
Sisterhood Quotes

There are 1032 quotes

"I love the fact that all of the women come together and they share their experiences and all of them are changed forever, having created this sisterhood."
"The film's sisters before misters' message was a reflection of the feminist mantra that women are more powerful in numbers."
"Having sisters is literally the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life."
"It's seriously so much fun to be able to spend time with them, make memories, do fun things with them."
"Female friendships are just a hop to our sisterhood, and sisterhood can be a very powerful force, to give the world -- to make it what it should be -- the things that humans desperately need."
"I'm a lover of Sisterhood, and not just black women. I help people."
"My heart aches for sisters more than anything. It aches for women helping women like flowers ache for spring."
"Friends come and go in life, but sisters stick together."
"We need to get on my side and help me raise these other sisters."
"Revolutionary sisterhood is not revolutionary because of who we have on the outside; it's revolutionary because of the sister we decided to be first to ourselves."
"If Jamie is okay with everything going on, I feel like she really has our sister's back during all this."
"They don't want to make it about giving sis giving the sister some justice."
"The power of Sisterhood, the power of connection. It's my connection with women that has kept me."
"We will always be family always be sisters no matter what."
"The power of Sisterhood and female support can never be underestimated."
"The truth, Lana, no matter what happens, I'll always be your sister. No [ __ ]."
"Sister Wives, I'm single as conveyed so you've never we've never been single at the same time Yeah right we've never had."
"Marie was coming at me so worried actually did one good thing of her life probably the only thing she'll ever be remembered for is bringing us together as sisters."
"For both sisters, and for Ashley, what really helps them is communicating with their dark feelings, finding outlets to express what’s raw and real."
"Lucy and Maria may not look like twins on the surface, but they definitely do look like twins when you see how inseparable they are together."
"Cheetah Sisters: unbreakable bond with powerful vocals and lyrics."
"Sisterhood is everything... it's so much easier to show up for someone else more fully."
"FBA sisters will help you out, they'll get you right."
"Having met the girls I should maybe try to encourage individuality sooner rather than later so that they have a sense of Independence and freedom from each other."
"Angelica and Eliza, they were intellectual soul mates."
"This is what everything was about: my sister's work and what she would have died for in vain."
"Support your sisters and allow support to come your way as well."
"This is true Sisterhood right here, 's to us."
"They were basically like sisters... they did absolutely everything together."
"I think it's really important I hope sisters heal from it."
"Come join the sisterhood, we're over 14 million."
"The series is an homage to sisterhood, with female characters fiercely supporting each other through thick and thin."
"Trans women are not your enemy; we are your sister."
"We want to lessen the difficulty and lighten the load of our sisters who are really serious about entrepreneurship."
"It's a beautiful film about family, a movie that perfectly illustrates a very realistic sisterhood."
"Happy Founder's Day to all the devastating divas of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated!"
"That's real sisterhood, spraying each other with Hungarian stone crop mist."
"I've always had a good relationship with my sister, despite our differences."
"Girls supporting girls is freeing for anybody."
"Don't explain it to him, think of the sisterhood."
"Supporting each other's projects: the kind of Sisterhood we're talking about."
"Sisters forever, we're here for each other no matter what."
"She's still in there. I can reach her. You can't. I know my sister."
"It's a sister thing that unless you have a sister you don't get."
"Together we shall clear his name or die trying, your sister reminds me of you, new adventures await."
"Arcane is a story of the sisters Vi and Jinx... a tragedy."
"A courageous and action-packed story that defines sisterhood and the meaning behind honor. This book will leave you feeling empowered and ready to take on the world yourself." - Carmen
"May you become more and more sisters in unity in faith."
"They have a legacy of their own in their actions and identities as individuals as women as sisters."
"Katana has one purpose in life: to aid and protect her older sister Mileena."
"I hope we are never parted. Together, your eternal sister, Luna."
"We are not just friends, we are like sisters now."
"It takes a sisterhood to build an empire."
"Are we still sisters? I always knew you'd come back."
"When your sister is your best friend, it's just the way it is."
"She knew that her sister was technically wrong but not morally wrong."
"She was glad she could be of help to her sister because she was fighting for her."
"If you had to give a TED Talk, which topic would you speak on? The power of Sisterhood."
"'You'll be fine, Elsa. Look after your sister. Protect Arendelle until we return.'"
"I just want us to be real sisters."
"Sending mad love to all the girls out there."
"The Sisterhood, the camaraderie, the love that you see here, it's real."
"We're sisters, it's like we're connected, we're sympathical."
"We are the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants."
"The depth and the feeling of true Sisterhood of female friendship is something that is difficult to describe in words, but to me, it feels like a warm hug on a cold blustery day."
"My work is just spending time with my sister."
"Sisters are one of the greatest gifts that God has given to women."
"Farewell, sister. Although you did betray and attack me, it was still very nice to see you."
"Sisterhood is one of the most valuable relationships in a woman's life, and when the sisterhood is strained, it wounds the soul."
"The beauty of Sisterhood is like you don't give up, you don't walk away because you're family."
"You could never be replaced. We're sisters forever."
"She wants everyone to know that her sister is a wonderful person despite the rumors."
"Permission is not just about daughterhood but it's also about Sisterhood."
"I've come to understand that permission is not just about daughterhood but it's also about Sisterhood and the app has truly helped me not only gain sisters but stay connected to the community that I've built."
"To The Sisterhood, he's a tool, a means of securing two quintessential things: survival and control."
"We're about lifting women up and celebrating friendship."
"Who needs a boyfriend when you have sisters?"
"It's so pure you want to protect her at all cause to keep that pureness in her and for her not to get hurt because she's just so pure."
"She's my little sister she's always made me feel like she needs me and I know she doesn't but but it's nice to feel purposeful in the world she shows lots of appreciation when she's sweet she's this pure little sister of mine."
"Just sisterhood is so amazing and just seeing how much love she shows me and gives me, it's just... it's incredible."
"I've been loving it to spend time with the girls and now I got to feel like I had a sister or two because I never had one."
"Like our women's team even with the other women that I've raced with, it's like a Sisterhood."
"With sisterhood, communication is key."
"I love my sisters and I love Drag Race, I am going to respect the show."
"I love you so much, built-in best friend. Closest thing I'll ever have to a sister. Cheers."
"A sister should be a girl's first best friend."
"From now on, when you see your sister making a choice, you don't have to scold her. You don't have to make a choice. You don't have to avoid her. You don't have to say something. You can say, 'Girl, you going to have to live your life.'"
"Elizabeth emotionally confesses to Margaret that she was the most important person in her life."
"Life is really about self-love, sisters."
"There is a Sisterhood that's built there."
"This is also the season where the most heartwarming moments are actually between the ladies and we truly get the sense that these women are each other's soulmates. And it's simply beautiful to watch."
"One person's success doesn't take from the other and like genuinely meaning that and like cheering people on in that so that's like the beauty of Sisterhood is like you're not competing with your sister."
"Sisters always stick together, right?"
"My sister is like my favorite girl in the whole entire world."
"I love you. I honor you. I celebrate you. I'm your sister in prosperity and in possibility."
"Develop that sister's keeper mentality and help when you can."
"These are stories of sisters supporting each other, protecting each other, and even finding inspiration from each other."
"The bond between sisters is special and often unbreakable."
"A good sister is someone who keeps you on the straight and narrow, not someone who gives you a free pass to be a douchebag."
"I always say that we were sisters everybody was just a sister."
"It's time to find your sisterhood. It's time to find a valuable community of powerful women because I know we are all powerful."
"We're not just friends, we're sisters."
"Sisters, Jesus Christ not only asks you to serve, he asks you to be served."
"I just don't need you to forget about me. But I could never forget about you. You're my sister. I love you. You're stuck with me forever."
"I'm not just a sister, I'm your friend, and I want you to be my friend in Sam 5432."
"True sisterhood is personal healing and personal growth."
"An irresistible Gothic novel about sisterhood, seances, and sapphic love."
"If you feel like no one has your back, know that your sisters are praying for you."
"I am not my sister's keeper. I am my sister."
"Sisterhood and friendship is always worth pursuing."
"How cool is it to know that you have sisters around the world praying for you?"
"In a film all about siblings, it’s really awesome to see such a strong example of true sisterhood and how strong the bond between two sisters can be even if they aren’t related."
"The sisterhood is so mutually dependent that they will suckle and care for each other's cubs."
"Lion prides are the very essence of sisterhood."
"Well, Mona, we took a risk going out with the same man, and I don't care what our moms say. Great guys will come and go, but none of them is worth losing a sister over."
"Feminism is not an uphill climb, it's more like a walk in a circle with your sister."
"She was literally like, 'That's my sister,' like, and I was just like, 'Oh my God.'"
"Katniss will risk her survival to ensure her sister's happiness."
"When sisters come together and stop comparing themselves with each other, we will start to see the planet heal."
"The greatest gift we can give our sisters is a safe place for their bodies."
"She wasn't telling. She doesn't tell sisters things like that."
"...polygeny was all about sisterhood, you have women who are helping each other raise their children, they're supporting each other in what they do, and they just happen to be sharing your husband."
"...how much camaraderie there is amongst women"
"It is a movement where we are reclaiming Sisterhood."
"...fake sisters and fake Sisterhood is fed by insecurities."
"...if you have women in your life that are not championing you and call you sister, that is not your sister."
"Sisterhood is the quality of being sisterly; it is a society, especially a religious society, of women united for a common cause."
"Celebrate the beauty, power, and amazement of other women."
"Their sisterly relationship is definitely a tale as old as time. Polar opposites, conflict between them, but still super close despite all of that."
"It really did end up becoming a story of sisterhood that was just really lovely to read."
"True sisterhood deepens and magnifies personal and collective sacred assignments and success."
"Genuine bonds of friendship and sisterhood."
"Treat them like a brother and sister in Christ."
"Together the sisters defeat the attackers and make sure they're safe."
"Our friendship blossomed into a genuine sisterhood."
"We're your sisters, we're here with you."
"Sisters, please never underestimate the extraordinary power within you to influence others for good."
"You'll always be my little sister."
"This she's your sister, she's always gonna be your sister. Men come and go, but sisters are forever."
"There was something so beautiful about seeing so many different people enjoy the wonky High concept story about Sisterhood."
"The empowerment of sisters in the Relief Society to understand the role of women in the kingdom of God is ennobling and empowering."
"To Teagan. The best sister anyone could hope for."
"A sister is someone who will love you, and sometimes love ain't pretty."
"A good sister is someone who supports you, cheers you on, but also holds you accountable."
"A sister is an accountability partner."
"A sister is here for life, trying to see you win."
"Sisterhood is one of the most life-transforming forces in the world."
"Sisterhood is everything. I believe in it wholeheartedly."
"It's really a sisterhood, it's amazing, it's like what I need as a teenage girl growing up."
"The brilliance of the show's portrayal of sisterhood and camaraderie on screen."
"I was doing a deliverance from one of our lovely sisters."
"Let the fight begin. Behold The Mighty power of sisterhood."
"It's the one time when you actually build a true Sisterhood with each other and it's really amazing."
"The story of aesal's descent into the underworld is a complex tale with themes of loss, sacrifice, and rebirth, exploring the depths of Sisterhood and revealing the Rivalry that tied ereshkigal and inana together."
"So better together, now we're sisters forever."
"She and Andrea had spent eight difficult months together and had become sisters."
"When we are against each other as women, we create a space in the atmosphere for the Queen of Heaven."
"Sisters are different flowers from the same garden."
"Karen figured the best way to honor her sister would be to keep her memory alive."
"Trust other women, their friends and sisters more than they trust any man."
"Stories like this really highlight the importance of a Sisterhood, and of believing somebody when they come to you."
"Community reminds us of the power of Sisterhood and connection."
"What about feminism? I thought this club was for sisterhood."
"Through our moral genius, we must make it a Brotherhood or a Sisterhood."
"I think as women you have to kind of protect each other from that."
"It just felt so cozy and sweet to me while I was reading it, I fell in love with these sisters."
"Elsa makes Anna much better than she would be on her own."
"Let your sis be body positive, encourage that [__], let's hype each other up in 2022."
"A good friendship should feel like a sister."
"Sisterhood is well and great but this crap ain't it."
"We're sisters because we have to be but yeah we're also friends because we chose."
"...joy in our sisterhood, power in our voice, and service in our heart."
"It is just overwhelmingly important to me that my family has seen what this sisterhood that I've been talking about since I was a little girl that I wanted to join that it's actually what I've been saying it is about. So thank you so much Soares."
"It's not a requirement to have a friendship, but it is a requirement to have a Sisterhood."
"This is a gift for you, my sister."
"We all treat each other like we are sisters."
"When you're a true sister of the hood, you just know."
"I am surrounded by just really cool women in my life and I feel so completely blessed by that"
"I'm a girl's girl. I love women. I love supporting women."
"I really just want to help and be a sister and a support to any of you guys that are watching right now."
"It's like we're sisters, we give each other advice, we help each other, you know?"
"Sisters are the ones who have your back, until you get a boyfriend."
"We need to become a sisterhood of honorable women."
"Showing up as a sister isn't just about supporting her in decision-making, but actually just creating space for her to exist."
"I love you you mean the world to me I'm so grateful that I feel like every year our friendship and Sisterhood just like get stronger and stronger."
"I love having women who care to help other women."
"...it's impossible not to relate to at least one of the March sisters."
"She was convinced she is alive today because her sister Roxy reached out to save her life."
"The difference that community, sisterhood, and support make is me today. I want you to have it too."
"This talk yes we look and we talk the same that's a good thing we're good sisters."
"Erica expresses her gratitude for having Sachi as her sister."
"It's this Sisterhood it's this kinship it's this camaraderie."
"As much as I want to be on top every week, it pains my heart to send home a fellow sister."
"Anna jumps up onto Elsa's queenly bed and tosses the covers all around."
"You're a good sister. Oh my god, she's getting chills. She's getting chills. And I'll keep on saying it until you believe me."
"Above all, we give thanks for the life of a woman I'm so proud to be able to call my sister, the unique, the complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana."
"Sisters want the best for each other, they always protect each other."
"Female friendship is one of the most powerful forces on earth."
"Most importantly she has been a mentor and a sister to me."
"Embrace yourself and don't hate on the next woman."