
Team Morale Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Celebrate each other's achievements. Another good morale booster."
"Chris Wilder: 'It's been a real painful season. There's a lot of broken and damaged players out there.'"
"It's good to keep the morale of the team high, I feel."
"The team really looks up to you, Burden. If you choose your words wisely, you can ease our fears, especially at night when all of our nightmares rear their heads."
"Our struggles are still marginal compared to our achievements."
"They look happy. That's one of the best games we've seen them put together in a long time."
"This club has no confidence, this club has no desire, this club doesn't care enough."
"I think people also need to appreciate Southgate a little bit more, I think he's built a really good vibe around England."
"There's a lot of positives about people stepping up to the plate at Manchester United."
"We deserve to go through... we deserve to go through."
"Morale will be influenced by a multitude of different factors ranging from playtime and wage expectations to a player's performance on the pitch."
"The confidence Mick has taken, the confidence the team are taking from that just that one individual performance."
"Gorgeous tender gnocchi are simple as 1, 2, 3."
"This is just not good news overall for the initiative."
"Giants have to feel good going into the half."
"Every player is going to be feeling disillusioned, unmotivated, fed up."
"These are stories built based on player progress...influence the morale of the team."
"Top benefits of agile: speed, adaptability, business alignment, and team morale."
"You better believe they are going to be absolutely psyched."
"We've got all this, we're playing all this, we are exactly where close to where we want to be... so it's a brilliant place to be at the moment."
"He's in a fantastic mood every day to push everybody around him."
"Nice working, but you're doing great, cookies on me later!"
"It's gonna be a long season, but a win at home must feel amazing for the Minnesota Rocker."
"The fund has helped give hope to their team over the past year."
"The overall attitude of the team was just getting really negative... but I can already feel a change."
"He's the voice in the dressing room... he's really enjoying it."
"Last year was horseshit... this year you see joy and guys' faces."
"They're in that mood now where they're winning game after game after game."
"Winning a trophy, the players start to believe themselves."
"We got a mech cluster has been defeated for another mood boost for everyone."
"You need three things: Don't make a promise that you cannot verifiably keep, track playing time, take every opportunity to boost players' morale."
"The team needed this win, the team needed this confidence."
"Our morale is flying, bro. Almost everyone in the team is absolutely gassed up right now."
"Everyone is happy and excited and ready to get to work, of course."
"One man can carry the entire morale of a team with Alonso at the helm."
"If Mustafa can pull this off, wow, ten points would seriously boost the spirits of Team 205."
"This patch rocks! That's a lot of morale boost."
"Our team morale is so high and I feel like we have great chemistry."
"We had three losses on the bounce and it's good to get a win under our belts."
"Everybody's confidence is the highest it's been all year."
"A very important block away by Pyle that'll give a little bit of belief and confidence to Arsenal."
"It's important for Michael and the guys not to feel too down about this, not to feel sorry for yourself, take positives out of the facts, and this is facts."
"He comes ready to play every day and comes in with a smile on his face... We love to win." - Alex Rodriguez
"This is one of the projects that really makes me really happy about the work that we're doing."
"Winning changes your feeling, your atmosphere here within the building, your work atmosphere—it changes it completely."
"We're always gonna have fun doing it because if we're not having fun doing it we're not going to do it."
"One word: morale. BDK won before the game even started at game four."
"Once we get some morale, we'll have higher morale. That's worth something."
"I like our Vibes. I like where we're going. I like a win."
"Finally, get themselves a W on the board. And that must feel fantastic."
"We're doing great, we're doing amazing so far."
"When players feel like they're happy to be here, it's the best thing in the world."
"A big signing coming in could bring a bit of excitement, not just to the fans but to the dressing room."
"Everyone's doing the high fives, the sad ones. Let's mentally reset."
"You cannot take the serious war spirit out of these guys."
"Our morale was super high, even though the trip was incredibly hard."
"Positivity is back, everyone needs to just shut up and accept that Mourinho is gone."
"You people impressed me every day." - Expressing admiration for ingenuity and resourcefulness.
"The smiles back on our faces, long may it continue."
"You know you're not at your best but you still win those games. That's just important for the squads and the morale."
"I feel that player happiness should be the top priority on top of attractive football at Man United. A happy dressing room will always deliver."
"Bruno Fernandes is the captain of Manchester United tomorrow night against PSG, so massive news, fantastic news, positive news, and I'm very happy about it."
"A win this weekend definitely changes the outlook for everyone."
"Always we need to feel good about what we're doing."
"I can't believe it! We withstood the enemy's main attack. They had us up against the ropes."
"I think the pivotal game is that game against Man City. If Arsenal can keep this run going until they get to that game and then beat City, that's when the belief can drive you through toward the end."
"A very happy Optic continue on at Major Three."
"You're doing a great job with everything and we just wanted to say we appreciate you."
"We're winning, guys. We are definitely winning. Let's stay above, guys."
"Morale's probably the most important thing for us right now."
"If the vibes are [__] and people's mentals are down, you're not winning as you can tell."
"Let's move on to the next whilst we're on the high."
"When she's on the field of play there certain players lift you."
"It's not just the three points tonight, I think it's massive for the whole club."
"It's time for our stretch break. Temperature check!"
"I am going to try to be happy. I'm going to try to be positive for my guys."
"There's a really good vibe right now and I think that's a great starting point."
"I feel good about what we're about to lay out there."
"Good morale is indicated by zeal and voluntary effort beyond mere obedience."
"The joys of a goal what it can do in that department."
"It's important that everybody enjoys and has a bit of fun."
"It can create a feel-good factor around the club."
"As a captain, being able to instill belief in your group right now is critical."
"Keep your team happy with a bucket from KFC."
"We believe in ourselves, that's all we really need."
"We felt like we were unstoppable; that was the type of confidence that we instilled in our locker room."
"If routine is infused because they're doing some new stuff with new technology, new approaches, then happy team is going to produce better software."
"It's important to keep KP happy, when he's happy everyone's happy."
"The morale is high; they're very pumped with the content they've produced."
"It's a happy, strong team, everybody finding their mark and enjoying the season."
"When a defense doesn't think that their quarterback can perform well, they don't play as good, right? They don't play as inspired."