
Citizen Rights Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Any power that government takes from the people it will never return voluntarily."
"We do not owe politicians loyalty. They owe it to us."
"The fact that the federal government has three real jobs: provide courts for redress of grievances, protect the borders, and protect the rights of the citizens."
"The state should be here to serve us, not the other way around."
"We used to call them public servants and we were private citizens because we were supposed to know everything about them and they were supposed to know nothing about us."
"American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country."
"If you're a peaceful citizen who wants to run your business, you can rest assured they will do nothing for you."
"The state has no place at deciding what its citizens can and cannot say."
"We do not need to punish law-abiding citizens, instead we should cherish and protect this right that we are so blessed to have."
"If you don't have a right of self-defense against another citizen or the state, then the government itself is illegitimate."
"There's no reason to tell a citizen who's possibly not breaking the law to remind them not to break the law. That's redundant."
"They're not allowed to lie to you. It's your government and you should demand better."
"The competition is about whether people want to be led by a government that respects its citizens' rights and freedoms."
"The armed citizen not expected to face any charges... obviously acting in self-defense."
"The government works for us yet it treats us as if we work for the government."
"It's okay to question... You're a citizen, and you're facing a crazy moment."
"Every citizen deserves to have faith in the integrity of the election process and its outcome."
"A well-armed citizenry can never be conquered by tyrannical forces."
"No US citizen should presume that the FBI can just decide we don't like you, we're going to do something to mess you up." - Tony Schaeffer
"Rioters, looters, and criminal aliens have more rights than law-abiding citizens."
"A private person may arrest if the offense is committed in his presence."
"Every citizen has the right to feel safe and secure in our city."
"It's infuriating to me that as an American I have fellow American citizens on that island that seemed to be ignored by the executive branch."
"Government is not free to impose its own new policy choices on American citizens where constitutional rights are concerned."
"Governments are instituted among men to secure these rights, and whenever government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it."
"We as the American people have a right to know what these people say behind the scenes."
"Patriots that do think that the American public deserves to know."
"It's support for the movement, it's support for, hey, you know what you cannot do this to us."
"This is an assault upon a whole body of American citizens."
"An armed citizenry is the absolute best defense."
"You're telling us what to do, we the people decide."
"It has effectively seized all the mechanisms of power to render the citizen impotent."
"Law-abiding citizens should not be deemed criminal because of some bureaucratic whim."
"I prefer to be able to at least defend myself. But another thing you can - citizens are allowed to carry firearms without a license."
"An armed individual is a citizen, a disarmed individual is a subject."
"You better be careful about a government that doesn't trust its people."
"If you're a taxpaying American citizen, they work for you."
"In some jurisdictions, private citizens can bring a privately financed criminal action against officials who violate the law."
"As American citizens, we want the ability to question our government."
"If the objective is to stop violent crime, restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens doesn't work." - Senator Ted Cruz
"Do you think within our lifetime you will see the US government step in and provide these basic rights that every other country citizens have had for many years?"
"Every citizen in every community has the right to be safe."
"In the UK, any citizen could become a private prosecutor if they want to take on a case they really believe in."
"The doctrine of consular non-reviewability does not apply to American citizens."
"The state should give each citizen a compendium of laws which contains the constitution and the most important laws together with a commentary so that the citizen can find his way in the constitutional state and know about his rights and duties."
"The Napoleonic Code... reasserted the equality of citizens before the law."
"We care more about protecting public safety and the rights of law-abiding citizens than we do about coddling criminals or making excuses for them."
"The power of a righteous man... righteous citizens can demand what is rightfully theirs."
"Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry."
"The basic function of the Freedom of Information Act is to ensure informed citizens, vital to the functioning of a democratic society."
"They are our servants; we are not theirs."