
Child Well-being Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"A good co-parenting relationship can make a huge impact on children."
"Having a baby who gets more sleep is good for them, improving their perceived moods, improving parental well-being, and in some studies, even improving the relationship between parent and child."
"Knowing that your parent has got their mind on you is the most comforting thing that we can do to help children achieve some sort of certainty about the world."
"He is thriving, he is really happy, he's doing really well and his new mommy has medical professional training and it is a very good fit."
"Toys that fail to meet safety standards and conceal their potential hazards could negatively impact the physical and mental well-being of children."
"As long as she's happy, that's my goal for her."
"Motherly love at its height makes the child feel it is good to have been born."
"A lack of technology and overstimulation will overall just improve the quality of life of a child."
"It's like Mama Bear where it's just like, 'It's not me anymore. It's just like, get this baby into a place where he is comfortable and happy and healthy and thriving.'"
"Marriage associated with improvements in child well-being, even after adjusting for income differences."
"Finding a place where my child could thrive puts me at ease."
"My child will live with a high level of emotional well-being."
"You listen to the child, if the child is crying and doesn't want to go to a way to school then that is something you need to take into account."
"Replacing lead water pipes all across America. Increasing the health and well-being of our children."
"We all want our kids to be happy, confident, and self-assured."
"Kids need downtime and play to maintain mental health and brain development."
"Parents don't compromise when it comes to kids. It's about making their life and education as good as possible."
"It's important to very quickly get your children settled so they can feel secure and safe."
"Sequence assembly can make automation happen."
"The best gift parents can give a kid is for them to have a happy relationship."
"Our kids need a safe quiet peaceful space to come home to... if we can help them reduce their inventory and have less, they're going to be so much better for it."
"The worst thing is and the biggest fear one of the biggest fears that I have as a parent is that my daughter suppresses her feelings and her emotions because she feels like she has no one to go and talk to."
"When a child is smiling, that means so much. It's unfortunate when a child is not able to smile, is not well enough to smile."
"Addressing the whole child not just what they can do but all of them is essential."
"Parents should create a safe space for their child."
"Parenting is a great place to see this, when you see parents more concerned about how other people are treating their child when their child seems fine."
"Co-parenting requires a compromise by default. And the default is usually a westernized TV compromise. It's about, to the best of your ability, the two of you creating a healthy environment for your kids. That's it."
"There's a wide range of what parenting can look like that is healthy for a child."
"...if you can get divorced and not talk [ __ ] about each other and not have conflict then the kids are generally not harmed..."
"As long as they are living out a holistic loving approach to their kids, there's no evidence that that specific belief among those parents is going to cause that kid harm."
"Children are at risk if their parents don't get and stay married."
"This kid is lucky to have a parent who cares about him so much."
"The children deserve a connection with a healthy, stable mother."
"Nothing is more important than my son's happiness and health."
"Put the happiness of your child first; if she is happy, then you will be happy, right?"
"The first thing to try and do is try and reduce the stress in your child's life."
"You don't want that child to grow up feeling insecure about themselves."
"Nobody loves that little kid more than my wife, and his grandma is his whole world."
"I wanted my kids to be happy, healthy and have empathy."
"Does the child feel attuned to? Does the child feel like people care about them?"
"Kids who are healthy on the inside are best equipped to resist pressure from the outside."
"In childcare settings, higher numbers of children show higher cortisol in the afternoon; that is, they're feeling stressed after a day at child care."
"He's a much happier baby for it and he's sleeping much better so I'm a much happy mummy for it too."
"I really notice when my kids are in a really good mood, and I really appreciate that."
"Is the child healthy and happy? That's the question that needs to be asked."
"If society began with this question: What would be healthy for children?"
"As long as a child is happy, that's all that matters."
"Stability for them is the most important thing, and they have that right now."
"The child is healthy, and it's intelligent, and it's alive and well, right? So that's a good thing."
"The baby's in good condition, he in good spirit man, he got his head up, his chest out."
"He's just sat back into the routine, absolutely fine, no problems at all, he's enjoying himself."
"We just want our kids to be happy and healthy and live the best life that they can."
"Teach the parents because the children won't have a problem if the parents are okay."
"I really believe kids should have both their parents, but right now I want them to have an environment where they feel like they can thrive."
"As mothers, as people who are in charge of our children's nutrition... you should be aware of these things to set your children up for a better outcome in life."
"Our kids are healthy, they're happy, they're fed, they're clothed, and they're entertained."
"This behavior is thought to be a result of having emotionally available caregivers who provide consistent nurture and care and are responsive to the needs of their children."
"Nature being interactive outdoors has huge benefits on our physical and mental well-being, particularly for young kids."
"He can see his doctor on a regular basis and hopefully come to a place of finding some consistency and peace with both of his parents."
"To this day, that child is happy and healthy and the joy of my life."
"Engaging in regular physical activity would improve happiness in children."
"Fatherly love and motherly love is very good; you can't take that away from the child."
"Ren is a happy, healthy 3-year-old."
"The child will be fine this time. It has to be."