
Neighborly Love Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord."
"Teach us to be like Christ, to love our neighbor as ourselves."
"Religion is to love your neighbor unconditionally."
"Don't let the screamers who monetize hate have the final word. Instead, organize, persuade, but most importantly, love your neighbor."
"My dream for our church: Known for being the best neighbors, always so encouraging, cheerful, and unselfish."
"Love your neighbors as yourself... and we'll get back together next week. God bless you everybody."
"Now our life after we're saved is about loving our neighbors and honoring God."
"Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore, love fulfills the law."
"Does it make us more decent to each other? Does it make us more likely to be able to love your neighbor?"
"To love your neighbor is to evangelize them. That is how you love your neighbor."
"Serotonin itself wasn't officially discovered until 1935."
"Love your neighbor was there long before I came along."
"Free us, set us free to glorify by your name and love our neighbor."
"We should submit to the government, love our neighbors, and do what is best for them."
"Love your neighbor as yourself; you have no business loving or taking care of anyone else unless you could take care of yourself first."
"It's reaching out to my neighbor. I love them all whether they hate me or not."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself. It isn't going to start until you love yourself."
"At the center is love your neighbor."
"Love is the whole deal. If you love, you won't do your neighbor wrong."
"The Dukes of Hazard was about loving your neighbor."
"Loving our neighbors includes more than doing individual acts of kindness."
"When someone helps you, then you'll understand. When you love your neighbor, loving means lending a hand."
"The idea of poverty: Love God with all your heart and soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself."
"Don't take anything for granted. Live today like it was your last, but don't live it to the fullest. Live your life according to loving God first and foremost and loving your neighbor."
"Let no one seek his own advantage, but rather that of his neighbor."
"Let none of you think evil in his heart against his neighbor."
"Let none of you think evil in your heart against your neighbor."
"Love your neighbor, love yourself, and be a good citizen."
"He's a man who loves his neighbor as himself."
"Unity of brethren, the love of neighbors, a man and a wife that agreed together."
"Love your neighbor as yourself, don't use money to measure wealth."
"I like to grill when the weather is good and my neighbors actually love me for it."
"This is the example that has been set for us by Jesus, that we would help our neighbors in their time of need."
"We don't get to tell our neighbor how to live, we're called to love our neighbor in spite of how they live."
"Treat your neighbor as you wish to be treated, and love them as you would love yourself."
"You have to love your neighbor as yourself, you have to feed the homeless and the poor, and you have to provide for them and help them out of poverty."
"It's love God and love your neighbor right here."
"Love works no ill to his neighbor."
"All I really want for Christmas is to help one of my neighbors."
"I love you, neighbor. I love you so much, my darling, my soulmate."
"It's easy to love your neighbor if you love yourself; if you don't love yourself, it's hard to love somebody else and it's hard to accept somebody else's love."
"We saw it as loving our neighbor."
"The unity of brethren, the love of neighbours, a man and a wife that agree together."
"Here's to hoping we can do this again, neighbor. We hope we will see you there. Don't forget to wave up high."
"We got bread, we had candy, we had visits from over a dozen neighbors."
"The only door out of the dungeon of selfishness is the love of one's neighbor."
"Love is the point, love for God, love for our neighbors."
"Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy might, but also love thy neighbor."
"Love your neighbor just means do for people and cut them the same slack you'd cut yourself when you screw up."
"I have a lovely neighbor on the next bit, she's 88 and doing really well, and I love her to pieces."
"The fact that loving your neighbor is a good thing is clear, right?"
"Love your neighbor just as you love yourself."
"Love thy neighbor and so there are four things we learn from the Samaritan."
"The love of God dwells in me and from today, I love my neighbors, I love my enemies, I love my betrayals."
"Love God supremely, don't allow any other love to exceed the love for God in your life. Second, love your neighbor as you love yourself."
"What about the Bible's call to love our neighbors?"
"To love your neighbor, you don't need to cross the border, you just need to take a drive."
"We cannot know whether we love God, although there may be strong reasons for thinking so, but there can be no doubt about whether we love our neighbor."
"Beg our Lord to grant you perfect love for your neighbor, and leave the rest to him; he will give you more than you know how to desire."
"They love their neighbors as themselves and have a speech that is the sweetest in the world and mild and always laughing."
"Self-love is so important that it's used as the standard for how you love your neighbor."
"The God that I serve was up there saying love thy neighbor as you love thyself."
"All of the law can be summarized in one grand statement: Demonstrate love to your neighbor even as you care for and love yourself."
"Love your neighbor as yourself." - Leviticus 19:18
"Politics is a way to love your neighbors because policies affect people, especially the most vulnerable."
"Help us to love you above everything and to love our neighbors as ourselves."
"The Bible says love your neighbor."
"Love each other, love your neighbor as yourself."
"Thou shalt not kill. Love thy neighbor."
"Love your neighbor, be kind, and I will talk to you next time."