
Leadership Qualities Quotes

There are 1356 quotes

"As a visionary, your job is to see things before other people see them."
"A president should have moral clarity and know the difference between right and wrong."
"What we need more than ever right now, obviously, is we need to have integrity in our leadership."
"Whatever your politics, whichever party you vote for, honesty and integrity in leadership are non-negotiable."
"I would take this guy; this guy really is George Washington."
"The candor, the willingness to admit that there have been mistakes made... is admirable for any of us."
"The best leaders are the listeners, not the talkers."
"Leadership is about who you're fighting for, the choices you make, and whether you're doing what's right for people."
"Humility is the most important aspect or characteristic for a leader because when you're humble, your mind is open."
"Top shelf leaders, the ones who last, who go the whole way."
"You're the kind of person who, back in the day, could have probably been an empress who married an emperor, a queen who was married by a king."
"A great leader is not arrogant, is not overbearing, is flexible with the way that they lead."
"The best of those that you appoint is the strong and the trustworthy one."
"You want a leader that displays confidence that we have something going forward, that we're going to win and beat this virus."
"We need a president who respects our laws and the privilege of public service. Who reflects our values and cares about our people. We need a president who will restore the soul of America. We need Joe Biden."
"We should be electing judges and heads of state who are capable of doing the job. We need brilliant minds with broad horizons, who have sufficient comprehension and compassion, wisdom, and expertise."
"Qualities we need someone who's actually going to stand up for what they believe in... honesty, integrity... someone who cares, they know what it's like to struggle."
"There is an appetite for someone with actual experience, not an outsider but under the age of 70."
"Leadership is actually a servant's position if you're truly a great leader."
"You can never lead if you're always following."
"People don't want me to be president because they know that I'm going to do a good job again."
"Leadership is not selling fairy tales; it is confronting challenges."
"I've never seen somebody like him, leadership-wise."
"Leadership doesn't always have to be verbal. Leading by example is just as impactful."
"His willingness to endure the same deprivations and risks as those he commanded, earning the respect and trust of the rank-and-file legionaries."
"He was always the guy in every meeting who asked how's this helping regular folks."
"The one distinguishing characteristic of a leader is to see the battlefield."
"He managed to strike that perfect balance, being both loved and feared."
"Faith with wisdom and action sets you apart for leadership."
"Although he may not have been one of the most talented or ingenious military leaders of World War 2, he was certainly one of the most effective and iconic."
"Montgomery’s calm yet firm leadership under pressure, restored cohesion to the Allies’ northern front in this moment of crisis."
"He wanted to be an encouragement to other people, he wanted to be a friend to other people, people just naturally gravitated toward him as a leader and a person that made them feel better about themselves."
"He's a decent, compassionate man; he will bring this nation together."
"With that kind of leadership, you could build trust, you could build hope, you could lead people to a better place."
"Your actions will be bold, convincing, dynamic, and productive. You'll be renowned and successful."
"Intellectual curiosity and skepticism are essential for leadership."
"To every leader you have to be big enough to pray for people who hurt you."
"Alphas don't have to walk around saying 'I'm Alpha, Alpha, Alpha.'"
"I think Granit Xhaka was Arsenal's true captain. Even without the armband, he just controlled the team."
"Effective leaders and companies are usually pretty empathetic leaders."
"Andrew Yang is appealing to me for that reason. He's not afraid to have a big idea."
"The really big question for 2022 is how big of a backbone does Jerome Powell have?"
"He needs to have a spine, go out there and really more forcefully."
"Kerry Lake is presidential, I really do mean it."
"He had that command-a-room-when-they-walk-in type level of presence."
"This is leadership as we aspire to this is this is freedom of thought and and and and you know true leadership."
"We need Republicans that will not back down."
"Valdor epitomized all that it means to be one of the adept's custodies: stoic, watchful, fiercely intelligent, and when required, a truly inspirational leader."
"Well, come on, man. The American people deserve a straight answer."
"I have to support leaders who see racial justice as fundamental."
"No, we don't respect men like this. We respect men who speak their minds, who set boundaries, who are able to lead, and who are firm."
"I think he could be a Reaganesque synergist if he comes out and says, 'This is my value. I'm pro-America. I'm pro-military. I'm pro-Second Amendment. I'm pro-family. I'm pro-kids. I'm pro-capitalism. Pro this, this is what I'm pro.'"
"He care about his players, like, he'll come up to you and talk to you one-on-one."
"I believe that it's important that the governor be above reproach. He has to have the respect necessary to lead New York."
"We need a hell of a lot more people like her."
"The greatest leaders look at you... they refuse to let you quit on yourself."
"Titles do not make you a leader; trust in your abilities and God's equipping."
"Kujo Sara is a fearless warrior and a formidable leader."
"Aegon's personality is not what we thought it was. There's more to him than meets the eye."
"Revan rarely ever made decisions that actively weakened the Republic."
"He's a fantastic communicator. He keeps it very simple. He doesn't put on any airs. All his stuff is fact-based, and the most important thing is that Steve is genuine."
"You're the leader, you're the funny guy, and the ones that tend to be the leaders tend to have the most confidence."
"She was an absolute model of correct statesmanlike behavior."
"Can you imagine the kind of the strength of character you need to stand front and center of this kind of conversation?"
"We will be fine because we can handle one whose ego and narcissism prevents him from doing this and a bunch of cowards who will go along."
"Lancelot should be first in line for your crew if being the king of the twin blades sounds good to you."
"Jesus clearly says the greatest among you will be a servant but there seems to be two types of leaders today those who lead for their own glory and those who lead for the glory of god."
"President Trump isn't afraid to fight for what's right. He won't back down."
"Someone that can run set the tone with his physicality and toughness allowed them to play a little more ball control."
"That's what leadership is about, I'm a cheerleader for the country, we need calm."
"If we're gonna elect unqualified leaders, shouldn't those leaders at the very least run their own moderately successful YouTube channel?"
"Competent and compassionate leadership, social solidarity, and trust are essential in a crisis."
"She's incredible dude she's uh she's she's uh she's one of the most interesting and most effective potential like you know Governors out there."
"The president is a provocateur, he is an entertainer, he is not a leader, he is not a president."
"Ben is incredibly intelligent, he's a really genuine person, he keeps everybody level-headed."
"Charisma is cultivated... Power, presence, and warmth."
"Decency and normalcy are crucial at the top of the pyramid."
"Some people lead because they have a power and a force within them that people respond to, but other people lead because people just want to follow them."
"Teach them that it is very [important] to be a servant leader."
"For Zoro, getting conquerors hockey should be the conclusion to his character arc."
"These guys have seen some real dark stuff and they're the type of guys who are gonna make tough calls."
"Leaders have to go above and beyond... They need to be better than all of us."
"Doctor Doom cares profusely about his people."
"I think his leadership at the moment is key."
"We have a leader that's competent, stable, and getting things done."
"His legacy is not just in the victories or the titles but in the lives he touched and the strength he showcased. He was a mentor, a leader, and a fighter. Tributes to Tim Parenton."
"Temperament, intellect, and judgment are what matters in who is president."
"Maybe the right person for the job of speaker of the house isn't someone who wants it so bad."
"Generosity and humility are key traits for effective leadership."
"Wisdom and resilience are the cornerstones of effective leadership."
"He looked corn pop in the eyes and said 'I'm sorry I called you Esther' and then corn pop put away a straight razor and then Biden breathed a sigh of relief. That's kind of leadership."
"If they had a moral, good leader with a track record of success, they could get there."
"He was powerful in speech and action," describing Moses' charisma and capability.
"The type of energy that Black people need in power."
"Owning up to your mistakes and resolving them is the mark of a great dungeon master."
"Be best led by compassion strength and kindness."
"Does it mean that women can't be good managers? No, it just means..."
"What actually is leadership if it's not just being in charge?"
"Kayla's is the fighter Rhode Island needs right now." - Ashley Kalis for governor
"Leadership is about influence, learning, and authenticity."
"She's also in total control of the situation five steps ahead of everyone like Fury used to be."
"The capacity to lead and the capacity to be emotionally intelligent and pleasant is every bit as required as that capacity to dig deep down into your core and be as aggressive as you need to be to win in combat or anything else."
"If I can't wait until I get to Liberty, then I've become the Conqueror."
"Paolo Maldini's career is built on being a great leader."
"He gets my vote because he's about the only world leader I know who is telling the truth."
"Not addicted to wine or pugnacious, but gentle."
"A great leader in any case understands the circumstances and has the vision to carry that forward..."
"NFL team should draft me most definitely because I'm disciplined consistent and dependable that Clemson pass rush imposes itself being able to dominate anywhere big strong fast quick off the ball and then a leader on the field."
"Mao treated people very, very fairly because he saw it as, like, these are the people that we're actually fighting for."
"A great CEO needs to be a Visionary, take responsibility, and have leadership."
"He understood the strengths and weaknesses of people, he understood fear, he understood how it could be used."
"Only the most broken people can be great leaders."
"Be ready to be selfless. Put everybody in front of you and make their interests ahead of yours and you'll be successful."
"I'm alpha male because I lead with love, not power. I'm powerful, but I don't have to flex that."
"We want brilliant, strong, thoughtful, and compassionate leadership."
"Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable of service."
"He is fundamentally decent and he is going to fight like hell."
"We're choosing hope over fear, truth over lies, light over darkness."
"I want to be a leader and I think the most important thing as a leader that you can do is your compassion, your honesty."
"Surely, statesmen, real statesmen, real political leaders would have been able to see a little far down the road..."
"You must adopt the mindset of a lion... Fearless courage, bravery, leadership."
"A true leader nurtures talent, fosters creativity, and channels them in the right direction."
"One of the hallmarks of a good leader is that those who follow that leader are elevated."
"To me it comes down to leading with courage meaning you have the courage to connect with your team to show trust but also to hold your team accountable and to hold yourself accountable as well."
"This is coming as a big surprise to you but it's something that's been it's been building up your entire life again with that straw you're you're always kind of you've always been a bit of a leader or you've always been unique."
"I think she was the right person for the job."
"I think alphas understand that there has to be a certain level of subtlety and craftiness in your mind."
"It's very important that as a person and as a manager that you are consistent in your behavior."
"Peter Rollinson's charisma is unmatched, makes you want to own the company!"
"In the face of adversity, Frederick stood bold, cunning, and supremely intelligent."
"He is the visionary, he is the strategic thinker about the big picture."
"Power isn't inherently evil, it's not inherently good either, it's how you use it."
"He was just remarkable that way, the serenity, the self-confidence was just astonishing."
"He's trying to legitimize his leadership... stability, courage."
"One of them has decency, compassion, generosity, and caring for other people. The other one doesn't."
"President Trump has the capacity of being a level-headed, reserved, and respectful head of state."
"When you have somebody that comes from the outside that doesn't have this political agenda they've been working on for 30 years... you just get a different kind of leader."
"The qualities of being a good leader look eerily close to just the qualities of being a good human being."
"Maloney: attractive, passionate, patriotic, a fighter."
"We need leaders who are courageous, who could speak up about problems."
"A leader is somebody who shines their light and shines their light on everyone."
"The empress is someone who's very strong, powerful, abundant, stable, secure, confident."
"Lincoln's greatest qualities included his ability to think ahead and his determination to preserve the union."
"You know, a lot of people always compare Luffy to Roger, not because of his abilities, but because of his personality."
"Good leaders are able to give plans of action that are clear, concise, and given in a way that other people can hear it."
"I think Boris Johnson is sort of a smarter version of Trump."
"If we have to have this lot in, I'd rather have Rishi than anyone else because I do think he's very talented and very bright."
"What makes a great player, a great leader, a great father, a great father or mother is they're consistent every day."
"Good leaders can be kind but also concise and to the point."
"Bruno Fernandes epitomized leadership with his tracking back."
"The voices we long to hear right now are the ones that speak with courage and kindness."
"Frigga's unwavering belief in Thor as a leader, plus the dignified and knowing way in which she faces her own death."
"One of the things that I admire most about Biden is that he's gathered a team around him of very solid people who think strategically."
"The Sid's conduct during this battle was an inspiration to a noteworthy young man present for the occasion."
"Instead of being persecuted... he should be commended... looked at as an example to emulate."
"Joe Biden is a good, decent man." - Hakeem Jeffries
"Barack Obama is a man of intellect devoted to the common good which is a rare thing, a rare thing."
"One of the things I've most appreciated about you is the way in which you're willing to both take on the constraints and totally overturn the apple cart at the same time so that you're really true to the spirit."
"Putin's the number one world leader right now."
"Putin looked confident, poised, and in command of his historical facts."
"I like how Adam Aaron is forward-thinking. He's more of a forward-thinking CEO than really most that I've seen."
"This is a management job and Donald Trump's not a manager."
"I want a president who's competent whether I agree with his policies or not."
"You're definitely a natural leader that people respect."
"To be a true leader, you gotta step out there and take that lick."
"I'm more concerned about people in leadership having integrity."
"A sign of a great man is not only the awareness of who he is, it's the awareness of who he isn't."
"All of the things that have happened have set you up to be that kinder, gentler leader."
"A queen does not allow the world to see her sweating."
"Power should best belong to those who do not seek it."
"Leadership does not mean putting the ear to the ground to follow public opinion but to have the vision of what is necessary and the courage to make it possible." - Shirley Chisholm
"We want competency, decency, honesty, and leaders who will just do the right thing."
"To be a Chaplain is to live a life without cowardice or shame, your ferocity without limit, your wisdom unquestioned, and your faith unequal."
"David: From shepherd to leader, caring for his flock."
"Frank Lampard has been an elite level Chelsea manager... Frank Lampard first season to this moment has been a huge success."
"She should be president, she gets it. You should be president. You get it."
"I want reality and authenticity and I want good leadership."
"That's what great leaders do; they leave you better than they found you."
"A leader is the one who figures out the best plan and gets the best result."
"We want real people, real competent folks who could help us in times where we need them to lead."
"True leadership is about creating leaders and fulfilling a big vision that you may not see fulfilled in your lifetime."
"You need a manager with an abundance of testicular fortitude."
"Elon Musk's ability to convert his enthusiasm into broad public support is an underappreciated ingredient for Tesla's success."
"Every time we talk about like a genius billionaire founder..."
"Admiral Marshal was a good, competent, capable officer."
"She represents the best of love, of freedom, of wounded healing, of joy spreading, and that is a moral and spiritual achievement."
"There's never been a better time to lose an election."
"I don't think decency gets in the way of exerting authority or being powerful at all. I think actually it can enhance it."
"He's a freedom fighter, Alex. You're a born leader." - Farah
"The guy should be president right he really should."
"This is about being the version of a leader you are divinely guided to be."
"Conrad of Montforat... known for his intelligence, his skill as a warrior, and in time for his absolute ruthlessness."
"King of Pentacles: committed, stable, financially abundant."
"Saladin surrounded himself with the right people."
"The true test of leadership is not determined by age."
"T'Challa is king because he sees a better way."
"A good leader never tells me but the following the facts."
"Leadership is about who you're becoming and how many people you're helping."
"There's never been somebody that's been less trigger-happy and more prudent about decisions."