
Community Influence Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"Everyone's following suit; like they see one person can do it, it's possible, and then everyone else is following them."
"I am massively excited about it, and all I can say as a hint is that it's because of you."
"For black men, it's so important that we excel because somebody at home is watching."
"Remember your name, yeah. Oh yeah, you mean when people in the future are like, 'Hey, who started Twitch politics?' and like, 'I think it was a song.'"
"At the end of the day, the community is the boss, and whatever they say goes."
"These next three dogs have changed the perception of the American Bully community and converted them into believers."
"Do not underestimate the Wall Street Bets. Be with us."
"Akil Carr was turning into something much bigger than basketball; he was turning into a Baltimore native legend."
"It's nice because I'm sure that you make a big impression on the kids in Chicago, for them to look at you and to think, you have such a bigger responsibility."
"I have a responsibility as someone with one of the largest community of artists watching what I do... to do this the right way."
"In the UK, it's police which are leading the reform debate now. We've had an influence, and now we've got police and crime commissioners and senior police talking about the same things that we've been saying for years."
"I've had many conversations with the team here at Santa Monica Studio and the thing that's been the most apparent to me is how much the fandom you guys and me as well because I'm a good old friend have impacted the development of this game itself."
"He wanted to be an encouragement to other people, he wanted to be a friend to other people, people just naturally gravitated toward him as a leader and a person that made them feel better about themselves."
"One person surrendered totally to you can have a greater impact on a city than thousands of people."
"We all got to get in where we fit in. It's our turn to take that mantle and use our influence to push our community forward."
"I want to be there when the next icon of indie horror success inspires legions of others."
"For our community, the MMA community, Anderson is as much a part of this story as Jake. To me, Anderson Silva will always be an MMA fighter." - Ariel Helwani
"I was raised by all girls, so my homies from the block had to raise me."
"Black voters are carrying this ball across the goal line."
"The content that you guys produce man, it's heavy, it's needed, and it's impacting in a positive way."
"We as consumers have a much bigger voice than this vocal SJW minority that DICE seems to be pandering to."
"Know that you touched many of us in our lives by providing so much happiness and we will cherish that always."
"The problem is, as a mom, when I give too much attention to Pinterest, then all of a sudden I'm struggling with mom guilt."
"I was allowing the community to influence me and to bring me into a character that was not the character of God."
"Never underestimate the power of story and community."
"Respectfully, we've learned you have to make a choice. Yes, if I had to make a choice, it would be Mickey Barnes. It would be the people that they're going to see within their communities that are making money."
"Think of the people that we as a community influence hopefully for the better right collectively."
"Don't let these toxic casuals determine what you want or should do. Don't let someone else ruin the power of your MMO fantasy. Don't let someone else ruin your precious game time."
"So Billy, whether you're here or not, you've inspired a lot of lore."
"It mattered and if people think it matters it matters."
"Hip-hop is gonna continue to dominate because people want to be a part of it." - Hip-Hop's Dominance
"It got to the point where people trusted her so much..."
"Destiny, thank you for being who you are and always holding fast to your principles. I enjoy seeing you on efap."
"What kids actually truly need is guidance. I think they need purpose and meaning given to them by their parents and by their community."
"People see your light and your and you bring a lot of happiness and joy so it's like people want to have you around."
"Measure success by how many successful people you have next to you."
"Christian communities can help shift convictions and attitudes."
"I am a massive One Piece weave and thank you all for bullying me into reading it."
"No one cares if you quit without making a name for yourself. If you grind through it and become a player, a figure in the community, whether it's a content creator, a player, a streamer, then people start caring about you."
"A lot of folks out here are saying that's exactly what he was to a lot of them and that is the king of Memphis he was you can by all accounts a native coming here as a toddler." - Gerita Patterson
"Run the neighborhood - that's like their big campaign for 2k."
"Pop Smoke's success brought a huge amount of outside attention to all of the artists in this Brooklyn drill community."
"As a country, we need to bring character and ethics back into the school system, into the homes, into the universities, and back into the workplace."
"I realized he was a father figure to a lot of people that were in the studio. He was a mentor."
"Sharing knowledge is so impactful into people kind of following what it is that you're doing and how you're working."
"That's why I wear the hat with a PhD, that's why I wear the J's, so when the kids in the hood look at me, they say, 'If E.T can do it, I can do it.'"
"We show up, we show out, our dollars reign supreme."
"My life has changed so much from just from knowing about holistic health and being surrounded by people who lived it."
"Never let no community or nobody period tell you what you can't say, what you came to do. As long as you're doing something right and you believe in what it is that you're doing, and people see the good that you're doing, do that."
"Every decision you make contributes towards the ecological state of your community."
"One of the best predictors of future wealth is not the wealth of your parents but it's the average wealth of the postcode that you grow up in."
"It's about understanding your own perspective and using the opinions around you to form a consensus."
"Because if you truly believe that you're part of a crowd, then your assumption, your need, your passion will be emulated by the crowd."
"You're healthier you're physically you are healthier your blood sugar is coming down you're losing weight your digestion is finally sorted itself out but the other thing is your tastes are starting to change in ways you didn't expect."
"People actually begged for it so much that they went and actually did it."
"I'm going to be cleansing the tech world of fanboy ISM one fanboy at a time."
"You empower everyone around you to do the same."
"People became obsessively dedicated to Zoop's unique resourcefulness and guidance."
"Y'all want to see me go a little bit crazy? Ban heavy-duty boots."
"Hashtag United has come along at the right time, shaping the love of football for a new generation of supporters."
"Fitna comes from the ulama and the ummah." - Unknown speaker
"It is his passion to inspire others to achieve their dreams and impact communities."
"You've done good things for Novak, but you've also got 'em a little scared of you."
"Whenever something has an outpouring of community support, it's a financially poor decision to bet against it."
"Overwhelmingly people wanted this evolution and even though I was leaning in the opposite direction at first you've convinced me, let's evolve."
"Your education and therefore your career options in Germany don’t depend on how much money you have."
"When something kicks off, that mob mentality just grips a community."
"It's not something that lives and dies with one person; it's how can you inspire a person to then in turn inspire another person, and then inspire another person. And that's how you create something that I think lasts forever."
"Fushi comes to find out that he is popular among the followers of the Guardians. They have seen him as a divine being."
"If y'all would have never lit that fire from the very beginning, we wouldn't have that today." - Unknown speaker
"Their power is only as important or meaningful as the community lets it become."
"You get somebody like D Rose or Dwayne Wade or somebody like that come to the hood and start showing people like man look we' made it out y'all could do this y'all could do that."
"I grew up LDS, being Utah... 95% Mormon... at 8 years old is when you get baptized. If you're raised around where 95% of people think the exact same way, I feel like that's too young of an age."
"The future of YouTube and the future of this community coming together supporting each other and sharing information or tearing each other down and spreading hate and act like that's up to you."
"Dangerously funny is the largest Stardew Valley content creator of all time."
"Thanks to the original Reddit thread that inspired this video." - Acknowledging community influence.
"He's the greatest, he's the greatest to ever do it out here."
"That shows you the power that the people actually have."
"She was the gateway for millions and millions of people to get into the scene."
"Territorial spirits have earned their rights to those places by what goes on in those communities."
"I'd be super happy, I'd be insanely happy if there was a way for me to somehow encourage or activate the developers to make the things that I would love for them to make."
"I think it's about having a positive impact on the people that are here right now."
"Our members make us better traders, plain and simple."
"Demar Derozan has been unreal for Chicago this year and for me, he's like changed the city and like the vibe of the team."
"You're the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty. Good night everyone, God bless."
"I'm not trying to make an example out of them, but sometimes you do gotta make an example out of somebody."
"We're gonna build a benevolent sangrophage Empire."
"Projects can be champions, man. They breed champions."
"If Anil Antony wins comfortably, that would mean one community has decided."
"A lot of times people talk about, 'Oh, a player makes a big play or goes for a big play and it loses and they get crapped on.' People are often like, 'The community is dissuading this player from doing this.'"
"The only people that have the power and ability to cancel a Vicky Dillard are black people. That's your power base."
"You encourage, inspire more to do the same. You will leave behind a meaningful legacy that will always continue to grow."
"The Seraphite Prophet's charismatic sermons captivated her community."
"It's very important for people to share where they have been because I think it motivates people."
"It's great that I've inspired you to have a go, and I hope that, in turn, you will then inspire other people to have a go."
"Snoop saw himself as a positive role model and hoped that his success would be something other kids in the hood would be able to emulate."
"You show the pathway to heightened spiritual consciousness in deeper emotional awareness to people around you particularly those who are really connected in with you energetically."
"Cryptocurrencies in the infancy stage: driven primarily by community and marketing."
"Twitter has become this relatively important part of people's lives, especially if you are involved in politics."
"You've set such a dope example for everyone."
"No one owns or controls this narrative, no one."
"When it's really dark, one Christian lit in love with God illuminates the whole place."
"We are called to follow Jesus, to be salt and light."
"Word of mouth was the biggest form of advertising back then."
"People had talked over the years, I wonder if Father Dave would be president."
"You preach to the choir because it's the choir who goes out and has relationships one-on-one which is actually where most people change their mind."
"They've had a crazy history and years of thriving in the spotlight they've certainly had a major impact on this game."
"Many will gravitate to our ministry due to our love journey. They will witness a miraculous move of God through simply detailing our confirmation."
"The gravediggers have immortalized the woodcrafters as parent-like figures who helped show them the value of life different from themselves."
"I'm truly thankful for the man of God. He's such an inspiration to all of us."
"You guys becoming the example of authenticity gives others permission to open up."
"When one person makes a change, automatically the people around him will be affected."
"I respect the hell out of him because he says and does things that nobody else will especially in the black community and he's hated for it but to me like you you got to at least listen even if you disagree."
"The more natural role models we have and the greater we raise our standards in a good way not in a delusional way not in a way through deception, I believe the fitness community will become far more positive."
"Go out and love God and love others because truly above all else that will change the world."
"It was moments like this that caused word to spread, and fast."
"This farm had quite the impact on the Minecraft community as you still see this mechanic around today."
"Having others near tempers our dogmatism and softens our intolerance."
"Richard and his brand have been a breath of fresh air in this community in 2021."
"Collective Fear is poised to make an impact in 2021."
"The more people you have out there that are fully invested and properly invested, well now you have value."
"His legacy in sports broadcasting continued to resonate within the boxing community."
"His legacy is a reminder of the power of dedicated public service and the lasting impact one individual can have on a community."
"I do it for myself, and I try to make the people around me proud of me and I want to do things like that, I want to make them proud."
"The impact this event has had on the local community... he himself has become an urban legend."
"Simon started like a little revolution with all disc golfers. I know that you inspired me to start a YouTube channel for sure."
"Critical Role attracted the Tumblr crowd, which led to where we're at right now."
"Our power was in the streets, not in the halls of Congress or legislatures."
"Try anyway, you might not make a difference that seems earth-shattering but you will be creating a ripple effect."
"You don't have to be physically present to have been a part of something."
"I feel like I just tricked everybody to make this game as big as it was."
"Beth Moore has millions of followers who have followed her up to the mountaintop of the bethmoor altar on their way to meet jesus."
"Infinite is heavily reminiscent of the archetypical edgy OC associated with the Sonic community."
"Shoplifting unlikely the driving force in Portland Walmart closures."
"Tony is wrong for doing this point blank period end of discussion and the young girls who are defending him are even more likely to be exploited by him because he has now fostered a community where this is normal."
"This is economics. Like so, we control economics and it's time for us to take more control of our own destiny and really understand our value and start asserting it."
"This person has to go. They gotta go. They have to. Whoever this group is, this community and this person, I feel now they want to try to change."
"I think my music inspires a lot of individuals in the trenches because I come from them and it gives them a lot of motivation to either get up out of them or keep doing what the [__] they doing to try to get up out of them."
"I found out that I play an important role in the lives of many people."
"It gives me more motivation to keep doing all the stuff that I'm doing, because I know people-- It's reaching people in some way."
"I think being a Hello Internet listener gets you votes. Lots of votes."
"Community is more powerful than the Talking Heads."
"Rio 2 is the greatest film I've ever seen in my life and I didn't even like it the first time I watched it but to be honest it was only after you guys left so many passionate comments about it that I started to reconsider my position on it."
"Like it or not, MatPat has huge sway power when it comes to what the community thinks."
"Through her actions and dedication, Emma honors the memory of Mr. Jenkins, cementing his legacy as a catalyst for positive change and a symbol of the profound impact one individual can have on the lives of many."
"If you're making dope music, and you put it out there, not only are people gonna want to listen to it, but they'll also wanna share it."
"Our community forces us to try to fit a role that we do not actually fit."
"I am always so humbled and so flattered when someone tells me that I have inspired or motivated them to make art."
"I didn't change my videos. I didn't change my music. I just put up a Patreon page and other creators saw that."
"Just be yourself, be famous in your own circle, people that love you, that's all you need to be."
"This is what it's about like this opportunity exists for anyone who's willing to stand up there be brave and talk about this and other people want to hear it."
"Ultimately, it's inspiring for other people."
"Community, that's another reason why they did what they did today. Shiba Inu's community is perhaps the main factor behind the coin's success."
"Smash the like button! We can actually do a lot by smashing the like button."
"Credit where credits due a lot of the fixes that have been implemented are direct uh fan criticisms."
"Each one teach one but other than that I just stick to myself and who I am I'll give that to the people all right that separate us from the rest."
"Localized, grass-roots, heart-to-heart experiences are surprisingly powerful ingredients for changing the world, and you have the power to play a significant role in everyday ways."
"I found that to be very interesting as well because you know I'm a bigger fan, rubies what got me into the rooster teeth community."
"It's time for us, the fans of theater actors and performers, to use our voices and the power that we have in the best way that we can to make a change."
"Russ future could go either way it's important to remember that you have the power to shape this future and make Russ the game you want it to be."
"We're positive people so yeah, we're giving out a positive message you know I think that's a good thing."
"We have the power to help determine where hundreds of billions in federal funding go each year."
"Congratulations, you have participated in the domino effect of advocacy and changing people's lives."
"People really love it as an example that you can try to make others in your flake." - Johnny Christmas
"Why am I quitting Crystal? Because you guys don't like it."
"Starts with you, relationship with God, it spreads to family, to Township, City, County, State, then to the nation."
"When you shine brightly, you give others permission to shine with you."
"Influencers have a community or make a positive influence for a reason and it's because of their authenticity."
"The impact of community has a meaning all the way down to a cellular level."
"Are you gonna be hot or are you going to be cold I urge you from the bottom of my heart for your decision to be of the kingdom of Jesus and for your decision to be hot."
"Kudos to Wall Street Silver for pushing this market forward."
"There's a lot of people that want to see change, they just need somebody to kick it off."
"I got to get New Yorkers to eat a plant-based centered life."
"What we do for another we do for ourselves, and what we do for ourselves we do for another. It's all about us individually lighting our light."
"The content that Dylan Burns creates brings more attention to the Twitch politics community."
"Become salt in your community, become a light in your community, let the people know where you stand for Christ, whoever leads a clean and honest and kind and wholesome life."
"Stories on Reddit carry a certain very special type of weight."
"You're making a difference in the kingdom of God."
"Overall, I'd say X and Y are great games...this game felt like Game Freak was acknowledging that they do actually hear what their fans have to say."
"Nobody really carried Oakland like I'm doing, especially at such a young age."
"We're just a small country ministry, but we believe you don't have to have a mega ministry to have a mega impact."
"This was not on my radar and you guys brought that into my life through the patreon polls."
"Doesn't that just give you a good feeling how much control and how much influence that we have over the game that we love here in Brawl Stars."
"I wasn't planning on saying anything at all but you have all inspired me."
"Financial sovereignty is one of the keys that allows multiple people to actually cut their eyes on Jesus."
"You can make it better. Just start in your little world and it will catch on."
"It's unfortunate that many people in our community don't seem to understand that this man is skilled in flattering but also evasive in discussing vital issues."
"It's not what they say goes, everything they do, they get from us."
"It's amazing to know that he had such an impact on so many people."
"I'm the reason god mode got fixed. I'm the reason that the weapon degradation system got fixed."
"The response to netcode reliability by the largest fighting game tournament in the world—Evolution, could very well be a catalyst for the future of fighting games."
"My life is not about you, your life is about everyone else whose life you touch and the way in which you touch it."
"You set us back as a people when you pull back and now you see you're setting the precedent for everybody else but us."
"You're seeing the spirit of the most high coming back into the most highest chosen people."
"As long as we all push for projects that are perfectly executed, artists that are honest, and they have content to deliver... we're going to dwell, and people doing that are pushing the space in the right direction."
"I'm aware that we all have the power to create a very large and meaningful ripple effect and I'm becoming more able to kind of embody and embrace that."
"Everything we do contributes to our lives as well as those around us."
"I just hope that people from the hood, from the block, from the struggle where I'm from see it and understand I'm not trying to tell you to be like me, I'm just telling you that it's possible."
"Your aura just in itself alone is what triggered people."
"Remember, your reviews shape the Pokestop landscape for everyone."