
Subversion Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"The scares are in the unfamiliar; they're in the surreal subversion of our expectations."
"We will know we have succeeded when we have a culture so subversive that major corporations refuse to fund it."
"Metacinema, when done right, can be extremely subversive, questioning the form, function and morality of filmmaking in general."
"What makes a good story subversive is not just surprising the audience but commenting on well-known tropes by subverting them."
"In America, a man expressing himself in a feminine way is the ultimate subversion of power."
"In one sense, Samus Aran definitely did subvert traditional gender tropes of the 1980s by taking on the role of intrepid hero."
"The highest art of warfare is not to fight at all but to subvert anything of value in your enemy’s country — anything. Put white against black, old against young, I don’t know, wealth against poor, and so on. Doesn’t matter. As long as it disturbs society, as long as it cuts the moral fiber of the nation, it’s good."
"They take existing cultural norms and either ignore them or subvert them beyond recognition."
"The number one reason for divorce is not enough QA and asking the right questions."
"It's a gleeful subversion of all societal expectations rolled up into the perfect meal."
"Elevators aren't just for action or ambience, they're strange little rooms that you can force characters to stand in awkwardly or use to completely subvert expectations."
"Death Note subverts a lot of these tropes, proving that genre conventions are not always that simple. In anime, nothing is that simple."
"Do I think music has lost the ability to be subversive? No, absolutely not."
"The film's subversive quality is also present in the medium of Animation."
"A magnificent subversion of the typical 'I want' song. This masterclass in writing and composition endures as an artistic triumph."
"Isn't that the entire concept of modern art though? It's like subversion... Oh, you want art? Well, I'm not giving you it. I'm giving you this post-post meta-ironic subversion of art."
"The truth teller is a very subversive and a very dangerous fellow."
"And I don't know about you, but I love the idea of laughing as a radical act."
"Subversion is the essence of artistic endeavor."
"The problem is subversion to try and sneak politics in is the problem not the concept of politics."
"I guess the the thing is right now is that it feels from a Catholic point of view that the church is being subverted and by by progressives."
"A tragedy and that's subversive in its own way."
"So you're subverting 70 years of communist cultural destruction."
"All that has been a complete act of rebellion. Quiet rebellion, but a rebellion nonetheless."
"We don't try to apologize for capitalism, we try to subvert it."
"Queer is anything subversive, anything against the status quo."
"Community wants to disrupt our assumptions and he does so by subverting criticizing and sometimes just straight blowing up classic sitcom tropes."
"The best way to take over a religion is to hijack it from the inside."
"Instead of cheap jumpscares, Too Many Cooks and Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared induce a kind of existential horror."
"What's more subversive than making the good guys the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys?"
"Todd Phillips was trying to be subversive. What's more subversive than making the good guys the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys?"
"Sometimes subverting expectations can go a step too far."
"Women of color aren't usually allowed to be subversive and alternative without also being the villain so I think this is a great step in the right direction when it comes to representation."
"The only thing they have available to them is to complain in very subversive ways."
"Tropes subverted throughout this entire series."
"When major videogame publishers don't fucking like something, it usually means it's a pretty fucking good something."
"It’s ironic, breezy, meta, continuity-rich, and subversive."
"We've been completely ideologically subverted."
"We're gonna shut down the squid game from the inside."
"The United Front is basically the Chinese Communist Party's system for subverting the West."
"We can do more damage by getting in on the inside than we ever can by trying to come against them."
"Destroying the fabric of society by infiltrating every institution."
"Are you starting to see a pattern? All throughout the game, a real-world philosophy is referenced and then subverted or turned on its head."
"We're currently being subverted by the Chinese."
"One of the easiest and best ways to destroy a nation without the use of war is by subverting and attacking their culture."
"The Gospel idea comes from political terminology, but it's subversively political."
"It's about being subversive from the inside."
"Sometimes you gotta subvert the expectations."
"I just find the whole thing fascinating, and I'll tell you anything like that 'Gloomhaven,' I really feel like they subverted it once again."
"Her over rejection of glamour would be as subversive today as it was then."
"The ultimate subversion: he makes the truth far too painful to bear."
"Hunter x Hunter is about chewing that archetype up and spitting it out."
"Subversion is meant to critique societal expectations that have been re-established and reaffirmed multiple times by fictions across generations."
"The Catholic subversion of the United States of America."
"There is a Catholic subversion of the United States."
"Monsters Inc shows how subversion is done correctly by getting our attention but then following it up with an exploration of what the subject is like now that it's been turned upside down."
"I think this is just the difference and the way they've completely subverted expectations."
"I didn't know how much I needed to see a worst-case scenario prophetically telegraphed and then subverted."
"I loved that subverted expectation where Finn and Jake are like... Ice King help us... it felt right."
"Kill them from the inside out basically, kill them with kindness the Steve Brule way."
"This apprehension has to be about the most brilliantly subversive in all of crime cinema at the time."
"America will never be destroyed by a foreign enemy. Our democracy will be subverted by malefactors of great wealth who would erode it from within."
"These practices were very subversive, amazing that morris dancing used to be a highly subversive act."
"The Incredibles subverts the then collective expectation of a superhero film."
"The key to good comedy is to introduce an idea and subvert the audience's expectations in an exaggerated or unique way."
"Taking this high glamour, very sexy look, and moving that into the realm of the religious... was a really subversive thing to do."
"What if it's not that black and white? Game of Thrones is a show that has subverted the major cliches of most fantasy epics."
"When nothing's subversive, everything is too safe, and you lose a primary function of art."
"It's like watching paint dry. I guess if there's anything I can commend it for, it's that it subverted the usual special child Trope by having twist be that Abby is actually an ultra martial arts super Prodigy that can kick ass too."
"He completely subverted my expectations by being kind, sensitive, and thoughtful."
"Wizards of Waverly Place takes joy in breaking and twisting its own formula as frequently as it can."
"A subverted Gothic tale exploring themes of love, identity, and morality."
"It's not just cultural exegesis, it's subverting and fulfilling cultural narratives."
"I love it because it's like, by the way, he's interacting and it flips everything on its head."
"A good example of subverting that, and actually a character that did believe themselves to be a God, would be Eneru. No one would say, well I'm sure some people would say that Eneru was an insanely boring character."
"Which leads me to the other thing I love about Wandavision. How it says what it says."
"Wandavision subverts any ideas of straightforward superhero story morals."
"I love most about the rebooted series is that it masterfully subverts the narrative and thematic elements."
"I really appreciate how she kind of doesn't come back. I like that she just had her moment and kind of subverts expectations that we have of what a Bond girl is. I think she was simply incredible."
"That's the kind of stuff I want to see in these movies in Universe subversion to in-universe tropes."
"It's pretty novel of the fairy tale subversion franchise to subvert what it usually does."
"Mother subverts all those expectations when the titular mom makes a simple but shocking discovery: her son really did it."
"I think it's quite likely we know that there would have been a priest somewhere on the site to look after the church where the nuns were at the other side of your house."
"They're there to subvert your expectations, and by doing so, they kind of take the focus off themselves and let the heroes grow on their own."
"As gay men cheer on the sidelines, women take over the neighborhood, a subversive act that is quickly becoming a tradition of its own."
"Princess Fiona breaks fairy tale conventions, revealing a strong, independent woman with a big secret."
"Sans perfectly represents how you can subvert the comic relief character Trope."
"Ryan Reynolds has always sought to subvert the screenwriting structure the X-Men movies"
"I was kind of hoping that they would do something subversive and kind of flip it on its head."
"This isn't just maladministration, it's willfully subverting what the law requires."
"Creating a morally ambiguous narrative often requires subversion, taking advantage of the audiences’ previous expectations and viewpoints in order to surprise them and cause them to question those very expectations and viewpoints."
"Jeanne's transformation into a witch subverts both her own and the audience's expectations, allowing her to reclaim and weaponise her beauty, placing her in a position of power."
"It is clear that a bunch of care was taken. There are some interesting ideas and things to be said. I think there's a subversive approach about what this religious institution is trying to do."
"It's kind of a little bit subversive of like the classic fairy tale where it's like yeah yeah you can set your heart on it but you do have to you have to do something too."
"Democracy is so easily subverted into something like fascism."
"We need to prevent the subversion of democracy and not give it over to the authoritarian state."
"We need to limit democracy to prevent corporations from subverting it further."
"Marcus right defies his reason for being subverts the intentions of his creators and gives life to a dying man and a dying land."
"Every character in A Song of Ice and Fire both embodies a specific fantasy archetype and subverts that archetype."
"It sets up the cliche and then it finds something else to do with it that is just as emotionally satisfying as the cliche."
"The gospel story is a subversion."
"She's not your typical Damsel in Distress."
"It’s a happy ending to what otherwise could have been a tragedy, and it’s certainly a subversion we could use more of."
"They're trying to subvert expectations."
"We need to remember every now and then to step out, to challenge, and to subvert, and this may mean creating art that leaves the audience feeling.. bad. Perhaps so they can feel better in the long run."
"Nice little subversion of expectations."
"It subverts expectations but does not deliver something better."
"You can't beat the system but you can have a hell of a lot of fun taking advantage of it."
"They take every single thing that you're used to and subvert it. I love it."
"Marvel is subverting those expectations."
"Jazz musician, jazz music, in a certain sense, there's a certain subversive quality to it as well."
"This may seem really stereotypical, but being a more modern book, of course, subverts some of this princess-saving trope."
"It was such a subversion of expectations."
"Giant Robo subverts expectations and plays with tropes."
"Black Rain is a 'cliché '80s action film' in which all the partners don't die, the main character doesn't get the girl, and where the movie doesn't conclude with the antagonist exploded, impaled, or ground up in anything!"
"I love to turn the old classic Hollywood tropes on their head and I think that the women of that era were so, they were empowered by society but they were completely like destroyed by their immediate surroundings."
"I think we need more movies where superheroes don't save us and more movies where groups of non-superp get together and kill a superhero."
"Now this is subverting expectations."
"The Last Jedi takes our narrow-minded thinking about the characters and flips them on their heads."
"By daring to do so, it subverted our expectations, grabbed our attentions, and never let go."
"Subverting expectations after carefully setting up a routine plot development or character Arc."
"Are we having less fun because we're constantly trying to subvert trends?"
"What is really being said? What's really amazing? That's what you were talking about because the whole idea, man, is subversion. You want subversion on a massive level."
"Jane Eyre subverts the gothic genre."
"...we've added a layer of subversion to this rather than just making it to the end and surviving..."
"What Shrek does takes the fairy tale vibe and twists it on its head by being crunchy. It worked with Shrek because the characters are likable, they have growth, they learn lessons."
"Everyone deserves everything they've ever wanted in a world where no one is equal, it's the Superflies of the world jumping the fences and subverting the game."
"it was always subverting your expectations it was always forcing the writers to go out on the edge right into into into a creative realm that they would not have otherwise gotten to"
"For a woman to do it, it's very subversive. You're taking a [__] in your hand and you're telling a room full of people what's up. You're grabbing your nuts like Joey Diaz and you're smelling your hand and that's a very masculine thing."
"Christianity does not coexist with power. It's a religion which challenges power deeply at a radical level, not in a political way, but in a way that subverts all power actually."
"The Love Witch breaks these tropes."
"...it'll be odd, it will be funny, and it will surprise you, and somewhat subvert your expectations of what a team book should be."
"Our expectations like to be subverted."
"Watchmen is meant to be read because it's a subversion of the comic book format."
"Eventually someone like me is going to come around and take them out from the inside."
"The Old Guard takes the idea of lost queer history, history that is often written out or discounted in history books, and turns that on its head."
"...deliberately subverts a lot of bond tropes."
"Mega Mind subverts fairy tale tropes, just like Shrek subverts them, specifically Superman."
"Jack's introduction in the first Pirates of the Caribbean is beautiful because it sets up and then subverts your expectations several times in rapid succession."
"At first glance, this fairy tale retelling follows the formula to a tee, except that's only half the story."
"Throughout history, Christianity has been at its best as a subversive force against cultural norms."
"When the subversion is part of the story and makes it a good story, then it's just a good story."
"There are always possibilities for subversion, no matter what."
"This is what I mean by subversion."
"And it's not, it's unlike any other version of the story you've ever seen. It's completely unlike it and it's a bird, it subverts the moral underpinnings of the original fable."
"This series takes the notion of the passive and chosen one protagonist figure and completely flips it on its head."
"The series is all about flipping stereotypes and subverting audience's expectations."
"How do you access it and subvert it and where does it come from?"
"Jesus was the ultimate subversive."
"Izuku is nothing if not a master at subverting expectations."
"Horror icon Wes Craven's subversive deconstruction of the genre is sly, witty, and surprisingly effective as a slasher film itself, even if it's a little too cheeky for some."
"Design can elevate them. There's a sort of subversive quality to that."
"It exploits and subverts the familiar rituals and concepts in order to scare the holy ghost straight out of your poor little bones."
"One thing that's cool about this movie is the, like you said earlier, Riley, how they like subvert movie things. So even that Taco Bell product placement is like breaking the fourth wall almost, it's so bold-faced."
"Parsifal is actually a fairly subversive opera."
"President Trump's efforts to unlawfully overturn the results of the 2020 election were not limited to the big lie."
"Kitsune enjoys subverting expectations as much as they enjoy following them."
"Prince Charming gets the [__], but they don't show after the credits, he [__] her over."
"It was a clever subversion of player expectations for sure, albeit one which unintentionally hilariously backfired for Maxis."
"Another thing which I'm interested in because Oda likes to subvert things."
"It laughs in the face of traditional superhero stories."
"at first you think he's going to give us the usual narration but it turns out that he was actually talking to his brother so that was a nice little subversion of expectations I really liked that"
"A truly subversive change of perspective isn't about making things dark or recasting the conventional hero."
"I do kind of like subversive marketing like this, blurring the lines between reality and fiction."
"It subverts all of your expectations of what you think a Die Hard movie has to be."
"I really like that subversion in the writing."
"Are you ready to rumble? Nope, just kidding, we're not gonna rumble."
"American Gigolo is a movie about love as a subversive force."
"Ranking of Kings is about breaking tropes; characters are presented in ways that make you think they are the embodiment of these tropes, but that's not their whole character."
"The story itself begins to undermine the deepest assumptions about heroism."
"He's fighting and he's saved by someone else. You think it's gonna be him but ah, the show subverts your expectations."
"You can only subvert expectations in situations where the expectations have already been set."
"But this triple portrait, painted at a time when England's common lands were being enclosed by capitalist landowners, is such a technical work of Genius, that we sometimes forget just how subversive it was."
"This is subverting expectations done right. Take note aspiring writers."
"It constantly subverted my expectations."
"Political subversion takes place at every level."
"Calvin Hobbs is such a subversive comic."
"...without fail it does this thing where like it sets up things and cliches that we expect and then just tilts it slightly."
"I plan to destroy them from the inside out."
"You're led to believe that Rocky Balboa is like the greatest heavyweight champion of all time... they just turned the whole thing on its ass."
"It takes that typical Mentor mentee relationship and the chosen one tropes that you see in fantasy so often and it really flips them on their head."
"The Witcher subverts those in very interesting ways."
"The editors are really having fun with it. There's a standard with every drag race edit but when they do things like this, it kind of subverts our expectations and plays with what we are comfortable with."
"The guide is like how to construct a subversive fashion identity via Tick Tock complete with people who are like 30 or 27 28 29 who are interested in fashion and have always been interested."
"This book goes against what mainstream thrillers tend to do these days, and that's why I appreciate it so much."
"Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Usually this line is used negatively...But this is Bluey, and it's all about subverting stereotypes."
"The Bible is revolutionary and it subverts traditional gender roles."
"This movie subverts expectations from the beginning."
"If the villain was the princess, there wouldn't even be a movie or they would have got the Prince already and just been done with it."
"I think the important thing to take away from these reaction videos is that they're subversion. They're making me think about all these preconceptions I've had."
"They create a counterfeit and then subvert the real thing."
"Analysis has always been subversive."
"He subverts the types, he undoes the expectations."
"Jane Austen subverts literary conventions."
"Art can fulfill its negating subversive function only through the aesthetic form itself."
"I just thought it was such a brave thing to do to smash a hero an archetype"
"Horror movie trope, but they did it in a funny way."
"I think what he does with his characters is he makes them so unique in that he is able to subvert expectations in every single way with them but never in a way that feels insulting to the reader."
"Comedy is inherently subversive. We represent the underdog."
"I find the show to be incredibly subversive and progressive."