
Social Activism Quotes

There are 528 quotes

"Do not believe for a moment these kinds of casual conversations you have with friends, the kind of emails that you send to a few family members, if a million people are doing it every day, the chorus is very, very loud."
"Support brands that are pushing for inclusivity, actively avoid supporting whitening products, fairness products."
"We don't need individuals; some individuals are very impressive and they have courage and they protest and they criticize and they organize. We need institutions."
"We need to take back control of our lives, to call out the pimping of our youth, to stop mindlessly scrolling across the endless amount of nihilistic, banal distractions that serve as filler to our hollow lives."
"I've had enough of it. Our generation is better than this. We need to create a movement for our generation."
"Our purpose in life is to make those who are comfortable with others suffering uncomfortable."
"Class politics is a powerful dot connector. It aims to tie the threads together to make clear that our movements face a common enemy."
"Due to her celebrity status, which she has used to significantly advance the rights of marginalized and disenfranchised communities, Jen is uniquely positioned to benefit society."
"I've elevated myself and become the legitimate businessman, taking my hustle, my talents, and all that into the corporate world and real estate investing, into building businesses, mentorship, and social activism."
"Nudity has served as a form of protest since at least the 11th century when legend holds that Lady Godiva rode naked through Coventry, England, to protest oppressive taxation."
"I don't want people to lose the centrality and the importance of my main message, which is the liberation of our people."
"We care about black lives and don't want to see black people killed."
"I want to help so many people. I have such a passion for criminal justice reform."
"We cannot become numb to this. We will not accept this."
"If anything I just talked about upset you, or made you sad, or mad, then do something about it. Call your local leaders and demand change. Chip in and help those in need."
"Injustice, whether it's against you or someone you love, or someone you believe in or stand up, don't sit down on them because they need you."
"I prefer a society of people who are constantly fighting for what is best because it's the sedentary, it's the lazy, it's the inactive which results in real hard times."
"This heartbreaking incident compelled Miio to rally behind the Vigilante, who became a symbol of hope for her, someone willing to stand up for the powerless."
"In this moment, the public health risks of not protesting to demand an end to systemic racism greatly exceed the harms of the virus."
"Anonymous has targeted corporations, governments, banks."
"If everybody knows that Samsung is actively working to try to destroy the independent repair market, that's not a good look."
"The highest bidders are winning, but the people are fighting back."
"Sometimes we have to be willing to speak up to stand up when we see something that is not fair and not just."
"Two hundred and forty companies across many industries have signed on to the #StopHateForProfit campaign."
"Don't mess with the women of America unless you want to get the [Applause] benefit."
"It has never been more clear than change right now. It is happening right now. We are demanding it."
"Silence is violence, but action gets changed right away. Your actions."
"In order for non-violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience."
"I mean, these people could be making legitimate actions... holding multinational corporations accountable... but they're not doing any of that."
"My hope is that the people who see the corrupt narrative understand what happens when you challenge it."
"Use wisdom, prepare. There is a nationwide strike that is coming November 8th to the 11th."
"Large corporations can only make changes under pressure from the people."
"The bravery, the belief, and the commitment to declare we shall overcome resonates today."
"You can't say black lives matter and no snitching at the same time."
"I'm gonna be dedicating my channel to the things that really matter to activism, to the promotion of real causes that really benefit people."
"What are you here for? Are you here to fight a crusade against injustice?"
"We must demand more. There has got to be accountability."
"Protesters across the country demanded that lockdowns be lifted."
"That's a part of the game, man. We're fighting white supremacy. We're fighting the most powerful system in the world."
"We are seeing it. I'm certainly seeing it. More and more people are starting to stand up and be like, 'This is ridiculous. Defend the police.'"
"Every generation has its collective battle, this is certainly ours."
"Teaching people's history can elicit great emotion about oppression and injustice and may inspire people to move to action."
"The real representation of people: those that dare to rush the authorities."
"It's really a movement of the people, a movement against the establishment, a movement against the elite."
"The new world is coming. It's up to us as the next generation to just take that step forward and create the change and be the difference for our future generations."
"Social change is achieved by forcing an issue of injustice into the public consciousness for debate."
"Give it to the people striking and making these amazing gains, trying to fight back against the anti-labor positions of companies like Amazon, Starbucks, and stuff like that."
"I said something on tour this week we are winning I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes but we're on the right side of History you have to believe we're winning so keep up the fight"
"Bringing an end to Black discrimination in Brazil is an ongoing and complex struggle."
"Prosecutorial overreach, what if he really is a BLM supporter?"
"We can make a choice now because we know the causes... I absolutely believe if we fight back we can win."
"This right here is women fighting for the right to work."
"It's time for the people to start stepping up, getting ticked off, and flexing."
"It's encouraging to hear the growing sounds of the anti-war movement."
"I want to give a huge shout out... to the protests in Iran to the protesters in China what they are doing is true true bravery."
"This kind of community backlash and media attention is exactly what we need right now."
"This struggle is not about everybody, it is about us."
"I'm a gender abolitionist and I've been one for a while too."
"We are fed up and we're not gonna take it anymore. It's time to invest in our parks, our schools, and our communities."
"It is a protest. This is a waffle protest and no one had to burn down a racetrack or throw a molotov cocktail into a buckle store."
"How can I leverage my audience to make a difference here? Because I'm not about the... Thoughts and prayers don't work for me. I just don't like sending that energy out there because I don't believe it does anything. I like action."
"I believe we can actually win this. We can defeat gender ideology, I really believe that."
"Wake up everyone, it's time to do something of grand importance."
"We're going to continue to say his name along with so many other names until we don't have to say any more names."
"We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets and or in our hearts."
"Silence is violence, Jaime! Well, I'm just gonna lead her then. All right, if this is happening, I'm just gonna learn. Who is that? Be careful, he might be dangerous."
"Glad to see him out, I'm glad to see a lot of outcry about it, and hopefully we'll carry that same energy when inevitably this type of action happens again."
"Monroe's advocacy through relationships underscored her commitment to challenging racial Norms in Hollywood."
"When they keep running that's a black men at the hands of white men it consistently lowers our testosterone and lowers our drive to rise up."
"Finally listening to people who have been asking us for decades to do something about this unacceptable scourge of gun violence."
"Dream, die, live, fight, stand for something, ask why not when the challenges seem insurmountable. Thus can we transform the world for the better."
"When I first went to Ferguson, I thought I'd be home by that weekend."
"That's how you vote with your dollars everybody."
"Being edgy doesn't mean being compliant when there's a pride flag on every street corner."
"We only have enough time to make sure that we engage every last one of the 1.4 million returning citizens."
"We advocate for being pro-life because we want to see all of these unborn children who are being killed in the womb live."
"It's a way to create the political capital to change the laws."
"Our number one goal is to share the gospel of black economic empowerment."
"They came by bus, plane, and train from every corner of the United States to Mississippi -- men and women of every age, every race and religion, determined to fill Parchman prison and overthrow segregation."
"Stay woke and after you do it and catch the challenge to go and do likewise now think of ways to motivate others to do good works as well."
"If you want to make actual change, go out and make actual change, don't just sit behind a keyboard."
"We have to push until we reach that social tipping point where politics change."
"Our focus is not to try to save people from a hell in the afterlife that we cannot see, but to save people from very real hells in this life that we can see."
"You don't get to practice vile anti-Black racism and then we're supposed to sit up and not say nothing."
"Interfaith alliances can work to fight societal ills and make society better."
"I want to be a part of a movement that just says no that's not a political win that is hate that is something that is disgusting."
"We need to stand up and fight for the greater good like our lives depend on it."
"I've been working really really hard to become an ally anti-racist."
"People need to actively push back against that and not just expect people like myself, people like yourself, people, certain people to sort of carry that entire burden."
"Why would you pay for the club, pay for comedy, pay for a movie, but you won't pay for your activists?"
"We gotta be organized and we gotta put our focus into the right things."
"All of us should use every breath we have to make sure that the lying stops."
"I would love to give a costume design Oscar at a Beauty and the Beast"
"Every single celebrity who's posted a black Square I'm posting a black Square to show that I'm not a racist."
"We're not about violence... We want justice."
"Inequality is devastating and it's extreme. And when people said, 'Monique, do you think calling a boycott was extreme?' You're damn right. But isn't inequality extreme?"
"If we are going to truly take on the billionaire class and rebuild the economy, then it's important that we not only strike but that we strike together."
"Why did the Black Panthers understand that in that you have to feed people you have to take care of their medical care?"
"Being a part of this network spirituality gives young people a sense of fighting back in a way that only they know how."
"I refuse to participate in that and I stand for a human society."
"Some athletes that had qualified for the 2020 CrossFit Games had announced that, until they saw changes, they weren't going to compete as a way of protest."
"We can present a real challenge when there's opportunities to take action in the streets."
"Don't lose your outrage. This is worthy of outrage."
"Millions stood in solidarity, demanding change."
"As veterans sit in Washington, D.C. and the sweltering heat, demanding that they pass this legislation that they have been fighting for, for 15 years."
"White silence equals violence. It means seeing something that's wrong, knowing it's wrong, feeling it's wrong, and then just saying nothing because it's an uncomfortable situation."
"If you want to see hope for humanity, go to r/byebyejob and cheer for these people who are saying bye-bye job because they're standing up for what they believe in."
"Black lives matter, trans lives matter, respect women."
"I'm down to fight for respect, I'm down to fight for equality. I don't know if really fighting for you to be attracted to me is a fight that I want to take off."
"A race bait is somebody who baits racists and exposes them. So in that respect, I am a race baiter, god damn it. I am a race baiter, you damn right I'm a race baiter."
"Class struggle is an extremely important banner under which to mobilize."
"This is one of the largest issues that has ever been protested on ever in history."
"I would never shut up about things that’s wrong. But when the things that you talk about affects your money and business, you're going to shut up about it."
"Never in my lifetime have I seen a country stand up with such passion and such courage and demand the much-needed change." - Leslie Odwin
"If we really are gonna deal with the issue of racism, you have to call it out for what it is to everyone."
"We need to rise up working people need to unite we need to go beyond this black white black and white nonsense."
"Your partner understands why you felt compelled to go to the women's march. Hell, they probably joined you and wore a 'this is what feminist looks like' t-shirt."
"Each time a man or a woman stands up for an ideal, strikes out against Injustice or acts to improve the lot of others he or she sends forth a tiny Ripple of Hope." - Senator Robert Kennedy
"The whole BDS movement is literally modeled after the boycott of South Africa that happened leading up to the end of apartheid."
"I'm horrified by pedophilia and I have devoted large portions of my career to exposing child abusers."
"We can change that right now and we can do that by, of course, continuing to put pressure on government officials."
"This has to change. People have to continue to fight back."
"BTS and Big Hit Entertainment had donated one million dollars to support the Black Lives Matter movement."
"You can make a serious difference if you make an effort to stand up and do what's right."
"We're trying to be if we can a little more socially active in understanding the conditions that we need to create to Foster well-being."
"Our campaign is to end food banks, end poverty, just as much as it is on our own wage campaign."
"This generation of black folks must be willing and have a tenacity and have the audacity to be willing to challenge white supremacy in 2020."
"If we stand in solidarity we can win, and if we get divided we all end up begging."
"Woke activists, that's who I'm talking about. They need to just stop."
"People should take the struggle to the areas that still have people enslaved."
"If your national project revolves on doing this issue that's currently happening and ongoing and you turn a blind eye to that then there are always going to be people that say it's not enough we need to do more of it."
"Loving a trans person is a revolutionary act."
"Mr. Beast responded, saying 'So, you'd prefer we don't help people get life-changing surgery they want and they ask for? That's ableism, Mr. Beast. Ableism.'"
"It's completely unacceptable for this to be the default. We have to push back at every single instance."
"Our mob justice actually brought about change."
"We're going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made."
"We started this show called watching the watchers so that together with your help we can shine that big beautiful spotlight of accountability and transparency down upon our system with the hope of finding justice."
"Share responsibility. It's easy to say it's not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem, but there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people My Heroes." - Fred Rogers
"Awareness and education are critical if people don't know what's going on how can you possibly get them to stand in opposition to it or stand up for what's right."
"Allyship right now needs to look differently and you need to support trans people publicly and proudly."
"If you want reparations or you want free college or you want any of these things, find a way to grind the economy to a halt."
"In the struggle to preserve and expand democracy, our job is to fight back against the coordinated effort to make it harder for American citizens to vote."
"Pride is not about conforming. This is about being who we are and standing up against that stigma that revolves around who we are and our identities."
"I don't want this just to be another mass shooting. I want this to be the last mass shooting."
"I think that it's... should be more egalitarian... enact... democratic relationships... struggling for change."
"Al Sharpton: 'It was better to walk in dignity than to ride in shame.'"
"We refuse to lose together we do this and more not because it is very easy or nice but because it is necessary."
"At some point, this has to stop. People need to stand up and speak up, take risks, expose themselves to criticism."
"NBA players are the most high-profile black men in the world. NBA player. And for so long, you saw it in the Jordan era. Those guys, they weren't speaking up for social issues. You know, they were playing ball."
"You need both. You need Colin Kaepernick and you need Jay-Z. You need somebody that's going out and sometimes you're right, LeBron can be, you know, front center and say what happened to Ahmaud in Georgia is, you know, a travesty."
"You do not make large social changes with moderation. Jesus was not a moderate, he was flipping over tables."
"Honestly, this summer we are going to see protests."
"It will absolutely break the back of these woke companies if they get sued."
"We don't realize the power that we are if we organize." - Panelist discussing black worker organization
"This is an incredibly important fight. It's in our generation."
"It is up to us to police these people ourselves, we have to gather intel on these white supremacists within law enforcement."
"People who have abortions are our future and we deserve to be in leadership in this movement."
"Let's own that property, let's start these businesses, let's reclaim our communities and stand strong."
"Many books that deal with homosexuality or just happen to have elements of it in its story are targeted by misguided parents and hate groups alike."
"I hope we care about black issues when it's not done by a white police officer."
"So imagine this black woman going to Capitol Hill and sitting outside the office of an all-white senator who won't even open the door. Wow, imagine the visual, yeah optical care now."
"Rashford has given a voice to the voiceless."
"Pride month we should always never forget where pride really started."
"Representation is a big aspect of what the left-wing activists are promoting."
"When Jay-Z stepped up during the protests in Baltimore Maryland and when Jay-Z stepped up during the protest down in St. Louis."
"Maybe we do actually need to fight against these institutions that systemically oppress people in our society."
"You cannot make racists comfortable. You can't coddle them. You must go after them head on."
"Young people speaking their minds getting so much resistance all the time."
"The only way change takes place is when people come together, stand up, and fight back."
"Take to the streets peacefully because we don't need violence to spread our message."
"I feel proud. It's good, isn't it? It's good that stuff's happening and people are doing stuff."
"Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't trying to cancel Bull Connor, he was trying to cancel white supremacy."
"A real impassioned defense of the kind of society that he wants to see."
"Silence is violence; if you aren't reacting to your surroundings, what are you doing?"
"Stand up for heaven's sake, for your children's sake, for your marriage's sake, for your community's sake, for your sake, for God's sake. Stand up!"
"Enough is enough. We're tired. Here's how we're going to strike back. We're going to be heard."
"Thank you guys so much for this show and making me laugh I'm an activist and Ally to black lives matter and it's been tough this past week so you guys made my shift at work today before this protests right after work way more bearable."
"When Nina speaks she makes me want to stand up, shut off my machine, and hold up a sign that says union." - Channeling Nina to Norma Rae.
"This is not acceptable. Somebody needs to come out and start saying it."
"They have to be stopped and consequently we have now this tremendous battle which is unprecedented."
"Be a catalyst for change. Wear a camera. Be brave. Do something."
"This is our Georgia. We don't wait for change, we are the change."
"Real change requires a sustained effort, not just a quick Instagram post."
"We just want to stand up for the rights of children."
"This is the moment in American history where we need to stand up to the corporate elite."
"The work continues. There's never enough help that's out here so we need more help doing the work."
"I might not be able to end racism but at least I can get my manager fired."
"Author Angie Thomas was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement."
"All we need to change the world is to have more Ordinary People willing to make courageous decisions."
"Every second spent arguing about who's doing the most good..."
"People are waking up, there's gonna be... the big protests in every single country."
"Ariana held a peaceful protest calling for justice for Amari."
"Trans women are real women, trans women are women, trans lives matter."
"I wonder if they would have that same approach where that same person would be out there with that same sign in that same protest with that same energy if the protests had to do with black people and not immigrants from other countries."
"We also stand with everyone pushing for progress and basic human rights."
"The only way you can push back is through collective action, organizing, protesting, striking."
"This movement is not going away anytime soon."
"If you dare steal a Black Lives Matter sign, you're arrested very quickly."
"We are no longer going to be the silent majority for you. We are outspoken today."