
Parenting Challenges Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Parenting is the hardest thing I've ever done, and that's not a reflection on my kids."
"The real solution lies with parents themselves; it lies in an economy that doesn't drain the parents, that doesn't make them so exhausted at the end of the day that they always just give their children the iPad to ignore them."
"We all feel like we're doing it wrong and that we suck at this. We don't. It's hard."
"Toddlers have arrived, bringing special but sometimes chaotic moments."
"I'm a good parent who is having a hard time."
"When parents are tearing up because they're not liking their kids anymore... that is often cause for thinking about what can we do to help this child do better."
"Sometimes, like, what else are you gonna do? You've raised your voice, you've done these things, once in a while you've got to spank your kids."
"I was stuck at home with my hands full of something else that was sending out constant notifications -- a miserable, colicky baby."
"Even the best, most thought-out relationship between a parent and a child will eventually lead to situations where the kid is [expletive] stupid."
"So many different reasons mom wasn't producing enough milk."
"Introducing kids to smartphones and social media use, especially early on in childhood, could cause or probably is causing real and permanent damage."
"I'm definitely gonna be her bestie till she's a teenager and hates me."
"There is no rulebook on how to be a perfect parent."
"And be aware to of the fact that when you're not raising your kids someone else is and that's that's a sacrifice of having a career and there's no way around it because that's just the world we live in."
"I could take a hit. I raised a child from 17. So let's trust ourselves."
"Parenting is almost like a competitive sport these days, parents cannot do right for doing wrong, somebody is always going to be judging you."
"Kids may not wanna eat their veggies most of the time, but it's astounding what they can consume when no one's around."
"No one ever said being a single parent is easy."
"Never mind coloring inside the lines, we are still trying to keep Michael from eating the crayons."
"Parenting is very hard. It's one of the hardest jobs I've done."
"It's forever, and when you adopt a child and there's stuff that you didn't know, maybe some hidden information, it's hard."
"When you adopt a child and there's hidden information, it's hard."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."
"Parenting is mostly gaslighting if we're being honest."
"I don't want to have to raise some asshole that I don't fucking like."
"Having a new baby is hard, doing it all by yourself is even more difficult."
"Having a kid without financial security is like starting a business with no money."
"Parenting is unfair. Parenting is really hard. The expectation is not perfection but it is still important to own the fact that this is a decision that you made and you have to sit with the consequences."
"It's an easy trap to fall into, comparing milestones that the baby's peers are hitting."
"Master villain guw who plans every detail of his heists leave three complete strangers unsecured to run a muck in his house yeah he's new with this whole child rearing thing but come the hell on that is cool."
"One of the dangers inherent in being a parent... words and actions have the potential to be disproportionately harmful."
"If there's a hell on this earth, it's trying to help your baby die."
"Single fathers or they're married to their spouses who don't feel an ability to be able to have tangible hands-on."
"It really changes the way you look at things when you have a child with a terminal illness."
"Kindness isn't something you teach your children but honestly it is so hard."
"Neglect is something that, if you've had a child, you've experienced."
"Parents are facing more challenges than ever, how do you be an effective parent in 2021 when there's so much out there at your child's fingertips that is potentially or just straight up evil, tough."
"Telling your 16-year-old not to smoke weed is like telling your 12-year-old not to drive the car."
"To be a good parent, you've got to be totally selfless. So, when you are making the decision to get rid of your disabled baby, is that being selfless?"
"If you really don't think that you can give that child everything that they need, I'm not gonna judge you."
"You put a dress on this little boy, you're literally sending him to school with a target on his back."
"Working six days a week, it's not easy with two kids right now."
"The improvements in parenting... kids who would sit in a row and when they didn't have the same kind of stimulation outside of school compared to what they have inside a school they think they'd be even less depressed."
"Every subsequent child, it's like a new experience. It's like, 'Oh, I forgot about this part.'"
"Our kids aren't trying to give you a hard time, they're having a hard time."
"Parents love their kids and they want what's best, and to be made to feel like these very normal things of parenting like protecting them is now demonized."
"When did kids start talking to their parents like that?"
"You're not going to give one child McDonald's and not all the other kids McDonald's."
"There's no place to go in the United States to prevent your child from being exposed to this."
"July 9th, 2023: R turns 12 tomorrow. I never envisioned him being 12 and still pooping and peeing himself."
"Parenting is not easy, but the key is to put the time and love in and be willing to discipline."
"It's hard being a parent, man. I'll tell you, you turn your back and everyone's suddenly a grown-up."
"There's just no balance if you're a working parent. There is no balance." - Mila Kunis
"Life taught me that it don't matter how good of a job you do parenting if they grow up in a bad environment."
"The traits in your children that you want them to have as adults are the most annoying when they're young."
"Raising a child is an uphill battle full of hardships, still as long as lap is happy and he seems to be then she thinks she is doing her job well."
"Hopefully, she doesn't spend a second on stage, but I don't know which is worse, like I don't know if it's worse to take your baby on stage or to let a waiter watch them."
"It is hard having three girls with three very different personalities."
"It's a lot of work, especially when you have to go up a flight of stairs and they're little babies, they can't walk yet."
"The mom world can be a little bit intense online."
"Even trips to Target can be difficult with a new baby, but our vlogs are here to keep you company during those long overnight shifts."
"You might do everything right and your kids still may not come back to you. Don't blame yourself."
"Being at home raising a kid is the hardest job. It's way harder than going to work."
"If you can't do four days of solo baby care, you're not gonna contact a lawyer, drag this guy to court for what?"
"The real big thing comes down to for a woman it is just obscenely resource intensive to have a child."
"Being a mother is hard oh my God it is so hard."
"Oh no, oh no, wait. Infants can be a real handful, especially for new parents."
"For Elon as a parent, I totally get it, man."
"You'll learn though when the time comes, the children are little Houdinis."
"You're not the only one who sacrificed. But I am the only one without my kid to get a solo."
"When your children are acting the worst, it's when they actually need you the most."
"I still tried my best to be mom to our children even as the situation grew more and more grim."
"Having children has definitely put stress on our marriage."
"You really have a lot of work to do... most of the parenting that's been going on... is a level of suppression."
"Looks can be deceiving. Ever since Yakuza 1, Kiryu got involved in raising the daughter of his childhood friend Haruka, and let me tell you, raising this kid ain't easy."
"Jill's parenting has had me all kinds of things going on."
"It just goes against so much of the hard wiring we have as parents."
"Parenting is hard enough. It is. It really is."
"If you're a parent, half of your job is to lie and tell kids that it's gonna be okay when you don't know if it is."
"Life with twins: gelatin disasters, raccoon intrusions, and endless love."
"How could I have tried so hard to parent Sam through this crisis and yet tripped up on something as basic as not making my own kid feel small?"
"Having a kid, on the other hand, that's notoriously tough."
"I'm really not enjoying homeschooling my kids."
"Life with three small children is crazy, I am not perfect, I get behind on laundry I get behind on messes and projects but I'm here to help you."
"You fail every single day as a parent, but it's the most beautiful thing in the world."
"Parenting is not an easy job... it does not come with the handbook."
"Usually kids don't want to fasten their seat belts."
"That's the thing about children man, you can raise them, love them, teach them right from wrong, at the end of the day just end up eating your heart out."
"We can take issue with Dale's paranoia putting his son in danger while also recognizing how often he's been a great father."
"If you really want to know what you're made of, if you want to know what your worst qualities are, have a kid."
"It's parenting regardless, you're just still transparenting exactly. It's exhausting but very rewarding."
"They weren't taught how to take care of their kids."
"I think raising children is the most difficult job in the world."
"Acknowledging that something that feels triggering in Parenthood isn't coming from the child, it's coming from something within you."
"Remember, parenting is a journey of continuous learning and growth."
"Chili wasn't always the parent she is today many parents go through trials and tribulations when first starting this journey which is shown beautifully in baby race."
"The first few days of sleep training your baby are rough."
"Parenting is so chaotic and there's so much uncertainty and there's so much at stake that people want some kind of guide."
"Life is busy for any parent, but for Brony and husband Andrew, it's more challenging than most."
"It's the way we talk about parenting that has been interfering with our instincts."
"Being a parent is hard that's what they don't tell you it's not changing diapers because that shit's fuckin' easy okay it's being able to be yourself."
"Being a mother requires so much patience."
"Taking care of our child who is now six months old has been much more challenging than I imagined."
"Late at night while feeding my daughter, I often held back tears."
"Working from home with a toddler is not easy."
"I felt overwhelmed by a screaming crying baby that I'm like I don't know what to do, what did I get myself into."
"My children were spoiled rotten, and it came out in their attitudes."
"The task of being an effective parent begins to get harder again when resources pass a certain threshold amount."
"It's just hard with kids... deep down she's good, but it's just hard."
"It's hard being a parent. Like, you told her no and she still did."
"Raising a kid with autism is not easy."
"The transition, the struggle, that change from one child to two is drastic."
"It never gets easier, it just gets different, and as a parent, you also just get stronger too."
"It's the eternal challenge for parents, it's the how do I stay present in the moment with my kid."
"Do not feel guilty for not enjoying every minute."
"Parenting is definitely not for cowards."
"Whoever said being a parent was gonna be easy?"
"The hardest thing for parents to appreciate is it doesn't matter if their teenager is a good kid or a risk-taking kid; it's a matter of inexperience."
"We have to parent for technology which no parents have ever had to deal with."
"It's been hard for sure. It's been one of his teachers when we were talking to him, she says, 'Having kids isn't for the wussies.'"
"If you have a strong-willed child who you know will be a great leader one day, who will be an amazing person if you don't die in the process."
"The first three years are really hard, the first year is the worst, and then it just gets easier and easier."
"Parenting, am I right? And for wimps, let me tell you."
"Parenthood is in general hard, but I love my son; he's wonderful, smart, energetic, and warms my heart."
"Parenting has always been difficult."
"No parent has ever made it clear how hard it is to be a parent."
"That was a challenge that every parent faced back then."
"Parenting is hard as hell. Be a little kinder to yourself."
"It's really hard to be a good dad whenever you didn't have one."
"You try to give them equal amounts of love, even though that's not always the easiest thing."
"Even if it's not easy, we should do what we can as parents."
"Look, teenagers are hard. They are hard work."
"All you moms out there are amazing, having a little kid is... it's definitely hard, it's definitely a challenge."
"It's not an easy business raising a child, especially within its first few weeks and months."
"I'm also a mum while I'm trying to work, and that is incredibly difficult."
"The hardest part is letting my children work out their own paths."
"That is the hardest thing I think about parenting, is not pushing them to do what you like."
"Welcome to parenting... nobody gets out of parenting without a lot of probable therapy bills."
"Parenting has been a test to all of us."