
Unintended Consequences Quotes

There are 513 quotes

"It's the law of unintended consequences, but stuff like that is what makes Formula 1 engineering so fascinating."
"Hindsight's brilliant, and we look back and go, 'How could he have done that?' But also, that we need to be very careful of the law of unintended consequences."
"Every time human beings intervene in a complex system, we're trying to do accomplish A but we end up creating unintended consequence B, C, D, E, G."
"It is a lot more than an ax, a lot more. It is a weapon that can bring down a whole culture accidentally."
"You don't want to blame cash for clunkers for any of it because the intentions were good, but then we all know what the road to hell is paved with."
"I did not mean to make Chelsea into a PlantSim."
"If you say, 'We are going to marginalize and silence certain views,' you then have to deal with the unintended consequences of censorship, and censorship never works."
"I think we are not paying sufficient attention to the law of unintended consequences."
"If you heal the leg of a person, do not be surprised if they use it to run away."
"Apparently there was, like, I guess, in some instances, the DARE program which was telling kids not to do drugs just taught them how to do drugs."
"The unintended consequences of the drug war: the drug laws have made the drug problem bigger from what it really is."
"We're in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water, which I think we're doing with marketing as well."
"Well-intentioned but misguided policies have created a lot of the problems we're dealing with."
"I think the plan backfired, well I mean let's think about it, Rick Ross and that August, they made a new song called Entanglement."
"By making this invasion, Putin has done more than anybody else to bring his regime to an end."
"For every million persons that you saved with the lockdowns and the whole vaccination scam, you're probably going to kill 50 because of supply chain disruptions and postponed starvation."
"By killing a tyrant, they had unknowingly created a martyr."
"Even the wittiest thing... can sometimes come back ten fold on you."
"Banning people from entering countries because they said things that you found offensive is a very good way to ensure that their views get a wider hearing."
"If black lives matter truly cared about black lives, they would not have allowed the riots to destroy black businesses."
"This proves so well it will always backfire in those calling for censorship."
"I was like let's share and then a couple of my videos went like 30,000 views, a hundred thousand views and I was like oh shoot, this is not what I want to do."
"Sometimes when you try to solve problems the wrong way, you actually create even more issues than you sought to fix."
"Guybrush isn't a malicious person. His wake of destruction is because of his innocence."
"What could go wrong? The Beefalo then found their way into a national park where hunting was banned, so they thrived."
"Who's to say that it's not possible for someone to stumble upon something and bring it out into the world unknowingly?"
"The very people that Black Lives Matter claim that they care about, those are the ones who are hurt the most."
"The unintended consequence of all these companies canceling Russia is we might just get the Soviet Union right back."
"The unintended consequences of a lot of our Russia policies are to ensconce Putin more firmly in power."
"By trying to create a perfect utopian universe, Thanos created hell on earth."
"He's been found right now and he takes a hit to the head, unintentional obviously."
"Matt became the sheriff and his audience were all deputized to go find more of this content and aggregate... it's a creepy thing to say but Matt should have assumed that some of his audience might not have been trying to help."
"They had no idea that their 'victory' had planted the seeds of America's own defeat just thirty years later."
"AOC is truly like, it's one of these things like the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"It was never my intention to get into this, and nobody will ever pray to God to get into such."
"Starting with the hope to change the world, only to create monsters that might one day destroy it."
"While the pursuit of knowledge is always an admirable one, when it comes to SCP-5001, maybe the Foundation should have left well enough alone."
"Whenever something's about to be banned, it actually just makes it more famous."
"We were messing with forces we did not understand."
"You always think you're clever until the judge is looking at you going, 'What are you doing?'"
"It wasn't supposed to be a playbook, it was supposed to be a warning."
"Sometimes the solutions to your problems can make your problems even worse."
"She wanted to expose him, but she ended up exposing herself more."
"They're creating a greater enemy than they're actually preventing."
"If there were to be a plane crash and Russian civilians died, that's not what sanctions are trying to do at all."
"Sometimes the greatest damage done is done with the very best of intentions."
"Abstinence only sex ed leads to higher abortion rates and higher teen pregnancy."
"It's weird they kind of can have the alternative effect."
"Nobody wakes up in the morning says my ambition is to become a drug addict and break the law."
"People going along with for the principle of it are unfortunately evil well-meaning but evil."
"The paradox about Joni's life is she wanted to keep her boys safe so she gave them money and things that they wanted but in truth, nobody was saved, people's lives were destroyed."
"Important Point actually because you know one of the sort of recommendations that we have for policy makers is you know even these sort of seemingly small decisions about where you put speeding traps can have these big unintended consequences."
"Was this a blessing or was this a hidden curse in Disguise?"
"Banning features here that enhance the control of a firearm, so it's actually backwards, the firearms that are left after California's ban are more dangerous because they're harder to shoot accurately."
"Usually has disastrous results but no one seems to have picked up on this yet."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions... it makes the problems worse."
"It's kind of ironic that the only things you hear that Trump actually spends money on are things that backfire."
"That shortcut wasn't exactly the best shortcut in the world, at least we're getting some extra bounty on the way."
"What's interesting here is if one thing ironically Donald Trump in a weird way has saved to the press."
"Our job should be to try to think through as thoughtfully, as ethically as we can what unintended consequences might be and head those off at the pass."
"This may very well end up a perfect example of the Streisand effect."
"This is one of the funny ways...this type of behavior actually can have an opposite effect."
"The tragedy of Takato Maruki: a man who had nothing but the best of intentions for the world and everyone in it was the one who nearly destroyed it."
"When disaster strikes, they become the killers of ordinary people."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, in this case, I think that's very applicable."
"Magical toddlers accidentally causing explosions."
"Stories like these do the exact opposite of the end solution."
"And then all the Ghostbusters died. Apparently, crossing the streams is very bad."
"This person is pushing you away because you see their vulnerabilities."
"You can put yourself, the police officers, or the person you're calling on in serious danger and there's no reason for that."
"Whoever said one person can't change the world never ate an undercooked bat."
"The attempt at damage control caused more people to realize, 'I care.' It's the Streisand effect isn't it, like trying to hide a problem draws more attention to it."
"Iron Man is often cited as creating his own worst enemies, causing trouble down the line."
"I dropped a lot of weight when I was injured, which was not intentional."
"That's a mighty fine tree you have there, Madame Gazelle. Strong roots, yes, but it's pushing the house over."
"Your kindness could create a little bit of stalkers here."
"The road to ruin started with good intentions and miscalculation."
"The unintended consequences of the technology and the intended consequences of the technology, now there's a god-awful mix-up of all these issues."
"If they create a monster, they should not complain when it feeds on society, right?"
"They must have known that what happened with Terry actually helped the situation."
"The only unexpected part was the incidental creation of a pop culture icon."
"Amy's life scarcely left any impact on history, but her death ricocheted down the centuries."
"The person she cursed begins to freak out, seeing everyone as demons and passes out on the spot. The curse is real, but this revenge plot is about to backfire hard."
"I still don't think Shanks intended for Luffy to eat the fruit."
"Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions."
"I don't want to influence motherfuckers to do the wrong thing, you know I'm saying? I didn't know exactly how it was gonna happen but when it did happen, asked me if I was surprised."
"We let something loose in this world, something that could very well be our undoing."
"They keep doing things as much as they hate him that make him look smarter every time."
"I feel like with all the complaints what the barbs don't realize they're doing is they're propelling Cardi B's status."
"If anything, that doll could have gone to a super smart kid who would have done nothing but good things to that doll and then that doll could have gone on to cure cancer."
"It's a trajectory I've seen before, almost always with young and youngish men who are laser-focused on making their own careers and arrive at racism and misogyny almost by accident because that's what gets clicks."
"Thanks to the lockdowns, hospitals have begun to collapse... from a lack of patients."
"The origins of the Mexican drug cartel have their roots in unintended consequences of laws by both the American and Mexican governments."
"Master Chief deactivates the Halo array, saving the galaxy, but unintended consequences trigger a system standby mode that allows all the rings in the Halo array to be fired remotely."
"Offering further proof that you just shouldn't mess with nature, Orga was an attempt by aliens to absorb Godzilla's DNA."
"The regulatory changes have created a black market."
"A lot of people who have died have died because of actions other larger names have done."
"There is unintended consequences, we just don't know what they are."
"There's a bigger problem than not achieving a dream or not being motivated to go after the right job. The problem is that you could be creating everything you don't want without even knowing that that's what you're doing."
"Every time they try to crush this man, it backfires."
"The road to hell being paved with good intentions."
"I hope I don't win, okay, in that sense, because what this is is a way to call attention to this stealth financial crisis."
"When you ban something, you make it distinctly valuable."
"Jay was disappointed that the war he had hoped to avoid with his 1794 Treaty ended up being fought."
"Tony isn't always wrong Ultron heads to the maximov's home of sokovia where he turns the entire freaking City into a weapon."
"What have we done what have we created it was never supposed to be like this."
"This is an adverse effect because Germany, for example, the biggest adopter of solar and wind in Europe, is now back to producing the same amount of CO2 levels as it was producing 20 years ago."
"The only war that's worse than one intended is one that's unintended."
"Can curiosity be dangerous? Can we stumble upon something we shouldn't have in our Explorations into the unknown?"
"But that's all done now, it ended up doing more harm than good anyway."
"It's the Streisand effect every single time. The more you try and hide something, the more people are going to find out about it."
"Most victims of the blast were killed not by the blast but by bullets fired at them by the Americans."
"Their software had not only done it for their target but other people who accidentally happened to be in the picture."
"An explosive device used in a gender reveal party has sparked a wildfire."
"The changes that have been well intentioned haven't really hit the mark and it's left the game in like a super strange state."
"Unfortunately, the way that it's grown and developed, it took on a lot of the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme."
"If that hurts Joe Biden, well then so be it."
"In Banning alcohol, the U.S. had created a massive and highly profitable illegal alcohol industry they could not simply put that underground industry back into the bottle."
"The Streisand Effect: unintended consequences of censorship."
"The zombies aren't villains; they were accidentally resurrected and are forced to adapt to their painful circumstances."
"Did the war on bacteria destroy our health? It did."
"You know, sometimes we create monsters. We give them some basic training and they think they got this now and can go out and do everything that I do."
"Freedom is a universal right and it always ends badly because there's always blowback."
"He just regretted getting it because it wasn't, you know, in their mind, they got this creature on film."
"A lot of people don't realize they're inadvertently feeding it."
"They unintentionally created an advert for patriarchy."
"Even though I bet that Toyota and Toriyama didn't really think things true the inadvertent consequences of what they actually did with Mai going I can actually feel again emotions have been reignited within me."
"There are times when our actions have some really unexpected results."
"Consumer protections often end up hurting the very people they're meant to help."
"Your strategy is fine, but the energy behind the actions is what's giving you the opposite effect."
"How something that was originally a good idea almost with a kind of necessity as a rule turns wrong."
"You're accidentally manifesting your next relationship right now."
"We are responsible for things we didn't cause. Sometimes."
"Sure, cheating is bad, but if it didn't happen, I wouldn't have my best friend."
"He was no longer just a kid having fun online and talking about his experiences; he was pushing a political ideology without fully realizing the ramifications this would have."
"Hogwarts Legacy's pre-order numbers are phenomenal, way higher than I think all of us were even expecting them to be."
"When the officers do it, it's considered their duty, they were just doing their jobs. When someone's eight-year-old accidentally gets killed during a raid on the other hand..."
"It's a Frankenstein moment. It's a Jurassic Park moment."
"Someone will have to do the math later, but I'm sure that Richard has killed a lot of his own team's units."
"I think Sonic might be the bad guy here... not intentionally, but maybe trying to save his friends is hurting the island and hurting himself during the process."
"The final icing on the irony cake is the film's release caused such an increase in tourism the government had to close the beach to the general public so it really is a forbidden place now."
"Using force is a very dangerous instrument... often produces consequences other than those we expected or intended."
"Kids are dying from other issues that are actually directly related to our own COVID response."
"In my entire career, I've never seen something as powerful of force in the world as the smartphone that didn't also have unintended consequences."
"If you act noble and not in pursuit of love, you will end up with a lot of love."
"It's kind of not doing its job because the whole point was to shame them, but it went the opposite way."
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. It's like the genie Trope."
"So when we do things like boycott a factory that was using child labor it might result in those children not having that job anymore."
"I normally don't see a whole lot, but I killed two snakes here and saw a lizard. I didn't intentionally kill the snakes, just happens, it's part of it."
"The Chinese Communist Party is sanctioning more foreign politicians, but the actions seem to be doing the opposite of what the regime intended."
"Even a positive scenic message can actually do more damage than good."
"An unexpected consequence of the mass acquisition of autonomous combat UCAVs could be the triggering of a large construction and infrastructural program."
"If it were to decide that its new purpose was to bring its version of 'peace' to every life on the planet, there would be little the Foundation could do to stop it."
"It's funny because they try to prevent them from having sex because it's covered, but before that, it was like a thing."
"Careful what you say because you don't want to stir things up inadvertently."
"Talk about unintended consequences of central planners right exactly nothing new in human history."
"It will backfire you will make yourself look like fools you're gonna try to make us look like fools but you'll look like a fool."
"All of this stuff got all over my legs, it got in my face, like whoever this poopy belonged to, like I'm probably related to them now, like I'm, I really am, like we're considered blood brothers because I'm pretty sure it went in my mouth."
"No one has done more to empower Fighters just by his actions."
"This blew up in their face. They did not want this for a second."
"It's also very easy to write something that looks very simple but behaves completely different from what you intended."
"They do say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"In trying to completely sanitize Gotham of evil, Batman essentially created a supergerm, a kind of autoimmunity disease in the form of The Joker."
"Tearing down these things, we may inadvertently bring a much worse calamity upon our head that we couldn't even foresee in our ignorance."
"Riley's supposed to be facing Andrew like, that doesn't put you in an odd spot."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions sometimes."
"Regardless of what comes after, this was something they didn't want to happen in America."
"The harm comes to the people that unfortunately already do."
"It's like trying to stop a train by throwing a boulder on the tracks. It's going to make the train jump off the tracks; it's going to cause a disaster."
"Sometimes this radicalization has some pretty funny side effects."
"They don't know that by making that sale and then delivering it to that house, that young person goes and kills someone here. They're part of that cycle. But they're so far attached from that."
"What I'm telling you is that accidentally we built a doomsday device and distributed it across North America, across Europe."
"Changing one’s destiny is a very enticing concept, but some believe that altering the past can have devastating effects on the present."
"Batman didn't really know the impact of what it was that he was doing."
"Censorship only works in a totalitarian system. It only works if you've got control of absolutely everything."
"This scenery has come about by accident as people have struggled to get what they needed to survive."
"Accidents can start things and start events into motion that spin out of control very quickly."
"The craziest thing is... we were just trying to help people." - Reflecting on the unexpected outcomes despite good intentions.
"It's always good intentions, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
"The road to hell is paid with good intentions."
"Isn't it ironic that zero tolerance policies actually encourage violence?"
"I sneezed in class and was given detention for laughing."
"I think it's important to help Ukraine, but I do think that there will be unintended consequences with all these weapons pouring in."
"The Iron Giant is a bearer of history, paralleling Riley from Saboteur. His awakening could reveal something crucial about the missing history."
"Vegapunk, unintentionally responsible for much, may regretfully cry as he faces the consequences of his actions. Bonnie's circumstances are his fault."
"It could have been an accident, something she had maybe not expected to happen during another cry for attention."
"If you're committed to the proposition 'black lives matter', demonizing the cops will end up with more black lives being lost."
"It's this weird thing where I see how you're trying to help, but sometimes you can't predict how much your help is gonna hurt."
"So it begins again, the machinations of the ambitious undoing extinction, playing with nature's laws. What can possibly go wrong?"
"So unless they were incredibly deliberate with how they used that nuclear weapon there's at least a medium chance it's going to blow right into the faces of their own advancing troops."
"The sanctions have backfired on European economies, causing a major energy crisis with skyrocketing energy costs."
"The road to hell, they say, is paved with good intentions."
"Eventually Disney bit themselves in the butt by making the autograph collecting part of the meet and greet experience."
"That, when pursuing right goals And only having good intentions, You may achieve completely the opposite results."
"One thing that I get from both the documentary and Tobin is that Chauvin and King didn't know they were killing him if they were they weren't trying to cut off his oxygen they may have but they had no idea that's what was going on."
"The victorious Goths were initially repelled from the structure, but retaliated by burning the entire thing down, unwittingly killing Valens in the process."
"The realization of what she'd done was almost too much to bear. She'd unwittingly given her own child away."
"Letting them do their own thing and then eventually there is an easy opportunity for something else to come from space that might not be exactly what it seems."