
Scriptures Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"Welcoming a stranger or the foreigner or the immigrant is the most oft-repeated commandment in the Hebrew scriptures."
"The scriptures... it's a manual that repairs everyone because all of us is broken."
"The world tells me this is no fun... but look what the scripture tells us."
"Does the teaching of Michael Todd on these topics accurately reflect the scriptures?"
"The scriptures are our divine guide to eternal life."
"Memorize scriptures that touch your heart and fill your soul with understanding."
"Make decisions that are in line with the scriptures."
"When he says the scriptures speak of me right the scriptures speak of me."
"Many could have such a vastly different interpretation of the same scriptures."
"You need to be able to allow the scriptures to change us."
"The scriptures are always front and center. They're at the heart of true Revival."
"So I do not take it that the Quran acknowledges the validity of the previous scriptures in total but that the Quran is saying it has some previous knowledge and revelation which came from God."
"The book of scriptures is our spiritual GPS system."
"The scriptures are helping us look beyond the 'me' to be able to see our covenantal connection with God."
"We shouldn't judge any individual based on their faith, but we should judge by what the scriptures reveal."
"He opened up the scriptures in the first five books of Moses to them, things in them concerning Himself."
"Guided by the Light of the Gospel, the scriptures offer us profound wisdom in this regard."
"Isn't it amazing how all these different scriptures from Exodus to Isaiah to Jude to Revelations to now Matthew come together to make sense?"
"The burning bush is these scriptures."
"Study the scriptures; it's crucial to understanding God's ideal plan for our lives."
"Believers face relentless spiritual warfare guided and strengthened by scriptures."
"You seek the scriptures thinking you will find life in them, but the scriptures only point to me."
"The scriptures are our father in Heaven's letters."
"How can you handle accurately the Scriptures if you don't rightly divide them?"
"The goal of chapter 4 and chapter 5 of Revelation cannot be merely an intellectual experience. It has to be an emotional one, a relational and experiential time in the scriptures."
"It's simple. It's when the Scriptures are opened to where you actually grasp them, pick them for face value and walk out on them with all of your life."
"Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures."
"Christians really have connection cornered because the core feature of connection is love, and love is the central theme of the scriptures."
"When I look at the scriptures that talk about Jesus Christ, his first coming and his second coming, I don't understand how anyone could be an unbeliever."
"There's only one way to explain the historical data, that is Jesus came back from the dead on the third day exactly as the scriptures describe."
"Prophecy is pretty amazing. It's genius. And it is the apologetic that God gives us in the scriptures."
"The hope of which the Scriptures speak is not just wanting good things to happen. It is a settled condition, a rest, and a peace that allows us to proceed confidently in the midst of turmoil."
"The scriptures are another precious source of light in our lives."
"The scriptures in the hands of the devil is not true. The word of God and the spirit of God equal truth."
"He knows the scriptures forwards and backwards."
"The Bereans, more noble-minded than the ones in Thessalonica, because when Paul is teaching them, they're searching the Scriptures to see if what he was saying was so. So there's the standard."
"What the Bhagavad Gita and scriptures teach us is knowledge that never changes."
"The word of God is what will give you courage in hard times."
"The purpose of the scriptures is to correct everything in us that's wrong."
"Don't speak evil of the scriptures."
"The New Testament is deeply connected to the Old Testament."
"The scriptures are physical, but the word is spiritual."
"Are we going to read the Book of Mormon and use the Old Testament as a lens by which to read it or are we going to read the Old Testament using the Book of Mormon as a lens?"
"It isn't enough to know the Scriptures or memorize them. We have to live them."
"We thank thee for thy holy scriptures, for the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the Book of Mormon, and for the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness."
"As Orthodox Christians, the Orthodox Church of course we affirm the infallibility of the scriptures."
"Yay, scriptures! Thank you for being here!"
"If you don't have a relationship with the Word, you don't have a relationship with God."
"You don't have to dress up the Scriptures, the Scriptures speak for themselves."
"The Scriptures are a lesser light but God's people are moons that are supposed to reflect the light of Jesus to the world."
"The temple and scriptures are like keys that unlock each other. Use them together to gain deeper insights."
"Counseling wisdom based on a worldview that is consistent with the scriptures is crucial."
"Saints believe in the Scriptures. They see the writings of Paul and others as the very Word of God."
"The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ."
"So you'll notice other times in scripture where things get repeated three times. Holy, holy, holy is our God."
"There is nothing like the Scriptures, absolutely nothing like the Scriptures."
"America was born to exemplify devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelation of Holy Scriptures."
"The Psalms give us principles for the idea of what the scriptures tell us about the end of the wicked."
"We shouldn't be afraid of being laughed at for adhering to what the scriptures say."
"So, like I was saying, if you're struggling in a certain area right now, whether it's stress, anxiety, insecurities, I suggest that you look up scriptures."
"The various Scriptures talk about equanimity, and how that’s characteristic of the awakened state."
"We become a love-based culture so we don't pay attention to all the scriptures dealing with honor and respect."
"The scriptures are first and foremost concerned with speaking of God."
"She possessed a powerful command of the scriptures and was a dynamic proclaimer of God's word."
"He opened their understanding that they might understand the scriptures."
"He cleansed his heart from all wickedness by studying the Scriptures."
"The Scriptures were a thing of intrigue to me. They were intriguing because I understood by other people's perspective that they were distinct."
"...the idea that you could gain spiritual profit benefit richness nurturing food nourishment from searching and studying the Scriptures..."
"We're here for you, we want to share the scriptures."
"The biggest reason that this is a hugely significant discovery is that a big percentage of what's in the Dead Sea Scrolls is Bible, Old Testament, Jewish scriptures to be specific."
"Wisdom has three major sources. The most critical, the most important of all of that is the scriptures."
"The scriptures always points to the truth."
"We need to begin to try to get into the mind of God, get into the mind of Christ, to understand the scriptures."
"Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day according to the scriptures."
"He opened their understanding that they might comprehend the scriptures."
"The scriptures are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation."
"You and I must look to and come unto Christ, who is 'the fountain of living waters,' by reading, studying, searching, and feasting upon the words of Christ as contained in the holy scriptures."
"The scriptures are replete with accounts of these beings, providing us with guidance on how to navigate a world that is fraught with spiritual peril."
"The Scriptures are the final authority for doctrine and faith and in practice."
"When we understand the laws and the rules of the scriptures, we get a greater appreciation of our Bibles."
"We need to translate the integrity of the Scriptures into the language of the times."
"There's nothing more precious on this planet, no treasure greater than the scriptures that God himself has given us."
"You are in error, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of Elohim."
"I fell in love with the scriptures, particularly the Bible."
"Our loving Heavenly Father, we thank you for the holy scriptures that are able to make us wise unto salvation."
"Fear does not get the final word in the scriptures and in Revelation, Grace does."
"The scriptures never get old. I've never found the bottom, and I've never found the breadth; they're a gift that just keep on giving."
"We know this is the case because upon the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls... they are close to identical."
"Great indeed is this day. The allusions made to it in all the sacred scriptures as a day of God attest its greatness."
"The scriptures is our GPS system."
"God's word is flawless; it has no errors."
"These scriptures, hidden away for centuries, bring to light Africa's pivotal role in early Christian thought and the development of Christian mysticism."
"The Holy Spirit guided the hands of the prophets, guided the scriptures."
"I had read about it in the scriptures."
"The unlettered prophet is mentioned in the Torah and in the Injil."
"The Scriptures testify to what they know and they hold to that testimony so that they might give us the word that is a Word of Life and salvation."
"The scriptures are the final and sole Authority."
"The scriptures are theopneustos (God-breathed)."
"The scriptures are supposed to be, we're here on Earth, and this Earth life is a test to prepare us for the next life."
"For over 30 years, my interest has been in bringing important but esoteric yoga scriptures to the mainstream."
"It is the essence and core of all scriptures."
"We are given a sound mind to study the scriptures and to reason through its implications."
"The scriptures are the infallible rule of faith and practice, the authoritative guide for Christian living."
"The scriptures is proof; we deliver the truth."
"This program is designed to bring you the reality of the scriptures."
"One of the most blessed days of your life is when your understanding comes open to what is written in the book of scriptures."
"The Scriptures is the manual to show us how we should function."
"Comfort yourselves together with what through the comfort of the scriptures."
"The scriptures deserve to be studied and not simply quoted."
"The premise for the Jewish people, our faith, our foundation of our faith is the Hebrew scriptures, not some Greek translation we don't know."
"The Holy Scriptures... we have great confidence in the Holy Scriptures."
"Let us come to the ground that is common to both: the testimony of the Holy Scriptures."
"The Scriptures provide the roadmap for this journey because it is the Word of God which will lead the men and women of Christ in a straight and narrow course."
"Feasting on the scriptures combined with the gift of the Holy Ghost will show you all things what you should do."
"I had never seen anyone love the scriptures more than they would love their next meal."
"The dogs that are mentioned earlier, they are supposed to represent the four Vedas."
"Only you measure your experience with what the Scriptures say. When they match, you're good to go; when they don't match, you need to make the adjustment according to what the Scriptures say."
"Open our understanding that we might understand the scriptures."
"Let me introduce the star of the show, the scriptures."
"The Quran is like a commentary on these previous scriptures."
"They tested what they heard by the scriptures."
"Father in heaven, we ask that you'd bless our time together now as we think about the scriptures."
"We want to make you mighty in the Scriptures."
"The scriptures are the pearl of great price."
"It's always good to spend some time looking at the scriptures."
"...many did believe his words and they began to repent and search the scriptures..."
"How important is to study the scriptures."
"The Scriptures are the greatest parenting manual ever given to mankind."
"I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things written in the law and the prophets."
"Honestly, the more I get to associate with you... I am so impressed with your deep love of the Scriptures."
"I thank God I see more and more now that I unravel the scriptures."
"Search the Scriptures; see what the Scriptures have to say."
"The scriptures themselves are inspired by the Holy Spirit."
"Honestly, I can't think of a better way to spend it than with one of my favorite gifts of all time, namely the scriptures, and with some of the absolute best people on the planet, namely each of you."
"The scriptures are the authority."
"According to the Quran, Allah is the first and the last, what does Jesus call himself in Revelation one? The first and the last."
"The Hebrew scriptures were more rightly understood when we see them in their context and conversation with their ancient Near Eastern neighbors."
"He suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day in accordance with the scriptures."
"Jesus answered them, 'You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God.'"
"Imagine if you could dig deep into the meat of the scriptures and actually understand it."
"People wake up, open your spiritual eyes and see what the scriptures are saying to you."
"My goal is to help you study and teach the scriptures with more relevancy, impact, and power."
"We want to bring people out of that being blinded by just one line of view and search the Scriptures."
"We have to believe in all of the books."
"The number seven is pretty significant in the use of the scriptures."
"The prophets called us back to it, Yeshua's words were recorded, and he showed us how to live these living oracles."
"Then he opened their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures."
"The truth is found in your presence, in the presence of your Holy Spirit and in the scriptures where we find our true identity."
"Carefully study the Scriptures and Council of the prophets to understand how the Lord wants you to live."
"I base my faith on what I see in the scriptures, archaeological evidence, historical evidence, and cultural evidence."
"Words matter, especially when it comes to the scriptures."
"And the Scriptures say we must 'put on' immortality."
"God decides what is bad and what is good, and He has told you about this in His scriptures."
"I'm here to help you study and teach the scriptures with relevancy, impact, and power."
"My goal is to help you to study and teach the scriptures with more relevancy and power."
"The Scriptures which before were dark and contradictory now became the lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
"The Scriptures are one reason they continue to thrive."
"Christianity has thrived to become a world religion, and it's again because of the Scriptures."
"The Scriptures will teach itself to be what it claims to be: the Word of God."
"As old as the scriptures are, they never get old."
"God, in His love, has preserved the original wording of the scriptures."
"My goal is to help you teach or study the scriptures with more relevancy and power."
"Whatever God says in the scriptures, you have to obey it."
"The Scriptures... is the one thing that will help you and I discern truth."
"Every time I read the scriptures, I'm always reminded of how foolish the way the world operates is."
"We should search the Scriptures and be able to give a reason for our faith."
"God gives us guidance through his books, through his messengers, who bring the guidance in the form of books, in the form of messages."
"Great scriptures always inculcate moral, ethical, and humanitarian values among readers."
"My goal is to help you teach the scriptures with more relevancy, impact, and power."
"Drink and just really get you know, pick up a big old glass of this thing we call the scriptures, the book, and just drink of this thing because his word is life."
"We're going to have to drink and just really get you know, pick up a big old glass of this thing we call the scriptures, the book, and just drink of this thing because his word is life."
"The scriptures... a book that helps us to remember."
"The scriptures have incredible power; don't underestimate them."
"The Hebrew scriptures reveal sympathy for the stranger or alien, for the poor, for the deaf and blind, for orphans and widows, even for hungry animals whom the law protects."
"You will see overwhelming evidence that supports my claim that the Hebrew Scriptures are an accurate record of the land and people of which they speak."
"The cryptic scriptures of the snake society or something like that, it's really excellent."
"For the antiquity of the Holy scriptures already established yet again serveth me in making it very credible that this was the storehouse of all wisdom of latter times."
"The scriptures are full of God's acts of salvation on our behalf and it creates a history."
"The earliest biblical verses ever discovered."
"They predate the very famous Dead Sea Scrolls by several centuries."
"These things just confirm that we know at least the scriptures to be reliable."
"The goal of the scriptures is that the child of the Most High may achieve maturity in his relationship with his creator and with his fellow man."
"The Scriptures are accurate; there's a lot of archaeology to back that up."
"Lessons for life... it's all about education, learning from the scriptures that will help us to live in these troubled times."
"The Holy Scriptures... clearly stand up as what the one true and living God has revealed."
"Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, because you know your teachers and because you know the Scriptures."
"You can trust the Scriptures; the archaeology bears that out."
"God promised this beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures, concerning his Son."