
Socio-economic Status Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"I'm not going back the other way. I'm only poor, but I'm family-rich."
"You can't keep electing billionaires and millionaires that don't have any understanding of what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck."
"If you don't know you're rich, then you're probably rich because you for sure know if you're poor."
"You can believe whatever you want if you are a graduate of a top university and you are economically comfortable."
"People who have more money have more ability to be out of custody, and people who have less money do not have the ability to be out of custody."
"The vast vast majority of Americans can thus be found in the broad middle class, which is basically the socioeconomic strata where you reliably have enough to get by but still have some struggles."
"The wellness industry is now worth billions of dollars, and it's because, for many people, it has gone from just being about being physically fit and as healthy as you can be in your body to creating a sort of aura of wellness that confers status and self-control and affluence and aspiration."
"Housing has become the great divide between the young and the old, the well-off and the less so."
"Rich people stay rich because they act poor, and poor people stay poor because they act rich."
"Class inequality and low socioeconomic status trump every other form of violence and public threat, hands down."
"My overall argument is that class, socioeconomics, is a better proxy for disadvantage."
"Black boys raised in America, even in the wealthiest families and living in some of the most well-to-do neighborhoods, still earn less in adulthood than white boys with similar backgrounds."
"Sport is a great way for people, particularly those of lower socioeconomic status...it equalizes the playing field."
"Public transit...an absolute necessity for low-income people to survive."
"Being able to do nice things is a privilege, and you don't have to be rich to do nice things."
"Marriage rates are now more closely linked to socioeconomic status than ever before."
"America is the best country in the world to live in if you have money."
"The only people who should prefer [American healthcare] are the richest 1%."
"The idea that a worker making $12 an hour gets just as much say in the future of their country as the CEO making $12 million a year, it is revolutionary, it is unnatural, and it matters more than anything."
"Poverty is a public health issue. Health outcomes are directly tied to household wealth."
"There's a difference between poor and broke."
"It is hilarious to watch Democrats proclaim that their poverty is actually a great qualifier for office in no other area of life would you ever believe this right?"
"Even me being able to eat the diet that I currently eat, that is one real symbol of privilege."
"Misty had no money, was a good student, and had never run away before." - Corey Bober
"Look out for the rich or the one that makes good money."
"The wealthier you are, the easier it is to access life's necessities."
"There's gonna be two sides of the fence, the halves and the have-nots, and I prefer to see my family on the side of the halves."
"The poor in America live better than 99% of humanity throughout history."
"I stand on this stage tonight as a daughter of a maid and a janitor."
"Poor people live check to check, rich people live year to year, wealthy people live generation to generation."
"Our measure of success is really how real working families are doing."
"I come to you as a woman not quite 40, as someone who has experienced sickness and health and poverty and wealth."
"What a great country we live in that the most famous socialist in the country is a millionaire with three houses."
"Ah, precious time, it’s such a valuable resource and the working poor often doesn’t get enough of it to focus on their personal development."
"The difference between being rich and poor is all just in your mind."
"Asians have the highest family income in the country."
"The poorest people in our country actually are equivalent to the middle class in most countries."
"Every time a woman says that they need a man in the top 15 top 10 top 5 percent of earners they are telling the rest of me you're not good enough."
"More educated African Americans would report less discrimination due potentially to also being of higher socioeconomic status."
"Poor white person and a poor black person have more in common with the possibility space of their life than either of them have in common with a billionaire."
"For Ryzen 3000 series, DDR4 3600 is kind of the sweet spot."
"It's about people making it's not about what people have it's about their choices."
"Whether you're a billionaire or someone who's been deprived of economic opportunity..."
"I grew up real poor. Me too... You can't ever know what it's like unless you've been real poor."
"Back then cloth diapering was the poor way to go."
"Some of the most kind people I've ever met were the least fortunate."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"The South Bronx historically has been known to be the poorest congressional district in America, but COVID-19 has shown the South Bronx to be the essential congressional district."
"He was just bragging about how rich he was, how he was so rich he doesn't even know what to do with his bajillions of dollars."
"The privilege that you have in society is not necessarily based on your skin color... If you're wealthy and black in the United States, you're better off than somebody that's poor and white 99% of the time."
"The effects of coronavirus are very much felt differently depending on what class background you are."
"Now you're stuck as a serf, renting your home."
"I grew up either middle class or upper middle class depending on who you talk to in Texas in Oklahoma I knew I wanted to go to Harvard when I was in seventh grade I worked all throughout middle school all throughout high school to do it."
"For me, coming out was kind of like my ladder out of growing up poor."
"It's easy to eat healthy when you're wealthy."
"Black people are the only demographic that have a better chance of regressing financially instead of progressing."
"Unfortunately, this crisis has revealed the fault lines along race and socioeconomic status." - Tish James
"Never underestimate someone from their family background because everyone's destiny is not determined by their family background or wealth."
"What happens to us is once we get accustomed to a certain standard of living, we forget what it was like when we were struggling."
"The rich are living different quarantine lives than us, but they need us more than we need them."
"The middle class in America is probably permanently... people... know it."
"How can you let yourself want things that are not an option for you?"
"Even though your physical status has changed in terms of the now tangible cash you have in the bank, when your mindset did not change, you're still poor."
"You are already in the top five percent of wealthiest, blessed people on this planet."
"A degree, a job, is going to stop you from being dusty? You owning a business makes you non-dusty?"
"Two cars, a well-furnished single-family home, and regular vacations are all part of an upper middle class income starter pack."
"Mental health is everywhere, and you don't get a free pass just by having means."
"One-third of the United States Senate is millionaires."
"I feel bad for all the people... living paycheck-to-paycheck."
"There are parts of Florida that are okay if you happen to be at least in the upper class, I suppose."
"Every country, house, and place, whether you're low income or high income, everyone has security."
"Rich Europeans live longer than rich Americans."
"I didn't realize we were poor. We didn't have television to remind us."
"The majority of Americans make more than $50,000 a year."
"Most people don't have any money, most people are living paycheck to paycheck."
"You went into an art gallery containing portraits of men from a certain era where only rich people could afford to get portraits done."
"A millionaire has the same number of votes as the person without a job, one, and there's more of the former middle class than there are in the millionaire class."
"It had everything to do with what family you were born into."
"The Napier's definitely weren't well off, and you'd think if they were drug dealers or there were a drug-related crime going on, they would be living a much different lifestyle."
"I hate the fact that I'm middle class, but I know if I was rich, I will not be this hardworking."
"Rich children get taught and poor children get tested."
"The middle class is the heartbeat, it is the real soul of any country."
"higher education should be a right and it's an absolute travesty that for so many access to higher learning is restricted due to lack of income"
"Shouldn't we have our policies be based around class and socioeconomic status instead of race?"
"It's not a gun issue, it's a socioeconomic issue because if you take those same kids that look like me, right, I know a lot of black people or people of color who live in the suburbs of America and they're not running around committing drive-bys into BMWs."
"I have worked face to face with the reality that the number one predictor of your future success is your ZIP code."
"There's no middle class here anymore."
"Unless we have paid leave in this country... I find myself in this funny territory of waving my arms and saying every woman, no matter what her socioeconomic status, should have the right to stay home with her child as much as possible in the first three years."
"That's my yearbook, I was class clown and [__] like, you know me? I was always that funny kid but I had no bread rolling, you know I mean? I we have it like other kids had it, you know I'm saying? But were like, you know you feel like all this."
"If you come from a family that has money and you have all of that baked-in class privilege."
"It's not where you live, it's how you live. ZIP code doesn't matter, education does."
"Because of affirmative action, we were able to enter the broader middle class and upper middle class America. You get what my mama used to call White money instead of just color money. There's a difference."
"As time goes on, the rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and most of the black people are in the poor area."
"Socio-economically, American Muslims are by and large better off than many other minorities across the world."
"Where are you from see that's a little question see i grew up in a blue collar town simply meaning the blacks and the browns and me being in that category plus my pots made less than 40 cheese a year it's clear to see that mia be well blue collar."
"Results suggest that father absence is mostly a marker of life course cumulative socioeconomic advantage, not a cause of negative psychological or other effects."
"I grew up in a very, very educated household, books everywhere, and I couldn't understand why we lived in the kind of neighborhood that we lived in. Why didn't we live in that other America?"
"It's gonna be an O Block because that's all I can afford I think so I gotta find out you wouldn't stick out in O block at all no I'd be the king of that place."
"Average or lower income can be really difficult when you see everyone else who's purchasing, you know, $300,000, $400,000 homes."
"Admissions committees are trying to identify diverse life experiences and diverse life perspectives and just how well socioeconomic status is in lieu of race as a proxy for identifying this is, I don't know, I feel like some social scientists would have to tell me."
"People always thought that like we had this massive house and like my family had never been rich."
"There are very few working-class families on their way up."
"I'm not going to tell people how to spend their money, I just think it's very interesting to see the juxtaposition that as Disney cast members are struggling to make ends meet, experiences they could never ever ever afford are getting more and more expensive."
"... in 99% of neighborhoods in the United States black boys earn less in adulthood than white boys who grew up in families with comparable income 99%."
"The biggest predictor of poverty or wealth is being born poor or being born wealthy."
"Black women don't marry down, they marry outside of their economic bracket."
"Not only do women want to marry men who make more money than they do, men are relatively indifferent to a woman's socioeconomic status."
"So it's all about where you at. It literally is like I got my kids out the hood now and it's beautiful."
"Inequality isn't just the poor who suffer the effects."
"Rich people can afford to be good people and poor people can't afford to be good people sometimes."
"Middle class just meant that you weren't poor."
"Chronic disease rises for black women as they climb the socioeconomic ladder."
"I was born and raised in Brooklyn, my father was a security guard for over 32 years with nothing to show for it."
"I think it's overall a good thing to have a diversity of intellect, a diversity of background, a diversity of socio-economic status, all of it."
"GRE scores are known to be correlated with socioeconomic class, but they don't reflect things like perseverance, ability to work in teams, emotional intelligence."
"When I was 16, 17, I used to get paid to go to school because I was from a low-income family. So when I went to college, you used to get either 10, 20, or 30 pounds a week just for attending college."
"Socioeconomic status and a lack of sense of control over your life really stress is the number one predictor of death and disease."
"When you are from Africa, and you say I'm using public transport, everyone will say this one is poor. Poverty to kill him. So you always want to tell them that you own it."
"When you have the ability to be much higher in the socio-economic strata, meaning you had millions of dollars in net worth and you had a great solid wonderful golden rocking chair at your retirement instead of 'I hope the government will take care of me.'"
"Cocaine when we were 15, it was a rich man's drug."
"Increasingly, poor kids are at a disadvantage relative to rich kids."
"Rich dumb kids are more likely to graduate from college than smart poor kids."
"It was just tough to kind of, as a character, try to figure out like, do these people hate me because of the color of my skin or because I'm poor? Where does the disconnect take place?"
"Very few pieces of data that say you went to a $25,000 a year kindergarten and that's why you're where you are today."
"We were super poor, I didn't know we were poor."
"Spending $200 on a dinner is like not a big deal for some people and for some people it's debilitating."
"Why is it that there are some countries that have high standards of living on average and other countries that have very low standards of living?"
"If you're an African-American and you can afford a car, it provides a powerful alternative."
"Maybe you didn't go to college or you weren't born into money, but that doesn't mean that you're lazy," he empathized.
"Wealthier countries and ones that have sustained economic growth tend to have a higher average happiness level."
"The restoration of their ability to make better choices is contingent upon them actually having the means to survive."
"The healthiest diets in the world are right or wrong sometimes termed peasant diets because it's usually they have healthier people living in areas of the world that are not very wealthy and they subsist on legumes and rice and vegetables and pretty simple foods."
"Poor people were consistently better at reading the emotions of others."
"The word poor speaks of a position or a condition... it's subject to change."
"For every one unit increase on SES, there's a predicted increase of roughly 3.88 units on math achievement."
"That is a poor person's mentality; that's how poor people think."
"One-third of single mothers are living below the poverty level."
"If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class."
"Umbrellas don't make it rain; why studying hard and working hard is not enough for black Americans."
"We were poor but we didn't know it, but actually in fact we were immensely rich in social support from our parents and from the community."
"The chief sufferers from crime are not people like us, but the poor."
"When the poor are fat and obese because you're feeding them disgusting food for a cheap price, and the rich are physically fit, there's like this imbalance there."
"The idea which was prevalent up till the Bangladesh experiment, only rich countries are going to reduce their fertility, is just plain wrong."
"I come from a working-class family."
"I mean, we weren't rich, but we weren't poor poor."
"Black men who attended religious services are 76 percent more likely to attain at least middle class status than those who did not."
"If you got money, your relationship or your marriage lasts on average maybe four to six years longer than somebody who's poor."
"Neighborhoods in which the overwhelming majority of the population are employed is entirely different from neighborhoods in which people are poor but jobless."
"Poor people give proportionally more than wealthy people on average because they feel connected."
"The wealthiest country in the world is near the bottom of every dimension of the index and the worst ranked amongst the 38 OECD countries on worker protection."
"It is an irrefutable fact that people of the lowest socioeconomic status have higher death rates; almost every form of disease and disability is more prevalent among the poor."
"Where is his parents? Well, this baby can't afford Gucci; I can't even afford Gucci."
"He was not rich, but he was not poor; he was able to provide for the needs of his family."
"The ban on preexisting condition exclusions is a big help to the middle class and affluent."
"When people are screening so heavily on institutional prestige, they are also screening strongly on parental income, and parental education."
"Parental support and money and connections are the two things I think a lot of people think of when they think of the head starts of the privileged."
"This is not a privileged area, it is a very underserved population."
"If you had enough money to rent a studio apartment 13 feet by 13 feet with an accompanying shed right in the yard in a small town, you still weren't thought of as poor, you were middle class."
"The suicide rate among rich is identical to that among poor."
"Credit scores are about 100 points lower for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds."
"Income is the number one determinant of whether people will be well or ill in their lifetimes."
"Poverty is not necessarily an arbiter of creativity, and wealth doesn't necessarily prohibit creativity."
"One person can make a difference, and it doesn't matter where your economic status or your educational access, you can make a difference for another people's lives."
"I know the life that I have right now I would not have if I didn't come from a two-parent income."
"I never thought we were poor; for me, that was like normal."
"I grew up firmly middle class until my parents' divorce, and then it was a struggle for a while."
"The haves promote delayed gratification to the have-nots."
"Poverty levels are lower for all individuals and for children than the UK average."
"We are not individuals with our destiny in our hands; where we're born, where we come from, what our origins are, how much power and money we have, our parents have, endure mostly influence our own destiny."
"The privilege that comes with middle and upper class isn't just about wealth; it's about exposure, privilege, and the ability to have contact with environments that would set you up for future opportunities."
"It does help to have good schooling, good connections, relatives in positions of prominence, abundant shares of good stocks, and these one is born with in this free world of ours."
"I'm from down south where, so when you live in New Orleans, even like the rich people have roaches because they're below sea level."
"I grew up in a home which was working poor... that experience of growing up barely hanging in the middle class is what burns most deeply inside of me."
"People tend to marry across socioeconomic status, across IQ, even across physical attractiveness."
"You think rich people have agency and can change jobs and you think the poor people don't have agency and can't change jobs."
"If you were born poor, you are likely to end up poor."