
Collective Impact Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Imagine if a million of us are doing that every day, the kind of impact it can have."
"When you create a shift within, you are not creating a shift just within; you are creating a shift in the collective consciousness of the planet."
"Vision A New Future for Yourself And Us All - This is a Collective Superpower."
"The language of art. Our collective imagination is a factually existing thing that affects us."
"This affects you even if you think it doesn't."
"Let's focus on what it is we can see and how it affects all of us."
"When men fail, all of us suffer. How did this happen?"
"The echoes of his words: a sense of foreboding engulfs the collective consciousness."
"The power to change lies within each individual; together, we can shape a brighter future."
"At the end of the day, it's a ripple effect, individually we are small drops together are the oceans."
"A small number of committed souls can have a huge impact."
"We are superhuman, we have the ability to bring love to the collective and change the global presence."
"Each Lego brick is valuable on its own, but seeing them put together is even more valuable."
"For the first time in human history, social media actually gives us a superpower to develop a collective empathy."
"Be compassionate with yourself at this time; it'll affect the collective."
"At the end of the day, it depends on each and every one of us."
"I think the power comes from a lot of people making small contributions, that's where the power in something like patreon comes from."
"Operating in a group creates a charge exponentially greater than the sum of the individuals."
"We affect the whole and we're affected by the whole."
"If everyone donates just a tiny amount, look how quickly it goes up."
"Step into it today and we speak it over the whole of Aglow, those far and wide. It will be felt, every eye will see, everyone will come into the understanding as we go forth as new."
"Every time somebody breaks through this specific fear [...] it diminishes the fear for everybody else."
"I envision a world of peace and plenty; see if we take a moment every day just to think about the planet."
"Your decisions are raindrops that when brought together make waves."
"How does this impact all of us myself, you, Professor Hunter, all of us in the United States?"
"Add your voice to the millions of other voices."
"Victory Is Ours so congrats to John Deaton there on that and of course this will be a big win I think also for the class action as it starts to move forward."
"If everyone made a small change it would be a big change."
"We're fortunate to be born at such a moment as this; the possibilities are endless."
"A better understanding of history is one way to help not just individuals but also collectives to change the way that they behave."
"We're all one, we're a collective, and we get to by putting our positivity, by contributing our light, make the shift."
"Give us a way to change the world collectively as a community because that's just cool and it feels rewarding."
"Everybody feels this one move, this one action. Everybody is feeling that. It all trickles in, one person, yeah."
"When the humble people of the earth shrug, the entire world moves."
"Every gesture of love, every moment of understanding, and every act of healing contribute significantly to the collective elevation of human consciousness."
"If a bunch of people are together and they all think a thing and they all like, we're so silly to think that that doesn't have some kind of an impact."
"When everyone does a little together, we can accomplish a lot."
"If we individually do that then we make collective change."
"It's not necessarily about how much you give; it's about the amount of people that are giving that will really help."
"Infuse the collective consciousness with good energy and good intentions for one another."
"The more people that get woken up, it's going to be better for our side."
"Your very beingness here affects the collective. You're helping elevate consciousness."
"I truly believe that all of us as a collective have the power to make a really big difference in this world."
"When we help even a little bit, we see helpers, we see healing, we see goodness flood the world."
"Even small things, when they come together, it's really nice." - Various minor tweaks and fixes.
"The parts shine far brighter than the sum."
"Making small conscious efforts like this really is the way for us to collectively help our planet."
"One person can make a difference, but when a bunch of people work together, they can accomplish anything."
"There's a sense of pride when you're part of something that's bigger than yourself and you know that's going to make a change."
"Every individual feature might not seem hugely important by itself but together they add into this experience."
"You're the Davids, you're the slingshot. We are all the ripples that become the tidal wave of liberty and freedom."
"If enough people find that vibration where there's positivity over fear, then we can conquer the darkness."
"These small choices we all make collectively place individuals on a road."
"These resonances have ramifications for us collectively, individually, across the planet, both in terms of our biology and how it influences our fundamental experience of reality."
"We could help spark a revolution of retail traders... who collectively would have collaborative intelligence that was more significant than any hedge fund or any wall street investment bank."
"What happens to one of us happens to all of us." - Dr. Shauna
"The more people that think and put certain things out there, it grows huge."
"This situation is so unfortunate... it really is going to affect all of us in a big way."
"The power to make a difference comes from the collective small actions of each individual."
"So once again when it comes to the golden age... what we are describing is when there is enough of the human Collective that is operating from spiritual sovereignty."
"Whatever is happening to the Biafrans is happening to everyone."
"Our voices matter, they matter on a significant level."
"The tower card talks about unforeseen change, unexpected change, and this is happening for the collective."
"Moving on from everything that does not serve your highest good... you create a collective shift."
"When your mind and your actions are aligned, you can do great things for one another and the world."
"We were the ones that everyone's been waiting for."
"God's going to respond to millions of people praying."
"If we all come together then maybe that small part isn't really so small."
"The concept of the ripple effect of quantum awareness embodies the transformative potential that individual shifts in Consciousness can have on the collective Human Experience."
"Raise your vibration to raise the total vibration of the planet."
"No one raindrop thinks it causes the flood."
"If we can control our minds, in a world where everything feels out of control and uncertain, look inward, find the control and the stability you need inside there, and then the funny thing is, is that if everybody does that, the world will be more certain and stable."
"All these little things adding up could potentially add up to a lot."
"No one raindrop believes itself to be responsible for the flood."
"It's like an ant colony; everything you do within it adds to or changes the structure of the whole."
"It's none of these tips in particular that is going to save the day. It's collective of all of them that will make a big impact."
"Who's to blame for all of this? Well, no one but also everyone."
"You're a lifeline to a whole collective of people and a lot of you don't even know it."
"It's not just about us; it's actually good for the community as a whole."
"We are empowered by technology and we are having a heavier footprint collectively on the world than ever before."
"It's not about you and me or any other specific trader; it's all of us combined."
"In an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."
"The Divine guides you down these paths to create kinds of influences, right? Domino effects that have an influential effect over the collective at large."
"When you do a bunch of little things, it's big, it all adds up."
"A flood is a drop of rain put together; one drop on its own can't make anything wet."
"Every drop of work we do in this realm moves the needle forward for our entire universe and planet here."
"When we reach elevated levels of consciousness... we don't just affect ourselves but we literally affect those around us."
"Systemic racism is a thing and it's affected black people collectively."
"It's the community, it's the perspective of a lot of people that really makes the difference."
"If only one percent of us wake up and hold that higher consciousness, the energies of the collective consciousness will shift."