitated and repeated in corporate media over and over again to increase their prices to maximize corporate profits."
"Disney's nickel and diming people and they literally are."
"YouTube or lease management at YouTube knows they're screwing people over... they just want to hide this because it means a smoother operation for them."
"Stop buying EA games. Don't buy a single one for as long as they stay on the course of the money-grubbing monolith."
"Konami who really hores out at duel monsters."
"Until all of these companies give smaller customers a chance to reach for the stars, I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"Starbucks is lying to you. They are telling you that they're lifting prices because of the supply chain crisis and inflation in fact they have record-breaking profits so that doesn't really make sense."
"They're not making anything new, they're just slicing the meat as thin as they can and they're bleeding the consumers." - Clownfish TV
"The science is in: profits. Food is addictive, can make you extremely happy, and will prematurely kill you. How did the corporations deceive you about this?"
"It's all about that engagement, and it's the same strategy Tencent's using."
"I feel like EA is really taking advantage of all of us."
"Everything seems to be an internal recruitment."
"OverWatch 2 represents everything wrong with the industry and Activision Blizzard King."
"You give them an inch, WWE takes a mile. It's ridiculous."
"The narrative that some companies will try to get you to believe is I've got to take all of your data to make my service better. Well, don't believe them."
"Private Equity runs hospitals and mobile home parks the same way they run streaming platforms."
"It just doesn't seem like this is the best decision, seems like corporate greed once again."
"Facebook may have started with relatively strong privacy controls, but it simply did not last."
"These companies thrive on uncertainty and prey on the vulnerable."
"Bethesda bait and switching is considered illegal."
"The problem is that Apple is gatekeeping third-party repairs."
"The man alleged Starbucks cheated customers by adding ice to the cold beverage."
"He called it voluntary resignation but this was practically the same as getting fired."
"Activision's recent adventures in monetization... really did poison the series's name."
"I honestly need to have a break from thinking about Disney for a little bit, because the never-ending cycle of creating a thing that children love, and then killing it because it doesn't make enough money, gets a little bleak."
"Ida Tarbell exposed such practices for the first time to many in the nation."
"Greenwashing makes an eco-conscious public view the company more positively while not actually changing any of its potentially harmful activities."
"The intent was to provide players with a sense of Pride and accomplishment for unlocking different Heroes and a bunch of other stuff nobody asked for."
"You give companies an inch, they'll take a mile."
"Black Ops 4 is way too good of a game to be ruined by a season pass and greedy corporate business moves."
"Disney Underpaid His Employees, Causing Them to Go On Strike and Changing Animation Forever."
"Apple tries to get you to purchase a new device instead of repair your old one."
"I'm so sour on Apple because of what they did with the batteries."
"Real generosity unlike Electronic Arts who has a reputation of killing game studios."
"They're being used as a way to generate more money or revenue for these companies without their consent."
"They post record profits and then lay off super loyal employees."
"It's almost as if Disney and Nickelodeon raise content farms of humans in a way."
"Watching what Bethesda has done with the Fallout franchise with fallout 76 has been like watching your best friend fuck your wife on stage whilst the rest of your friends sit in the audience and cheer."
"I'm tired of large profitable corporations shutting down here and moving abroad. I am sick and tired of corporate greed."
"How can Whole Foods or Amazon say they value open communication but use this interactive heat map as a way to spy on their workers?"
"But the problem many people have with Amazon and the climate isn't just that they're harming it but they've funded climate denial groups."
"They explicitly do not want to sell you something and subsequently allow you to control it; they would rather sell temporary access to something and then make unilateral decisions about the future of that service with zero accountability."
"Nothing you are making is worth what you're doing to people because they're human beings, mate."
"Nearly every major company in America is already utilizing a secret social credit score."
"Apple collects a 30 fee on all in-app transactions. If you're spending any money in-app, Apple gonna get 30 cents of every dollar."
"Workers told insider they feel Apple's repair network stretches contractors to their limits."
"HelloFresh, in my opinion, is systemically putting things in place that do not allow workers to have a word at all. It's extremely intentional."
"The anime community deserves better than Funimation's corporate greed and tone-deaf practices. It's time for a change."
"Creating a need and then filling it, that's how marketing works. Anyone in the corporate world will affirm this."
"Apple doesn't care about you, they just want your money."
"You know what you do, Nike. You know that you hold a price tag over her head every time her name is mentioned."
"I don't need you to pluck a few of us and pat us on the back. What we need to do is figure out how do we find hidden talent wherever it lies."
"Intel has artificially locked down a lot of stuff."
"This is a bunch of wall street wankery, nothing to do with Tesla."
"I'm actually kind of shocked that this is happening. Like, am I the only person here? Like, I've never seen a game company do something like this before."
"Publishers like Activision give developers like Bungie a way to do their job... but they do it in the most dangerous, most manipulative, most obnoxious ways imaginable."
"As a consumer I like choice in where I buy things at ea's attempt to force me to shop at retail for battlefield exclusives or shop off their own store at even higher prices is unacceptable."
"YouTube does not care about its creators they care more about maintaining a clean corporate image and this has been proven time and time again."
"It's just good business. It's not about being generous, it's about good business."
"Right to repair being that a manufacturer should not go out of their way to keep people who purchase a product from being able to fix that product."
"It's also really just ultimately about your privacy and it's about denying these companies the data they want to commodify you and to sell you more commodities."
"It'll include indemnification and that'll mean that they can't be sued ever again ever just like the cigarette companies so no."
"To be told a week ago that you are safe here we are giving you a contract because we see that you have a future in this company and then a week later you're told oh by the way everything we told you last week was bull s***."
"Web 3 intends to solve the problem of big corporations selling user data."
"Corporate greed has a lot to do with why the train derailments have been happening, why our rails are unsafe."
"Nobody wants to work for a company that lays off a lot of people on a whim."
"No, it was a [ __ ] show obviously just when you think they couldn't stoop any lower despicable company this is really gross and weird and I don't know why they're doing this profiteering from the dreams of dying children."
"Green washing is a huge problem because it encourages more people to participate in this unsustainable activity thinking 'oh it's not that bad.'"
"They need to stop with this, they need to chillax with that, you know? Relax EA, relax."
"ESG and DEI are smoke screens allowing big businesses and liberal politicians to create a false sense of progress."
"They’re a company, it’s their job to make money, blah blah blah. But sometimes they’ll dabble in anti-consumer practices that make them money at the expense of customer trust."
"AMD definitely needs to change those names moving forward because it's just it's really it's borderline anti-consumer."
"If you don't know what the companies are doing, you cannot know what kind of abuses are happening."
"Fate loves irony: OpenAI is super closed source."
"They're borrowing hand-over-fist but not to create jobs or new capacity or new efficiencies but to buy back their stock."
"Companies like Amazon view you as a commodity."
"You should be able to fix what you own and that company should not go out of their way to sabotage your ability to fix your own things."
"Legally, you oversold the flight. What do you mean we can't legally do it? We do oversell flights. All airlines overbook."
"Private business often supersedes and undermines the will of peoples around the world."
"It's eye-opening. People are realizing these companies aren't your friend."
"Jagex hides a lot behind the public perception."
"It's very frustrating that Microsoft had a nasty habit of deleting old documentation and example code off their website."
"You think we dumb? I love when companies just think we so dumb, huh? You think I'm stupid? No, you're stupid for underestimating me."
"In short, corporations can and do inflate the cost of shoplifting."
"Twitch's shady practices: artificial inflation and endless cycles of hosted raids."
"Corporate price gouging is responsible for a lot of inflation in this country."
"Being okay with bad practices means that companies are always gonna do the bare minimum for you."
"Fuck EA was supposed to have turned a new leaf. No more season passes. No more stupidly expensive hundred and twenty dollar editions."
"EA, please let us enjoy football games again."
"What do you guys think about all of this? Do you think EVGA is handling it the right way?"
"Instead of actually fixing problems that cause psychological issues, large organizations focus their efforts on developing and distributing drugs to remedy the problem and making a profit from it."
"The amount of financial exploitation that occurs in these companies is just staggering."
"A lot of companies talk the diversity talk very few of them walk it right."
"Being able to dislike anti-consumer moves like this were kind of the only way to quantify people's reactions to exploitative decisions."
"It's sad and disappointing that these big companies are laying off the working middle-class people that are trying to survive."
"That's how we do things here at Walmart."
"The gig economy is everywhere now, and it's largely a product of corporations' abilities to not give you the rights of an employee."