
Community Help Quotes

There are 347 quotes

"I'm at my local post office, and there's this kid who needs some brand new wheels, so we're going to ship out some to him."
"With the instruction of an ambulance crew, the gathering crowd quickly turned from bystanders to superheroes."
"In this moment, what is extraordinary is that as we see ugly corporate greed, we also see the best in people putting their lives on the line to help others."
"Now is the time to help, now is the time to volunteer safely, now's the time to donate blood."
"Dave is a fantastic resource and he's super open and willing to help people."
"If you guys want to help me compile a list of the errors i have made i'd actually love to hear from you it would help me a lot if you wanted to help me go through the videos um if any of you guys want to help me go through videos and find mistakes then i would love it if you emailed me with time stamps for example."
"George did not need warrior policing that day, what he needed was help."
"This isn't about being released, this is about helping other people."
"We can't tackle the big picture by ourselves, but we can stop straddling the issue ourselves and we can do something to help others."
"One of the great things is you can ask for help."
"Just share her story as far as you possibly can and hopefully there will be some answers eventually."
"If anyone has any information on where Sigmund might be, his family would really like to make contact with him."
"I'm glad you're here, Mink, there's a little kitty stuck on top of that tower."
"Also, it's a huge help to share these videos with anyone who you think would find them useful."
"Thank you guys so much for helping. I really appreciate it."
"People want to help you so that you aren't stuck in this situation."
"Nothing makes me happier than getting to share, whether it's cleaning, decorating, or whatever I can do just to help other people."
"We need other people to help us navigate through life's challenges."
"It shows up in the mail, like somebody found it, saw the flyer, and sent it back."
"Sharon writes a wrong by helping a neighborhood woman keep her 23 cats."
"And the biggest help of all, is sharing the word."
"We're hoping that we don't have to do any help. But if you guys want to help out some more, go to the website, click the link to donate. Every penny counts."
"It's honestly a breath of fresh air to see more people like yourself starting their own YouTube channels that are trying to actually help people."
"If we have anybody out there who watches that has any tight connections with a private investigator... please reach out to me."
"People United to help a paraglider who missed his landing and nearly fell off a cliff."
"Thank you again for tagging me this is 2024 but I really do love helping people and saving their hair I think we need more kindness on social media and in the world."
"We ought to do everything we can to support them."
"Sometimes we all have to rely on other people... there's no shame in asking for help."
"I hope you found this guide helpful if you have further questions about the game please let me know in the comments below."
"We're not here to make a million bucks, we're here to help a million people get healthier."
"There are things that you can do that are really easy that are going to help people out."
"So guys there you go I mean look I've showed you the other side hopefully today you guys um hopefully this will save a few people's builds."
"You can help not only arrest some scammers but save a lot of people from being scammed."
"God wants us to be an answer to somebody's prayer."
"Adding a road or updating a business's hours of operation might seem small to you, but these additions have the potential to change how people like you explore and experience the world."
"30 seconds of your time could make a huge difference in some of these cases."
"Please come forward and contact the New Orleans Police Department... if you saw Ashley that day on January 9th walking to the gas station outside of Nicole's house or just anywhere in this specific area please come forward."
"All we want is Gabby to come home. Please help us make that happen."
"It was an early lesson for a young child to learn that people could help people."
"School librarian says his shoes melted while helping kids cross the street."
"Everybody needs some support but and we can't give everybody support but what we can do is there is an opportunity there to go and give someone a little bit of support, a little bit of love." - Spread kindness, it's always needed.
"Support the upcoming Danny Russell Foundation. Helping other families who don't even have a voice."
"Let's really shake it up let's really help some folks let's do something radical for the Lord Let's do let's do a grand gesture let's do a great and so that was really attractive."
"If you're out there right now experiencing something like this don't be afraid to get help and move on."
"Is there an organization you would recommend that helps underprivileged kids? Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America."
"Anyone who's isolated, suffering because of this, communicate with them, come alongside them, talk to them through the window if that's all you can do."
"If you are struggling with any of these things we shared or just with parenting in general, seek out a mentor."
"Any little thing you can do to help will get you further along than doing nothing."
"Welcome to Fix or Flop! In this playlist, we attempt to fix viewer systems that are, well, they have to be broken to be fixed, right?"
"The point of this channel was never to make a bunch of money or to get a sponsor... it was lit with just to help people."
"I hope that this experience and me sharing this experience with you guys can just help someone else."
"Thank you so much for watching; if you are attempting this as well, maybe I gave you a couple of hints that will help you."
"Our main focus should be to help bring Alexis home and to bring those who are involved in her disappearance to Justice."
"Mutual aid is not charity... it's symptomatic treatment not a cure."
"I'm going to put an email down below for you guys to email us and if you guys could help us find him we're going to appreciate it."
"Anytime we help anyone come closer to God, we're helping to gather Israel."
"I'm grateful that I can be a part throwing them a rope to help them along their journey."
"Police said that Pamela was found as a direct result of public involvement and social media awareness."
"It's nice to know that there is also some goodness, even if it's just helping to clean up your neighbor's rubbish."
"There's a $2,500 reward to anyone that has information that helps bring Jake home."
"I'm humbled that I have a platform that I can used to connect with and help others."
"I always believe if you help people it'll find a way of coming back to you."
"Offering support and friendship to people that might need it."
"If I can give a shout out to recovery from religion foundation there's there's a hotline just for people like us."
"They've helped me in the past. If it weren't for them, my house would have collapsed long ago."
"If you have those answers please do the right thing and call it in."
"If you know about this sector, please please share that with the community. That would be incredibly helpful."
"Start sprinkling [messages of love and happiness] over and start helping people."
"Hopefully, whatever I said here can help somebody out in enjoying the flock of chickens that they have a little better."
"You better stick with Jesus, and I'll love you and I'll help you if they call me."
"I'm so grateful to both of the good Samaritans who came to assist me."
"Always, always ask for help when you're down."
"With the drug trade on pause, gangs around the world have started helping in their communities instead."
"Don't suffer in silence. Don't sit there thinking that there's nobody that can help you. There will always be people that can help."
"If any of you guys are going through anything any hard times I'm saying you guys could hit me up on Instagram."
"Becoming a donor is what it's all about and if we can find somebody to become a donor for Levi I mean it could just will save his life."
"Use that energy to help, to lift, and to expand your ideas."
"Some good stories this week... we want privacy to reach as many people as possible and you can help with that."
"Your dollars going into the GoFundMe really do still help immensely."
"I'm really glad we were able to find the puppy."
"If you have any information about Beth's murder or the disappearance of Vivian Cameron, you can contact Crime Stoppers Victoria."
"Give me a pat on the back but keep moving, go help the guy that really needs it."
"After 20 years Grateful Doe finally had a name, all thanks to Reddit."
"There's somebody out there who knows what happened to my son, and I'm on my knees hoping, praying there's someone out there who can help us understand."
"It's gonna really help a lot of individuals."
"If you want to save money in the long run, getting these tools and doing a good part of the maintenance yourself is a good way to go."
"Share this with your friends if they can use it."
"Hey, you're the mother of that girl with all the dolls. Thank you so much for helping my daughter and I. I can't because I want to say thank you again."
"I'm putting this out there in hopes that it's going to help someone else out who has similar problematic skin issues as I do."
"Melissa is literally helping people to this day, you know, 19 years after she's been gone."
"This is gonna help quite a few people...making it a little bit easier to also read."
"We encourage anyone with useful information to call the tip line."
"Don't forget to hit the thumbs up button, that tells YouTube that you guys like our stuff and if they know that, they'll share with the world and we can help more people."
"Anything you can do to help out somebody that needs it, you know, whether it's maybe getting groceries for the elderly down the street or just keeping your distance, you think you can do the help I think is big."
"Operation Legend is not to harass, harm, or hurt. It is to help."
"It only takes one person to come forward for a case to be solved."
"This is a family that is still grieving and they could definitely use more help."
"We need your secrets, your tips and your tricks."
"But I think you're going to help so many people who not only might be struggling with the idea themselves but maybe know somebody who is."
"It's pretty likely that your blood will be used which is pretty cool."
"Slow down, relax, we're all there to have fun."
"He’s excited that he’s going to help other people not get sick by getting them [the vaccine]."
"Please guys if you can do a favor for me just help someone out just be nice to someone you know give someone."
"If you can't find your own stone to borrow, borrow my stone. This is my evidence that the hand of God is mighty."
"The best way you can help us here on the homestead is just to share our videos on your social media."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"Strangers rescue 87 year old woman, her son, and dog from sinking car."
"He needs your prayers. He needs your help. He doesn't need your cheers."
"Help underprivileged families, it's in our wheelhouse."
"Grindstone Ministries: Being the hands and feet of Messiah in a broken world."
"The only way I can get eyes on a video like this is if you guys help me share it."
"I need you to go online on Facebook or on Google and leave them a good review because these these are good people."
"You cannot save the world, but providing clean water is a great service."
"When a lesson says why does any Muslim murder the devil... whenever you go save a black man and woman in that same act you have murdered the devil you have murdered them in the mind."
"You actually help other people who are just never in an official club but more like gold in a general sense."
"We do a really good job at helping the beginner and are we gonna get flack for it maybe sure yes all the time but I think we're helping more people than people realize."
"Decide to help God's children... by small and simple things."
"Who needs this to put on a little bit, who needs it?"
"I put a link for people who are struggling... I think that's the right thing to do irrespective of what the facts are in that case."
"Look for the helpers. You can always find people who are helping."
"Seriously, knowledge is power. That's all we're trying to do here, provide it with you guys with all the avenues that we found and that have worked good for us."
"But I am saying be mindful of the fact that there are people in need around you and very close to you don't have to look very far to find people in need."
"He's a good guy... guys need help and we need support."
"If you ever need help with anything in your life, try not to internalize it too much. Try to reach out to someone, talk to them about it."
"We can accomplish a lot by spreading the usefulness of our own possessions."
"Thank you for what you do, you guys have helped me get through the worst."
"As always, be sure to use code the llama sir in the item shop if you want to help support me."
"Someone out there has to know something about this person."
"Whether that means you're out there helping to teach others how to connect intuitively..."
"Tristan found it very lucky for the woman that an EMT, a doctor, and a sheriff's officer all happened to stop within one minute of the accident."
"Creativity is very important as it'll be able to help aid other creators by giving them new ideas."
"If we have opportunities to help somebody we have to take it."
"This city is in danger. It needs our help. All of our help."
"Last night we had one viewer Simba who turned around and got her friend fifty-nine hundred dollars."
"We just really appreciate everybody trying to help."
"Thanks for taking the time to watch today and tune in with me please spread awareness share this and let's hope that we get some answers for dylan and find him soon."
"Highlighting smaller channels is the smallest thing we can do to help."
"We all have every right to help each other and we can share our experience with them."
"If we can help them out as much as we can and make it a lot lot easier for them then that's how we roll."
"I've been listening to your show since March. I've told my friends and families that, and they are now getting food and mortgage assistance."
"If you have a grandparent or a family friend or a neighbor that doesn't know about these types of scams... have them watch this video."
"One person to come forward to help to solve this case."
"I feel like this is going to be a really beneficial and helpful project comeback to so many people."
"Twitch chat is so very helpful; otherwise, there will be people in the YouTube comments pulling their hair out."
"Thank you for being brave and sharing your story. I think it's going to help a lot of people."
"Good for you, kid. Show the world there are people still out there always willing to lend a hand to those in need."
"Everyone wants to help, and they want to help me learn things like this. This is important."
"I just want to do my little part in trying to help."
"Let's see if together we can help bring Sebastian home."
"We've had a massive pipe explosion and need your help."
"If we're going to do something, it's going to be done right and we're going to help people."
"I didn't realize that me being real and vulnerable and open and honest would help others."
"Just come forward. It's not too big and it's not too small. It could be that tiny piece that we need."
"If you have something helpful, pitch in and leave a comment... it helps a lot of other folks out."
"If this is happening to you it's not fair it's not right you should get help and also if you ever need to talk we are here you can message us on Instagram you can leave us a comment on our YouTube and we will always be here to talk to you guys."
"It embodies what I really believe in...I can do that but also help a whole lot of people by connecting them to what they need."
"The furry community helps me a lot to conquer my problems; I can always find people who are willing to listen and support."
"I'm always happy to help you out with your collection. It brings me so much joy."
"When the family participates, we're able to do miracles."
"Thanks again for setting all this up. No, I just wish I could do more. No, May's always told me if you help someone, you help everyone."
"RTX 3070: looking like a very, very nice upgrade."
"We’re going to call for help with senior citizens."
"The public's role in helping us in this endeavor was invaluable."
"Thank you so many people have been asking me how I can help."
"Don't help the abuser by being frustrated with her; continue to reach out."
"Sometimes we do need that little bit of a helping hand up, and we should never be ashamed to ask for it."
"I've helped so many people that had a mental health problem and I think a lot of families have a lot of struggles with mental health and I would be a champion for that."
"I put my money where my mouth is and when I ask people to donate."
"I'm just really scared as I don't know what a whitaker is or if someone could tell me that'd be great."
"Your assistance with us raising money for Saint Jude... it doesn't have to be financial, it really doesn't."
"We just want some more. We all want to play a part in helping, and we can't play our part if we don't have any real substantial information to work from."
"You are being asked to surrender to receiving support and love. Allow the love and support of others in, rather than trying to handle everything yourself. This can take the pressure off and simultaneously nurture you."
"Big shout out to him for being willing to help out."
"A mother leopard's babies fell into a trap while she was out hunting, and she never would have seen them again if it hadn't been for these good people."
"Hopefully, if you don't feel like buying one of the items, check out the links below and find out how you can donate to these causes."
"Speak up, you're not alone. You can get help, there's help for you out there."
"That's what my channel's always been about, helping my people spread the message."
"And a dog in Washington was rescued after was trapped inside of a collapsed home for six days."
"If you're feeling alone, reach out. There are definitely people that you can tap into that want to help you out."
"Create that metaphorical campfire and just say, 'What's happening? I've noticed you're not yourself. Tell us your story.'"
"You just saved the holidays for a lot of kids."
"We even ran into rich rebuilds himself and convinced him to help out, and all it took was some chicken."
"A woman is missing, her family is desperate to find her, what can it hurt to let them search?"
"I think the best thing about this Laura is like I think both of us have that intention to help people and we've both been through some dark times in our life."
"When law enforcement is begging the public for help, they really do need it."
"I could play with the tiniest little role in helping you guys somehow because that has always been my goal."
"If you're scared, borrow the strength of others who will be there to help you."
"Teaching people how to actually play their game... it shouldn't be a surprise that we're more than willing to help out."
"Please talk to somebody, please reach out to somebody, because I know that no one would want you to struggle alone."
"If even a little bit of this information using this platform to inform you about what's going on could help somebody, let's do this."
"If you know of a case in your area involving a missing person belonging to a vehicle, whether you're a law enforcement agency or you're family or friends, reach out to us."
"We're asking that you come forward, please give this young team, this police department, everybody in front of us today some information to help find out the truth, whatever it may be."
"We need to help the next generation of kids."
"We just didn't quit and we just stayed with it um and two is we stayed very true uh to our our our original purpose which is simply to help people and educate people."
"Post out on social media that you're looking for a vehicle and ask your friends."
"It's one of those where it takes just one person to come forward with information or to recognize a suspect that could change everything."
"Don't fear asking for help or accepting help if someone is willing to give it."
"We're raising money to help those victims along because Mega Fish Man just donated." - Highlights the importance of charitable actions and community support.
"There are dedicated people all day, every day, who just want to help. They want to help you realize that you are not the problem."
"We really need your help getting this information, this technology out..."