
Sensationalism Quotes

There are 343 quotes

"‘Battle of Dorking’ was not only an overnight national sensation and controversy - Most readers saw the idea that the greatest imperial power in the world could be invaded, let alone could cease to exist was ludicrous - but for many it was an indictment for nationalistic hubris; for even more it was an outrage, unmerited judgment and a betrayal of Great Britain."
"They talk about babies, and they talk about rapes, it's used again and again."
"Science is not a belief system; it's an investigation where accuracy and accountability are paramount, and where sensationalism is strongly discouraged."
"It's almost like trauma porn in a way that kind of makes everybody feel something, creates ratings and like advertisement revenue throughout the show."
"Sensational reports of Florida's invading pythons have made headlines around the world."
"I've always known that the press will twist the truth to make a story sell, but I didn't know how fucking far they would actually go."
"The problem is, the news today, it's not about the news anymore. It's about the people giving you the news, so it becomes a show, a circus, two gladiators in the Coliseum, two pigs fighting in the mud."
"Nuance, patience, fairness are usually cast aside to feed into what people want to see and hear."
"YouTube is a platform where outrage has a 140 head start on actual news."
"The reason I think talking about the Tom Cruise story is important it's not just because it's sensational or tabloidy this really is the most dis for I have said."
"Every single news station in the country is now spouting fantastical news about the Boston Tea Party."
"Sky criminals waging secret war on the public." - Chuck Norris
"We live in a society now where it's just first who cares, get out there. We don't care who it hurts, we don't care who we destroy, we don't care if it's true. Just say it's selling."
"Let's cut it because we do have breaking news to get to... another one of these completely delusional rudy giuliani hearings."
"I want to see publicly the taking a crap on somebody's bed."
"The overhauled algorithm rewarded outrage and sensationalism, making Facebook's platform an angrier place."
"The hysteria around it is insane, I can't believe what I was reading."
"Media is in the business of generating clicks and capturing your attention."
"This is a credibility matchup between the president's lawyer and a porn star, and that is a phenomenal place for this country to be at this particular point in time."
"They traffic almost exclusively in negativity, searching out the weird, the bizarre, the stupid, and the inane in celebrity culture or mainstream news reports."
"A great news headline for Eliza would be 'Deranged Cloud Goblin declares war and Twitter users claim sharing pictures amounts to trafficking nut job.' That would actually cover it."
"The scandal honestly left my titties shaken not stirred."
"This was a covert operation to take down...the most dangerous man in America."
"Now the rumor that's going around all around the internet right now and a lot of people's opinions is Carol Baskin allegedly for entertainment purposes only fed her ex-husband to her Tigers."
"The problem with the news today is not about the news anymore. It's about the people giving you the news, so it becomes a show, a circus."
"The Latte Salute: the greatest American political scandal of the 21st century."
"Isn't it amazing with everything that's going on in the world how the media can take a story, magnify it like, 'Oh my god, here's a picture of her van,' while they were traveling across the country?"
"The events of Wano are not going to go unnoticed, and if any of this does get back to Big News Morgans, and it will, then he is going to publish the most sensationalist article about Luffy imaginable."
"So let's jump into this article. This was published by the New York Post and it's titled 'Britney Spears's Family Has a Long Dark History of Locking Women Up,' which is pretty much an understatement."
"The fine line between genuine inquiry and sensationalism."
"The media's demagoguery on this issue is just absurd."
"We live in a sensationalist world, don't we?"
"Suddenly according to the media, the world's in danger because they were in danger."
"These incidents... could just pick one up out of nowhere completely contrived it out of nothing and whip America up into a national frenzy."
"The real bamboonga says the media fearmongers when there isn't anything to fear."
"This is not that some crazy person in a gorilla mask did this specifically... the media is actually evil at this point."
"Calling Youngjae a provocateur is to say he is not to be listened to that he is a sensationalist simply because maybe the YouTube gaming community we use some catchy titles so what everybody does."
"I think there's a little bit of, you know, the media chases the story of the minute."
"The truth behind it doesn't seem as appealing as The Narrative of a violent Sasquatch murder spree."
"We need to stop watching and consuming mainstream media garbage..."
"There's a lot of absolute craziness happening in the news today."
"From the most radioactive lake in the world to a child who allegedly came from Mars..."
"She was a bad bitch we loves her icon people think that the royal family more specifically the Queen like Queen Elizabeth ordered her to be dead I don't know if I necessarily believe it but like I actually believe it a lot."
"So many crazy things are being said by so many crazy people on so many platforms."
"A thing that is true and uncensored, unmanipulated is always gonna lose out to a thing that is more sensationalized."
"Fear sells and if you can put in some big explosions and spaceships and lasers and things like that um it's just hollywood doing what hollywood does."
"Informational arson, as a journalist, I can't do anything but applaud."
"I felt like such a fucking idiot for believing it mainly because of just how ridiculous the story was to begin with."
"The media takes whatever tragedy and pushes it towards whatever narrative gets more clicks and views."
"The Lutzes immediately claimed weird things started happening. They said the house was horrendously haunted."
"Rather than running the stuff that's actually significant to Americans, they play the outrage clip."
"It's pretty crazy to say you hope Hillary Clinton is drinking kids' blood or whatever."
"The media gives what the people actually want... anger, outrage."
"You will never believe what happens when Laky boxes girlfriend gets exposed by spies at the end of this video! Let's Go."
"Every spectacular story is good for a newspaper."
"Hell is freezing over and the end of days may be near because the media and Trump agree with each other."
"Elon Musk sabotaged Ukrainian attack on Russian Fleet."
"Elon Musk rescued the warships that are currently bombing Ukrainian civilians."
"The media's treatment of this issue has been absolutely incredible, just astonishing."
"Put your sunglasses on for this one guys because a certain corner of the internet has been glowing quite bright recently."
"People need to understand that in war reporting these journalists are basically cranking themselves off to what's going on. They're excited, they love it, they get a thrill from it, they smile and laugh when they watch people getting shot."
"Katie Joy Paulson intentionally publishes false and defamatory material to denigrate others through sensationalism and fabrication."
"The media for the most part, their goal is clicks. They will make up what they need to make up."
"Media's goal is to scare you to death... fear drives ratings more than anything else."
"We're playing with fire for real." - Tucker Carlson
"The media is dying in the United States... the essential equivalent to clickbait."
"At the local television level, you just see 'murder murder murder,' but it's not just a song, it's the 8 o'clock news."
"This movie has everything: alcohol, cocaine, nudity."
"You can publish anything about them, and if you mention the name Russia, you'll get away with it."
"Marilyn Manson did not remove his ribs to suck himself off."
"Is there really so little going on in the world that this makes the headlines of the national newspapers?"
"In the history of 60 minutes, I'm not sure we've ever reported a story that for the most part is pure fantasy, but that's how to best sum up QAnon."
"The Kraken was released several days ago. You're just beginning to see the signs." - Cindy Powell
"This box that these kids had opened up a portal and eight-foot-tall aliens came out."
"Next up, we just need to see a shape-shifting reptilian being, especially within the presidential election."
"Sexual intrigue, vicious murder, as well as the latest technology, fed the nation's insatiable desire for gruesome stories of London's dark side."
"There's a long history of journalism that tends toward the sensational and even the fictional in order to boost profits."
"A fascinating and sensationalized story that attracted worldwide attention."
"We're not interested in the good, we want the bad stuff."
"Basically a story about two Hooters waitresses strippers… involving prostitution, guns, and justice."
"News companies will make more money if they pick stories that know will make you upset, and they know any story involving Trump is going to make their audience upset."
"California is filled with some of the most insane heists you could imagine."
"The only way they can get views when the world isn't on fire is by incredibly sensationalizing things."
"It's embarrassing watching the media. You can almost see the eyes bulging and the veins popping as they're straining so hard to peddle this narrative."
"Check out Gina Murray's theories YouTube... she got new pictures from today, stop it, it's insane."
"It wouldn't be a dumpster fire without covering the Haitian cannibalism."
"You don't need to sensationalize this stuff; it's wild the way it is."
"Research Institute makes invented bot claims, reporters toss said claims at hated targets, headlines flow."
"These people aren't reporting news, they're trying to make news."
"Every other year there’s a global drama that the media latches onto and people who don’t know how to think for themselves panic irrationally because that’s what the news is telling them to do."
"These are 20 women you won't believe actually exist!"
"The shock content of rioters burning down the city should be the narrative, but it's not, because clicks."
"Boom baby, we're live! Welcome to Rule Zero and we're all gonna die. World War III is coming, baby, so we're gonna talk about what's going on with the global mania right now."
"Making videos that are niche and fit into the same exact niche where you keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, that is where you're gonna get your consistency from your audience."
"Separate the facts and fiction and watch out for the salacious headlines trying to draw you into their worldview."
"Media has an incentive to overplay the virus."
"Meanwhile, Fox running a headline: 'There's a nationwide Santa shortage.'"
"The water war is something that is very exciting; it sells papers."
"Once the [__] starts flying, it's more like entertainment than education."
"His thumbnails were not dire enough or not Sensational or alarmist enough."
"Fox News monetizes and commercializes extremism."
"Just blow something up, or a hot chick if that helps too."
"New information coming out today, painting a shocking picture."
"These bloggers, they're bloodthirsty. They see something and they want to ruin lives."
"Nothing says grieving like a clickbait video, right?"
"Major huge fat gigantic royal announcement regarding the Sussexes."
"The New York Times articles said... we have recovered material from otherworldly vehicles... it should have been front page news... they're basically backpedaling again retracting it."
"And I think this is one of the only cases where I've seen a newspaper headline use the word idiot to describe a murderer."
"You're going to use someone's death to get more clicks on YouTube? Really, dude?"
"It's just insane that we've had a news cycle all weekend about too many people in the park."
"It covers things such as historical crime, sensational news stories, unsolved crimes, and so much more."
"This made me laugh...CNN actually said that they were ending their investigation into the bag of cocaine that was found at the White House."
"Gone are the days I hope of local newscasts at the end of their newscast doing a UFO story and they play X-Files music under it, you know, really childish stuff."
"Every day there's one insane thing after another."
"I can practically see the headlines now: Harry Butts innocent!"
"If you're looking for beaches, babes, bros, bots, bras, boobs, butts, ABS, bouncing beach balls...F boy Island is for you."
"All it takes is a little bit of news and the general noise blows up."
"That's just another example of how they'll report anything without any shame."
"Getting clicks, that's what burn. And it's like man, all of them go I can get the story now, I can use the n-word and now I can get we can get more."
"It is not often that mainstream media does serious news reports about alien beings traveling to Earth and abducting humans."
"It's easy to manipulate technology and feed off of sensationalism instead of presenting true art."
"These people are probably making articles and stories like this just for clickbait so that they get attention."
"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but this dirty little secret won't."
"Mainstream platforms are not built for redemption, they're built for sensationalism."
"Unfortunately, the headlines come reporting that aligns, we're not so nuanced."
"Their story was later adapted into the TV show my Rowan Oak nightmare after the show aired it was a sensation."
"Headlines suck. Headlines are often misleading or embellishing or even when they quote scientific articles they misread what the actual study found and they'll sensationalize it."
"Only in America can you get like this kind of result, this like viral Fame from like a crime."
"Can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers from outer space?"
"They think they're better than you, and they're not. You're the same fake news conspiracy theories because you just want clicks."
"The media took this [__] and ran with it like it was the stuff."
"The incident sparked a media frenzy with many outlets sensationalizing the story."
"This is yellow journalism at its best and they keep exposing themselves as the petty corrupt nasty and inaccurate toxic media that is absolutely out of control."
"Sometimes it doesn't matter if you contradicted yourself 50 times, you can keep saying the same nonsense just to get clicks."
"Yeah I mean I read about them all on Twitter... some of it was just too crazy."
"Zombie enthusiasts were like, 'Yeah, this is a case of a zombie right here, the dude clearly bit off the guy's face, straight up zombie.'"
"What a time to be alive, you know, all these pictures were always so unbelievable and outrageous."
"People want less of that and they want the juicy stuff."
"We live in a time where people will do anything for views, anything. They would record a dead body, eat a cat, they would throw a cat... people do some crazy [ __ ] for some views on the internet."
"A global cabal of satan-worshiping pedophiles."
"The media's interest in all of this is to keep you as freaked out as possible."
"This follows a pattern: sensational headlines and then it falls apart."
"CNN can find racism and inequality like a ghost hunter finds a ghost."
"Climate change will lead to nuclear war, major European cities will sink into the ocean, and Britain would descend into Siberian climate by the year 2020."
"Fear porn is when you're up there saying you got two weeks and that's it guys. You know, that's spirit porn. Anything else, you're trying to give information out and people have to make your decision off that information."
"He might be the craziest person we've ever covered, that's saying something too."
"The end is near, and every time there is a big dip, you're going to hear the media shouting from the rooftops."
"People these days will do anything to get clicks, to get views, you know?"
"This story has everything: moral corruption, insensitivity, a plethora of accusations, doxing, harassment, and MILFs."
"If you disagree with the evidence in favor of a more sensational idea with no real supporting evidence well it's not really bringing you any closer to the truth."
"Reports boosted by last month's out-of-this-world Congressional hearing."
"All they care about is their clicks and their headlines."
"Gold-plated guns: truth is Stranger Than Fiction."
"I have never known a couple to be in the media so much. It's borderline insanity how much stuff can happen in the space of two weeks."
"This is how is being covered and this is leading to people losing their minds."
"Most of the shit that people call drama is actually just journalism."
"We live in a society now where it's just first who cares get it out there we don't care who it hurts."
"YouTube rewards people that are pushing the boundaries, creating content that gets a lot of clicks, that has a little bit of shock factor - that makes people say 'Wow, did that really happen? Did you actually do that?'"
"This type of sensationalized fear-driven shock value media turns into profit."
"Look, I think that context is important because a lot of stuff gets sensationalized in the media."
"This is not Meghan's first time utilizing the dead to promote themselves."
"You give them one little false allegation and they go off and kill themselves like an hero."
"Ignore the traditional media; most traditional media is in the business of selling hype and emotion."
"I think at that age, every woman is sensational."
"Murder is always fascinating, don't you know, and when it's a case of a young woman being accused of poisoning her lover, it becomes nothing short of sensational."
"The media erupts in chaos over these developments."
"We won't be writing about anything you do unless you die."
"This story has been blowing up there because this is a psychopath that was in plain sight."
"I was like Jay it's sensationalizing I don't think I quite wanted to believe that."
"As long as we're giving so much airtime and excusing so much bad behavior all the time because, I don't care if you're a left-leaning, right-leaning, or centrist media organization, the noisier, crazier a politician is, the more people are watching them."
"The only paper where the front page always has the same 20000 Point font whether the headline is World War II to start tomorrow or Central Park owl dead in building collision."
"Negativity and [__] sells more than the actual truth."
"One such incident occurred in the year 1999 when a career criminal named John Killick was broken out of a high-security prison by his Russian girlfriend Lucy Dudko in a hijacked helicopter."
"The media likes to capitalize on the downfall of public figures."
"People don't get excited when they hear good news, but you hear 'World War Three' and you're like, 'Oh my God, yeah!'"
"Even if we're adept at avoiding negativity and have trained ourselves to be relentlessly positive, when it comes to sensationalism, our basic nature can't resist."
"The truth of the matter is that bad news sells faster than good news."
"The gory details and proximity to the glamour of Hollywood caused Short's murder to become a huge story, making page one headlines in Los Angeles for a full month."
"It's sensationalism, and a lot of it is true."
"Narcos and knickers: the hero Mexican marine who hunts drug cartel bosses and humiliates them on arrest by dressing them in lazy women's lingerie."
"On television deep dark secrets that will blow your mind and having you wish you could erase them from your brain and just forget them forever."
"I have sources that are saying that Vladimir Putin wants to straight up have sexual intercourse with every family member of the Ukrainian administration. Every single one of them. We have high level sources. It's going to happen. So, it's going to."
"Vince McMahon had urinated into a pan and then flung it at Steve."
"Gotcha! The story of the century: the monster and its prey."
"The manner in place of Castellano's death catapulted him from relatively minor media interest to the sort of coverage reserved for the assassination of a head of state."
"They would literally they would burn babies if they could the suits at the highest echelons of the biggest media corporations they would do the worst things on the world just to get a us a fraction of the attention that Markiplier playing a mascot horror game got."
"This is a cautionary story about media sensationalism."
"Royals, drug-fueled orgies, and parties in Los Angeles, of course, sell more books."
"there's definitely some truth in the in the feel like it's just Sensational"
"A Russian-born woman was sentenced to 21 years in a U.S prison for trying to kill her American look-alike with poison cheesecake and then stealing her identity."
"The truth isn't always as sensational as a tear-jerking video, but it's always more valuable."
"The general public is not going to have too much of an interest in this until the day comes when you have the big headlines, they have now conclusive a shot of film or something or dead animal. Then it will be a world sensation."
"If you want your oil spill to make the news, it's gotta be sexy."
"It's one of the most scandalous stories we've ever had on the Maury show."
"The explosive story shook the nation, sparked national outrage, and created immediate impact."
"I think he had a lot of sensational qualities."
"Fear, drama, chaos, this gets views."
"This trial has sex, drugs, and a whole lot of weird [ __ ]."
"People today want to know about teen hookers."