
Grassroots Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"Don't count anything out. That's a lesson for observers and for people in grassroots."
"Unlike our corporate brethren, we don't do journalism from the top down. We start with the people and finish with the people."
"Don't expect change to come from the top because the top is too busy being rich and enjoying it. It's got to come from the bottom, but it will grow."
"The best way that things get started is word of mouth."
"The greatest progress happens from the bottom up, not the top down."
"These solutions are going to come from us, they're not going to come from above."
"The best legislation comes from people on the ground."
"Revival's real, it isn't just a story. It's come, and it's not just come here today, but it's about to spread out to the nation."
"I started this AFTV up right, I started it with no money. Our sole aim of this platform was to give ordinary fans a voice."
"What works for us is a bottom-up strategy. It is the people's voice that really has always led our communities."
"Change never takes place from the top down. It takes place when people by the millions... come together and say no, this is not the world that I am comfortable with, this is the world we are going to change."
"It starts with the people, the people who are living there."
"Islam is not delivered by money, it's delivered by the hearts of ordinary people."
"Go local first. It all starts in my backyard."
"The Conservative Party is built from the grassroots up."
"It started with one hour a month and morphed into this movement."
"Actual change will only come from popular grassroots movements."
"Electoral politics provide short-term gains, but real change comes from grassroots movements."
"This whole effort originated on social media and it's completely organic."
"The fact that the party needs to return to its base."
"The most important thing in politics is not a 30-second spot. It's somebody bringing a doorbell, registering you to vote, giving you additional information later, and coming back and getting you to vote."
"Divine Mercy has become the greatest Grassroots movement in the history of the church."
"One key goal... is to build our base and make contact with more of the working class."
"We are putting together an unprecedented grassroots multi-generational multiracial movement." - Bernie Sanders
"I raised ten million dollars last quarter in increments of only thirty bucks each."
"Yes she was out raised by Joe Crowley ten-to-one yes she took no corporate PAC money but what they didn't get was she was going directly to the people."
"We didn't win because of Union corrupt gangsters... We won because of the hard work of the grassroots activists."
"Start a Bible study... and maybe the Lord will turn it into a church."
"Change doesn't come from Washington, change comes to Washington."
"Real change always comes from the bottom up and not the top down."
"The first task is not to come out of your seminar or your party training and lecture to them about the nature of the proletariat. The first task is to learn the everyday, quotidian, ordinary aspects of their existence which you don't yet know."
"We're coming after you, the corporate Democrats, the establishment Democrats, the Democrats who lost their way."
"We're taking no corporate money, we're taking no billionaire money."
"This is a Grassroots movement that this is a movement fueled by love."
"The importance of connecting with grassroots."
"You have to start at home in your backyard with the people that you would be closest to."
"True power comes from the masses, from the heart of the land itself."
"There is no substitution for real grassroots energy out here."
"I think individuals could take small actions. I think it starts at a community level and it builds up from there."
"I think what we've built here is great and hopefully we can keep building it because it is a real genuine community that we've built from days on a Sunday night where we have 10 people watching to what we have now. Oh brilliant!"
"It's an unprecedented alliance and revival of grassroots democracy."
"Grassroots mobilization is going to be very key."
"A strong ground game is actually how you connect to voters on the ground so you know the concerns and you're invested in the stories that you hear."
"This isn't going to change unless we go bottoms up."
"We need to create a movement, and that movement is not the Al Sharpton's, it's people like me, it's people like you."
"The grassroots is always going to win when the grassroots gets on code."
"Bernie Sanders has a strong grassroots movement."
"We're the unwashed masses but we support you, doctor."
"Grassroots action is going to have to be a part of this."
"This is not pie in the sky. We want to make sure what we're building is very much grounded in the grassroots and grounded in black communities."
"Get the wall street bets guys to just elect representatives... we'll try and come to a compromise."
"If you appreciate the journalism that we do with our boots on the ground, you can help support us."
"Real change never comes from the top... it always comes from the bottom."
"Ultimately, you guys, they're where you are, the people who are on the ground where the fight is happening. You are the most important."
"Change doesn't come from the top down, it has to come from the bottom up."
"Real change always takes place from the bottom on up."
"Power and change isn't going to come from our politicians or from our law, it's going to come from us."
"Maybe just maybe there's this huge sort of innovation coming from the ground up..."
"This is how we win: we need a web of candidates all across the country."
"The power has to be built at the grassroots."
"From our ups to our downs, there's never been a grassroots community I've ever seen or been more proud to be a part of."
"The Republican Party is becoming the MAGA party, not just from the top level like it was under Trump, but from the grassroots bottom-up level now."
"All the politicians look to us for support, they're up against very powerful corporate interests and they need to hear from the grassroots."
"We need to start with the community and build from there."
"A grassroots movement erupts untamed and untainted by greed."
"Conservatives need to take back the culture. Where it's happening organically."
"The Republican party will be remade from this chamber of commerce corporate party to a grassroots people-based party."
"I think what we are trying to do in this campaign is to put together the strongest grassroots effort than anybody in American history has ever done."
"Our strength has never come from the White House or the Capitol, it's always come from our people."
"We need to build power from the grassroots by our communities, via our labor unions."
"This is going to be ultimately a people-powered movement."
"The base building out of a left project is not going to happen through affluent liberals."
"Bernie fights for the average Joe, not Wall Street, Hollywood, or big anybody."
"Historically, real change has never taken place from the top on down; it is always from the bottom on up."
"I feel like it's homegrown, you know, like everybody came up together."
"This has been a long-serving battle among a lot of Republicans who felt that the establishment never took into account how frustrated the rank and file were."
"Even though you can't go to the local cinema and see a solar Punk movie, it's already influential in internet culture and small artist communities."
"We need to build America from the bottom up, in the middle out, not from the top down."
"Feed the streets, not just the radio stations."
"Two people can make a difference. It's important, you know? These state-level battles are becoming more and more about grassroots activism."
"It's a movement of buying for the people and it's a movement of the Bernie wing."
"No president can do it alone... real change... has always taken place on the bottom on up."
"Start with boots on the ground and then as those things build you're able to actually have a force on the ground that can help you as you grow."
"Power in this season comes from the ground up."
"The only way to address these problems is to create an unprecedented grassroots movement."
"We are making progress at the grassroots level of moving this country in a progressive direction."
"We have to begin within our own communities."
"Real change never takes place from the top on down... we need millions of people to join in standing up for justice."
"Government should be from the bottom up, not the top down."
"The best and most successful parts of Zack's campaign were achieved organically..."
"That's how we win: through people power, bottoms up."
"Decentralization is the great revolution, bottoms up."
"All of these fights that were won were because of average people, normal people, taking direct action."
"We have to focus on the solutions that we're going to improve the people's lives on the ground, because they don't feel like their work is getting them where they want to go."
"We've got the Grassroots, we're on the ground, we're telling people to vote."
"What our motivation was, was to strengthen the community that helped build the scene to begin with."
"It's always gonna be this grassroots feel of working in the extra bedroom with my friends."
"Bernie Sanders really does Drive all of his power from the people."
"Grassroots football, that's what it's all about."
"It's born in the streets. They always ask me how do you spot a hit? I would say not in the boardwalk and not in the studio, the people on the street make the hit."
"Every progressive radical or revolutionary change has come from below, not from above."
"Real change in America or throughout the world never ever takes place from the top on down. It is never a president signing a bill or Congress passing something. Real change always takes place when millions of people stand up and demand justice."
"Grassroots organizing is essential to us saving our democracy."
"You do it from the grassroots and this is how real estate changes everything."
"That is the fear that we struck at the very heart of the nation all the way to the presidency with nothing but your small five and ten dollar donations."
"Bernie had this massive surge of grassroots support, but a lot of his policies were similar to Trump's."
"The challenge we face is how we help build this unprecedented grassroots movement."
"The Convoy was a grassroots bottom-up movement."
"The only way we're gonna make any of this stuff that we want happen is to build a popular movement."
"These cultures weren't born in an office boardroom. These cultures are born from the people, by the people, and the people that actually ride these bikes and need them for a specific reason."
"Real change never ever takes place from on top. It's never one person doing it alone."
"Skateboarding at a DIY level and like a concrete skatepark level is ground zero."
"The turnout was great, considering that we had no mainstream media helping us."
"Real change doesn't happen from the top down, it happens from the inside out."
"Culture is always going to arise from the bottom."
"Language is so important, it is a transnational endeavor requiring the active engagement of the grassroots."
"USL is the heartbeat of American soccer."
"This is grassroots; it's for real."
"I genuinely enjoy working with grassroots level athletes."
"You know what I want to say? Don't be shy on spending. You understand? I'm joking, grassroots. Just shout us out, man. We're going to do...even if it's, like, a weekly promo."
"Gravel's just doing this [__] better. It's engaging mass participation, grassroots people."
"Turkeys weren't saved because the government stepped in or because some billion-dollar fund decided that they needed to save turkeys. Turkeys were saved because a bunch of average Joes all around the country came together."
"I think that it does kind of make sense... in terms of the actual motivations of this movement of common folks."
"I had done my grassroots thing, doing club after club around the country. And that grassroots following was huge. So when it came on Comedy Central, it was a big giant number."
"There is a bottom-up revolution going on."
"We're not going to convert the king, we need to just build up Christianity from the grassroots."
"We've got to maintain that grassroots level of racing that we all love to make this sport continue to grow and flourish."
"Governments and even businesses don't have all the solutions. We've got to have a relationship that's from the bottom up, not just from the top down, not just among the most wealthy or powerful, but also from ordinary people who are trying to give opportunity to everybody."
"The solutions have got to come from us. It's going to come from a grassroots level."
"I'm a believer in grassroots situations and organizations."
"The fact that it's got such a wide range and, as we spoke about earlier, I get this reputation now for being a guy who speaks to grassroots all the time. I love that. Because to me, that's the lifeblood of the fishing industry."
"I'm a grassroots, I'm a sportsman racer."
"Every item that you buy from us comes directly from us... so it's about as grassroots as it can get."
"The grassroots connections with the community—they're really helpful."
"The little work, the grassroots work, the human work is sometimes the most important work of all."
"It's got to come from the Grassroots."
"Start at the local level. That's where the American Revolution started."
"Grassroots has come up with a great solution to that problem."
"Everybody that's here, I guarantee you, including myself, started at the grassroots level, not really quite knowing what Arabian horses were all about."
"I really like that because it's kind of a grassroots sort of a thing."
"...this disparate band of volunteers in Wales launched a movement that has spread throughout the world."
"All great movements have started on a grassroots level."
"Start at the ground level... that's how independent movements start."
"Insect decline is a global problem, but it does have a grassroots solution."
"Our CLPs are the foundations upon which we build a labor movement."
"Change comes from the bottom up, by mobilizing grassroots support."
"Real change always happens from the bottom on up."
"This has been a movement built upon the shoulders of the individual, like it really has been a grassroots movement."
"Our first shirt sponsor might have been a local pub giving us £500."
"The solution is exactly the same: Grassroots Civil Society based movement."
"It takes the wind out of the sails of people that are Grassroots and would and almost hate people with money."
"...the real resistance and rescue activities often came from the grassroots, they didn't come from the top down."
"Pinewood is one of those grassroots places, a ground that isn't super corporate but isn't afraid of putting on stellar targets."
"Unless there are mass movements From Below, nothing changes above."
"Our product isn't necessarily at car shows or meets of that sort, a lot of our stuff is grassroots motorsports focused."
"We take great innovations that come from the grassroots and take them to scale."
"The movement is not coordinated, there's no top-down directive, there's no overarching concise theme, there's no legislative demands, it basically is nothing more from day to day other than what the people who participate in it make it out to be."
"Musical revolutions come from the bottom up, not from the top down."
"We had really built up a grassroots following from the beginning."
"Very successful stuff is very homegrown, very organic, very DIY."
"It was people-generated; it was people power."
"We have to rebuild a People's Movement from the ground up that will force politicians to become brave."
"There's too much academia and not enough grassroots action."
"It's going to come from the bottom-up, not the top-down."
"Change won't come from the top, change will come from the mobilized grassroots."
"The Ukrainian society has shown extraordinary grassroots organization."
"Real social change comes from the ground up through people cultivating the grassroots."
"We're not really a formal organization or an institution. We don't really have any funding but I think it's, you know, really essential in this moment..."
"I am very proud to be the only candidate up here who does not have a super PAC, who is not raising huge sums of money from Wall Street or special interests." - Senator Sanders
"Revolutionary policy for Gramsci did not come from above but from below," he insisted. "It was organic and the failure in his eyes of revolutionary elites is that they were often prone to be just as dictatorial and as disconnected as capitalist elites."
"We need to think less about the macro politics and start building a good, confident community."
"The nation's best playground players take it to the street, it's the biggest grassroots three-on-three basketball event in the nation."
"A true democracy where power is at the base, decisions made by those affected."
"At a grassroots level, black men and women formed local organizations, staged economic boycotts, picketed businesses, joined labor unions, and engaged in strikes and riots for better jobs."
"It's engineering, it is grassroots."
"This is a real grassroots movement."
"All the inspiring stuff is on the grassroots level."
"There's something very special about this grassroots level of rugby league."
"The greens have a ground game and they are attuned to local issues."
"From kicking tees to cups of tea, protecting the future of the game, making the stars of tomorrow."
"We're the bottom-up revolution... making a small impact."
"We don't advertise; we don't have a marketing budget; it's just kind of me with a bit of help."
"Education is not going to be fixed from a top and trickle down approach; it's going to be fixed from a bottom and bubble up approach."
"That's the Bass Nation dream, that's where you know, it's grassroots and you can change your life."
"It's probably what I'm most proud of in my career is Grassroots Baseball."
"I'm damn proud that my average contribution was $27 from over two million people."
"Mass movements don't begin with a mass; they begin with a few."
"It's really got to come from the people."
"The Gezi Park protest marked the birth of a grassroots anti-AKP movement defending the right to free expression."
"Local successes become support for state programs. State successes become the case studies for federal policy."
"If we have hope, it's gonna rise up organically from local acts of resistance."
"Real Grassroots activism... that kind of stuff is real."
"It's an important organic and grassroots movement that fills the void that the mainstream media often ignores."
"We look to create viable grassroots political infrastructure in our communities."
"USA Hockey's done an incredible job with grassroots in all these different markets."
"I've never paid anybody to play my music. Everything I've ever done has always been grassroots, organic."
"That silver lining starts with what we're doing on a community level."
"In reflecting on such situations, it becomes evident that within clusters, expansion and consolidation, social action and contributing to prevalent discourses are dimensions of a single unified outward-looking endeavor carried out at the grassroots of society."
"Drifting is the definition of Grassroots Motorsports to the T."
"Making a change does not have to be having a huge organization, having a ton of money to spare; you can make a difference, and you can actually start something like this."