
Divisiveness Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"Regardless of the verdict, 50% of the world is going to be angry."
"Algorithms on social media tend to amplify things that are divisive, things that are angry, because they get more what they call engagement, and that's how the companies make more money."
"The things that unite us are so much more powerful than what divides us."
"These are cosmic perspectives that bring your view above all that divides us."
"This divisiveness in this country has become terrible. You know, be compassionate and understanding and be as supportive as you can."
"People are split right down the middle on it. They either think it's amazing or they're super angry."
"Have you ever seen America as divisive as we are today? No, I think we're in a very divisive point in America's history."
"We got Americans need to be much more witting of what is going on and how our adversaries are trying to divide us."
"Religion, in its highest practice, brings people together; in its lowest practice, it separates people."
"It just takes a lot to make you think that one party thinks one way and not another party thinks another."
"Violence divides, doesn't unite, destroys businesses, hurts families."
"It's either pro-American or anti-American, that is the choice we face in this moment."
"Neither camp will be capable of weaving a new purposeful narrative for America."
"Consider this: In recent years, nearly every party-line response to the problems we face in this body, every partisan action taken to protect a cherished value, has led us to more division, not less."
"They're targeting anybody. They're targeting you if you like Trump, they're targeting you if you have an American flag."
"Is it really divisive for somebody to say liberate my country?"
"Whatever the truth is, the truth, and like I tell y'all, the truth divides."
"The black-and-white thinking, where it's us against them, that mentality can be so addictive."
"Politics should always be rigorous and divisive, it's a fact."
"Trump puts country before party because party doesn't matter and only serves to divide."
"The Senate should reject this divisive and unconstitutional effort and allow the nation to move forward."
"Geographical and ideological polarization is solidified."
"There are some white people listening right now that are tired of hearing us talk about all it is [ __ ] so [ __ ] them."
"Two different realities and it's impossible to convince people what's true."
"If you're looking at people who are actively attempting to create racial divides in the country, the Democrats... are doing exactly that."
"We're so divisive, especially this year. It's really sad because at the end of the day, there's strength in numbers."
"Why is there a need for divisiveness? Can we not just all support each other?"
"Unfortunately that divisiveness and that terrible rhetoric comes from the top and it trickles down to everything at the bottom."
"It's becoming very, very divisive in this country." - T
"I know a lot of people as soon as they see that you have to use duplicates to really get the max top power of your character I know that turns off a lot of people it just really depends."
"The world is divided into two different groups: people who think olives are the greatest thing in the universe and people who think olives are the worst thing in the universe."
"Religion will literally never unify us, it is the most divisive force in human history."
"The truth is never meant to bring people together, the truth is meant to divide."
"This president isn't trying to make America great, he's trying to make America hate."
"Who gains from us being at each other's throats? It's not America."
"What does it say that they're all in for Trump? What does it say that he won't condemn the flag of hate, division, and losers? For us, it says, 'This is a time for choosing: America or Trump.'"
"Say no to those that want a divider. Say no to those seeking attention, or you can just be respectful and stop being a big baby."
"If I were president, my language would be less divisive. I'd be looking to lower the temperature in this country, not raise it."
"Polarization is a choice that we are all making."
"What critical race theory, what white privilege, what these academic theories that have now permeated a significant part of the Democrat Party seek to do is actually divide us all up."
"You know it was divisive slavery slavery was divisive."
"I firmly believe social media, but in particular Twitter, makes us meaner to each other. It magnifies divisions and forces confrontational interaction in ways that it wouldn't necessarily need to be."
"Trump always pits Americans against each other, and that leads to our cities on fire."
"It's an 8 out of 10... some people will say it's game of the year and some people will hate it."
"The mainstream media is the actual enemy of the people."
"Recognizing and standing against such divisive actions is crucial."
"The algorithms present people with more and more extreme content that pulls us apart from one another."
"It was just unique, whether you liked it or whether you didn't like it."
"I think Trump would be the worst choice. It would fritter away a historic opportunity to unite the party. He's not a uniter; he's causing civil wars in virtually every state he sticks his nose into."
"Even divisive stuff is entertaining if it's dramatic."
"Jesus was very clear when He said that He came to bring a sword, not peace."
"Every time you turn around, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you hear with something new."
"I just think that this issue has become so divisive and toxic and it pits people against each other."
"He continues to play divisive games... while he chooses to wear a tinfoil hat."
"A Marmite product: you either love it or hate it."
"The nation's sort of political center of gravity seems to be in two places right now."
"That the president of the United States despises half of the nation is really detrimental."
"The truth is divide, especially dividing the way against each other. No, there's only one truth."
"She kinda has like a Dan going on as well okay so biz this is the skin that some people hate and that some people love."
"Racism is one of those zero-sum things either you get it and we can be cool or you don't get it and we cannot be cool."
"If I was an enemy of the United States... they would love to see us tear each other apart from within."
"Doom 3 is a divisive but technically stunning showpiece."
"He is the most famous person on the planet and the most divisive equally loved it's equally abhorred it is impossible not to have an opinion about."
"When identity politics becomes the celebration of and the encouragement of group identities to the exclusion of everything else, it can start to go really really wrong."
"School privatization, like the others I talked about in the book, are all extremely effective wedge issues that ultimately cause us to fight with each other for scraps."
"Many on the left claim that President Donald J. Trump was one of the most divisive and corrupt Presidents in history but is that really true?"
"Though the world might be divided, the Church of Jesus Christ is not divided."
"Silence is complicit. This is the way he has tried to divide this country and pit people against one another."
"Trump didn't do that... he owned the libs. Libs couldn't stand him."
"There is nothing under which we can unify. It's irreparable at this point."
"If Donald Trump wins the presidency again, you will have a president who calls more than half the country thugs, pedophiles, communists, Marxists, anti-Americans, traitors."
"This has net negative results in culture, this drives people apart because it makes you walk around thinking, 'Who's thinking what about me? Do you see me? What do you think? You're not like me.' It makes us profile."
"Unity in truth is our defense against divisive tactics."
"His unconventional style, controversial actions, and divisive rhetoric further polarized the nation."
"Critical race theory teaches your children that America is inherently racist. It's divisive and it's basically an identity politics version of Marxism."
"Politics has become so divisive in our society that it'd be nice if we could have these reasonable debates."
"I loved it. I thought it was great. Completely understand why some people did not."
"If speaking the truth and calling out lies is divisive, isn't that necessary and righteous?"
"The divisive nature of Christianity breaks my heart."
"Has there ever been a more polarizing figure in all of politics than Donald Trump? I don't think so, at least not in my lifetime."
"You either love him or you hate him and you hate him with a passion."
"Donald Trump is the most divisive political figure in American history."
"Religions are often promoted divisive 'us and them' mentality."
"If you believe that the American flag itself is too divisive, then there's no future for the country."
"The truth does not bring people together, honey. It divides."
"The internet's ability to constantly distract us and amplify the most rage inducing discourse turns us against each other."
"The goal of critical theory, critical race theory, is to divide, and it is doing its job."
"It's divisive, not cool. Not cool. It is very cool. Nobody would be like, 'Wow, that guy's so divisive. Rock on!'"
"Politics are divisive and all across the world has taught us anything is that people really disagree politically and it doesn't matter how right you think you are there's always going to be a sizable opposition to you."
"Trump had that effect. He made it very difficult for anyone on the left to actually take these problems seriously."
"It turns out we humans are easily manipulated and were easily manipulated even before social media but now there is this incredibly sophisticated engine to drive us apart."
"Divisive environment leading to real-world consequences."
"We have become much more divisive, we've lost a certain percentage of patriotism."
"It's certainly a very contentious and divisive debate."
"You were asked to care about your neighbor, and half the country said f*** my neighbor."
"It's going to be a very polarizing season for Lamar."
"We ought to be looking for ways to come together not for ways that we can come apart."
"Trump has put Pelosi, and Biden too, and maybe the rest of the Democratic candidates in the position where there are two sides and neither of them are tenable."
"Whether you love me or hate me, you gotta vote for me."
"Don't let anyone divide you because the more they sow distrust, the more they sow division."
"If you vote for Trump, you are a racist. You have no wiggle room."
"Content that gets engagement or reaction... is hateful, divisive, polarizing. It's easier to inspire people to anger than it is to other emotions."
"They're using a radical far left Twitter page to launch attacks on conservatives. Conservatives and Canadians should know about this sort of thing and frankly be generally upset about it because it's horribly divisive."
"Religious faith discourages independent thought. It's divisive and dangerous."
"Critical race theory is horrible, it's really just being used as a tool to further divide us."
"A big part of why people like him is because he hates all of the right people."
"I just kind of hate politics at this point. I hate just how divisive it is."
"You cannot have unity with someone who hates you on principle."
"If I were a demon, I'd try to divide, discredit, and distract."
"It's likely to increase political polarization and divisiveness."
"The radical left formally divorces itself from America last night, they are domestic terrorists and enemies of the United States." - Unknown
"What You Won't See happen is the generation of division and hatred is in the Legacy Media Outlets..."
"They're always ready to take it back to race."
"It achieved divisiveness, a victim mindset, and futility."
"Understand the true enemy of these people is you, the American people."
"AOC is contentious, she does have a lot of support in our district."
"It's that they want things that are more divisive more racially segregationists and unless it's that they're not gonna be happy which is sad."
"If it can be used for division, they will try to leverage it."
"It's a very clear agenda of divisive propaganda. How do you divide people? It's politics rather than services, very clearly."
"Unity is the strength of the body of Christ. Division is the weakness of the body of Christ."
"That's what it is, that's right, it's goal is to divide." - Phil Johnson
"Hyper-partisan nonsense is like a disease and it spreads and infects everything it touches, even people who should know better."
"...the divisiveness is really sad because there is something that is I think not to overstate it but something kind of sacred about this sort of ritual that we engage in..."
"It's just demonic. It's totally evil. It divides everyone."
"Religion is the most divisive and dangerous ideology that we have ever produced."
"There's so much going on in this world today, and so much going on in this country, that divisiveness, it's peaking, it's at a point that I've never witnessed in my life."
"They're not here to promote peace or Unity or allow a peaceful displaying of one's voice but they're here to create Discord and divisiveness."
"It's not hard at all to see why this season is the most divisive."
"The divisiveness at home occasioned by the Vietnam war is an example."
"Unity subsists in truth. There's no place for politics in churches. There's no place for that kind of divisiveness."
"The campaign is gonna be incredibly divisive just by its nature and the nature of how Donald Trump campaigns."
"We need to start thinking about the divisiveness that is going on in our country."
"Politicians that are divisive and brash do not enjoy high approval ratings."
"The bigger problem is the divisiveness, not what is actually being shared."
"CSM part two is a hit or miss with everyone. I'm conflicted myself."
"It could not be worse. It could not be more divisive."
"You know I mean my thing is that my thing is that politics is divisive religious divisive and religion is divisive."
"Facebook's economic incentives are furthered by us being pitted against each other."
"It really stands out. It's uh, it's not for everyone I guess but I love it."
"One of the most divisive fictional tales told to the black community specifically told to black women about black men."
"She is generally very popular, and yeah, there are a few people who hate her a lot."
"Blue cheese is a prime example of something that's very polarizing."
"You're very confident and you already know people are gonna love you or hate you."
"This culture war that we're in, this divisiveness, this polarization is only going to keep continuing if civil discourse fails."
"This game is divisive, again I want to start off by reminding people if you enjoy it, that's what matters above all else."
"Pyros are a bit like Marmite: some people love them, some people hate them."
"We need to stop that tribalism, yes, to be so divisive."
"Mulholland Drive is a polarizing film; it's not for everybody, but it's got a perspective and it sticks to it."
"I can see people hating this, and I will get why, and I can see people loving it, and they'll get why."
"Humor is strange, divisive, subjective, and controversial, but that's not what makes it confusing; that's what makes it revealing."
"I'm a little bit concerned because I don't think that I've ever seen as much of a divisive campaign as much pointed hatred."
"You either love this place or you hate this place."
"I'm the Marmite of men, I suppose. Love me or hate me, best of luck, God bless you."
"It's divisive, it's misleading, and I think there's no good for the world."
"People are complex, and one that has been more divisive than anyone else on this list combined."
"It's awesome, guys. Now you will either love this or you will hate this, there is no in between."
"It's a real Marmite car, but I am obviously firmly in the love category."
"This mech is one of the more divisive in the Macross universe, but if it appeals to you, then get this toy."
"I think it's going to be one of those Marmite bags."
"Marmite, lover or hater, there's no in between."
"It's a hate it or love it kind of thing."
"Chunky shoes are Marmite because I love them, and some people fall in love with them, and some people cannot bear them."
"This movie is super divisive, and I fall very firmly on the 'I really love Eternals' side."