
Support Networks Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The story of Carl, Hannah, and his remarkable support for the young girl spread like wildfire online, reaching millions of people worldwide."
"I look at the vast network of support in my life and am reminded of what a superpower it gives me."
"The most important life lesson I've learned: to never give up and to surround yourself with the right people."
"Surround yourself with people who want the best for the best part of you."
"What's the most important thing? That they're not alone."
"Everyone matters, even if you don't feel like it, there's going to be someone that cares for you."
"Be an ally to somebody who's being gaslighted."
"Don't be afraid to reach out because it is extremely important."
"I strongly recommend finding other women or people who have been through the same thing and listening to them talk about it. It just made me feel so much less alone and made me feel so much better."
"I truly don’t know if I could have navigated the stresses of life as a creator without them."
"Get involved in local politics, donate to abortion funds, and vote."
"The power of Sisterhood, the power of connection. It's my connection with women that has kept me."
"Have good friends that actually care about you uh that you can talk to that are actually accountable to you and share what they are studying."
"Support those on Rockfin. Help build my Rockfin channel. Definitely want people to be supporting those. You never know when I'm gonna be gone."
"Three of Pentacles: working hard, having supportive people around, finally asking for help."
"Can't do it alone... I realized I can't handle this by myself... invite more people into my life."
"Surround yourself with the people who hype you up."
"If you are a victim of domestic violence, if you have suffered from domestic abuse, if you've been in an abusive relationship, hashtag you're not alone."
"I was bullied she was bullied you go down today everything will be okay so I'm gonna shout out that it does get easier and if you need help there's always help available to you."
"You cannot get rid of an addiction by yourself... you cure it by forming positive relationships with other people."
"Trauma, heartbreak, all these horrible things that come with being human are hard to go through and I understand. But please do not fall into the trap, do not believe the lie that you are alone, that you are unloved, that you are unworthy."
"If you really want to help people, you can go to recoverfromreligion.org and hit the volunteer button."
"I wanted to create a body of former and current sub-postmasters which could provide a community for all those going through the same experience."
"Moms don't get enough credit, you guys. It's like, think about if you're going through anything, but then imagine you're responsible for a whole other human being on top of that."
"You gotta have brothers, you feel me? You gotta have people that you got a real circle with."
"He acknowledged that he wouldn't have made it this far without them."
"Support and connecting with other people... finding people that can listen and that care about you."
"When you are surrounding yourself with people that want you to succeed, you will be able to learn a great deal."
"You're not alone, there are so many of us out there."
"Get that paper, Dustin. Get some paper, Dustin. I mean, yes, man."
"You're attracting increased support from people that are going to help you build your dreams."
"You only need one but it's important to have at least one person who believes in you sometimes almost more than you."
"If I can give a shout out to recovery from religion foundation there's there's a hotline just for people like us."
"Oligarchs who are working for Putin employ lawyers, PR firms, investigation agencies, bankers, etc."
"If you're struggling with addiction just know that there's help out there if you need it."
"You are not alone. We've been repeating that a lot. Again, you are not alone, guys, do not forget."
"It's important to let other people know that they're not alone as a victim or a perpetrator."
"We are here to support a sister... this is just a woman that wants to share her story for others to learn."
"Remind yourself of the people who care for you."
"Have somebody else that you can turn to or a group of people that you can turn to about the things that you care about."
"Life can be overwhelming... it helps to have resources that extend beyond friends and loved ones."
"Just a bunch of life coaches and bloggers, we'll help!"
"It's like anything, working on it and working to be together because being with someone that's completely different to you and thinks different to you is a lot, and I say having a support network because that's even important for marriage."
"Having people around me that I can call is one of the best gifts I have in life."
"Having a support network is a very important thing."
"That support network even something as simple as just a meal with someone has a significantly huge impact on your health."
"Thank you all for opening my eyes. You guys saved me from a very abusive relationship."
"Quick tip on mental health: if you think you are alone, you're really not and there's people who care and want to listen, oh absolutely."
"You won't make it on your own. You need to open up your eyes and see that there are people all around you that care."
"Success becomes easier if you have a good support network behind you."
"We acknowledge that it hurts. We heal from that, and then guess what happens? Your real tribe, your real Soul family, the people who are really down for you."
"Now is the time to seek out those who will support and encourage you."
"It's important to keep people around you that motivate you."
"Surrounding yourself with Community is really important."
"If they're not supportive, then you probably just need to let them go."
"The fact that she was also a voice and a support for others, it's left this vacuum."
"Just face the truth front and center and surround yourself with supportive people."
"You are not alone. Seek professional support and help for yourself and your wife."
"Surround yourself by the kind of people who are going to lift you higher instead of keep you firmly stuck in place."
"I only surround myself with people who love and support me."
"Having a strong team of like-minded and talented individuals supporting you can make all the difference."
"You are not alone with your problems, and you can ask for help."
"There's good people out there... there are support groups... there is a more positive tomorrow."
"If you ever need help with anything in your life, try not to internalize it too much. Try to reach out to someone, talk to them about it."
"With the right support network, you could be harboring world-changing talents."
"It's like you're making friends at scale, you're chatting passionately with amazing like-minded individuals, and then if you do a good job, they rally around you and cheer you on and support you."
"You don't have to do it alone. Connect with your loved ones, connect with your tribe."
"I genuinely appreciate it because at least somebody looking out for me child because you know be a lot looking out for yourself all the time."
"It's a great idea to get yourself into a support group."
"Lean on a friend a little bit, let them help you out a bit because you're definitely not in this alone."
"If you need to talk to someone, talk to someone."
"Plot a course of action and have people around you to support you and protect you."
"You don't have to get better on your own, no."
"You never have to feel like you're the only one. You never have to feel alone in the scariness and the fear and the anger and the sadness."
"Most importantly, I'm happy that you've been here for me because like I couldn't have made this [expletive] run without you guys."
"The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that we don't need a support system."
"Guys need to open up with other individuals that share the same struggles."
"Some of you really need to talk to somebody about this. I would encourage you to talk to someone that you may have already spoken to."
"You should surround yourself with people that you like if you're working towards a goal."
"Support your local food banks... anything you all can do to support your local food banks."
"Stay motivated stay driven man yeah you know if you have a problem and you and you have a mental health problem or anything like that find someone that you could talk to that loves you and you can really talk to"
"It's okay to phone a friend and to ask for help because they really helped us work through a lot of the big picture questions."
"End of one chapter and the beginning of another. We can't let these people down."
"The people that you need to worry about are the ones that are rooting for you."
"We actually did it, these young girls. We got out. Now all three of us are committed to helping people escape polygamy."
"Know that you will lose some family, friends, and you know, some people that just won't support you. But don't let that bring you down because know that somebody is going to support you."
"If I get into a bad spot, just let me know that you can work me into society."
"And as much as people are uncomfortable talking about money and people feel like their financial journeys need to be independent, it's okay to talk about money with people who can help you for sure, for sure."
"Don't think that you're ever alone and you can never talk to anybody about your problems because nine times out of ten ten times out of ten there's somebody else in this world going to this."
"Don’t be afraid to talk about what’s wrong, don’t hide your issues, make them known to the right people, address those issues, and get the support you need."
"The desire to do something in life deeply, if you are really committed, then you automatically find those around you who can help you."
"You are not alone in anything that you're dealing with, whether that's mentally or not."
"Ask others for help. What did I say? Pound number two, there's gonna be people around you that want to help you achieve more fame, more success because you guys are meant to make it big."
"We really need to make people... feel safe to talk about it with a friend."
"This is very important if you are suffering with anything tell people because if you carry it around with you you carry that burden."
"If you or anyone that you know of are experiencing forms of bullying or harassment please know that there are groups out there who can and want to help you."
"Every stream and upload, there is a link there to a card that'll send you resources for social awareness, education, mental health crisis lines."
"Believe in yourself, and understand that there are people willing to help you."
"Having proper channels and support networks around you... comes through time and again."
"We have to guard our hearts, we have to help one another."
"Utilize those platforms and utilize those people to help you with the test if you need it."
"If you've got the right mental health support networks in place, your productivity, whatever you're doing, is going to be better."
"Reach out to organizations that are around on the internet as well, their advice will be very helpful for you."
"We've had the good fortune of having good teachers, good families, friends, colleagues to help us along the way."
"Being part of a community can really help you."
"Keep talking to people too, like if you're feeling anxious, depressed, whatever it may be, make sure you verbalize that and talk to people."
"The internet can be a cruel place, but it can be such a cool place too, to connect with others, to find friendships, to bond to a support group."
"Talk to people... talk to professionals, talk to your parents, talk to your guardian, talk to your teachers."
"Understand that you can find people to support you; you will always find people to criticize you."