
Political Scandal Quotes

There are 360 quotes

"The Watergate bugging incident stemmed from a massive campaign of political spying and sabotage conducted on behalf of President Nixon's re-election."
"They leaked the contents of his phone call to Ukraine...to let Joe Biden and his crew know 'we're in charge.'"
"Lev Parnas knows where all the bodies are buried on the Trump side of this whole saga."
"God bless the parallel alternative dissenting media here, dissident media. We're going to find out precisely why a growing number of pundits out there believe that these scandals will indeed end up bringing down not just Biden, not just the Biden crime family, the whole lot of them, but the whole system itself, the deep state, three-letter agencies as well as the pathetic Marxist media itself."
"It's an embarrassment... [George Santos] shouldn't be in Congress and... they're going to go through the process and hopefully get him out."
"If Trump went beyond Clinton in his efforts to conceal and cover up his misdeeds, including defying a subpoena and falsely asserting he turned over all of the classified information in his possession, then he may face criminal consequences."
"When he testifies, it is possible that we will get access to his notes, notes that we know contain stunningly incriminating quotes by the President."
"If it turns out that the President of the United States during the 2016 campaign was involved in business transactions with the Russian government, that is a problem." - Ben Shapiro
"Jeffrey Epstein was blackmailing some of the most powerful men in the world."
"A bombshell voter fraud revelation in Wisconsin."
"He quit that race within a week okay one of the reasons that he quit the race is because he was accused of plagiarizing."
"The Watergate scandal had a profound impact on American politics and institutions."
"DeSantis's handling of the pandemic... was in truth awful, including literally being caught selling vaccines to Rich donors instead of giving them to the elderly."
"Buried what he knew about the coronavirus threat and then lied about it at length to the nation."
"Senator Loeffler apparently dumped millions in stock after a coronavirus briefing."
"At no point has anybody been actually convicted or pled guilty to collusion with Russia regarding the election."
"This has all the patterns of an influence peddling scheme and it also has the makings of a potential cover-up."
"The evidence continues to build that this family has not only profited off the Biden family name but also that our national security could be at risk."
"The Watergate scandal: one of the largest scandals and leaks in history."
"In our number three spot today, we have the Pentagon papers."
"Nixon had no choice but to admit his guilt and resign, making him the only president to do so."
"The Iran-Contra Scandal was truly one of the craziest schemes ever hatched up by an American presidential administration."
"The heart of it is that Roy Moore admits knowing a number of these women, he admits that he dated teenage girls."
"This is crazier than I and I think most relatively conversant observers understood."
"So, it's a scandal and like so many things in election law, the scandal is what's legal right now."
"I'm calling for his resignation, it's like shining the big bonfire light on to the corrupt politics in Illinois."
"Watergate: Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce signed off on the federal government buying water from a Cayman Islands company created by his colleague."
"Forged documents: Angus Taylor produced forged government documents in an attempt to smear Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore."
"With non-stop scandals and growing concerns over his cognitive capabilities and his age are Democrats starting to turn on Biden?"
"The biggest abuse of power in American political history."
"The Obama IRS abuse is the epitome of election interference."
"This is one of the most important scandals in American history or one of the worst."
"Spygate will likely be remembered as the biggest political scandal in modern history."
"This could be this generation's Watergate. I really do believe that."
"It's only the biggest political scandal in American history."
"The big question: what did Trump know about the payment?"
"We're getting to now what we all suspected. The only thing we didn't understand was it was worse than we thought because they were spying on the sitting president of the U.S."
"This alone implicates Rudy Giuliani in malfeasance, but also Attorney General Barr."
"This is incredibly damning and very very worrisome."
"This appears to be on par, if not far exceeding, what happened with Watergate."
"This was a setup like we have never seen, I think it's the political crime of the century."
"The official story that we're getting makes no [ __ ] goddamn sense whatsoever."
"It's the biggest political scandal in anything closely resembling modern US political history."
"They lied, they cheated, they leaked, they got caught, they spied on my campaign."
"This Obama gate scandal is the biggest one of our lifetimes and it's not getting any play because the media are corrupt."
"The Watergate Scandal is arguably the biggest political scandal in American history."
"It's considered by many of America's step-uncles to be the biggest scandal in presidential history."
"I think we might look back and say that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was the last real political scandal in history."
"Governor Abbott abandoned children on the side of the road and below freezing temperatures on Christmas Eve without coordinating with any federal or local authorities. This was a cruel, dangerous, and shameful stunt."
"Nixon was not about private conduct. Nixon was about, among other things, using the CIA to try to interfere with an FBI investigation."
"Mistakes of character tend to catch up with everyone, and that's what is now happening with President Trump and his many women."
"He's shown an international conspiracy involving hundreds of millions of dollars and trained operatives to undermine our election."
"There's now indisputable proof that Trump presided over a massive criminal conspiracy."
"A drug deal. Literally, it's from the movies, like the calls are coming from the White House, right?"
"The only person to resign so far for this scandal is Allegra Stratton, a woman, while he, the man who sanctioned and attended at least one party in 10 Downing Street, still sits in his place."
"Will the prime minister for the good of the country accept that the party is over and decide to resign?"
"The cover-up is these documents were not inadvertently ended up in his home by accident, this is a cover-up of what's really happening."
"The scandal is not about Hunter Biden; it's about Joe Biden."
"This is the worst corruption scandal in American history."
"This is Watergate and then just broke into Michael Cohen's office."
"The cover-up is almost becoming worse than the crime with Trump."
"Nixon's Watergate scandal began 50 years ago today. Like Trump, his presidency ended in crime and chaos."
"Trying to get to the bottom of the corruption of Joe Biden and his son in Ukraine. That's not a crime. That's investigating a crime."
"The crux of the matter revolved around Trump's unequivocal denial in 2019, during which he vehemently claimed never to have met Carol and disparaged her book, dismissing it as a work of fiction."
"He witnessed Donald Trump ask a foreign leader to dirty up Joe Biden’s son and Joe Biden a potential political rival."
"The crime isn't that Trump was incompetent, it has to do with concealment, destruction, mutilation, and obstruction."
"The FTX story has really turned into a political corruption story. Today's indictment of Sam Bankman-Freed lays out a massive straw donor scheme."
"He defrauded the voters, he defrauded donors, he's facing a 23 count indictment. He did not belong in Congress." - "Mr. Lawler"
"It is the biggest political scandal that we've seen, and the lack of journalistic curiosity on this front is appalling."
"The scandal was greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate."
"One of the things that was obviously very telling was the fact that James Comey ineffectively exonerating her wrote intent into a law that does not have a component of intent."
"These really were the perverted fantasies of Glenn Simpson working with the Clinton campaign."
"He went to a foreign country, asked them for help with his re-election effort."
"This question is being called. You can see now that this is not just spinning out as some other Trump norm-breaking Trump scandal that never goes anywhere."
"The President, as is claimed in 'The Washington Post' reporting tonight, made some sort of claim to a foreign leader, a promise that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official to file a formal whistleblower complaint."
"This isn't just about hush money payments, this is about trying to influence the 2016 election."
"Trump proved you can sleep with hookers and you can grab them by the and you can do all that stuff and we'll still vote for you."
"This is their worst nightmare because uh again this is a credible witness."
"This whole treasonous affair is terrible for our country."
"Everyone is legally presumed innocent, but that person you see in cuffs is actively trying to control the elections of an entire state in America right now."
"The Clinton email system was one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency."
"There are a lot of dots that still need to be connected but it is getting harder and harder for the White House to say there is nothing to see here."
"Keep planting seeds and telling people about Jesus, God bless you."
"I do want to talk about Hunter Biden's story because it's a terrible indictment about how all of the biggest institutions in America were working in lockstep to try and silence a story."
"Some of these Statewide government officials will be arrested over this."
"These dum-dums not only wanted to commit a coup they left all their evidence in writing like again the giant idiots they are."
"The attempt to overturn one campaign, destroy a campaign in progress, and then to overturn a presidency based on nothing is absolutely astonishing."
"This using the actual law enforcement investigative agency of the United States of America to investigate allegations against a person you hate is an extraordinary scandal."
"Hunter Biden and James Biden receive millions of dollars from companies connected to the Communist Chinese regime."
"Over the course of these hearings, the evidence has proven that there were a multi-part plan led by former president Donald Trump to overturn the 2020 election."
"Dominic Robb... accused by eight different individuals of bullying."
"They got caught in the biggest political scandal in the history of our country."
"There's irrefutable evidence that in starting in 2010 there are emails saying that Joe Biden owed money to Hunter because Hunter was giving him money."
"It's not just a story about a politician's sexual morality, it's also a story about hypocrisy."
"How did Hillary Clinton get away with it when everyone knew and no one did anything?"
"The Watergate scandal of the 1970s remains one of the most infamous political scandals in American history."
"It is an objective fact that Dominic Cummings broke the rules."
"What we are going to learn, I believe, is going to be new, significantly damaging evidence about Donald Trump and his close inner circle's role in the coup attempt on January 6th."
"The people of the state of New York alleged that Donald J Trump repeatedly and fraudulently falsified New York business records to conceal crimes that hid damaging information from the voting public during the 2016 presidential election."
"Donald Trump's classified document bombshell: he's saying actually it's not just documents, it's testimony."
"Yanukovych's vast estate near Kiev: a museum of corruption."
"Ted Cruz... had run off to Cancun Mexico with his family and only when he got caught there by the media did he cut his travel plan short."
"Former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder was charged Wednesday with two counts of willful neglect of duty."
"Maybe he didn't know what he was trying to cover up, maybe he didn't know what he was trying to obstruct but he did and that's bad enough and that's bad for the country."
"Yeah, but I mean, if it's the guy running for president and credible information comes out that he's smoking crack and having sex with dudes, I mean, that seems like a story."
"Galdieri, a longtime political operative, had been killed."
"It tells the story of the scandal around and subsequent downfall of Spiro Agnew."
"Putin's disgrace about the production of biological weapons was revealed."
"Everything wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party that's a Watergate a spy gate."
"The difference here is what Trump did to try and cover up what he did in the first place I said so often the case it's not the underlying crime it's the interference it's the cover-up that gets folks in trouble."
"Once the testimony of all these other highly credible witnesses pointed in one direction Ambassador Sondland has now aligned himself with that really now undisputed version of what happened."
"Is it a scandal? Yes. Is it a scandal big enough to blow up the entire Mueller investigation or the Trump-Russia collusion investigation? Probably not."
"What do you think of Trudeau's top staffer absolutely melting down on social media? Is this a sign of what else is happening in his office?"
"They should have called it Cosmic Watergate."
"Wow, huge, massive developments in the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history."
"It strikes at the heart of American democracy and is itself the essence of an impeachable offense."
"And just think about what that means. They are currently in possession of evidence of impeachable offenses by Donald Trump."
"This is a classic RICO case, it would be called the Biden family enterprise."
"Trump was impeached for investigating exactly what is confirmed by the laptop."
"It doesn't matter if it's a Democrat or a Republican it was an American vice-president that sold out his office and he sold out the integrity of the United States of America."
"He's abusing his power, can you believe that? They're doing it again, they said what he did to the Georgia Secretary of State on that phone call was criminal."
"Something is rotten in Denmark when it comes to the presidential inaugural committee."
"If there are going to be Department Justice prosecutions for people lying to Congress, for lying to congressional committees investigating the Russia scandal, well, that's a very interesting turn altogether."
"The governor violated state and federal laws."
"The bottom line here is as follows, the FED started cracking down on the way that Trump paid off porn star Stormy Daniels."
"I think it's one of the biggest scandals I've ever seen, and you don't cover it. Excuse me, they found the laptop."
"The mere existence of a police investigation into Downing Street should pour shame on the Prime Minister."
"Some terrible things happened. It should never be allowed to happen in our country again."
"Apparently there's new emails The Daily Caller says that the Biden Administration or at least when he was Vice President Biden the president the vice president himself sent a hundred thousand dollars allegedly to Hunter Biden."
"What was once dismissed as a third-rate burglary became the focus of Senate hearings televised live nationwide."
"Nixon's crime was the Watergate cover-up, which he orchestrated."
"Now that the emails have been published for several days and the Biden campaign hasn't denied a single one of them, shouldn't we all admit that they're true?"
"When the media picked up the story, the president fired Michael Flynn thinking that this would end the Russia investigation. However, they continued investigating."
"President Trump's effort to convince a foreign country to cheat to win an election is a clear and present danger."
"In Watergate, they said the coverup was worse than the crime."
"The president released his financial disclosure form today in which he admits... he did in fact make a six-figure payment to an adult film actress right before the election to keep her quiet."
"There is now growing evidence that Biden was not as innocent as he claimed to be on Hunter Biden's overseas business."
"There were whispers and there was he said she said about number 10 breaking rules during the covered lockdowns."
"It's actually kind of like a slapstick comedy rather than like this holistic collusion scheme."
"This judge laid on it the line -- Michael Flynn betrayed the nation."
"Trump is going to get himself impeached in the House for doing this with Ukraine."
"In June of this year, Firtash could be extradited in the U.S. now in the midst of this whole boiling of a scandal about Trump and whatever he’s doing with Ukraine."
"The Democrats know they are busted, the Spygate controversies have been exposed."
"The Democrats know they're caught, they know they're caught."
"The grand jury is going to be investigating whether Trump's request for Secretary of State Raffensberger to find those extra 11,000 votes violated Georgia law."
"This is the biggest political scandal in the history of our nation."
"If you're forwarding a text message from the chief of staff of a congressional representative and you're the wife of Supreme Court Justice, that should be very interesting to the American people."
"You just don't want all three branches of government involved in a coup-like movement."
"It's the worst thing that a president has done in my lifetime, certainly worse than Watergate. Oh, far worse than Watergate."
"Absolutely astonishing truth about the Fusion GPS dossier scandal."
"A guy in southeastern North Carolina, Bladen County, North Carolina. Blatantly confessing at a board of elections meeting that he had been criminally trying to rig the election for the Republicans."
"Make no mistake about it, what happened that day was a disgrace, and it mocks decency to portray it any other way."
"This raises the enormous question of why did Donald Trump want this information? For what purpose did he have boxes of this information with him in Mar-a-Lago? Why did he not return it?"
"If Rudy Giuliani knew exactly how bad this money trail was maybe that's why he was in such a rush to change Donald Trump's story about it."
"This is the first time in the history of our country that a Prime Minister's been found to be in breach of the law."
"I don't think anybody's particularly surprised."
"If there was ever any doubt that Comey's FBI and Obama's Department of Justice were engaged in an illicit and illegal scheme to frame Donald Trump, this should erase any doubt."
"This is a massive Scandal... all of the United States needs to know what was going on in that lab."
"Bombshell recordings released of what appears to be House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy days after the January 6 riot."
"It's time for our courts to stand up and bewilder his team like I did, for the sake of the country and the world."
"The cover-up is so easy to prove. There's Michael Cohen, there's recordings, there's Hope Hicks, there's David, there's documents, endless documents."
"We now know looking back on that time, April ’74, that Nixon was only four months away from resigning the presidency."
"Hunter Biden is a criminal and they didn't even bring the laptop into the case. You think that's justice?"
"This man had the Intelligence Committee in the house he said quote he believes that the scandal was of a size and a scope probably bigger than Watergate and that there's plenty of evidence of collusion he ought to resign today."
"The former president of the United States has now been raided by the FBI and possibly, based on the narrative, was in custody of nuclear weapons."
"The committee's report amounts to a historic admonishment of a former prime minister who lied to Parliament."
"That was 2017, it was a huge scandal, even for the 'Trump era.'"
"I think he's getting nervous... Obama gate is about to destroy his reputation."
"That picture of four convicted Trump associates... facing serious prison time... should be chilling to any American."
"He believed he was so clever, so invincible, and so artful."
"This made me laugh...CNN actually said that they were ending their investigation into the bag of cocaine that was found at the White House."
"This is as damning evidence of presidential corruption we've ever seen."
"This is not some random guy on Twitter... it is the son of the president of the United States."
"Wall Street billionaires haven't been this worried since Epstein's island was raided."
"This should be a massive scandal... a president illegally bombing a country and then pressuring a global chemical weapons watchdog to cover up the evidence."
"There is incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption that is about to be made public."
"If this was a former Biden communications chief, this would be the single largest scandal of his entire presidency."
"It's pretty outrageous and I think even people that are more moderate or independent are pretty outraged at what happened."
"The Hunter Biden laptop stuff is damning already, it's confirmed already."
"What we are witnessing is a political Scandal of potentially Epic Proportions."
"It's like Bill Clinton bringing Monica Lewinsky to family dinner. It's just badly absurd."
"It is only the biggest political scandal of our time."
"This is enough to overturn any election, it's disgraceful what happened."
"And by the way, did we catch them? We caught them. We caught them. We caught them. Watch what happens."
"It left in its wake one legitimately baffling question: wait now who's getting in trouble for this now who's the one person getting in trouble for this crime just Michael Cohen really he's going to federal prison for years and he's the only one."
"America's so focused on Will Smith smacking Chris Rock, but how are we ignoring the wife of a Supreme Court justice being very much involved in a coup against the United States?"
"The challenge is not just about Hunter, it's about Joe, and the fact that a special counsel hasn't been appointed is a scandal."
"This is comparable to Richard Nixon and Watergate."
"It's so hard to believe that a former U.S. president would have anything to do with the death of a fellow general."
"Abusive of power, the President abusing his office for his own personal gain."
"So the big news is again New York Times confirms material about the Hunter Biden laptop that implicates Joe Biden in criminal activity."
"This is a stunning moment in American history. A former president of the United States has been accused of trying to defraud the United States."
"The missing 18 and a half minutes would become an infamous and enduring part of the Watergate cover-up for years to come."
"Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women... by making inappropriate comments."
"Apparently, Marilyn Monroe is just the tip of the iceberg. He was, he was out here, JFK was getting it in, you understand what I'm saying, he was doing it a lot."
"We now know we're in the middle of R-rated Watergate." - Lawrence
"Worse than Watergate analysis... deja vu all over again."