
Religious Persecution Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Queen Mary became known as Bloody Mary due to her vicious tirade against Protestants in England during her reign."
"Religious persecution has far more often been carried out by religious people trying to force their will on others than by non-religious people trying to get rid of religious faith and practices."
"The CCP's persecution of Xinjiang Muslims is well known."
"Persecution often leads to amazing miracles in the church."
"Becoming a Christian has always meant a ticket to persecution."
"The story of Perpetua is contained in a document called 'The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity.'"
"Septimius Severus issued an edict prohibiting anyone from converting to Christianity."
"Persecution madness against truly spirit-filled Christians who love Jesus Christ."
"Blessed are you when they persecute you for my name's sake."
"Religious persecution is often justified by some even though it seems completely unjustifiable in the eyes of others."
"American Christians aren't promised to be spared from what our brothers in China Pakistan and other places have been for a long time."
"You're outnumbered, but don't you worry about a thing, you keep going because there will be those that will put you to death thinking they're doing God's service."
"Muslims are not being re-educated, they are being told to change their religion or tone it down."
"It is a very serious persecution of Muslims nonetheless in China today."
"Many now consider goody glover a Catholic martyr."
"I'm willing to die for my faith, I'm willing to go to jail for my faith, but I will not be silent."
"Why only Hindus are victims of such dangerous organizations?"
"Fitna for us was being forced out of our religion." - Unknown speaker
"Persecution of Christianity is no longer a future threat, it is alive and well."
"This is what is happening to believers all over the world... you can't defend Christianity without ending up being put in prison." - Steven Ben-Nun
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for my name's sake."
"The accusation of heresy is often used as a weapon by those wishing to gain power over others."
"It's everything around Rome that turned Rome against Christians."
"Believers aren't afraid to be persecuted for our beliefs."
"All who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." - 2 Timothy 3:12
"Do not let them get it twisted. This is Terrorism against the Christian church."
"Why do they hate Christians so much? Because Christians continue to demonstrate their love for God."
"The attacks on religion aren't merely incidental, Stalin was an atheist, Lenin was an atheist, Mao was an atheist."
"You're doing your faith right when you're persecuted for it."
"Persecution is not merely a relic of the past but a present and escalating reality."
"Jesus said if they hated me they'll hate you too."
"If you love God and if you love the word of God and you're a moral good person...you're being persecuted in this world that we're living in today."
"Even if they take away the mass... Christ at his mercy can provide the means for you to be saved by him."
"All who desire to live godly will suffer persecution."
"Consequently, his followers faced persecution."
"Jesus said they're going to hate you because they hated me first."
"This is what's so powerful about Pastor Coates being in a jail cell right now."
"Tyndale was seized at Antwerp, recognized as a heretic before being tied to a stake, strangled to death, and then his body was burned."
"Evangelicals filled with the Spirit are hated, but it's not going to happen."
"They failed. When they start persecuting Christians again, that's when you know that morning is here."
"It's insane how China can persecute Muslims and Islamic countries don't care, continuing being allies with them for the sake of opposing us."
"Pastors have been arrested, congregations fined, and now this community desperate for a place to practice their faith."
"King James VI and I, faced religious challenges... enforcing strict penalties for practicing Catholics."
"Christian persecution in Iran is probably the toughest throughout any other country in the world."
"If we give in to the pressure here, we'd share the same fate as unbelievers. In the end, our reward lies in enduring the persecution and rejection from the world."
"There will be a persecution of Christians who do not go along with this new world agenda."
"Christians in many parts of the world are already experiencing persecution."
"Queen Isabella the First, the Spanish Inquisition, pretty high up there as far as terrifying points in history go."
"Christians are being persecuted throughout the world, even in America."
"Pope Liberius was imprisoned and exiled for refusing to change the official stance of the church."
"Eritrea... Christians that are not a part of state-approved churches are actually considered a threat."
"China's suppression of religious faith and religious communities is real, it is evil, it is too horrendous to ignore."
"The Antichrist shall persecute the Saints of the most high, true followers of God, and those who keep his laws and his Commandments."
"All who desire to live a Godly life in Christ will be persecuted."
"Persecution will escalate and reach its zenith in the tribulation period."
"The Burmese military Hun has made it very clear that they intend to kill or drive out every Christian from their country."
"They do not wish to see the fact that the Hindus, the helpless Hindus, whether he be of any profession, whether he be of any political ideology, anything, he was simply targeted."
"6 million people have been slaughtered because of their religion."
"The number one religious group persecuted in the world now is Christians."
"The only person who has been murdered in this country as a consequence of Islamic blasphemy was an Amadi Muslim in Glasgow in 2016."
"All of the apostles were martyred by the government."
"We will not stop until governments no longer detain and torture people for simply being of a particular faith."
"Just confessing his Messiah was enough to get them put out of the synagogue."
"This ghetto was enclosed by guarded gates and no one was allowed to leave from sunset to dawn to enforce this, the surrounding canals were patrolled by boats of the Christian guard who discouraged violations. This is how Europe's first ghetto was born."
"If you weren't Catholic, you were given two choices: convert or be burned at the stake for heresy."
"The 13 Stratford Martyrs refused to renounce their Protestant beliefs and accept Catholicism as the one true faith."
"The early church’s boldness in proclaiming the gospel of Christ often led to conflict with Jewish authorities."
"The attitude of hatred towards what Peter and John were saying about Jesus of Nazareth was escalating again. That Spirit of antichrist was growing in the city."
"They'd been forced underground because of their faith."
"God's men are going to be driven to their knees. This is the fire of the Holy Ghost, but it's the fire of persecution. It's the fire of tribulation, the fire of rebellion, the fire of unbelievable hardships, ridicule, gossip, financial problems."
"We have a lot of evidence for early Christian persecution."
"They're being forced to change their religion, forced to do everything that they don't want to do."
"The family made the hard decision to flee their home to escape religious persecution and move into the middle of nowhere."
"I have told the story of my ordeal in a recently published book entitled 'With God in Russia'."
"We pray for the persecuted church."
"The real disciples were persecuted, the real people that represented the Messiah, they were targeted."
"To burn the Talmud was a horrific thing to do."
"The majority of the passengers on the Mayflower were separatists who were fleeing religious persecution."
"We need to know about the persecution of Muslims who are suffering as well in Kashmir and Palestine and parts of the world even in Iraq and Syria."