
Horror Elements Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The scares are in the unfamiliar; they're in the surreal subversion of our expectations."
"Doki Doki Literature Club throws some twists at you, where you feel less like you're playing a visual novel and more like you're being led through a horror story."
"Imagine how much it felt like a horror movie."
"Nightmare catnap is scary enough as he's seen in the final game, but had they kept this original design, he'd probably be one of the scariest mascot indie horror characters out there."
"The Necromorphs are horrifying not just in their appearance, but in the way they scream and move, tapping into our primal fears."
"It's Minecraft but adding more creepy to the comfy."
"Toy Story monkey: Let's be real, this monkey is terrifying."
"Bioshock's combat leans heavily into the horror aspect, funneling you into overwhelming situations where tension is the driving force."
"There's something about the way the aliens are depicted in Signs that is still horrifying to me."
"What makes the thing so creepy is the fact that it doesn't really have a form of its own."
"Your new video is wonderful, wonderfully horrifying."
"It's like zombies from COD mobile except they actually made it scary."
"Lady Dimitrescu is legitimately scary, and that's a really, really good thing for a villain."
"That's the kind of jump scare... that's genuinely creepy."
"Observer is going to be a little bit different in the sense that it's a cyberpunk horror game that's more focused on our own humanity and what it means to be human."
"Nothing beats futuristic cyberpunk mixed with horror."
"Gore just ends up being another letdown that you're gonna forget just as quickly as all the other villains you've already forgot."
"This part feels like a horror movie and I love it."
"Dead Space is an action horror game, only with the horror taking more of a front seat position."
"Horror gameplay is a lot more than jump scares."
"Metro Exodus is not a horror game but it definitely has horror elements."
"The bell starts ringing, but it's speeding up. I like that. I did find that very creepy, and I really liked it."
"Sometimes we all have some real-life horror moments."
"The scares come from a pervasive sense of uncertainty."
"The introduction of the Lone Cyberman willing to convert to the Cyber race introduced a much-needed degree of body horror into the Cybermen's design."
"Resident Evil 0 shared a lot in common with its predecessor with both utilizing a modernized version of classic re games play creating disturbing and fireman 2."
"In this place, there is no Sun, and nightmares do come true."
"The single biggest complaint I have about this game is the fear factor. It's just bad. It isn't scary in the slightest and it tries far too hard to be an action shooter free from any horror that the previous installment instilled within you."
"I love this storyline i would be a fan if we got some more horror type aspects in a marvel show."
"The original Predator twists the whole invincible action hero trope on its head and combines it with horror in an incredibly original way."
"The Centaurs in Fallout 3: Eerily human but also jarringly alien."
"But there's still something frightening and compelling about a clawed killer who attacks you in the most vulnerable corners of your mind."
"It's a little spooky but it's nothing that's going to you know give you nightmares but I think you take some of those elements and you just kind of turn them."
"Michael is made more disturbing by his white painted mask it removes any and all emotion from his face and truly shows the coldness of his actions."
"The developers advertised it as a horror game with no intentional jump-scares, and they succeeded."
"It was like a horror movie with the way it was set up."
"For me, it's the Drowned. There's something about these pale clammy seaside monsters rising up from the waters."
"I seriously cannot remember the last game that genuinely frightened me like Resident Evil 2."
"Beetlejuice doesn't honk his crotch and say nice [ __ ] model but even though it's made into something child friendly it was still a pretty twisted show, pure nightmare fuel."
"This game's pretty scary, but it's kind of cool."
"Tokyo Ghoul: a world where ghouls dine on humans, and residents fear becoming dinner themselves."
"It wouldn't be spooky if it didn't look so real and they clearly succeeded here."
"This pack creates a world of horrors, my friend, where anything and everything has been turned to the dark side."
"Resident Evil settings are campy, schlocky, and fun, with horror lurking just beneath the surface."
"Resident Evil 4 may be more action-packed than its predecessors, but it kept the scares coming." - 2005
"Resident evil favors horror closer to the jump scare than existential dread."
"In a real haunted house the monsters can't hurt you, but in a video game they can chase you around, throw you through walls, cut off your hand, murder you, and then bring you back to life."
"Satanic cult at the end? I am A-okay with that."
"I'm sure it'll be dark and have its moments, I mean it's at the end of the day it's about, you know, kids who got axed off, it's gonna be dark."
"This queue is spooky, it is scary, it really puts you in the mood for this thrilling and creepy attraction."
"I really feel like I'm living a horror movie right now."
"Let's just close that, quite literally monsters in the Attic."
"His House perfectly blends real social issues with genuine horror."
"The shark itself was terrifying so kudos to the visual effects team."
"A surprisingly tense Thriller with some real horror at play."
"I see black shadows everywhere, the blood, the messages, the screaming."
"This map is a lot of fun. It feels like something from the mid-2000s, but actually having some real genuine horror and jump scares."
"The kills are so vicious, they don't turn the camera away at the gore."
"Don't Listen stands out because it does something that's virtually unheard of nowadays: it's one of the only modern horror flicks that has pretty much no CGI."
"We like the idea that we never fully reveal Krampus."
"Jump scares done right can be very effective."
"Nature, beautiful nature. Nature is quite beautiful, especially when you introduce Cosmic horror to it."
"The overlook shows a supernatural horror and malicious intent, bringing out the worst in people whose demons are locked within themselves, awakening the evil within them as these demons are brought relentlessly in their cages by the overlook."
"If you're the type of person who doesn't like following instructions and reading manuals, well then I totally see why this is a horror story that's built for you."
"But there's nothing better than the intensity of managing resources while being chased down by some of the most horrifying creatures."
"We all had the realization that we hadn't heard a person or at least someone that wasn't a person anymore."
"Actual pants-browning moment as this giant tears through the walls, dealing damage to Shannon and scaring us half to death."
"Courage is still the best cartoon ever made. It's the writing, it's unparalleled in that show."
"Great game though, like I said. Very slow-paced but it builds a lot of tension. It's got some good scares in it, and that was fun."
"It resembled a horrible amalgamation of a man and a pig."
"Showing us the killers aren't actually drinking as they would need to stay sharp for all the slicing and dicing they're about to do."
"Taking a pre-existing game that's already built to have an element of spook to it or straight up building something more original from the ground up is a concept that works really effectively if done right."
"Nothing scarier than a guy you cannot run from, an evil you cannot escape."
"Having bare endoskeletons chasing you with no casing on them that just move when you don't look at them is some of the most nightmare-inducing I have seen."
"The shambolic partially decaying parody of human form."
"The most terrifying of them all are the grandfather's an order of ancient evil that are so impossibly powerful that our hosts of parasitic bugs follows them wherever they go to feast on those that they slaughter."
"He wakes up and crawls from the ambulance and after finding a light source and a gun he comes across Officer Connolly now hideously transformed and eating a corpse."
"This game gets creepier and creepier. Yeah, some nut stuff is gonna happen."
"Evil child-chasing clowns and ominous old men specters are enough to chill anyone."
"It's what you call a two-hander meaning it's basically just two characters the entire movie yet it still manages to create something impressively complex and interesting as well as having some nice traditional scares in there as well."
"It seemed that Blaine had lived out a real-life horror fantasy."
"Archimedes: The deeper you go, the more frightening and personal it will become."
"We hardly started rushing away and we hear the most demonic horrifying multiple pitched screech."
"The horror aspect more than anything is what elevates this game from common to rare in my opinion."
"Jaws 2 really does feel like a contemporary late 70s horror slasher movie."
"Monsters aren't just the stuff of Make-Believe."
"The scene is notable not only for its terrifying concept but for the escalating tension."
"From the first moments you lay eyes on them, their zombified almost mummy-like skin and unnatural body design make them appear otherworldly."
"The sinister intentions that lie beneath the Weeping Angels' seemingly innocent hands make them tremendously creepy."
"Halloween Ends will once again provide major scares."
"Nothing is more terrifying than surveillance footage of an event, especially one that ends human life."
"The Necromorphs are some of the most disgusting creatures ever imagined for a video game."
"It was like something out of a horror movie."
"Orlok by contrast is a monster who has learned to live among us, driven by the need to hunt, to feed."
"I don't often associate James Bond with horror, but I'll be damned if this ninja isn't the most terrifying thing."
"Every single scare in the game got me so good. It was unbelievable, even the ones where I was pretty sure I knew it was coming still got me."
"Imagine a world where secret laboratories exist hidden away conducting experiments that sound like they're straight out of a horror movie."
"Walking through these rooms, it's like stepping into a horror film, the atmosphere thick with history and mystery."
"He keeps killing the same family over and over again bro."
"They scaled things back and returned to the survival horror core of the series with Resident Evil 7 and it paid off both in fan response and sales."
"It feels like experiencing the classic horror trope in real life."
"Stokoe said, 'Like anything, I think the xenomorphs are creepier the less you know about them.'"
"The mask had the same face that the puppet had – an insane grin, wide eyes, puffy cheeks."
"It feels like a horror in some cases, but even more so, it feels like I'm actually there."
"The motivation of the animatronics and what they want to do in this movie."
"Stalker does horror pretty well, especially for a game that loads you up with tons of weapons to defend yourself with."
"Utilizing puzzle solving and platforming elements, Charger Studios presents the player with an appealing yet horrific visual style melded with a sense of dread that builds the deeper you traverse into the depths of the mall."
"Sometimes people forget when it comes to horror experiences, it's not the monster that is always supposed to be the thing that scares you."
"With Alien, they created a uniquely terrifying beast or simply put the perfect organism."
"Origins are one of its strong points, the hospital especially reminds me a lot of Alcamilla from the first game. They do truly feel like horrific places."
"I transform Minecraft into an intense horror game with unique items, custom mechanics, and a very immersive ambience just so I could terrorize my YouTuber friends."
"Hello, who said Minecraft couldn't be a horror game?"
"The scissors lie in this territory between the mundane and the absolutely terrifying."
"The murder room, a terrifying and secret place drenched in the blood of countless victims."
"A hellish sight, a monstrous cat-like beast."
"Freddy though, the idea of not falling asleep because he gets you in your dreams, that's what's scary."
"The tight corridors and dead-end rooms make it a death trap for all who attempt to survive its halls."
"I just remembered a principle from a game that's actually designed for horror...you have to leave something behind so there's always like regret."
"A tiny little childlike hand wraps around the closet door."
"The evil room does a good job of breaking down Mike's staunch disposition with a series of well-timed Frights."
"This clever twist on a classic horror motif is a sharp and scary thrill ride that ends in a way that manages to be hilarious, frightening, and entertaining all at the same time."
"Beware, Tarkov at night is basically a horror game."
"Batman is not a friendly neighborhood crime fighter. He is a manifested nightmare, the embodiment of horror."
"My studies have brought me near to a host of biological horrors that many have never dreamed of much less thought to be real."
"This is like the stuff nightmares are made of."
"Proper horror is born not out of what is seen but rather what is imagined and in this sense Dalek delivers on this promise."
"If there's one thing Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil nail it's the dark and creepy atmosphere."
"In the Dream House... explores abusive relationship through horror tropes."
"The monsters are scarier because now you care about the people."
"This encounter is like something straight out of a horror movie, and what was truly going on remains unclear."
"Because it's basically perfect, it's still scary. I was genuinely disturbed, especially by the ending."
"The demon in 'It Follows' is devoid of any personality, completely expressionless and uncaring in doing what it exists to do."
"If she wants any chance at finding Chucky, she needs to find out more about Charles Lee Ray."
"Beetlejuice isn't a horror movie but it's a comedy that is drenched in horror themes."
"Hashtag body horror. Oh it's more than that, man."
"I think those things really make a horror movie stand out."
"It's the horror in being somewhere that's so familiar yet alien."
"It acts like a horror book, it's so good."
"Mixing these elements of horror, it's almost more of a horror film than an action film."
"It's the panic-inducing adrenaline in the moment and how inventive these traps are that makes them memorable and so iconic."
"It's always in there, suggesting that for a lot of stories, even if your story is not a horror film, a lot of times if you take a bit of a horror approach, no matter what the genre is, you can just immediately add some type of tension to it."
"He's creepy and scary as hell, yes, but at the same time he is a very interesting character."
"You could play like the ideas Bizarro is a good villain; if you take Bizarro, make him scary, add some horror elements."