
Winning Mindset Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"One chance is all you get in life, and I'm about to take my chance and win on the first try."
"Just remember what Max you said, and I said, the last and impression: how do we end that game? Victory formation. Victory goddamn formation."
"We're going to work through this. The winners will win and those who fail to course correct and want to fly into the wall will do that."
"The target this year has to be winning, simple as that."
"If you cannot win on the facts, you win on the intent."
"One of us has to win. I don't care who it is. One of us has to."
"Momentum is massive... where losers become draws and draws become wins because you just... almost expect something to happen so then it goes does go and happen."
"We're going to dominate today, we're going to win today, we're going to be special today."
"Everything in the building is done with the mindset on winning."
"Either you're going to be a complainer in life or you're going to be a winner, and a winner is someone who goes at the challenge again and again and again until it breaks."
"Think and act as a winner. That’s how you will achieve your objective."
"Even when they lost, they always had a way to win."
"Cloud9 went into the next games believing that they could win everything. That is the mentality you need to have to conquer the best."
"Once you start winning and that self-belief and that confidence comes both from the rider and the team, it’s easier to repeat it."
"If you're going to win, you cannot be a kitten, you gotta be a lion."
"We're going to win, we're going to win, we're going to win and we look forward to the next game."
"You will not lose, regardless of the circumstances."
"I'm just gonna win, I'm about to win no matter what."
"We're going to start winning again, folks. We don't win anymore. We don't win anymore."
"Now we're winning, we're just straight up winning."
"Man gotta be winning both these games, both these games fam."
"The first step in winning is believing that you can win."
"Tom Brady's a winner. He's working every day to be a winner, and he's a leader."
"I envision a lot of different things happening, but at the end, I always envision me winning."
"But to be a winner, and you're all winners, you've got to think like a winner."
"For him, he's got to be thinking: okay, chance to win the league, chance to win the Champions League."
"I like to design my life, so legitimate I win, illegitimate I still win even more."
"To keep having that consistency and that belief that we can go into every game having the feeling that we're going to win it."
"I think winners are winners and they keep winning and they get addicted to it."
"This is quite literally the fight of our lives, but if everybody goes out there and plays the type of game we're capable of, there's no doubt in my mind we're gonna take home the championship."
"I think that kind of winning mentality is important at Manchester United."
"When I was born my mother told me that I was a winner."
"Winners don't do things differently, they do different things."
"If you don't believe you can win, you're not gonna win." - Dr. Phil
"If you're part of team Jesus you're on the winning team."
"You have to believe that you can win. You cannot hope to win, you have to believe."
"We refuse to quit we refuse to lose yeah we refuse to lose yeah exactly we only win."
"They believed they would keep winning close games."
"If there's an objective to win, if there are winners and there are losers, why won't you try to be on the winner's side?"
"The game is to win... get the money printer out."
"They just always felt they could win and they had that indomitable spirit."
"You're backing yourself and you're gonna win this race."
"He's a winner player, he likes to win." - Commentator
"For Optic, nothing but first is good enough."
"Winning begins with believing you can win. It's about nurturing a mindset that looks for solutions, not excuses."
"We have to approach this as if we can win because we can, and everything else is noise."
"Never give up, there's always a chance to win."
"Play to win in life, or you're playing not to lose."
"You must have the will to win, not just the wish to win."
"If they're hating then they don't matter. Winners don't hate, that's the deal."
"There's no harder match than the next one and this is tomorrow and if we take care about our performance and if we take care about our mentality and if we take care about our attitude then we increase the chance to win."
"That's the standard, winning is the standard."
"I knew for sure we're gonna win this time. I haven't raised my feeling, just like full confidence is mighty."
"We're here to win, we have the drive, we have motivation and it's going to happen."
"If you can go for the win, always go for the win."
"Don't give up. Don't throw in the towel. You're not a quitter. You're a winner."
"We going to win. You going to either be part of the winning team or you going to choose the losing team."
"Find a deck that works for you and just make it happen get that w take that win"
"It's one thing to be excited about playing in this game, but now we're going up there to win."
"Once you're financially independent, you're playing to win."
"I'm not gonna lose. I know I can win."
"He's willing to do anything necessary to win."
"You're not used to losing. I don't like losing."
"I'm not coming there to lose. I'm not here to take second place."
"It's all about winning. I want to win. I want to be a champion one day."
"We didn't come to this point to not do what we need to do to win this game."
"You play to win, you don't play not to lose."
"Sometimes you think you're losing but you're freaking winning."
"Winning is the only thing that matters. He's a born winner."
"You only need to win five Cup games to win a trophy, and it's definitely doable for us."
"I trained to win, I would be pissed if I lost."
"Winning is going. Winning is beginning because you're immersing yourself in the process and you're acclimating to it."
"I'm just gonna win, that's what I'm gonna do."
"You're a winner, oh are you ever!"
"You have to have a feeling of confidence that you're gonna win going in."
"Just remember one thing, that you are on your way to be a winner."
"I learned this a long time ago from a fellow that said, 'Roger, I'm not interested in the excuses why you didn't win. I want to know how we can win the next one.'"
"That's why I'm still playing today, it's because I want to win."
"We don't care what's already happened, we want to win the next one."
"I made the birdie at 16 which gave me a cushion, but I like having to make pars to win."
"Everybody wants to win, we want to win a championship as players, the coaches, they want to win a championship."
"Mindset of winning, there is no limits except the ones you create."
"If I walk away second or third, I might still be disappointed. I want to win."
"The Timberwolves find a way to win those fourth quarters."
"His drive and his hobby is winning."
"...if I didn't win, I had no money. So I had to win."
"I'm winning anyway. I can't lose."
"I hate losing, you know, I can say what I want and say I'm not driven like I used to, but when I step out there and it's go-time, I just, I want to win so bad, it's just something that burns down in there and I, I can't explain it but yeah, I'm just lucky every one I get, man."
"Absolutely, man, we gotta win one of every one of them."
"Winners will stay motivated forever."
"You have to do what is required to win. Discipline is key."
"I flew 12 hours to win, not to lose."
"That's got to be your mindset: Nothing but [__] winning."
"If you're going to gamble, you're going to gamble to win."
"You get to that mindset where you just don't think you're going to lose."
"When you're used to winning, you find a way to win."
"It's about looking forward and doing everything we can to build a roster and a locker room full of guys that want to win, know how to win."
"I want to put the premium to win it. Work as a part of that preparation is a part of that commitment, as a part of that togetherness, as a part of that, but it all ties into that little three-letter word of win."
"I thought I was gonna win too, but that's kind of my mindset. You have to have that mindset."
"...winning that game but it was limited... so you want to make sure that you're playing a game that you can win."
"When you feel like you can win any event that you enter, the confidence then exudes."
"I'm big on not stacking up losing days... if I do, the third day I'm winning."
"I always think I can win, so it happened this weekend."
"We expect to win no matter who's with us and who's not."
"Every practice was intended to win."
"You either win or you learn, and you don't have to use that word 'failure' so heavily in our life."
"I expect to win, I mean, that's what I show up to do, and I truly believe it."
"I knew in my mind we were coming here to win the whole time."
"I compete because I enjoy it, but I also compete to win."
"I'm a winner, I don't lose, I don't think about losing."
"I'm a winner, man. I don't want to play to lose."
"You can either quit or you can win, there's no losing."
"I'm out to win; second best wouldn't be good enough for me."
"Loyalty is big, and whatever team I'm on, I expect to win."
"We're going to challenge every team we play, and that's going to be our goal: we're going to win every game."
"The winning edge can come from believing that you will win."
"I'm here to win and that's all I want to do; it's all I've ever dreamed of, and I'm gonna do it."
"Winning is not just for athletes... it's in our mindset."
"Winning's a habit, I keep winning, so I'ma stay winning."
"I wasn't playing not to lose; I was playing to try and win."
"We're not gonna leave here without a win today."
"It's all about winning, so if you believe in each other, you trust each other, and buy into the system, it's gonna happen."
"We're always going to win, you understand, we're not losing to these ever again."
"Well, I'm here to win. Second place means nothing."
"I don't come to lose, that's something I don't do."
"Everything is about winning, and I think that's the right mindset if you want to be a leader."
"Every season if you don't win, it's a failed season. That's the nature of the business."
"If you come prepared, you're gonna win."
"If you're not afraid to lose, you're not afraid to win."
"Yeah, in my head, when I start a race, I am always sure that I will win."
"I'm doing what I have to do to win."
"Bulletproof yourself to master the markets with disciplined confidence and a winning mindset."
"I might have to win, I got to win."
"You have to believe you can still win it from here."
"You're a winner, start acting like it."
"He cares about playing winning football."
"Play to win, don't play not to lose."
"We expect to win, we know that there's going to be some challenges ahead, but we expect to win."
"If you don't play to win, you don't win very often."
"We're an aggressive team, we're going to go play to win the game."
"Winners in these situations don't allow adversity during the battle or during the competition to bother them."
"I'm a winner, and it took me a bit to get over it."
"I was born to make a difference. I was put on this planet to win. I am not a loser; I am a winner. I was destined to win."
"I'm a winner, and winners don't like losing anything."
"Think winner, winner, winner, and life-changing sums of money don't necessarily have to be huge."
"He doesn't care; he just wants to go play, and if I have a day free for him, that's when he's winning."
"We stay around winners, we stay around warriors."
"If you want to be a winner, you do need to feel like a winner."
"No matter what the outcome is, you always win."
"Our mentality is to come with a winning mindset this weekend and do that again, give it our best because it's our own hope going forward what we want to achieve."
"You are going to be a winner, you are a winner."
"You can see the champion's attitude."
"That's why I operate the way I operate because I want to win."
"If you want to win, you're trying to be in it to win it."
"We're trying to set the expectation throughout the entire organization that we expect to win."
"I know I'm gonna win because I'm the winner. I want to win."
"If you're not bidding, you're not winning."
"I always would think that we're going to win the game of football."
"Losing's not an option, the only option is to win."
"In a race, all runners run, but only one gets the prize. Run in such a way as to get the prize."
"Every day we gonna do something great, we gotta win today."
"We making no excuses. Put yourself in a position to win."
"A man doesn't just wheel his way this far to lose."
"I think it also molds you into that kind of a positive, winning attitude type person."
"If you think you're losing, you're in trouble. If you know you already won, that matters."
"The media can't help you when you're losing, and you don't need them when you're winning."
"Winners think how much money they can lose; losers think how much money they can win."
"You're worried about winning basketball games, it's not about you being the hero or 'ice in my veins,' none of that, just trying to win games to do what it takes to win a game."
"If I lose, I win. If I win, I win."
"Individually we're pretty strong, but you put us together, forget about it, we're gonna win the whole thing."
"This is the difference between people who are winners and people who are just out there to do their thing."
"Notre Dame is going to do whatever it takes to win."
"Expect to win, but don't you ever forget what it takes to win."
"If you behave like a champion, a winner in life, and stop saying to yourself every third day or every third hour during your preparation... that is the vibes you are giving to yourself."
"I'm not here just to participate, I came out here to win this thing."
"We don't have to beat this team every day, we just got to beat them today."
"If you're doing the things that are making you successful, then you are by definition winning."
"If losing means you're more likely to lose in the future, then why not win to make it more likely you'll win in the future?"
"Winning mentality, winners only, brother."
"Winning is an attitude and you've got to have the proper mindset."
"I cannot afford to lose and I'm not losing."
"All you do is win; everything bad that is happening to you is only temporary; you are being prepared for something bigger."
"There's a guy on their sideline that's going to make sure that they have every chance to win."
"We shouldn't sell ourselves shorts and play not to lose, we should be playing to win."
"I've never been in a situation before where when we were behind, I absolutely knew we were going to win."
"The game's greatest expect to win."
"Keep it simple and you will win the game of life you're playing right now."
"We're not in there for any sort of attacking now, it's all about mentality, mental skills coaching, like what it takes to win and be a winner."
"Winning is a habit, and Joe Burrow has mastered the habit of winning."