
Political Structure Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"In a real democracy, if Dakota gets 2 senators and California would get at least 40 senators."
"A duopoly that was often controlled by the same class that was pulling both parties as the string of it really wasn't a duopoly, it was a monopoly disguised as a duopoly."
"Federalism is not the obstacle to this sort of thing."
"It's better for individual people when people live in smaller countries."
"If we are going to stay a democracy with a 2 party system, there do need to be 2 parties of some kind."
"Every single one of the Admirals is a small piece of the world government."
"The reality is we live in a constitutional republic... very different than the way our government is supposed to work."
"What a small 'c' conservative institution... what a large 'R' Republican institution the Senate is."
"Maybe it's time to have a kingdom and not have an empire"
"Venice was unusual in many ways, not least because its rulers, the Doges, were chosen in aristocratic elections."
"The Attorney General works for the American people, and the special counsel is just one more step removed from someone who was appointed by the sitting president to, in this case, investigate a prior sitting president."
"The problem here is much bigger than strategy; it's structure... Republicans have this massive media firepower advantage... Fox News, Facebook... it's the distribution mechanisms." - Dan
"How far are we from a one-party country? I don't think that's happening anytime soon."
"A unified government would be enormously superior."
"Separated power: more risk but a lot more freedom."
"Despite standing until 1806, the HRE was more a set of kingdoms unified under a loose set of ideological principles than a homogeneous political entity backed by an absolutist state."
"What would a government of a united South America look like?"
"Ultimately, no matter who you elect in Europe, the last decisions are made in Brussels. That's the, you know, the sovereignty transfer, you know?"
"I want to see a federation, a Democratic Federation."
"If you destroy the presidency and make it an errand boy for Congress, we're gonna be much weaker."
"American federalism might be the thing that saves us at the end of the day."
"The duopoly itself is designed not to lead us to some shared success but to turn us against each other."
"We live in a republic. Speech is not just one aspect of the political order. It's the whole damn thing."
"The British Monarchy might be reaching the end of its natural life or it might not."
"You can't sustain a democracy in an oligarchy."
"In the American system there are four centers of power."
"Amsterdam is considered the capital of the Netherlands but the government isn't there."
"Even if a military junta governs Guinea today, it's one of the most developed countries in Africa with a new form of democracy."
"There is going to be a world order. There is such a thing as a liberal world order. We are living under it."
"The problem is how we structured the state, not its existence."
"It does not threaten the Union to have a strong central government."
"The modern Muslim majority nation-state is a weak and unwieldy creature."
"Governments are instituted to secure man's rights, not to oppress him."
"The Virginia Plan favored the large states because your legislature all come either directly or indirectly from the people."
"Every year the Assembly elected a council of five ephors, one for each of the five villages, who shared executive power with the kings and sometimes overruled them."
"And the constitution sets forth separation of powers, and separation of power says that folks like me go out and get folks like you to vote for them to make the law."
"We must fall in love with the gridlock... It's there for a reason." - Cut 118
"Inverted totalitarianism pays outward fealty to the corporate State."
"In Plato's writings, Atlantis was once bigger than a combined ancient Libya and Asia Minor, a confederation of kings of great and marvelous power."
"Power cannot reside in one government or one branch of that government or one person in that branch of that government."
"The North American Commonwealth is officially a federal republic, regulated by a system of checks and balances as defined by the Commonwealth Constitution."
"The separation of powers acts as a check on tyranny and the concentration of power."
"This Parliament the place is set up as a break on popular democratic accountability in each and every member state represented in this Parliament."
"Every branch of government has its place, and you don't go against one and say that you should completely ignore their ruling."
"We could either centralize under a big tyrannical government or we could decentralize under a total freedom-minded society."
"...the United States is not just a republic, we are a republic of republics."
"Constitution must be formulated clearly as a basis for the political structure of society."
"The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy which means the king or Queen's powers are severely limited."
"The small c constitution consists of the documents, the values, the principles, the ideals, and the institutions that together justify and provide the blueprint for the operation of political authority."
"Over the life of the republic, the Romans developed an elaborate constitution with power separated into many offices and assemblies."
"This was the first purpose-built two-chamber Parliament House in the world, with a House of Commons and a House of Lords."
"The Aztec regime, to put it in a nutshell, was the regime at odds with itself."
"The European Union is meant to be based on representative democracy."
"They had to have advanced political organization which we have evidence for."
"Federalism is the sharing of power between the national government and the states."
"Technically we are a representative republic, we are not a democracy."
"The Mayan civilization had a unique political structure... The civilization was made up of several city-states."
"It's a very interesting country with three official languages and nine ministers of health."
"Representative democracy reduces the chance of tyranny of the majority by giving minorities a voice in Parliament."
"We have a judicial branch, we have an executive branch, we have a military branch."