
Responsibilities Quotes

There are 368 quotes

"I already have a babysitter on the way; reservations are made."
"Masculinity is not just about physical traits but also about assuming sacrificial responsibilities joyfully."
"Slaves have no natural responsibility to their owners... parents do have natural responsibilities to their children."
"It is more noble to teach young people about responsibilities than about rights."
"When you blend that together, and it's this perfect match of your responsibilities and your personal style, that's when you know you're moving the boat in the right direction."
"All rights have responsibilities. My right to certain freedoms will always come with responsibilities."
"Puppies are a lot of work. If you're thinking of getting a dog, I would say... come and take one of mine."
"Reality is responsibilities and the work, the effort that we put in to obtain what we want."
"You can fulfill the big call for happiness of your heart through your worldly responsibilities and your career."
"Civilization demands certain responsibilities."
"If there was no responsibilities, would you like another woman? It'll be a yes."
"True freedom entailed accepting limits, duty, responsibility."
"Something more than just your own bills, something more than just raising your own kids."
"Parents who are their protectors, not their employers."
"I just want to go home and take care of my responsibilities."
"His duties as king made it impossible for him to fly off and fight crime the way he used to."
"Hamilton envisioned a federal government that would take on all sorts of responsibilities."
"Being a citizen in a democratic republic is supposed to be challenging. It's supposed to ask something of its citizens."
"Once you become an adult, there's so many other things you gotta worry about."
"Your lord has a right upon you, your family has a right upon you, yourself has a right upon you."
"Once you leave college, guess what? You gotta pay your own bills."
"Trust me, that's not a fun job as a parent, I know that. So man up this Mother's Day and return the favor."
"How am I supposed to put food on the table without being a landlord?"
"So like that's cool but I'm saying like I even have a dog Lola and like I could take care of her it's just like I can't imagine like a baby like a dog is already like a lot of work."
"Your life becomes revolved around that. Advice anyone out there that has baby fever: get a dog first."
"In life, there are a lot of times where you have to do something you don't want to do." - Facing difficult choices and responsibilities.
"Responsibility and paying your bills and dealing with reality is important."
"Bins, I would say, 'I need to take the bins out.' Did you take the bin out?"
"A husband is supposed to be able to lead his family."
"Turning 18 doesn't mean everyone is ready to take on adult responsibilities."
"Adults complaining about having to do normal adult things."
"I will be a better mother when this is done. I will be a better wife when this is done."
"You wouldn't be expected to carry on with it."
"Balancing the things you want to do with your responsibilities and often losing out on the simple pleasures of life... that's Spider-Man."
"But in all seriousness, mental health is important, so there always needs to be a process to be able to decompress, to be able to get back to the things remembering that you are a father and a husband and a citizen and a steward of Harlem New York."
"You can have fun with the son, but you have to be a father to a girl."
"We are parents. We have fundamental rights to raise our children."
"Protect her from your work, in-laws, and boys."
"You gotta do that as a governor and a president, you have to do that, those little things."
"Having the freedoms, raising our families, loving our children, and being good to our spouses."
"If you take on a woman who got kids, man, God damn it, you taking on her and that other."
"I need to pick up court documents from different law firms or courthouses, driving depositions, cash checks, some of the things."
"Every PM moving into Number 10 barely has a minute to celebrate, as the first days are taken up by an intense induction."
"Alphas get their choice of women, but Alphas also have a lot of responsibility."
"Rights and responsibilities are written down in a social contract."
"You're not carrying around anything, you're carrying around how do you know that you're carrying around a new job to your job."
"Child care, animal care, personal assistant duties, security, and transportation."
"Do you love Jesus? Love him in the sense of being responsible, loyal, willing to sacrifice, and to be selfless."
"She shouldn't have to take care of her own horse, she's going to be a professional."
"All we can do is to focus on the moment we're in and the responsibilities that we have right now."
"No matter where you go, you're gonna have to get your laundry done, no matter where you go, you're gonna have to do your homework."
"Kelly's landlord reached out to him since he was listed on her lease as the emergency contact."
"What's the most important thing to this woman right now? Her kid."
"I suppose for me it's because I have obligations already, you know I've got a family who I've got to protect."
"Rights and duties are two sides of the same coin."
"It is not childish if I have literally done all the necessary things an adult must do to hold the world up around me."
"It's not easy to be everything to all people."
"The conversation evolves into discussing the responsibilities as Royals."
"Rights come with responsibilities and maturity."
"Responsibilities and exposure make people conservative."
"Isolation is fun, I like having no responsibilities and knowing I have nowhere to be."
"Just because you're taking on new responsibilities doesn't mean you have to throw your love for music in the garbage."
"They don't shout as loud as the people on the internet shout because the people on the internet don't have to take care of our kids with a check that comes from WWE."
"Our job as parents is to make sure our kids turn out okay."
"The government's job is to protect your rights... there's an exchange of citizenship, to live responsibly and dutifully."
"Is it the ability to drive a car without supervision, consent to intimate relations, ability to cast a vote, join the military, buy a beer?"
"You learn to take hard decisions about work, about custody, about school, about discipline. There's no one else to make them. You have to."
"Allah has a right upon you, your family has a right upon you, yourself has a right upon you."
"It's almost like you can't say no to this, more money, more responsibility, more exposure, higher status. It's looking good."
"Why doesn't anybody expect Molly to do the things that I have to do?"
"Being an adult is kind of a drag a lot of the times."
"We thought they could trust her to do right by the Muslims."
"Act like you're getting a child, there's a lot of similarities."
"Being an adult is about the amount of responsibilities you hold."
"With Jupiter in the sixth house, you might have a few more responsibilities than usual this year, a lot of work to do, and a lot of duties and service to fulfill."
"No screw your freedom because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities."
"So, I've done a lot of good things that I feel like we've accomplished, you know, but, and I still have to sell, figure out time to sell some to pay for my taxes that are due the rest of this year, um, for this year's gain."
"Things are better you have less responsibility and you get paid less so you don't have no money more problems you don't want you don't want mo problems correct got 99 problems and mo problems."
"Animals are sentient, intelligent, perceptive, funny, and entertaining. We owe them a duty of care as we do to children."
"I sacrificed what I wanted to do so that I could support my family."
"Everyone has the right to determine how their body is used... that is the basis of consent and bodily autonomy."
"You build it, you carry it - that's something Disney does not warn you about."
"Marriage represents covenant: in a covenant, we give up our rights and pick up our responsibilities."
"Being the avatar doesn't just involve mastering the elements but actually bringing peace to the world."
"The most important thing is to clearly define everyone's role and responsibilities."
"Show business is a business. [Expletive] got mouths to feed."
"No rest for the pregnant, they still need to be doing our job."
"I don't want the possibility of Bear becoming a baby daddy. I don't want to pay doggy child support when he impregnates a little chihuahua."
"Being a girl dad is the biggest responsibility in my life."
"Only men our job as parents is to make sure our kids turn out okay."
"Damn, Tokyo's been so busy. I've got like a million doors to unlock."
"One of the hardest parts about becoming an adult was having to learn how to book all of my own doctor appointments."
"Know your rights, your responsibilities, what you are entitled to."
"I never wanted you to feel like my job brings in all the money. I got the big piece of chicken."
"The first job of a leader is to face reality."
"The family was not just a place of values but was actually a job."
"Rights are given to you to fulfill your duties."
"Become super clear on your role and your deliverables, as well as the deliverables of your team."
"I was able to be a father, I was able to be a husband, and I was able to be a son."
"She'd be mother, auntie, daughter; she'd be wife, business owner, never doing what she wants to, always doing what she has to."
"Learning in the register, keeping the store clean, making a delivery, making a freeze with a breeze."
"I feel like I'm suffocating under the pressure of all of my to-do's."
"Just like when you have a mustache that long just comes with the job yeah yeah you got to perfect your crap"
"Peter's growth into adulthood: attempting to maintain his marriage, his job, and his family all while continuing to protect New York as the amazing Spider-Man."
"License renewal, medical stuffs, change of address, etc., etc. Due to this, I was rolling around town with every scrap of paperwork about me in existence."
"It's not you, you have to understand this is not you, this person has a lot of love for you, might be a soulmate, a twin flame, but they have other responsibilities."
"Isn't making the bed the worst task as an adult? No laundry, please."
"You know, it's so we're always a bit behind because we've got other things which, like where you chose to not go to work, I can't not go to work."
"Hey man, I enjoyed the hell out of that. Sometimes it's nice just to hang and chill and forget that you have homework, though, 'cause spring break's over. You gotta get back to it. That's true, life can't just be fun forever or could it? It is for me."
"The role of a scrum Master encompasses a wide range of responsibilities all aimed at facilitating the successful implementation of scrum framework."
"I'm disappointed that I didn't have more time to do things like clean the actual floor or pull all of this junk off the shelves and take the old paint cans to be properly disposed of."
"Can you finish your bike before you come inside?"
"I'm just a normal lad who's got bills to pay, who's got family to look after, and got struggles like you have."
"I ain't got a bag for no dick, I got shit to do, you feel me?"
"I want to know like if you're over here and I need you to pick up the kids like all that makes sense."
"Let the video play through, go change your baby's diaper, go talk to your man, go call your granny."
"Reading ahead in his book he sees what he has to do - summon a family meeting of the Endless."
"I'm going go back to listening for like 5 minutes and I go take my cat to the Ved so rush rush rush."
"Being a [ __ ] adult is annoying dude like you got [ __ ] life to deal with no [ __ ] it's [ __ ] bills are annoying like yeah the finance guy guy theu they probably don't maybe don't love their [ __ ] their job either none of my roommates love their job they [ __ ] hate."
"Life kind of takes hold of you and pet bunnies just can't hold a candle to hormones and cars."
"We've got a lot going on today, it's all security plus today."
"We are officially on baby watch this baby is coming literally anytime so if I vanish for a day or two uh that's why I'm just dealing with that."
"There's just not enough time in the day to devote time for one another, support each other with the kids, support what I need to do for training, to do our job, to run our business, all these different components, it just didn't feel possible at that point."
"Don't go into a relationship and moving in together and then right away the woman starts doing all the house chores right from the beginning."
"Wiping down baby changing tables is not my job description."
"I'm surprised with how much I love just being a husband. I like doing the husband things, the finance things, the talking with advisers, talking with different individuals, you know, the stock market."
"Your guests have rights over you."
"Your job as a general partner is to take care of the underlying asset of the partnership, run the team, don't breach your fiduciary duty. It doesn't say anything about winning games."
"Mommy, mama, mama, why am I hauling them yet? You tell me, it's just pink all around. Oh, I didn't know I had to change a room every season, every single season."
"They have a lot on their plate right now, possibly financially."
"For every right, there is a responsibility."
"You have over your wives right, and your wives have rights over you."
"I was working full time at that point as well as Ministering full time and had enhanced responsibilities at the kingdom hall with minimal recreation and no support at home."
"Tell me, what do you struggle with though? Balancing work with your family?"
"Because you're not coming, you're going to take all the balls off the Christmas tree and put them in the container upstairs."
"We split the mortgage, we split the uh the you know everything pretty much."
"People really scared me about bills, but living with my parents was way more stressful than paying bills has ever been."
"A cloud architect is responsible for managing cloud computing architecture in an organization, handling everything from front-end platforms to servers, storage, delivery, and networks."
"Life transcends; we all get busy, we have kids, we have work."
"I'm super stoked. I gotta go straight dad mode today."
"I'm into it, 3 a.m. feedings and diapers and car seats."
"Me and Chance got married... we had a lot of new responsibilities."
"I'm about to take Paxton to his grooming appointment."
"I just got off the call with my I can't handle something but I ended up being on the phone with her for a few minutes so now I'm about to get ready to do my finals that I need to do for Lorde along our vae Valentine's Day 2024 so I'm gonna work on that and then cook."
"So Chris had a holiday booked and we decided, you know what, we're both going to have a week off. I've got loads of stuff to get done at home because I'm putting my house up for sale and got so much to get done, and Chris has gone off on his holidays."
"Financial issues may be a factor in your love life right now. Make sure you're both on the same page when it comes to shared responsibilities."
"But as you realize, she has other matters to attend to."
"Being a parent is a messy business."
"I'm living my own life and my mom's life and taking on the problems in both so that doesn't help to add to all that I'm going through"
"You spent the last 12 years focusing on your job, your kids, your career, yourself, doing all this other kind of stuff."
"People have responsibilities, but we can still find something exciting to do."
"Real relationships have real rights and they have real responsibilities."
"Your person wants to break free from this juggling, whatever these responsibilities or other commitments are on their plate."
"As an officer you have things to do all the time something that I quickly learned out as officers you've got a lot on your plate that you need to do."
"You wouldn't expect them to go to work and do, you know, a great job, you wouldn't expect them to keep the house immaculate and clean, you wouldn't expect them to do all of these assignments."
"I know we got to clean the hogs, we got to run, go get ice, we got lots to do."
"All I'm saying is different roles have different responsibilities attached to them."
"I feel like there's a lot of people that just fall in love with the idea of having a baby. You know, like, 'Oh, it's so cute having a baby,' like, 'We want a baby.' But the struggles and the hard work behind it is kind of like pushing them."
"These are the three jobs I took as the Chairman."
"Thomas Stevens was supposed to have provided tools and tooling."
"I got 18 things I know I got to do and probably a couple things I forget. I'm just like, at the end of the day, I'm just collapsing."
"It's been a long, long couple of weeks, man. We had all these movie releases at Megacon four days in Orlando, and then I had a whole week of just me and the children, and, man, had to get my taxes done. Spent the last two days doing taxes."
"They're not going to be making you run back and forth getting coffee or stapling papers or doing other meaningless tasks."
"Father Andrew spends less time worrying about family dynamics."
"Your job as a man isn't just to go to school. Exactly, your job growing up, like job was to take out trash, mow the lawn, go do the shopping, the heavy duty things."
"We're in a weird stage of life where my tasks are more plentiful than yours, specifically on a day-to-day basis."
"The first role of a project manager is to set up a project scope, check its feasibility, and determine the resources that are needed."
"If I have rights and I don't have responsibilities there ends up being like tyranny and entitlement."
"Your Lord has a right over you, and yourself has a right over you, and your family has a right over you."
"Props to any Brides before because so much to think about and so much to do."
"I think I got spread too thin a little bit, and then personally, like, my marriage is fine, my kids are good, but like, personally inside, I think that I juggle so much and I wear so many different hats."
"We all have our roles to fulfill."
"Canadian citizens enjoy many rights, but Canadians also have responsibilities."
"Members of the House of Commons are responsible for: approving expenditure, keeping government accountable, passing laws. All of these."
"The rights come with responsibilities, including obeying the law, taking responsibility for oneself and one's family, serving on a jury, voting in elections, helping others in the community, and protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment."
"I've got some orders to pack today."
"Monthly bills are coming in you want to pay your phone bills you want to pay your rent you also have your school fees that you just paid."
"Other than that, I don't have time in my normal life to get the [__] that I need to get done on a daily basis, you know."
"Between shaving, having to work, and watching boring movies, being an adult isn't any fun at all."
"I'm the mother and the brother. I bring home the bacon and I cook that [__]."
"It's so hard because I want to enjoy the daily, I enjoy life, but like I also gotta sleep and get through my shift."
"Understanding your roles, responsibilities, guidelines in terms of who is doing what in the system. It shouldn't be the wild west."
"We're constantly putting ourselves in that position, but as the years go by, especially imagine you start trying to cast your old crewmates, it's like, 'Well, we can't hit up this guy anymore because this guy's a dad of two.'"
"How many people are part of your team? Well, I currently have like five developers and I have like two quality analysts and I have a business analyst I have like one architectural engineer and we also have the product owner."
"I got friends I got family I have a daughter I have a job I have a career I work for the damn State."
"What I really hope I find is that they define their roles and that Emily has been allowed to take on more responsibilities and been allowed to shine, and that James focuses on the things that he's good at."
"I feel so tired, I feel, I want to go to sleep but I can't, there's a lot to do here like a lot."
"It's not the man's job to keep you, it's your job. It depends on the caliber guy that you're with."
"Homemakers are in charge of shopping, meal planning, cooking, cleaning, and much more."
"It's hard to be a husband, it's hard to be a lover of a woman, it's hard to be a father of children."
"Being a good mother, a good wife, a good daughter, a good friend, a good sister, and also all while staying on top of my mental health, my physical health, postpartum, deadlines, work, it can just be so much sometimes."
"Repairs and replacements, as a new horse owner I cannot tell you how much when people say there's always something to pay for."
"So, when I have free time, I take care of my five children, and also, I'm a war veteran."
"We can't shop at Costco all day, she's got stuff to do."
"Being an adult is realizing that you get excited about home stuff."
"There are things holding me down and I want to go above the surface of this water and be with you, but there are things holding me down: responsibilities, worries, tasks, memories that are haunting me."
"So I'm a very busy mom right now."
"It's either kids, wife, or content."
"Hey, so look, I got some things I need to take care of, so I'm just gonna make the drop and call it a day. I'll catch you later."