
Network Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"Human civilization was built by us becoming a simple networked intelligence."
"Security groups and network access control lists are two different types of firewall."
"It looks like it's hanging, so that's definitely working."
"You've got private connectivity between AWS and your data center or office, you get a consistent network experience."
"It's a decentralized network, so that means no one's in charge."
"We are all involved in this network of being."
"The easiest answer in the world, it's because it's not just the network, it's a community."
"Many of these celebrities are in the same circles, they know the same people, they know the same surgeons."
"Now we've got pop star and token holder, they're all now joined in the same network."
"I believe that we're all going to have a positive network by 2050."
"Become a universe tracker, a network detective."
"This seems to lend itself perfectly to a peer-to-peer network."
"Surround yourself with competent, intelligent, and passionate people."
"Welcome to Coalition of the same, only on the mightest touch Network."
"Coalition of the Sint is the new show that the mightest touch network has partnered with Denver WLAN."
"Crypto: a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority."
"What is Lynx dot? It's a new Helium hotspot miner manufacturer."
"Cryptocurrency is more valuable as a network at that point in time."
"Cloud computing is use of hardware and software components which a cloud provider offers as a service which can be accessed over Network."
"We managed to derive the catchment area as well as the river network which corresponds to this particular outlet."
"It's really important that you get the coin and the network that you want."
"Streamlining data center usage with Google's high quality private network provides a flexible architecture and scalability for future business growth."
"Cloud computing means using hardware and software components to deliver a service on a network."
"Network Load Balancer... is optimized for sudden and volatile traffic patterns."
"Giving you the full picture, we're an open and decentralized network designed to ensure provenance for all types of created works."
"You're much better situated in society and in your life if you're in an interactive network of reciprocally beneficial relationships."
"This kind of network represents the derivation of new mathematical truths from old ones."
"Internet is short for internetwork, which is a network of networks. So if we are a network of organs, which are networks of cells, every person is an internet."
"Bitcoin represents the world's first, greatest digital settlement network, digital monetary network, digital trust network."
"Network technicians are the backbone of an organization's digital infrastructure."
"You become one of the nodes on that web of trust."
"There's an incredible network of over 20 regenerative Finance or ReFi teams that are building on the network."
"The network would spatially cluster words based on meaning."
"Cities should not be centralized systems with a dense core in the middle; instead, they should be networked meshes of roughly equal nodes."
"The wood Wide Web, that's where the mycelium connects all the trees in a forest through a vast Network."
"If you don't understand how a network works... how can you understand when it's not working?"
"Welcome to the lion Voice network and welcome to I never new TV collaboration panafrican in action."
"Bitcoin is the largest monetary Network right now. It's the internet of money, growing like the internet grew."
"Bitcoin is the global digital asset network, the internet of money."
"A firewall is either a hardware or software that is responsible for blocking either incoming or outgoing traffic from the internet to your computer. They secure a network by allowing or disallowing connections based on predefined rules."
"Knowing what ports are open, what Operating Systems are running, what services are running on that system is essential."
"So what happens, the stage box generates some audio. We've got somebody that's talking about a microphone. The stage box takes and converts that to network audio."
"Ethernet ports allow connection to routers for better Wi-Fi signal and network expansion."
"Change Healthcare grew over about 40 years through a series of its own acquisitions and organic growth to become a network connector across the healthcare system."
"With Ugreen NAS storage, it's like having your own private cloud on your local trusted network."
"And then three, no more closed source janky software that you can't trust on your home network."
"The cool thing about the light Network itself is that it's Global and it's instant settlement and very very low cost as well too right."
"An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or local network. There are two versions of IP addresses: IPv4 and IPv6."
"Resource monitor measures resources across all of those including the network, and it becomes pretty important. Don't forget about the network; it can sometimes be the big difference."
"Fascia forms an unbroken network throughout the body, enveloping every structure."
"It might make you feel uncomfortable, but you have to allow at least to at least allow it to the WAN interface even if you don't allow it to your whole network."
"Bitcoin is a share of a network, the more people who join, the more value goes up."
"A network map helps me actually see vulnerabilities on my network."
"...but at the end of the day, MIST is fueling this network, it's fueling the nodes operating those services."
"I think the network is phenomenal."
"Sell those pay-per-views to a bigger streaming service like an ESPN or whatever and keep the B level pay-per-views on the network and give people reasons to stick with the network."
"The most important thing I do is I build a change agent network or change champion network who are on the ground doing the impact assessment with their colleagues and picking up all of the little impacts and managing them themselves."
"Caching game downloads and updates on your local network is nothing new."
"...I don't want to see a hundred billion dollar mining farms, I want to see a hundred thousand people with one miner, now that's a beautiful and valuable network."
"We need 30 of the tokens to stake the necessary Network to get the network working."
"Plus, all Mint Mobile plans come with unlimited talk and text plus high-speed data delivered on the nation's largest 5G network."
"You're part of this person's extended network in some way."
"The secret of success is not doing it alone. A network and a team will do more for people than anything else."
"Ethernet, well it's become the network to rule them all even though it's not a ring Network."
"The Channel frederator network distributes channels located in over 77 different countries and on six different continents."
"View and change network information with ipconfig."
"If you mess with one crowdsec install, you're messing with all of them."
"A system in which a large network of components with no central control and simple rules of operation give rise to complex collective behavior."
"A healthy loving support network made up of loving people."
"The bigger and more liquid the network gets."
"For machines not on the local network, create an SSH tunnel from your local machine to the remote machine to access the admin console securely."
"Success means having a choice that you can make every day, setting goals for yourself, having a good network of people around you, and executing your plans."
"We spent the last five years losing money and building the network, and now it's like there's no way to disrupt this."
"SST is going to become one of the sensors in that network."
"Running a node is an integral part of the Bitcoin network. If you are not running a node yourself, it is important to know that somebody is running a node for you."
"For the best coverage switch to AT&T, more bars in more places"
"If you want to be successful, you need people like Oscar, Colin, Alex, Mark, around you."
"First layer of defense is clear but the second layer or the last layer of the defense which is Security Group is blocking the request."
"The design and implementation of the software for this network operating system is one of our major projects at the present time."
"Layer one is referring to the signal that's going across the network."
"The Bitcoin network is going to work if people want it to work end of story."
"I want to create a great network for knowledge. Not just a broadcast system but one that employs every means of sending and storing information. Think of the lives that this could change."
"A CDN is a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and data centers for fast and highly available content delivery."
"Cloud computing is where processing and storage are performed somewhere else over a network connection rather than locally."
"Kerberos is essentially an authentication protocol. What that means is that it's a way to prove that a user is who they say they are across the network."
"It rewards the network growth, it rewards you for being a part of that network, and then that spins over into developers, builders, and users as the supply side grows."
"The certification that really is the glue for everything we do in IT so if you're somebody who is working on your Network+, or you're interested in working on Network+, you're doing the right thing that's exactly where you should be keep doing what you're doing."
"I think we built an amazing network of individuals that we know, that we call friends."
"Your network will determine your network is sounds like it sounds like a cliche saying but it's actually true."
"Network bandwidth you can fix with money, but network latency you cannot. The speed of light is fixed, and physics can't be bribed."
"There was just an inherent I think why it worked on Cartoon Network was that the network was and continues to be a crazy Patchwork quilt of things where it's like there's some really dissimilar things but they all feel like they're part of the same quilt."
"Bitcoin can be described as the most powerful Cyber Network."
"The only way to attack the network is to actually play the same game over long periods of time."
"Bitcoin is just the most well thought through cyber security network."
"Network calls are a very deep subject."
"Your network speed is incredibly important."
"It allows you to do these nice workflows where you can make a few changes, solve the network problem, make a few more changes, and solve it again."
"The river of time, it's what the weirwood net gives you."
"If regular routers can filter packets, why would we need a firewall?"
"Every node has its own firewall and certificate, allowing for granular control over network access."
"Zero trust architecture eliminates the idea of any network being trusted and brings the firewall to each node."
"No, we don't really offer bypass options, so in network, we don't have anything to bypass either like you have in the hardware options, so choose wisely in your rules. If you have high performance setups, make sure to choose wisely."
"In order to detect threats hidden within your network, Suricata needs some rules."
"Now the firewall becomes the divider between those logical segments of the network so I can have the switch port one going to a switch, firewall port one I should say, firewall port two going to another switch and never the two shall meet except for at the firewall."
"The whole network is alive, it's breathing, it's starting to take shape as a living organism."
"Building a strong home network is a crucial first step for any smart home."
"Celestia is a modular data availability Network that scales with the number of users on the network."
"The weirwood network seems to have power in a lot of places that we don't think about."
"Humans are able to connect to a global network where the thoughts of billions of people are made available."
"A method for establishing a connection between two devices on a network is what the three-way handshake represents."
"Sometimes these network things happen."
"Does that mean he's literally the lowest on the entire network?"
"When you think about your show, where do you want it to live? 'Sex in the City' is just as married to HBO as HBO was married to 'Sex in the City.'"
"You've got this great support network around you."
"The Tor browser is a browser forked from the popular Firefox that anonymizes your web traffic using the Tor network."
"She'd proven yet again that she was dedicated to this network."
"In a 21st century contest between bureaucracies and networks networks will win."
"We're going to create a new voice Network for unify talk."
"Security is based on identity, not on a network perimeter."
"Your network is the building block of your solution in Azure."
"It's nice to have good friends. You have to have that support network."
"...are there any loops in my network?"
"The network is becoming more decentralized."
"This is eventually going to become a climax piece of climax network."
"Family equals your first network."
"Each note is just an element that gets its value from being a part of a network."
"Discovery finds applications and devices on the network."
"The network itself does not prove that it’s the original, no. Satoshi originally pointed out, the reason he picked proof of work is because you don’t have to trust who sent the information to you."
"And rather than having a central processing unit like we do, the decision making’s actually made at the edge of the network."
"Not only can anyone participate in this network, but it makes it easy for anyone worldwide to create new fractal sub-networks."
"You're creating a network of people with similar commitments, and it's really vital to what you know in these culture wars it really is a very important thing."
"It’s fun because when detecting something as wrong in the network and then you find it and isolate it and squish it, it’s just exciting."
"The plan was always to be a network."
"...the shape of the network is really ripe for a number of really strategic extensions."
"She knows she's got an amazing support network set up right there in the house."
"Most importantly, it's got a very strong breeders network of people that can support you."
"Port security is a great way to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to the network."
"That's the one that will prevent unauthorized users from unplugging someone else, plugging into the network, and then gaining access to everything that's on the inside of your network."
"Permaculture is a loose globally networked affiliate."
"Bitcoin is one of the largest Computing networks in the world it's growing on Pace with the internet the largest asset manager in the world is an investor."
"XDP: redirecting packets for powerful network control."
"As you can see now, we can monitor the ping."
"The point of Kubernetes is to run clusters, right? A cluster is natively a network. You can't comprehend Kubernetes without really understanding the network."
"Consent of everyone on the network."
"It only happens of consensus with everyone on the network agreeing to it."
"Only one network brings it all home, this is the Design Network."
"The network would not take it but then two three years later they got Allen."
"The execution time didn't change much, considering network latency."
"It takes a network to defeat a network."
"What's most important is that it looks like four separate firewalls from an admin's perspective."
"That's the whole thing at one time the information was good but you're doing so many modifications to the network it is now bad and it's causing all kinds of problems."
"We always start off with an nmap scan: '-sC for default scripts, -sV to enumerate versions, -oA to output all formats, naming the directory 'stream io', and the IP address of"
"Stability and security are incredibly tightly intertwined. If you don't have a secure network, it doesn't matter if it's secure, it's still not operating."
"We will have a kind of a network type Equity or an internet type Equity that returns funds to the holders of these tokens."
"The best way to share something is to put it on the network."
"Twin Gate enables organizations to rapidly implement a modern zero trust network that is more securable maintainable than VPNs."
"And when you know those borders are shut down and someday they will be shut down we need to have that network in place to be able to be like we're here to help the horses in our state whether it's end-of-life services or its adoption we're not going to turn horses away."
"BrandMeister is a massive network built around a bunch of servers that are set up geographically all over the place."
"Botnets are armies of infected computers used for DDoS attacks."
"I'm looking for someone, an MIT guy who's very smart, to come up and take this and make it a really, really good network."
"I have a network of artists that work with me."
"He developed a network of trusted informants and they'd often gather at the back pew of st. Mary's Church in Manchester."
"Usage of the Network's actually gone up."
"There is a man in the north side of the city, he has sources, there is nothing that he could not find out for a certain price."
"Network requires the use of several protocols, not just one."
"Data encapsulation basically makes sure that the messages can be transmitted through a network."
"Each LAN will have the same network portion."
"Just like a unique address on a street, you can find the device using the IP address."
"Remember that when it is on a different network, the layer 2 MAC addresses keep changing, but the layer 3 IP addresses remain the same."
"There's a lot of different ways to create computer networks, there's lots of different ways that these computer networks are designed."
"You don't know the quality of the network you're going through."
"Guest access is just you allowing access to the network for people outside of your organization."
"Autoencoder: The network is trained to reconstruct its inputs."
"...they all are part of the olami global Network."
"All plans come with unlimited talk, text, and high-speed data delivered on the nation's largest 5G network."
"It's the best decentralization network that exists."
"The whole notion of a ring... it's not really a ring, it's just pedophiles who know each other and form connections and help each other out effectively. That's what it is."
"Our brain is this network of information as well, communicating and self-organizing, and it's based on feedback."
"Social media can provide us with a platform for getting good chatter support from other people, from a massive network of other people, and also for providing it to others as well."
"The Nexus has multiple networks and they're all decentralized."
"So essentially there is a network of that we could refer to as the network of source consciousness, and it's almost like a web out there."
"We talk about what the education provides for them right this is uh such a special place a special Network that truly will do amazing things for you once you get done with it."
"Plants probably have to get along and over a long enough time frame the networks of roots in the forest might be forming something like a biological internet."
"It may be a network of different AIs each doing different things, specializing on certain kinds of problems."
"One should decipher in power a network of relations constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess."
"The Bitcoin network is essential to understanding the rest of crypto."
"TigerGraph's network analysis approach goes beyond individual attributes to identify patterns and correlations with high accuracy."
"The network is the next leviathan, hovering above, making fallible men behave in pro-social ways."
"When you have a network of people that is a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the target population, we've passed 7 billion now, then I think I see a way out of this."
"I'm glad to be on our network and hope that it does sort of empower women, empower people."
"We're starting to set it up so that there's a network so that we can actually impact the global burden of dementia."
"The truth is something that's more networked, and you can depend on it because there's other nodes that are reliable."
"Everybody knows somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody."
"WGCNA is a really good method to start off with when learning about network analyses."
"The connectivity of your network is highly correlated with the trait."
"Everything's changing and network programmability is very much a part of that."
"That network is Australia-wide, so a phone call to Redarc or the place of install such as us, and we can just set you straight to the nearest authorised network dealer."
"The explosion of activity for this new network could just be the beginning."
"By far the coolest part of the station is just above the walkway out to the platforms, a map of Southern's Railway Network."
"The Broads is a network of over 120 miles of navigable rivers and lakes."