
Christian Life Quotes

There are 634 quotes

"The Christian life is an empowered life; there is no Christian life without the Holy Spirit."
"Kindness is a built-in attraction to a child of God because Christ is our life."
"God never intended for them to live the Christian life. He intended for them to allow the Holy Spirit who lives within them to live out the life of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Christian change is gradual, inevitable, internal, and symmetrical."
"The Christian life is freedom because freedom is doing what you love to do if what you love to do is what you ought to do."
"Practice the presence of the Lord. That is the most glorious secret I've discovered in my Christian walk with God."
"The life of a believer should be marked by fasting and prayer because Jesus, who is our ultimate model, fasted."
"A Christian that does not pray is a weak Christian."
"We need to turn our backs on the world and on what it has to offer, we need to turn away from sin and walk with Jesus."
"We can still have fellowship... we can still celebrate the grace of God in our lives because we make mistakes all the time."
"The spirit-filled life is a life lived through us by the Holy Spirit."
"The two driving factors for Christians are: A) knowing Christ, and B) eternal glory, the resurrection, not new doors opening, soaring to new heights."
"Aquinas has managed to balance two of the more complex realities of the Christian life: that a human, as the image of God, has the capacity for wonderful, great, amazing things."
"Listening to God and obeying Him is a major principle in the Christian life."
"The gospel-shaped life, that's Christianity. That's the whole of Christianity."
"I am serving Him, following Him, Christ-centered, loving the Lord my God with all my heart, my mind, my soul, and strength today."
"I can't live the Christian life; God's got to live it through me."
"Repentance is not just some conversion exercise; it is the posture of the Christian."
"Repentance is the only no shame solution to a renewed Christian life because it proves only the obvious: that God was right all along."
"I realized like you can be a Christian and not live like this; like these are normal people."
"Walking with Jesus Christ is above absolutely everything else."
"You know when you become a Christian it's like your eyes are open and it's like you can't close them."
"It's not easy following Christ, but it's so very worth it."
"Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. I love you."
"Jesus explained salvation as believing in the gospel, carrying your cross, and following him."
"This life as a follower of Jesus, it's not a cakewalk, it's a conflict, it's on a playground, it's actually a Battleground."
"Every sin, every weakness, every failure in your life, the moment you recognize it, run straight to Christ."
"Whenever you notice a recurring weakness, you ought to recurrently run to Christ."
"That's what it means to be a saint—one who is sanctified and is sanctifying everything they touch."
"It could happen today, and if I really believe and understand that, and I do, then I need to be ready every day, every moment of every day, to meet Him when He does return." - JD
"The question is what is your personal relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ?"
"The enemy hates to see the Christian man or woman who's walking in their calling, operating in their gift, with power, with humility, and with integrity, all for the glory of God."
"The Christian life is living submissive to the Holy Spirit who indwells you, allowing Jesus to live His life in and through you."
"A life spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit can transform the nations!"
"Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask You, precious Holy Spirit, that You would begin to stir in that one watching, a hunger and a desire for the deeper things of God."
"We live in...I think the most thrilling thing about the Christian life is providence."
"God imparts to you the energy to do his will, and as you do his will, your acts become his acts."
"The misunderstanding evident in these response videos are so serious...the Christian life is a joy and a thrill."
"It's a joy and a thrill to live the Christian life...there's great um um reward in doing so."
"Are you ready to face persecution and are you ready to face things that aren't perhaps the kind of extreme persecution Jesus talked about they're just life being uncomfortable because you're a Christian?"
"You can't look down on someone when you're laying at the feet of Jesus."
"Why is there no more difference between the ungodly and the religious in many Christian circles today?"
"The spiritual man, the truly spiritual believer, is the one who lays everything down for Jesus."
"Partners with your blessing Lord watch over and between us in these days and uh Grant that uh every opportunity that we have to speak the truth in love we may seize and we ask it commanding one another to your keeping in Christ's name."
"The mark of being a true Christian is you will hear the voice of the Shepherd."
"A Victorious Life Sounds like this at the end: 'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.'"
"God, I'll go where you want me to go. I'll do what you want me to do. I'll say what you want me to say. And I'll be what you want me to be."
"The only way that the enemy can keep control of the people of God in this earth is to keep them ignorant or keep them carnal."
"You'll never understand or be able to enjoy life at its best until you surrender your life to Christ."
"Live every day as if the return of Christ is during your lifetime he is coming back be prepared."
"I used to live my life lawlessly. However, I wanted to, I even said I was a Christian."
"The Christian life is not a playground, it's a battleground."
"What Jesus is waiting for today is a people so committed to Him that they go out into the ends of the earth filled with the Holy Spirit." - Speaker
"God's power love Grace and goodness Beyond you and may you be filled afresh in the power of the Holy Spirit to live for Jesus."
"Lord, I receive the Holy Spirit and will you fill me with the Holy Spirit in Jesus name."
"One of the most important decisions of your Christian life is who's gonna feed you."
"You are the masterpiece of God, created in Christ Jesus to do good works."
"Every step of your Christian life is of great importance to God."
"When you experience peace and true happiness and like yep true like I really am walking in my purpose, I'm where I'm supposed to be, when I can't not have that, I can't not have Jesus."
"I want to be fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit."
"When we say someone is on fire for God, what we mean is that they're living a life surrendered and that they're burning like a light, they're burning with passion for the things of God."
"You can't accomplish spiritual things by carnal means. If it's going to be sustained by the Spirit, it must begin in the Spirit."
"It's better to wear out than to rust out for the Lord."
"Singleness is not a second-class status but rather a gift from God."
"God wants to complete your life so that you have a... perfect peace life."
"You cannot be comfortable and be Christ-like."
"The only question you have to ask is with whatever ability you have with whatever money you have with whatever time you have: are you being faithful to Jesus in those things?"
"When you're growing in the Lord, you want to tell it. You can't keep it to yourself."
"When you are able to experience and sense and feel the love of God in your life, that's when you know you're growing in your Christian life."
"God wants to prosper you. He wants to help you. But He wants you delivered as well and healed as well."
"All who live Godly shall suffer persecution."
"Sanctification is extremely important... taking sanctification seriously opens the door to so many other opportunities and blessings that are ours in Christ."
"Let your light shine for the world to see, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ."
"Nothing will ever satisfy you but knowing Christ."
"You can have the mind of the enemy or you can have the mind of Christ, you can have a body made for glory and pleasure and joy and peace eating at the throne of God."
"Amen your greatest concern, that's right what God thinks."
"We've got to pursue peace and holiness, for without holiness no individual will see the Lord."
"You're not a Christian unless you obey God, Christian means to be Christ-like."
"Living a holy life compels us to pursue righteousness and flee from sin."
"Being a Christian means to surrender to God's standard."
"We are undoubtedly living in a time and a day that's extraordinary."
"If you hadn't been born again and you have not made Jesus the Lord of your life and received him as your personal Lord and Savior, pray this simple prayer with me."
"Many Christians today are containers, they want to receive from God, they're not vehicles through whom God can bless."
"If people cannot see Jesus in you, what good is our theology?"
"We are called to follow an example, I can't mimic God but I can follow Jesus."
"As conquerors, we're called to have an eternal perspective, to see beyond the here and now to the glorious future that God has prepared for those who love Him."
"The life that's been purchased for you is the thriving life."
"If we're not chasing after Jesus, we've missed it completely."
"Notice three things that you're willing to do: take upon you the name of Christ, always remember Him, and keep His commandments."
"For the Christian, our battle is now, our boxing is now, the war is now."
"As Christians, it's finding true freedom for the first time because we're reconnected with why we are here, why we were made, and we have a purpose."
"Jesus Christ did the same for us that we we once we were lost once we were walking in darkness once we were broken and he came to fixed our lives up is amazing."
"Every time I found myself falling into sin, even in my walk with Christ and I found myself going back into sin, there was a direct correlation with how much time I was in the word."
"You have to have that humility and openness and an acknowledgment that you're a sinner and that you're broken and that you need God."
"Prayer is a vital part of every believer's life. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ began and ended his earthly ministry on the altar of prayer."
"Your journey as a Christian will not always be smooth."
"Occupying till He comes, standing as soldiers of the cross."
"Being a Christian is not something you do in secret."
"Being a part of God's family will place you in a certain position which, I must confess to you, will not always be smooth. Once Jesus called out for all who were tired and heavy-laden to come to him. Why? Because he alone can give true rest."
"The Christian life is not a hundred-yard dash, it's a marathon."
"Prayer is the foundation for everything in the Christian life."
"In him we live and move and have our being, amen."
"It's not enough for us to live mediocre lives. Every single Christian is called to be heroic."
"When you seek the Lord for the Holy Ghost, you have to crave it and want it above anything in life."
"Every day finds you a little more Christ-like."
"That's how it works, that's Christianity. You're affected by it, it transforms your life, you go home, you speak about it to others, and it spreads like wildfire because people are looking for hope, people are looking for meaning."
"Only you, Lord, can satisfy every longing need in the human heart."
"The more committed you live as a Christian on this Earth, the bigger Your Role will be."
"We've got true Christians that have struggles in this very area."
"If you are really a follower of Jesus, prayer is a major part of your life."
"I didn't have a Christian job; I was excited to work in darkness."
"As followers of Christ you have been chosen by God, set apart, gifted, enabled, and empowered to fulfill a very unique calling. You are called by God."
"Live in a way that's fitting for the calling with which you were called."
"I want to live from the perspective of eternity."
"This life is just a preparation for the next. Only one life will soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last."
"This is a sign that the Holy Spirit dwells in you: confidence in salvation, godly character, power, evidence of speaking in tongues, love for Jesus, revelation, holiness."
"Godly success is obedience obedience to his word being baptized into Christ being involved in a local church disciple making being a disciple of Christ making a disciple of Christ that's success that's and that's a journey."
"There are moments when a believer's life becomes more than just life; you become a benefit to the kingdom of God."
"Don't be selfish with your soul, give it to God."
"Here's the thing everybody: the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life."
"Satan has a strategy for every believer's downfall, but the believer doesn't seem to have a strategy to fight against the devil."
"If Jesus is not the center, your life is out of balance."
"Remember today's decision to follow Christ, amen."
"Faith says you believe that day is taking you to Him, you're going to store Treasures in Heaven, you're going to lay up Treasures in Heaven."
"We don't just embrace the truth that he taught, but we also live and love the way that Jesus lived."
"The Christian life is not a game... there is a real demonic world and make no mistake about it spirits use humans."
"The Christian life is not a playground but it is a real battleground."
"Live like Jesus, seek to grow in godliness, character, and righteousness."
"Demons should tremble when they see you coming, Christian."
"Christ is with us, he accompanies us, and he is alive in us and in the people of God."
"Friends of the Holy Spirit are Jesus people. Friends of the Holy Spirit are obsessed with the person of Jesus."
"If you're a Christian and you stand for the Lord, there's no way you can lose."
"Salvation isn't just about asking God for forgiveness once and having full Assurance of salvation, rather it's about asking God for forgiveness and then gaining Assurance because of the fruit we see in our lives." - Joel Osteen
"If indeed we suffer with Him, it means the day-to-day challenges of your Christian life."
"The dismaying fact remains that Born Again Christians, including leaders, are experiencing difficulties that can find no solution in natural infirmities."
"As we increasingly act in a manner congruent with the character of Christ, then perhaps we are indicating to heaven in a most powerful manner our desire for the supernal spiritual gift of charity."
"Perhaps the reason why we don't see courage in the body of Christ right now is because we have too many sober saints."
"Become a prayer warrior and experience God's true power and might in our lives."
"The life of Christianity is a difficult life of struggle and conflict, but it's toward a victorious goal."
"Christianity is not about religion but about a relationship with God."
"To have a form of godliness means to follow the order of religious rights whereas there is no inward transformation."
"Father, we thank you and we praise you for this. In Jesus' name, amen."
"It's going to be very difficult to be a true Christian."
"The entire point of Christianity is to make you even more alive life even more exciting that it would be if you were a Christian."
"The Bible says, 'He who has this hope in Him purifies himself.' The hope of Jesus' return motivates us to live for Him."
"Most Christians today are living decaffeinated lives... like a hamster on the wheel... never arriving anywhere."
"The Christian battle is the first and primary battle every Christian faces is internal dying to yourself."
"Believers often live as if they have no power, afraid of everything, but we have to remember we are not under the darkness and we're not on the losing side of Darkness."
"When I plug into Him, when I spend time with Jesus, when I'm truly connected, abide in the vine, you'll bear much fruit."
"The best way to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is to live in obedience to his word."
"I believe in Jesus Christ I believe that God had a son that died for us I believe that living according to the laws of the Bible is the best you could possibly do and this is where my joy and energy and faith and hope and peace and love come from."
"We want to continue to serve the Lord and we want to be joyful Warriors too. I think that's always an important thing we don't want to be negative and sour about what's happening and March forward and continue to do what God's called us to do."
"When you're filled of the fullness of Christ, you do these things."
"True joy in the Christian life comes from discovering, developing, and using your gift for God's glory."
"I'd rather be a burning one than a lukewarm Christian."
"The whole Christian Life is based on his grace."
"I will not live a mediocre Christian life, but I will live in abundance."
"You cannot serve Christ apart from the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and there are thousands of songs that seek to move your heart to do the right thing. You will not and cannot do the right thing unless you be filled with the Holy Spirit."
"Jesus depended on the ministry of the Holy Spirit during his life on earth."
"Man the best place in the world to be is a saved by God's grace Christian."
"We need the word of God, we need to eat the word of God, we can't live by bread alone."
"It behooves Christians to keep close to the Word of God."
"Our lives as living sacrifices are acts of worship."
"If Christ could come back at any time, I want to have my hands on that which glorifies God."
"When you draw close to Jesus, you see the motives and the thoughts that are inside your head and heart."
"We'll continue to do our best to be as close as we can to Jesus Christ."
"Justified people are always repentant people."
"Establish a community of believers living in the fullness of Christ."
"Prayer is not sending God to run on your errands. A Christian must get on his knees before he gets on his feet."
"Be a billboard for what Jesus is doing in your life."
"Scripture being the inspired word of God remains a fundamental guide in living as a Christian."
"Putting your life in His hands, and from this point on, by His help and His guidance and His strength through the Holy Spirit, you choose to live a godly life through the last moment of your life."
"Just let Jesus be known to the world and just love everybody."
"We can live a life of joy and peace and love in the Holy Spirit."
"When things don't go the way they're planned, you have to realize that the enemy is going to come in. He's not going to just sit back and let you do everything that God has planned for you."
"Let our appetite be to know you more, to walk with you more, to abide in you more."
"Our goal is to look like Him and to ultimately be ready when the bridegroom calls us into the chambers."
"The minute Christians stand in authority and move forward aggressively in a law-abiding and peaceful way but with spiritual authority, the enemy runs."
"I may not be the perfect Christian, but I truly believe..."
"Being a Christian is not a monument it is a movement."
"The justifying death of Jesus opens for me the sanctifying life of Jesus."
"As you receive the Lord Jesus Christ, the way that you got salvation is the same way that you live out the sanctified life."
"Watch out because your adversary the devil goes about like a roaring lion."
"Begin putting off the old ways and being renewed every day."
"We're practicing an inferior spirituality because we only get the life Jesus promised when we live life Jesus's way."
"Life in Christ has its foundation in the Eucharistic banquet."
"God's peace is profound and I lived a lot of my life without it. I live some of my Christian life without it but in the days that we're living in it is the most precious commodity on earth."
"It's not easy following Christ, but it will be oh so rewarding and fulfilling more so than anything in this world."
"Everything got to be sorry about they're wrong and if you want to give your life to Christ the right way you've got to go down in the water."
"Are you living your life with an urgency for the things of Christ? Because if you truly believe that tomorrow is not promised, then you will live with a purpose."
"Possessing self-control is akin to allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your life."
"It is time to live unhindered, uncompromised, unbound, bold, all out, on fire, and mighty in the power of the Living God. It is time to rise."
"The Eucharist is the source and the summit of the Christian Life."
"Because you've lived your life as Christians, you've got a promise."
"The liturgy truly is the font and apex of the Christian Life, the home of divine revelation, and the primary agent of our transformation in Christ."
"It's native within us as his followers to be excited and expectant about him."
"My prayer is that this day and every day that God gives us breath from henceforth we will deny ourselves, pick up our cross daily, and follow the lamb whithersoever he leads us because this is our only safety in this crisis hour."
"Our hearts must be so surrendered, our minds must be so committed to obeying the will of God."
"The sufficiency of scripture means we have everything we need for life and godliness."
"Everything a baptized Christian does every day should be directly or indirectly related to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy."